Oil Prices Outlook

Oil Prices Outlook
The price of oil may well go down for a while. China is slowing down, India is slowing down, a lot of places are slowing down. But over a decade the price of oil is going to go through the roof. The surprise is going to be how high the price of oil stays and how high it goes.

That doesn’t mean it cannot go to $70 in the meantime. But if it does, you should buy a lot of oil. - in CNBC

Related: United States Oil Fund ETF (USO), Exxon Mobil (XOM), Conoco Phillips (COP), Marathon Oil (MRO)

Jim Rogers is an author, financial commentator and successful international investor. He has been frequently featured in Time, The New York Times, Barron’s, Forbes, Fortune, The Wall Street Journal, The Financial Times and is a regular guest on Bloomberg and CNBC.

Prix ​​du pétrole

Il vaut la peine de faire un commentaire sur les prix du pétrole qui ont été s'effondrent à une vitesse remarquable ces derniers temps. Tout d'abord, nous allons récapituler brièvement l'évolution des prix sur les cinq dernières années, que j'ai divisé en huit époques dans le tableau ci-dessus.
L'étape finale du choc des prix 2005-2008. Cette évolution s'explique par l'apparition du plateau dans la production mondiale de pétrole brut, avec une économie en pleine expansion mondiale. Il y avait probablement un excès spéculatifs à amplifier les stades du mouvement.
L'effondrement massif des prix du pétrole entraînés par la crise financière de 2008.
Une reprise assez rapide entraînée par les réductions modestes de production de l'OPEP, notamment l'Arabie saoudite.
Une période de prix relativement stables au 2e semestre 2009 et 1er semestre 2010 à un niveau qui était (alors) acceptable à l'OPEP.
Une forte montée en fin 2010/début 2011, entraîné par le printemps arabe et en particulier la perte de la production de pétrole libyen.
Une baisse progressive des prix de la zone euro alors que la crise se réchauffe, ce qui soulève des craintes sur la demande, et la situation au Moyen-Orient semble se stabiliser (à l'exception de la Syrie, qui n'est pas un gros producteur de pétrole).
A augmente courtes nettes de prix que les opérations LTRO semblent avoir stabilisé l'Europe, et les craintes d'une attaque israélienne contre l'Iran sont largement diffusées dans la presse.
Le récent effondrement brutale des prix car il devient clair que les opérations de refinancement sont qu'un palliatif temporaire à la situation dans la zone euro, qui ne cesse de s'aggraver. En attendant les négociations avec l'Iran prendra une attaque sur la table pour le moment. En outre, la croissance dans les grands pays émergents (Chine, Inde, Brésil) a ralenti.
Alors Où ces tendances maintenant? D'une part, il semble clair que les forces de ces dernières à la baisse sur les prix va se poursuivre: les négociations avec l'Iran va traîner le gouvernement américain est déterminé à repousser toute attaque qu'après l'élection, alors que l'Iran est déterminé à ne pas céder du terrain, pas plus que il doit absolument. De même, les difficultés de l'Espagne sauvetage Bankia, et le fait qu'il ya probablement encore beaucoup de pas-totalement actualisés créances douteuses des banques espagnoles, donnent à penser que le gouvernement espagnol est proche de la fin de sa corde. Pendant ce temps la tension entre le peuple grec et les autorités internationales n'est pas du tout résolu. Dirigeants de l'Eurozone à l'heure actuelle semblent encore ne pas avoir de stratégie sérieuse pour résoudre les problèmes. Chômage espagnol et le grec continuent de grimper. Et puis il ya l'incapacité persistante du système américain de politique polarisé de venir à bout des défis majeurs - en particulier l'expiration prochaine des réductions fiscales de Bush et les réductions de dépenses automatiques qui seront déclenchées vers la fin de cette année. Tout cela est effrayant marchés boursiers partout, d'autant plus que personne ne sait vraiment quelles sont les implications pour le système financier mondial sera si les morceaux commencent à tomber de la zone euro car elle lanternes avant.

Ces sortes de considérations donnent à penser que la rupture à la baisse des prix du pétrole pourrait continuer beaucoup plus loin.

D'autre part, avec Brent tombe en dessous de 100 $, nous sommes en train de tester le niveau de tolérance actuelle de l'OPEP pour baisser les prix. En 2009/2010, ils étaient prêts à se contenter d'70ish $ sans réduire la production. Toutefois, depuis ce temps ils - en particulier l'Arabie saoudite - ont signé pour de vastes programmes de relance nationaux pour apaiser la population à la suite du printemps arabe. Ainsi, il est presque certain besoin d'un prix un peu plus élevés aujourd'hui. M. Al-Naimi a été cité à de nombreuses reprises l'année dernière en disant que 100 $ était un prix équitable pour le pétrole. Vont-ils réduire la production de pétrole aujourd'hui, sur cette règle? Ou attendre jusqu'à ce qu'il traverse 90 $ ou 80 $? Je serais surpris si elle a pris 80 $ pour les amener à agir.

Ainsi, je m'attends à ce que si le mouvement à la baisse devait se poursuivre, il ne serait pas trop longtemps avant qu'il ne déclenche une réduction de la production saoudienne. Il ya une possibilité (comme en 2008) que les prix pourraient descendre plus bas transitoire en particulier si les événements en Europe tourner vraiment dramatique et les marchés commencent à paniquer. Ensuite, il faut un certain temps pour que les effets de réduction de la production pour travailler dans le système. Mais là encore, je m'attends acteurs du marché d'avoir appris quelque chose de ce qui s'est passé en 2008 et être plus enclins à prix dans l'effet des baisses de production de l'OPEP à l'avance.

En outre, une fois que nous sommes en dessous de 100 $ en prix du Brent, il ya un risque considérable de surprises à la hausse. Une rupture des pourparlers Iran, les autorités européennes de faire quelque chose relativement fonctionnel, les élections grecques produisant une coalition pro-accord, le hoquet de toute nature dans le système de production mondiale de pétrole. À long terme, je pense que les prix du pétrole vont certainement en moyenne plus de 100 $.

En bref, alors que les prix pourraient certainement aller plus bas à court terme, ils sont à des niveaux ont été, si j'étais un négociant en pétrole, je me sentirais plus à l'aise à long qu'à court à moins que mon horizon temporel a été très court. Si l'on était assis en espèces, il pourrait être un argument pour attendre un peu plus longtemps avant de sauter sur le côté long - du moins tant que la situation en Espagne semble tout à fait aussi en suspens.

Pétrole brut

Pétrole brut

Du pétrole brut flotte à la surface du "sinkhole" du Bayou en Louisiane
Voici une photo aérienne de l'étendue du "sinkhole" avec du pétrole qui flotte à sa surface.  Selon des experts, ce pétrole proviendrait d'une source naturelle [vraiment?] et les autorités environnementales ne savent pas comment arrêter son déversement.

Le Pétrole brut provient de l'exploitation Directement d'Un puits de Pétrole, à l'émission des Traitements de dessablage, de décantation de l'eau, et de séparation de Eventuellement phase de la pression gazeuse à température ambiantes et. Il se Mesure en barils ous en m3.
Le distingué Trois grandes références de Commerciales oil brut au Mondial niveau:
Le Brent, exploité en mer du Nord;
le WTI (West Texas Intermediate), exploité aux Etats-Unis;
le Dubaï lumière se verse l'Asie.
MALGRÉ Une production limitée, le Brent insert de brut de référence au Mondial Niveau. Son prix de déterminer celui de 60% ​​[réf. Nécessaire] des pétroles extraits DANS LE MONDE. Each région du monde Produit juin quality de petroleum Différente, généralement non characteristic d'gisement; C'EST pourquoi Il Est possibles d'identification Une cargaison de petrole a partir de traces QUELQUES.
Le prix d'achat du Pétrole intérêt Pondéré par sa quality (by the nature de constituants SES), Tous Les Pétroles SONT constitue l'D'UN mélange de molécules differentes, Qui intéressent PLUS OU MOINS LES PETROLIERS, fr Fonction des applications voulues. Le raffinage du Pétrole Permet d'obtenir différents Produits Pétroliers PARMI lesquels se trouvent des carburants. AINSI, versez-faire du gazole (le Carburant des Moteurs diesel), IL FAUT Nations unies Pétrole Riche en molécules lourdes et coulée Assez faire l'essence de l', (le Carburant des Moteurs à allumage commande), IL FAUT Nations unies Pétrole Riche en molécules Assez Légères

We are living in the tipping point of environmental collapse

I am truly amazed at how fast this is happening.

Our fresh water has been compromised by fracking.

Our food has been compromised by GMs that are now inexplicably but most definitely linked causally to tumors, weight gain, and infertility.

Formation du Pétrole

Formation du Pétrole

D'huile ou d'hydrocarbures comme il est souvent appelé - est dans les composés organiques sens le plus large de l'hydrogène et de carbone. Ceux-ci existent en sous-sol terrestre sous forme liquide - ce qui est appelé pétrole (brut) ou le pétrole.

Pétrole et gaz naturel sont formés à partir de la biomasse ancienne, d'où le nom «fossiles» de carburants pour les carburants à base de pétrole ou de gaz naturel.
Chauffage de la matière organique préhistorique conduire à la formation de pétrole brut et de gaz naturel sur une longue période par l'intermédiaire d'un ensemble de processus biochimiques complexes et géologiques de la pression et de l'isolement de l'air (conditions anaerob). La matière organique généralement mélangé avec de l'argile de boue, se sont enterrées sous des couches de sédiments solides, générant ainsi des conditions de haute pression et de la chaleur.

Cette question a causé organique premiers à développer à une substance appelée kérogène, puis avec encore plus de chaleur appliquée au fil du temps géologique, de plus en hydrocarbures liquides ou gazeux.
Système pétrolier
Les réservoirs souterrains peut mélanger avec de l'eau et s'accumuler dans les chambres sous la surface: Les composés d'hydrocarbures produites de cette manière ont probablement été concentré par dissolution dans l'eau et transporté à travers les roches sédimentaires, les dépôts ont ensuite été pris au piège dans les chambres en forme de dôme. Cependant, le pétrole peut aussi rester huile de schiste ou les sables bitumineux - comme dans la région d'Athabasca au Canada.

Zooplancton préhistorique et les algues, les plantes et les animaux, à partir du fond de la mer ou d'un lac, conservés dans des conditions anoxiques, constituent le fondement de pétrole brut d'aujourd'hui et de gaz naturel. Préhistoriques les plantes terrestres sont pour la plupart la base pour le charbon d'aujourd'hui.

Adsense Plan

Plan Business work on the Google AdSense team helping online publishers, specifically Blogger users like you, ensure your blogs are optimized to generate as much income for you as possible. 

A few weeks ago we met with many of you at the 2011 BlogWorld & New Media Expo. One of the consistent themes we heard was: "please provide me with more tips on how to make money with my blog.”

At your request, we’re happy to bring you a series of posts with some helpful tips on how to configure AdSense to give you the highest possible return from your blog.

If you've been thinking about monetizing your blog and are unfamiliar with how Google AdSense works, here are the three things you need to know:

1. AdSense is built into Blogger:
You can easily sign up and start showing ads on your blog, without having to leave Blogger, by clicking on the "Earnings" tab in your dashboard. After completing the AdSense application, the next step is to designate where you want the ads to appear on your blog. Once your application is approved, we’ll start serving ads and you’ll start making money. And unlike many other blogging platforms, Blogger doesn’t take a cut of your revenue. 

2. AdSense serves relevant ads on your blogs:
AdSense works by matching text and image ads to your blog based on your content and the types of users that visit your site. For example, if you write about running, your readers may see ads next to your post about running shoes and equipment. Ads are created and paid for by advertisers who want to promote their products.

3. Great content is key:
Posting high quality content is the best way to maximize your returns with AdSense. It’s important to take a little extra time defining your topic, creating a post that is engaging and matters to your readers. The more interesting and appealing your content is, the more likely your readers will be to click on the ads on your blog. 

This short video will also give you a quick overview of AdSense and how it works with Blogger:
Having a solid understanding of the traffic and visitor engagement statistics of your blog is one of the best ways to help it grow, and that’s why today we’re excited to announce that you can now easily connect your Google Analytics account with your blog.

Adding Google Analytics to your blog will give you more insight into where your visitors are coming from and help you determine which content they engage with the most. It's an easy to use, powerful, free product that is used internationally by businesses large & small. 

If you already have a Google Analytics account, simply navigate to your blog’s Settings > Other tab and enter your blog's Google Analytics Web Property ID. Blogger will then insert Google Analytics code into your blog automatically, regardless of which template you're using, including mobile.

For more details and troubleshooting tips, check out this post on the Blogger Developers Network blog

A few notes:
  • Google Analytics is supported on blogs using Dynamic Views, Layouts templates, and mobile templates, but notClassic templates.
  • Because of the technical differences in how Blogger’s stats and Google Analytics collect data, you are likely to see some minor discrepancies between the two.
Posted by Muthu Kannan, Software Engineer

Les qualités Projet

Le leadership du projet appelle à une communication claire sur les objectifs, la responsabilité, la performance, des attentes et des réactions, au cours des dernières années, les gens à ESI International, leaders mondiaux dans la formation en gestion de projet, ont regardé dans ce fait un chef de projet efficace. Avec la chance unique de poser quelques-uns des chefs de projet les plus talentueux dans le monde sur leur leadership cours ESI projet ont réussi à recueillir un répertoire courant de leurs réponses. Voici le top 10 en ordre selon les fréquences indiquées.Inspire une vision communeUn chef de projet efficace est souvent décrit comme ayant une vision de l'endroit où aller et la capacité à l'exprimer. Visionnaires prospèrent sur le changement et être capable d'attirer de nouvelles frontières. Il a été dit une fois qu'un leader est quelqu'un qui «nous élève, nous donne une raison d'être et donne à la vision et l'esprit à changer." Des dirigeants visionnaires permettre aux gens de sentir qu'ils ont un réel enjeu dans le projet.Ils permettent aux gens de l'expérience de la vision de leur propre chef. Selon Bennis «Ils offrent des possibilités aux gens de créer leur propre vision, d'explorer ce que la vision se traduira par des emplois et à leurs vies, et d'envisager leur avenir dans le cadre de la vision de l'organisation." (Bennis, 1997)Bon communicateurLa capacité de communiquer avec des gens à tous les niveaux est presque toujours désigné comme le deuxième plus importante de compétences par les gestionnaires de projet et membres de l'équipe.Il ya beaucoup de valeur placée sur l'ouverture et la franchise. Le chef de projet est aussi un lien de l'équipe pour la plus grande organisation. Le leader doit avoir la capacité à négocier efficacement et de recourir à la persuasion, si nécessaire pour assurer le succès de l'équipe et de projet. Grâce à une communication efficace, les chefs de projet de soutien des réalisations individuelles et d'équipe en créant des lignes directrices explicites pour accomplir les résultats et pour l'avancement de carrière des membres de l'équipe.IntégritéUne des choses les plus importantes qu'un chef de projet doit se rappeler est que ses actes, et non des mots, réglez le modus operandi pour l'équipe. Un bon leadership exige un engagement à l', et la démonstration de pratiques éthiques. Créer des normes de comportement éthique pour soi-même et de vivre par ces normes, ainsi que récompenser ceux qui illustrent ces pratiques, sont les responsabilités des chefs de projet. Leadership motivés par l'intérêt personnel ne sert pas le bien-être de l'équipe. Le leadership basé sur l'intégrité représente rien de moins qu'un ensemble de valeurs d'autres part, un comportement cohérent avec les valeurs et le dévouement à l'honnêteté avec soi-même et les membres de l'équipe. En d'autres termes le chef de file "prêche par l'exemple» et dans le processus gagne la confiance.L'enthousiasmeClair et simple, nous n'aimons pas les dirigeants qui sont négatifs - ils nous abattre. Nous voulons que les dirigeants avec enthousiasme, avec un rebond dans leur démarche, avec une attitude gagnante. Nous voulons croire que nous faisons partie d'un voyage vivifiant - nous voulons nous sentir en vie. Nous avons tendance à suivre les gens avec une attitude gagnante, et non pas ceux qui nous donnent 200 raisons pour lesquelles quelque chose ne peut être fait. Enthousiaste dirigeants se sont engagés à leurs objectifs et d'exprimer cet engagement par l'optimisme. Le leadership émerge comme quelqu'un exprime cet engagement confiant à un projet que d'autres veulent partager ses attentes optimistes.L'enthousiasme est contagieux et les leaders efficaces savoir.L'empathieQuelle est la différence entre l'empathie et de sympathie? Bien que les mots se ressemblent, ils sont, en fait, qui s'excluent mutuellement. Selon Norman Paul, dans la sympathie du sujet est essentiellement absorbé dans ses propres sentiments comme ils sont projetés dans l'objet et a peu d'intérêt pour la réalité et la validité de l'expérience particulière de l'objet. L'empathie, d'autre part, présuppose l'existence de l'objet comme un individu séparé, le droit de ses propres sentiments, les idées et l'histoire émotionnelle (Paul, 1970). Comme un étudiant a si bien dit, «C'est agréable quand un chef de projet reconnaît que nous avons tous une vie hors du travail."CompétenceAutrement dit, pour s'enrôler dans une autre la cause, nous devons croire que cette personne sait de quoi il ou elle fait. Compétences de leadership n'a cependant pas nécessairement référence à des compétences techniques du chef de projet dans la technologie de base de l'entreprise. Comme la gestion de projet continue d'être reconnue comme un domaine en soi, chefs de projets seront choisis en fonction de leur capacité à mener avec succès les autres plutôt que sur une expertise technique, comme dans le passé. Ayant une expérience gagnante est le plus sûr moyen d'être considéré comme compétent. Expertise dans les compétences en leadership est une autre dimension de la compétence. La possibilité de contester, d'inspirer, de permettre, le modèle et encourager doit être démontrée que si les dirigeants sont à considérer comme capables et compétents.Capacité à déléguer des tâchesLa confiance est un élément essentiel dans la relation d'un chef de projet et de son équipe. Vous démontrez votre confiance dans les autres par vos actions - combien vous vérifier et contrôler leur travail, combien vous déléguez et combien vous permettre aux gens de participer. Les personnes qui sont incapables de faire confiance à d'autres personnes échouent souvent comme des leaders et pour toujours un peu plus que les micro-cadres, ou finissent par faire tout le travail eux-mêmes. Comme un étudiant de gestion de projet a dit, «Un bon leader est un peu paresseux." Une perspective intéressante!Refroidir sous pressionDans un monde parfait, les projets devraient être livrés à temps, au titre du budget et sans problèmes ou obstacles importants à surmonter. Mais nous ne vivons pas dans un monde parfait - les projets ont des problèmes. Un leader avec une attitude Hardy prendra ces problèmes dans la foulée. Lorsque les dirigeants rencontrent un événement stressant, ils estiment intéressant, ils sentent qu'ils peuvent influencer les résultats et ils le voient comme une opportunité. «Hors de l'incertitude et le chaos du changement, les leaders se lever et d'articuler une nouvelle image de l'avenir qui tire le projet ensemble." (Bennis 1997) Et n'oubliez pas - ne jamais les laisser vous voir suer.Team-Building SkillsUn bâtisseur d'équipe peut être mieux défini comme une personne forte qui fournit la substance qui détient l'équipe ensemble dans un but commun vers l'objectif de droite.Pour une équipe de progresser d'un groupe d'étrangers à une seule unité cohésive, le leader doit comprendre les processus et la dynamique nécessaire à cette transformation.Il ou elle doit aussi connaître le style de leadership approprié à utiliser lors de chaque étape du développement d'équipe. Le leader doit aussi avoir une bonne compréhension des joueurs de l'équipe et comment les différents styles de capitaliser sur chaque au bon moment, pour le problème à la main.

Formation Google SketchUp pour débutant à l’horizon

La nouvelle formation à distance « Apprendre SketchUp 7 Formation aux fondamentaux » que je viens d’enregistrer pour Elephorm vient combler ce manque. Cette formation s’adresse principalement aux débutants (qui ne le resteront pas longtemps) ainsi qu’aux utilisateurs qui utilisent déjà SketchUp mais sans en maîtriser les bases.

Cette formation présente, sous forme de vidéos et d’exemples concrets, l’utilisation pas à pas des outils et des principes essentiels pour travailler (ou s’amuser) avec SketchUp : les outils de dessin, de construction, de modification…. La mise en oeuvre correcte des groupes, des composants, des calques, des scènes… Bref, tout ce dont vous avez besoin pour modéliser rapidement et présenter vos projets personnels ou professionnels avec Google SketchUp ou Google SketchUp Pro.

Disponible depuis le 1er mars, cette formation est proposée en V.O.D. (vidéo à la demande) sur Internet ainsi que sur support DVD.

Choosing a Mind-jarring Name for Your Business

Choosing a Mind-jarring Name for Your Business...

One of the most important things your new business needs is a name. Your business' name will often be the very first thing your customers see, and the very first impression you make on any potential customers.

Endeavor to select a name that says something about you and your business that people in your target market will remember easily. If the name conjures up an easily recalled mental image, so much the better! This can be especially true on the World Wide Web where competition is fierce, and you really can't bank on anyone bookmarking your site or adding it to her or his favorite's list.

In the everyday brick and mortar world, a good basic idea is to simply use your last name followed by what you do. For example, Smith's Lawnmower Sales and Repair or Jones' Heating and Air are suitable. They are also easy to remember. You might also consider expanding the name by adding the town where your business is located. For example, you could use Smith's St. Louis Lawnmower Sales and Repair.

Another avenue of thought might be to leave out your personal name entirely, and simply become Tulsa Heating and Air. This makes you sound like the first choice locally, and will make it easy for you to target your potential local customers. However, if you're in a business with lots of competition, be sure to check with the proper authorities in your city, county or state to make sure the name is not already registered to someone else's business.

If you are planning an internet business, or preparing to put an existing business online, you should consider placing the actual name of your product or service in the URL (web address) even if that is different from your usual business name. For example, if you are selling cookies, you would want your URL to be something like www.cookies.com. If that name is already in use, consider www.fabulouscookies.com or anything else appropriate for your product. This is extremely important because many internet search engines will assign added value or weight when ranking your web site for anyone looking for your particular product or service!

If you are going to be a business-to-business service provider or vendor, you might want to consider a more corporate sounding name. Think of a word to describe your business, and then add the word "Consulting." I know, people are tired of consultants, but it will nevertheless work better with business-to-business customers and vendors.

If you're pursuing an even trendier market, you might consider choosing a less formal name. For example, you might want to name your business after an animal, and incorporate that animal into your logo. If you don't have a large marketing budget, a logo is an excellent way to get started branding your business. Be sure to have your logo professionally designed. It's going to become your public face! Branding can be incredibly important for your future success. For example, look at Government Employees Insurance Company - GEICO. GEICO utilizes that cute sounding gecko for virtually all its commercials now. What do you remember when you think of car insurance? Well, you might also think of Allstate. Are you in good hands? Yes, a catchy, attention-grabbing phrase is also an excellent way to identify your business to the public!

You can also employ a very short name or acronym. Take two or three words that describe your business, and shorten them to create one new word or acronym. So you end up with IHOP (International House of Pancakes) or IBM (International Business Machines) or P&G (Procter & Gamble)... This is a terrific way to express what your business does without anyone having a hard time remembering your business' name. Even better, it makes for a great, easy to remember, and easy to type URL (web address).

Inevitably, for some businesses finding a good fit will be nearly impossible. In that event, you'll just have to play with combinations of words until you come up with a name that sounds right and fits your business. If you do it well enough, it will be completely unique to your business. In fact, that's not such a bad idea!

Another thing you might try is going to one or two of the web sites which show you the current key word phrases that are being searched for in your product line or field. You could also google some appropriate key words, and check the results pages for ideas.

Caveat - whatever name you select, invent, or decide on should be 1) easy to remember 2) easy to pronounce, 3) easy to type and 3) easy to spell. Also, as mentioned earlier, insure that no one else has a prior claim on your new name. Do that before you do any advertising or logo design work. You certainly don't want to design and build a web site around someone else's name!

It is a good idea to bounce your planned name off a few other people to make sure it really is suitable. One good way to do this is to post a note in appropriate internet newsgroups, or in a business oriented online forum.

Finally, after you have made a choice, sleep on it for a few days to make absolutely sure it is the right choice. Sometimes a couple days make a big difference in your thinking and in your perception.

This article was prepared by Walter Boyd, CEO of http://ComputerExpertiseLtd.biz, an incorporated online home business serving internet entrepreneurs since July 1995. Anyone may copy and reprint this article as long as this resource box is included, and no changes are made to the content.

Common Mistakes Made In Home Business

Anyone who is trying to start a home business has probably seen the failure statistics for new home businesses, and avoiding some common mistakes made by new business operators will help make your home business more successful.

A lack of self discipline is one of the most common mistakes made by people who start a home business. Being your own boss is great if you have the discipline to work when you should, instead of running off to play. People who procrastinate or do not do well working with no supervision usually do not operate successful home businesses. If you plan to start your own home business, you have to be prepared to work even if you don't feel like it to meet your deadlines.

Not marketing their home business is another huge mistake that new home business owners make. Marketing is needed to bring in customers, and without it a home business may very well shrivel and dry up. Marketing can be done in numerous ways, and the cost varies from very cheap to very expensive, depending on the specific marketing campaign. Marketing will help you reach people and tell them about your home business. Not aggressively marketing their home business may cause many owners to watch their business fail.

A big mistake that is made by home business owners is to take customer service and concerns lightly. Customers are your profit maker and a sign of the success of your home business. By ignoring concerns or not correcting problems, your home business could lose customers. Word of mouth is the best advertising you can get, and it can not be bought. A satisfied customer will tell friends and family members about your home business, and this could lead to several more customers. If a customer is unhappy and you do not fix it, you can bet that they will tell everyone they know, and this could cost your home business many potential customers. Excellent customer service is a must for any business, including home businesses.

Common mistakes in your home business could cost you customers and profits. By realizing some of the more common mistakes new home business owners make, you can avoid these mistakes and have a better chance of making your home business a success. Make sure that you have the self discipline that is required when you work for yourself. Market your home business aggressively. Marketing brings in customers and tells everyone about your home business. Make sure that you have excellent customer service. A satisfied customer is a repeat customer who will tell people they know. This leads to more customers and more success for your home business.

Copyright © 2007 Joel Teo. All rights reserved.

Coin Collecting: When Hobby Turns Business

Many people are driven by the desire to do something, anything, when presented with a block of time that has no activity to fill it. For all of written history men and women have used hobbies as a way to fill up these empty blocks with something both rewarding and satisfying to the drive to not stand stagnant.

One of the most popular hobby types is collecting. Focusing upon the acquisition of a particular type of item, often those that appreciate with age, this hobby is especially satisfying for some.

Coin collecting is a favorite subcategory of this hobby type. A collection of coins is not cumbersome to own, and the coins themselves hold a very clear image of value in the mind of the collector. They know that as the collection ages and grows more robust its value gets grows as well. If it includes rare or significant pieces this value can increase rapidly.

The focus of coin collection is not usually centered on the value of the coins themselves. For most collectors the focal point is their interest in the pieces they collect. Of course the purpose and meaning of collecting can vary widely from one collector to another.

As both collector and collection grow and mature it is common for exchanges to take place between them and other collectors. Often one collector may manage to procure extra pieces unimportant to their own collection, but vital to the collection of another. It is here that the earning potential of this hobby can be most spectacularly demonstrated.

It can be very tempting for the established collector to consider taking their hobby, something they derive great pleasure from, and attempt to build it into a profitable business. In fact, many people have done exactly that with great success.

However, many more have failed to varying degrees ranging from simply not making money to disastrous losses. Without a great deal of knowledge in the field a would-be professional can easily fall victim to the many forgers at work. And as with any business there are countless financial and other concerns to be addressed before a serious effort to build a business should be undertaken.

For those who with the determination to educate themselves, plan carefully, and accept the risks involved, there is a very real capacity for significant profit.

Tips to reduce risk in a coin collecting business:

1. Make an effort to ensure that the trader is honest.

That is most important and perhaps most difficult thing to know. With all the unscrupulous dealers it can be a challenge to find individuals trustworthy enough for your business.

The best way to accomplish this is to identify whether the coins presented for trade or sale are, in fact, authentic. This is an absolutely crucial skill anyone in the business should seek to cultivate, but until such time as a determination can be made with confidence the owner should delegate this to professionals.

While authentic merchandise is a strong indication of legitimate dealers, this is not always true. Keep in mind that it is safer to buy or trade with a well-established business with a sound reputation.

2. Verify the state of the coins or merchandise.

Never purchase anything sight-unseen unless you can afford for the product to arrive in extremely poor condition. If it has not been examined by someone absolutely trustworthy the true condition of the item cannot be guaranteed.

Take note of dented coins or any other value-altering deformities or damage. Because this will degrade the value of the item it will be important to decide whether the item should be passed over or purchased at a price more accurately reflecting its true value.

3. Practice evaluating merchandise.

It can be very difficult to properly identify a coin during trade if you do not know much about the proper classification of coins.

Being able to demonstrate relevant knowledge during the trade or purchase of an item will reduce the likelihood the other party might believe themselves at an advantage and behave unscrupulously. Through study and practice a dealer can hone the skill of classifying merchandise properly and spotting the key details that are vital to properly negotiating a deal.

Coin collecting can be turned into a rewarding and successful business, but doing so requires more than the average collector can bring to the table. However, armed with the necessary education, financial backing, and confidence it make the dream of earning a living doing something you love a reality.

Can Your Behavioral Style Impact The Success Or Failure Of Your Home Based Business?

Are you a risk taker? Do you like to interact with customers? Are you the type of entrepreneur who likes to work on group projects in collaboration with others? Or do you prefer to work
alone analyzing detailed work?

A lot of questions, but if you are going to be successful in your home based business, the answers could be critical to your success!

Understanding your behavioral style can help you succeed in your home based business, whether your work requires you to talk on the telephone with vendors, meet in person with customers, work with others to deliver your products or communicate over the Internet. Every style has strengths and limitations. And strengths if overused, can be weaknesses.

Most people have a primary behavioral style that is their natural approach to how they tend to respond or behave in certain situations. The DISC® model provides a quick and easy way for determining your behavioral style. Most people are unaware of their behavioral style, yet their close friends, family members and even co-workers can often tell what motivates them. Getting in touch with what motivates you as an entrepreneur and what motivates your customers is an important tool for a home-based business. It can impact your bottom line and provide direction in all that you do!

Here are the four behavioral styles: “D”- is the dominant or the risk taking style. If you are a “D” you are likely to prefer entrepreneurial pursuits where you can lead projects and present new ideas. You will have no trouble contacting the CEO of a major company and scheduling an appointment. You might have a tendency to be a bit heavy handed and if you’re not careful, you could chase some customers away. The “I” style is the people oriented style, motivated by recognition and interaction with others. If you are an “I” you will be great at marketing your business and persuading customers to buy your products. You may even get your foot in to door with a customer when your product or idea is not well thought out and this could cause you to lose a sale. The “S” is the Steadiness or team player style that tends to be cooperative and prefers to work in settings with others.

If you are an “S” style you will excel in projects that provide clear steps and processes that are sequential. You will do well with customers who like your dependability and you calming reassuring nature. You may be challenged with changes to your processes or your projects and you may have to work harder when responding to changes. If you are a “C”, you are analytical and logical.
You are reserved and business like in your demeanor and are quite comfortable working alone. Your customers will appreciate your attention to detail and the high quality of your work. You may
be challenged with in person meetings or criticism of your work and you will need to take care to meet customer deadlines.

Because most home based businesses are operated by sole proprietors or micro businesses, understanding your behavioral style is a quick and easy way to get real feedback that will forever change your business life! When you are in touch with your behavioral style you will learn what motivates you, become more aware of your own style preferences and biases, and understand how you react when you are frustrated or under stress. Moreover, you will be able to learn how to communicate more effectively to meet the style preferences of your customers, your business partners and your vendors.

So what style are you? What about your customers? If you have a home based business and or have a business that is operated primarily on the internet, it will be critical for you to adapt your ads and even your website, to appeal to the several behavioral styles mostly likely to be reflected in that environment.

Because most of us have a combination of styles, to determine your overall behavioral profile, you should take an online assessment. Once you learn your real style, you are in a much better position to gauge others and align your business accordingly.

Knowing your behavioral style and how your tendencies impact the way you conduct your home based business will be critical to your success or failure.

Warm regards,

Dr. Devona Williams
Kenny Anderson

How To Start A Business In Your Own Home And Make Big Bucks

In these times, it's becoming increasingly difficult to get by or make ends meet with just one source of income. Thus, more and more people are investigating the possibilities of, and indeed, the idea of, starting their own extra-income businesses. Most of these part-time endeavors are started and operated from the comforts and privacy of these people's homes.

Most of these people are making the extra money they need - some have wisely and carefully built these extra income efforts into full-time, very profitable businesses - while some are just keeping busy, having fun, and enjoying life as never before. The important thing is that they are doing something other than wait for the government to give them a handout, to improve their lot in life - and you can do it too!

The fields of online products and services (information products, eBooks etc) mail order selling, multi-level marketing, and in-home party sales have never been more popular. If any of these kinds of extra-income-producing ideas appeal to you, then for sure, you owe it to yourself to check them out. But, these aren't the only fields of endeavor you can start and operate from home with little or no investment and learn as you go. An hour or so searching on Google will give you countless ideas.

The first thing you "must" do however, is some basic market research. Find out for yourself, first-hand, just how many people there are - particularly in your local area - who are interested in your proposed product or service, and "would be willing to stand in line to pay money for it." This is known as defining your market and pin-pointing your customers. If after checking around, talking about your idea with a whole lot of people over a period of one to three months, you get the idea that these people would be paying customers, then your next effort should be directed toward the "detailing" of your business plan. The more precise and detailed you write out such a plan - covering all the bases relating to how you'll do everything that needs to be done, and when - the easier it's going to be for you to attain success. Such a plan should show your start-up investment needs, your advertising plan, your production costs as well as procedures, your sales program, and how your time will be allocated. To often, enthusiastic and ambitious entrepreneurs "jump in" on an extra project and suddenly find that the costs are beyond their abilities, and the time requirements more than they can meet. It pays to lay it all out on paper before you get involved, and the more detailed you can "see" everything before you start, the better your chances of success.

Assuming you've got your market targeted - you know who your customers are going to be and how you're going to reach them with your product or service offer; and you've got all your cost as well as time requirements itemized - the next thing is to set your plan in motion and start making money.

Here is the most important "secret" of all, relating to starting and building a profitable home-based business - Regardless of what kind of business you start, you must have the capital and the available time to sustain your business through the first six months of operation on the basis of not taking in any money. Most importantly, you must not count on receiving of spending any money coming in from your business, on yourself or for your bills, during those first six months. Any and all the income from your business during those first six months should be reinvested in your business in order for it to grow and reach your planned first year potential for it.

Best of luck!

How To Save Your Business Money On Cleaning Supplies And Cleaning Services

With today’s rising fuel costs everything just seems to get a little more expensive every day. When you own a business you know that every penny saved can help. Cleaning supplies and cleaning services can eat a big chunk out of your bottom line but there are things you can do to save up to 50% on these types of expenses. Having your facilities cleaned and having to stock your bathrooms with toilet paper and soap are a necessity but there are ways to save hundreds if not thousands of dollars each year on commercial cleaning and cleaning supplies.

If you use a cleaning company and your facility is under the size of a football field then you are wasting money. By paying a cleaning company to come in every night and do simple tasks like vacuuming and emptying trash you are essentially paying a company to make a profit off of something you could be easily doing yourself in house. By developing a simple plan for your existing employees and having them do some of these tasks can have a huge impact on your cleaning budget. Simple tasks like taking out the trash at the end of the day can be handed out to your current employees. By creating a central location as a main trash refugee can make it easy on employees by having them walk a minimal distance to dump there own trash containers at the end of the day. Many companies are looking to their current staff and advertising cleaning positions for after business hours. In these financially challenging times many employees would jump at the opportunity to work a few extra hours at night to make a little more income. By being smart and taking the time to look at what a cleaning company is actually providing you can save a lot of money.

Another big area you can save money in is your restroom supplies. Every facility has to have restrooms and those restrooms are filled with products that you can save money on. Some examples of products you can save money on are toilet paper, hand towels and soap. Toilet paper can get expensive depending on what kind you use. The price of toilet paper can range from as little as $40 dollars a case to $120 dollars a case. By purchasing commercial toilet paper which is wound with more length to a roll than regular toilet paper can save you hundreds of dollars over just one year. Another great way to save money is on soap. If you purchase soap that can comes in cartridges you may as well have a free money dispenser in your restroom. Cartridge soaps can cost up to 4 times what bulk gallon soaps cost and take the same amount of time to fill as cartridge dispensers. Hand towels can easily be replaced by hand dryers. With hand dryers there is no trash to take out and you can eliminate the cost of replacing paper towel dispensers when they break down.

A great way to save money on cleaning expenses is to question your cleaning bills. If you are currently having your cleaning company provide your cleaning and sanitary maintenance supplies find out if they are selling you the products at their cost or up charging you. Many business owners have no clue about how much a case of toilet paper or a case of trash can liners cost. Some cleaning companies mark up the cleaning products they are selling you by as much as 300% and work it into the bill. There is nothing wrong with asking your cleaning company for a breakdown of there charges and comparing the prices your being charged with the actual costs of what you can purchase the items at.

As an expert in the cleaning field I talk to a lot of cleaning company owners and see where they live and what they drive. Some owners live in million dollar houses and drive very expensive cars all from profits they are making from commercial cleaning. With this being true that means they’re making a lot of money from up charging you for simple services and products that any business owner can buy online or at a local cleaning supply distributor. So if you’re a business owner and want to save some of your hard earned dollars, take a good look at your cleaning situation and start asking questions right away.

Business Websites Can Be Inexpensive.

A website is no longer a tool only utilized by large businesses and corporations. Today, even the smaller businesses need a website in order to complete with their competitors.

The problem is, the majority of web designers today still do not think about the little man, aka: small businesses. Their prices and packages simply do not provide what small businesses need in order to gain a web presence. If the price is within the businesses reach, then the package is to small, or they use pre made websites that can be found over and over again on the Internet.

However, web design does not have to be expensive. Here are a few things to avoid when choosing your web designer.

A few common mistakes small business owners make:

1)Template Websites- Templates, sometimes called cookie cutter websites, are pre made designs and set ups of a website. Any number of other websites can use the every same template for their website. In the event that a potential customer has visited a website with a similar template to yours, then chances are they will either not take your business as serious, or reference your business with that website. Ask the potential designer if your website will be unique or made from a template before you do business with them.

2) Hourly Rate Design- Some web design companies offer "hourly rate web design." It has been found that many hourly designers will tell you something takes much longer to complete then it usually does. In this case, you will end up paying for hours of work when the work only actually took a few minutes, or they will hold your website hostage until you do. Look for set packages that list what you will get, no matter how much time it took to complete.

3) High Hosting Charges- Many new business owners and business owners not familiar with the Internet will let their web designer host their website for them. While there is nothing wrong with this, be cautious of the amount you will be paying month for their hosting. Small businesses that only require small website should not pay over $3-$7 a month for hosting. Larger businesses or businesses with large or dynamic websites should never pay over $10-$15 a month. On the other hand, you may find a design company offering free hosting as an introductory offer. If this is true, be sure to ask how much you will be paying for hosting once the offer expires.

4) Long Completion Times- Web design is a complicated process, however, a good designer can finish a website in a rather small amount of time. Be cautious of web designers that take a long time to complete each website. This may be a sign that they may have to much on their plate. If that is the case, then chances are you will not receive the proper attention and care that is needed to make a website a success. Always ask a potential designer how long it typically takes them to finish and publish a website.

Web designers all over the world focus on small business. You just need to make sure you find one. While the large design companies may have large, impressive portfolios, chances are they will not provide the support and attention you need.

Businesses, Money, And Usa Grants!

Now you know why businesses revolve on money. There can be no other tool that is as important as money in the business world.

Hence, if you do not have all these money to start and develop your business, you can never see your business grow. The saddest part is that you can never achieve financial stability.

So if you are having some problems in funding your new business idea or product expansion concept, it is best to find good financial sources.

Generally, most business owners will run to their family, relatives, or friends to get financial backups or investments. Others would turn to financial institutions such as banks or lending companies.

As much as these things can help you fund your new project, these sources are inadequate, or they can charge you with higher interest rates, which, in turn, will put your business on a financial risk if neglected.

For this reason, additional financial help is necessary. Why don’t you try having the government fund your invention? Government grants are one of the most common and efficient financial alternatives you can get. Even if it requires a lot of documents or paper works, the support you will obtain is still beneficial on your part. Up to $500,000 from venture capital companies for your new business. US Government Grants for Citizens

Why the Government?

The government is willing to support those businesses that continuously evolve into a more progressive industry by developing and entertaining new industrial and technological concepts. The government seeks to help those businesses that, in spite of the limited resources, can still develop innovations and launch them in the market without hesitation. Guaranteed US Government Grant for USA Citizens at http://www.trustedreviews.info/money/usm/index.html

By doing so, the government believes that ideas like these can, likewise, help them develop and expand the country’s economy. That is why the government is willing to help those kinds of businesses.

Can accounts receivable factoring help your business grow?

Are you stuck with great but slow paying clients? It is interesting how your biggest asset (great clients) can also be your biggest liability. But that is how business is. And as an owner you must adapt.

Whether you like it or not, slow paying customers are here to stay. As a rule of thumb, commercial clients pay their bills in 30 to 60 days. And lately, the trend has been deteriorating. So, what do you do if you have slow paying receivables.

Many owners try to go to the bank to get a business loan. Not surprisingly, few business owners get business loans. As a rule, banks will only finance companies that have long and established histories. This is not your case if your company is new or emerging from tough times.

If your biggest challenge is that you cannot afford to wait up to 60 days to get paid by your customers, then the solution is accounts receivable factoring. Most commonly known as factoring, this type of financing eliminates the usual wait to get paid. It provides you with the necessary funds to pay suppliers, meet payroll and take on new business opportunities.

And how does factoring work? Simple:

1. You finish the work and send an invoice to your client. You also send a copy to the accounts receivable factoring company.
2. The financing company advances you 70% to 90% of the invoice (a small reserve is held to handle disputes, etc.)
3. You get the funds in 24 hours
4. As soon the customer pays the invoice to the financing company, they rebate the reserve (less a small fee)

As you can see, accounts receivable factoring can easily be integrated into your business, providing you with prompt invoice payments. Usually, funds are advanced within 24 hours of submitting invoices.

Accounts receivable factoring is easy to qualify for. Accounts can be set up in as little as 4 business days. As opposed to business loans, the main requirement for factoring is to do business with strong credit worthy customers. So if you do business with good commercial clients (or the government), be sure to add factoring to your business tool chest.

Home Business A Scam

Thats it no more, living for Friday and Monday always comes too soon. Day in, day out and your boss, if only there was a way around that pay check. Its time to start your own business.

95 percent of all businesses fail. Thousands of people are deciding to work from home and are making it work. So what guarantees you a place among the 5 percent? Actually its more like 3 percent but i am not trying to scare you.

First of all, lets look as some of your options. You may wish to work from home but still pick up your paycheck, so in your current job is there a possibility for this option. You will find many bosses who are willing to help arrange this. Do you have any skill, which you could market to online companies, if so, you will need to get your portfolio and resume somewhere it can be accessed online. The traditional methods work as well but remember with the advances in technology we have easy access to the global market.

Starting a business yourself. When you do a search on google for a phrase like, start your own business, you may feel overwhelmed with the results. At the time of writing the number was 583,000,000. Narrow the search by including an area of interest, which attracts you. You are more likely to remain focussed and committed if the business is interesting to you. Depending on how much you are willing to spend, these offers will differ greatly. If this is unfamiliar territory beware of spending large amounts on a website as that is the easy part.

Regardless of the opportunity you choose, do your research. Use the internet to research the owners name. Read the comments about the owner, but a word of caution, people love to complain so take your time. Research the company and if there are testimonials in the sales page, link on to their web page and send a brief email. If their site is down or you get no reply it should speak volumes. Do they supply a proper address or just a p.o. box number? Its an old adage but if it looks to good to be true more times than not it is.

Remember this is your future and if you wish to be in that 3 percent it takes continual action on your part. Study success and copy success. The rest is up to you.

Hey Contractors, You’d Better Pick The Right Market For Your Business

I hear two complaints CONSTANTLY from contractors.

1. I can’t find enough good work.

2. I can’t find enough good workers.

What most contractors fail to realize is that the two problems are closely related. The first causes the second. And both are a function of the market you operate in.

Finding an adequate supply of good workers can always be solved with money. If you can afford to pay the wages workers want and give them the hours they need, they will flock to your company.

A lack of high margins is what complicates staffing.

The market you sell to greatly affects your ability to make money and your ability to hire good workers.

You need to choose your market wisely, very wisely.

Before permanently committing your destiny to a market (including the one you are currently focused on) you must research the following issues.

1. Can you track down enough prospects?

2. Can you market to the prospects cost effectively?

3. Do clients value anything beyond lowest price?

4. Does the work require expensive equipment?

5. Can you find enough sufficiently skilled people to do the work at the wages you can pay?

6. Is competition weak?

7. Are margins high?

8. Do you have the cash reserves to survive the market’s pay cycle?

The greater your number of "no’s", the more you will struggle. Here are the facts of business life:

Fact #1: You may be the best at what you do but no one is going to pay you for it if they don’t value it.

Fact #2: Heavy competition leads to price competition.

Fact #3: If you can’t market your business cost-effectively, you’ll waste all of your income chasing leads.

Fact #4: If you can’t hire workers, you can’t grow a business.

Business boils down to solving problems of value more efficiently than your competition. Choosing the right market essentially means picking one from which you can generate good leads; for which you afford to hire the right workers; and for which you can afford to buy the right equipment.

Choosing the right market is essential to realizing your financial goals. You cannot overcome a bad market.

Bad markets translate into low profit margins.

Low profit margins mean that you can’t afford to pay above market wages. So you will struggle to find reliable, hard working, skilled workers.

Low profit margins mean that you can’t afford to take a bath on ANY job. So you sit tight on your foreman, which makes him sit tight on his crews.

That drives good workers away.

When you compare your market to your capabilities, you may discover that the current fit isn’t good. Don't fret, you may have several attractive options.

You may find that your current capabilities and services fit a different client than you have traditionally pursued. I see this often. A contractor builds a company perfectly suited for commercial work yet is chasing residential work.

You may find that you need to narrow your focus to a specific size and type of project and become the best, most efficient in that niche. Don’t try to be a "full service" shop for every possible client. That’s recipe for certain failure.

If you find yourself in need of a new market, prepare for a tough transition.

You may need to overhaul your marketing system, your selling approach, and possibly your equipment fleet. You may need to let go of some workers and find new ones. Your job costing data may be rendered completely useless.

Your decision will be governed by many factors, not the least of which is the strength of your relationship with your present clients and your company’s reputation on the street. If your relationships are strong, you should be able to raise your prices sufficiently to recruit and retain skilled workers. If not, you need to throw those relationships overboard and start anew.

If your street reputation is strongly identified for a given market, rebuild your company around that market or shut it down and open up under a new name. Changing your brand image is almost impossible. Either work within it or flush it.

Nine times out of ten, a haphazard approach to market selection seals the contractor's fate: failure. Great advertising campaigns, superior operations management, and a tight money control will not overcome a poorly selected market.

Did you fail to research the eight basic strategic marketing questions? No time like the present to run through them. It's the first step to building a really successful business.

home Business Copywriting Ideas

When you do any online research about home based businesses, you will likely find thousands of results that tell you that the most successful and easiest business to start from your home is a copywriting business. You can make a great living without ever having to get dressed or leave the privacy of your own home.

Out of all the home businesses that give you the option of solely working from home, such as marketing programs and designing companies, copywriting is still touted to be the best of its kind.

The biggest reason that copywriting has been dubbed the perfect at home business is due to the extremely low startup costs. You really don’t have to have any special talent, just be able to write in good English and grammar, mix in a little creativity, and you are raring to go.

If you have had any previous writing experience at all, you simply just boot up your computer, and go to work. For those who have little to no experience, but are still interested in starting a copywriting business from home, they should check out one of the many online classes available that teach you the writing basics you will need to know in order to get started.

Another benefit of an at home copywriting business is that you have the option of working your day job, and running the business on the side, or just simply depending on your copywriting business for your sole full-time source of income.

Few people are able to just up and quit their job to try and work from home, as they don’t have the capital needed to make ends meet while waiting on the profits to start rolling in. Home copywriting is also taking off with stay at home moms who are interested in contributing to the household income while still staying at home to care for their children, they can work when their schedule allows, and care for the family as needed.

The best of both worlds all in one tidy package, especially since the money made by these moms is extra income, there is no risk involved, and their family won’t starve if it doesn’t work out.

You can start this business no matter how old you are, what gender you are, or what type of physical condition that you are in. If you can write, and are physically able to sit at the computer and type, then you can do this work.

The success of your home copywriting business is not affected by changes in the economy. There will still be work for you, even if unemployment rates rise, and the cost of living and interest rates go up. The better the economy, the more work you will probably get, but no matter how bad it is, you will still have work to keep your business afloat, unlike some other home based businesses out there.

If you want to earn some extra money, for whatever the reason, then you should consider beginning your own at home copywriting business. If you do good work, and become highly sought after, you may be able to produce enough income to be able to stay at home and work fulltime for yourself. Wouldn’t it be nice to tell your boss goodbye, and know that you would still be financially secure?

Home Business Advertising Ideas

Having a home based business is a wonderful asset to your life. The problem still stands, when it comes time to advertise your business for a cheap cost. I know you have looked for this answer everywhere; I am here to share a few simple yet creative ways, to advertise your new home business.

A few suggestions would be, newspapers is the one source that many people go to, when they have just opened there business. You would need to research online, for newspapers that are in your area. Newspapers are a very simple yet effective tool to use to take your business from basic home based business to business galore. Having catchy phrases and pictures or photographs of your products should help spice it up. Knowing your audience is the key to businesses.

There are also, radio stations you could call in, or even email too. If you are a communicator, you can try to get onto a radio station and just share your business. You would need to write an outline or some type of catchy jingle that will help you be different from the rest of the business. The creativity comes from within. Knowing your target and knowing what you provide is gold, will surely, make you stand out from the rest of the crowd. Did you know that creativity comes from the heart and soul in once you find the creative voice you will find all kinds of ways to advertise your home business without spending a fortune for a market rep when you can do it yourself saving yourself time and money where you can be spending it on something else.

You may also want to try in write a catchy jingle that will catch your readers and target audience. Being creative with your jingle will sure bring you visitors to your business rather it’s a restaurant or corporate business many people have jingles like McDonalds, Wendy’s, Subway, and Pizza Hut these people came up with there own jingles to sale there products to there target audience. Another thing you can do is sit down and write out an outline of the things you’re trying to sale than right and catchy but simple jingle that will stop your audience dead in there tracks.

Many people hire writers for there jingles in some right there jingles themselves which will also save you more money that way also without going over your budget. You can say something like Dixie Professional Writing Service always on your side. You can say something like that but with more expression to it but just remember to be creative enough to advertise your business.

Daily Chores Win More Business

Doing chores is one of the things no one likes to do and therefore they very rarely do it. This means if you decide right here and now that you will do your business chores, you will be ahead of 80% of your competition.

What do we mean by a business chore? A business chore is made up of many items. Here are some that you can put into your schedule and if you do them on a regular basis, you will get that feeling of satisfaction that comes with a good day of business just from following up:

First - Take a handful of the cards you collected from the last networking event (or trade show) you attended and put them into your database. You can use Outlook or other CRM type software to do this. The key here is that you create a category for the event. For example, if you attended a Chamber of Commerce networking event on July 20, you would create a category Chamber Events (you may also want to put the year). When you enter the contact information, you will then select Chamber Events as the category.

Did you know that people attending Chamber networking events only follow up 1% of the time? Here is your chance to put in the contact information and then...

Second - Decide what method you want to use to follow up with the contacts you just entered. If you want to send an email, I would suggest you have several drafts you can choose from and then customize it for that particular individual (remember we do business with individuals and not organizations). If you create your emails in Word or other word processing program ahead of you can prepare several versions for different scenarios. I suggest you create at least 5 different ones. Then all you need to do is pick the text, fill in the blanks, and send the email. What could be easier?

Email is certainly the easiest method of connection but not all email gets through because of spam blockers or the recipient does not recognize your name and trashes it before it is opened. You must look to using a number of connection methods including using the telephone.

Third - Use the contact information you have just entered to follow up your email with a phone call to set up a time to meet on the phone. The key here is that you are booking 15 to 20 minutes of phone time to discuss potential. You are not selling your products with this first phone call. Most often you will end up leaving a quick message and will recycle the redial until the next day. Don't waste your time dialing the same person several times in one day.

Fourth - Even though you may have sent an email and made a quick phone call, you follow up chores for the day are not complete. If you think there may be business you can do with the prospect, you next chores is to send a card, personally addressed and written with envelope and stamp. Sound tedious? Well it does not have to be, I found a system that works beautifully! I use a program that does all of this for me. If you want to try it out go to www.SendOutCards.com/11666 I have setup a guest account for you to play with (you can send out 1 or 2 cards on my nickel). The id and password to get into the account is midnight. The results I have obtained from sending out these cards has been overwhelming. Everyone I sent a follow up card to has responded - that is 100%. Amazing!

In summary there are three chores you need to put into your calendar for the first thing each morning. You should do these chores everyday to achieve maximum results

First, enter new contact information into your Outlook or CRM program.

Second, send an email to follow up.

Third, make a quick phone call to set up a telephone meeting.

Fourth, send a personal card in the mail (see the item above to get access to instant cards). If you can do these four chores everyday, your business will blossom.

Growing A Business 101: A Residual Income System

Do you really think you can make money on the Internet overnight? Let me quickly burst your bubble on that... it just ain't so. Online business isn't a lot different from online business, actually. You need to decide what arena you want to work in and then, put your heart and soul into it. Plus, you need to spend some cash. What business offline requires no investment? None of them!

You can't go to a McDonald's franchise manager and say, "Give me this free, and I'll make a good business out of it." Wouldn't that be great? It'll never happen, but think about it: Regardless of where you set up shop, you'll do great. Of course, that would never happen, but let's talk about the franchise for a moment. Why does McDonald's make money?

You have brand recognition, first and foremost. You also know what you're going to get when you walk into a McDonald's in any part of the United States. You know what the atmosphere will be like, what the employees will be wearing, and the taste and quality of the food. It's a system! Systems that work, really work well and they make money for everyone.

So, let's translate that to the Internet. You need to invest not just time, but money, too. Ask any successful person online today and he or she will tell you the same thing. But maybe you don't want to start out with setting up your own domain, your own web site, etc. Maybe you aren't that far along. Or, maybe you are and will recognize a good system when you see it and take advantage of what that system has to offer.

What makes online systems good? How were they set up? Who owns them? Why do they make money? How can you make money, too?

Know these things before joining any program:

1) Who owns it? Who's in charge? What's their record online? How long have they been in the business of Internet Marketing? Is their contact information readily available? What else has been said about them online?

2) Are the programs in their system solid? Do they have owners, who have already proven their ability to succeed so that you can succeed in their programs, too? Is their contact information readily available? What else has been said about them online?

3) Will you have the opportunity to make more money than you're spending pretty quickly? If you really work at it, is the potential as high as the energy you'll need to put out?

4) Is the system proven? Has it been tried and can the owner of the system guarantee that it works? Have they proven it themselves first?

Once you figure these things out... you're halfway toward achieving your goal.

A residual income system with lots of opportunity that will help you to build a passive cash flow, one that continues to grow as time goes on, and one that produces steady growth is what you need to look for.

But remember, in _any_ of these systems, you'll need to build a team as well as cash flow. Actually, it's your team that will build the residual cash for you, but that's a good thing. When you build a team--and it's been proven that ANYONE, regardless of how much time is spent working on building a team--can attract just 3 members. It's not very difficult, especially if you find a program where the tools for building that team are integrated right into the system.

When you find a program that meets all of these criteria, then test it yourself. Go all out and follow the directions as they're laid out for you. What has already been proven to be successful will continue the pattern for you, just as with McDonald's. You just have to follow it to the letter and work your system like a business. It is a business! It's your business. Let it work for you.

Customer Service for Business Phone Systems

Working in a law office often means long hours and late nights, especially doing probate work. Getting in before seven A.M. and staying until well past business hours, I assumed that I would always be available for whoever might call me. Recently, my office switched our business phone system and I started to notice a drop in the number of calls I was receiving each day. It was such a change, in fact, that I was able to get my work finished much earlier than usual. I never considered that it could be our phone system and simply chalked it up to good luck. Little did I know that I was missing several calls from important clients who had almost all left voicemail messages that I hadn't been receiving. A couple of weeks after he new phone system was installed, I ran into one of these clients while in court, who kidded me about being too busy to get back to her. It was then that I realized there must have been a problem.

The next day when I returned to the office, I asked my associates if they had experienced similar problems. They hadn't, but they suggested I call the company who sold us our phones and equipment to see what could be done. I called, and within twenty minutes, the problem was fixed. Apparently, my voicemail was being sent to another place. The service representative explained in detail how to do a simple diagnostic to see if my messages were going where they were supposed to. When I found that they weren't, he explained how to change the settings to solve the problem. While I now have a lot of calls to catch up on, I am grateful that the company we went with for our new phone system provides such competent customer service. I think that in the phone business, as in any business, it is paramount to success.

Ecommerce Website Development Brings More People To Your Business

If you have a business and you want to tell more people about your business and what service you offer to the public or what product you're selling. Putting your business on the Internet today offers you the chance to reach millions of people everyday and it's as easy as finding the right website host who will work with you to get your web page up and running so you can start making more money. Millions of people everyday move through the internet to the merchant's web site. From there, a person decides they want to purchase something, so they move to the online transaction server gathers, saves, and encrypts all the information the person gives. Once this person has placed his or her order, the information moves through a private gateway to a Processing Network, where the issuing and acquiring banks complete or deny the transaction. This generally takes place in no more than 5-7 seconds. There are many different payment systems available to accommodate the varied processing needs of Ecommerce website development merchants, from those who have a few orders a day to those who process thousands of transactions daily. With the addition of Secure Socket Layer technology, E-Commerce is also a very safe way to complete transactions. There are several basic steps involved in becoming E-Commerce Enabled.

Getting an Internet Merchant Bank Account
Web Hosting
Obtaining a Digital Certificate
Finding a Provider of Online Transactions
Creating or Purchasing a Shopping Cart Software

You want to be able to accept credit cards over the internet; you will have to apply to your bank for an Internet Merchant Bank Account. This can be relatively easy or somewhat difficult, depending on which country you live in and what bank you are with. In the US , this is a fairly simple procedure. Many banks offer Internet Merchant Accounts, and most Online Transaction Providers will support them. See your bank for details. Since the vast majority of Online Transaction Providers are located in the US and are restricted in their ability to interact with banks outside their own country, international merchants have very little choice. An international merchant has to find a way to get a US merchant account, embark on the equally difficult task of finding a local Online Transaction Provider, or utilize one of the few companies that services the international market. Also, many banks outside the US have very restrictive policies regarding internet accounts. Luckily, the situation is improving, and most Online Transaction Providers will help you with this if you get in touch with them.

In the ratings section, I have included information on which providers give international service. Here are some additional issues to keep in mind when you apply for a Merchant Bank Account:

A US merchant account can take up to a month to come through.

If you already have a merchant bank account, you will probably also need to upgrade it to an Internet account.

Ensure that your bank accepts Internet merchant accounts and has credit card processors that can connect to FDC, Paymentech or CyberCash.

Your account must be able to handle Card Not Present transactions.

Five Basics Of Supply And Demand In The Hand Made Craft Business

As is with all other successful business principles, marketing hand made crafts also involves knowing the market trends and customer needs. But since this is a business which you operate from you home, it is essential to learn the supply and demand equations, to achieve your financial goals.

The supply and chain, simply means knowing what your customers are looking for, and supplying the specific items. Given below are five tips on how to assess customer demand and how to supply the right item accordingly.

1. Know customer trends/customer needs. This means that you must know whether what you make is preferred by the customer. If you have your own niche in style and design, you can always keep a good amount of stocks, to last a long time. You can take note of customer trends, not only by observing what they buy but also through many organizations who provide valuable information on various aspects of the hand made craft business. Since trends have a short life-cycle, you should continuously focus on the niche that you have built. Trends will naturally follow these items.

2. Build up extra stocks. There are many ways to know how much you should make and how much you should stock. Taking orders from home or online is simple. If you participate in a handicraft show, keep ready stocks available. Talk to people who have taken part previously and also the organizers of these craft shows, to get a first hand feel of the purchase patterns. Moreover, always know what items are your best sellers. If they are seasonal products, make sure that you have enough stock in that particular season. Since customer demand may not remain the same every year, studying the fluctuations over a period of time, gives you a fair idea of the customer choices.

3. Stay ahead. Whatever you niche may be, make sure that you have adequate stocks of items that sell o may not sell. This gives you the advantage of a faster turn around time when in need. A professional always keeps enough stocks. Especially when potential customers make enquiries about an item which is gaining popularity.

4. Keep a tab on what you sell. To know what stocks you should keep is to know what you are selling. Not only should you do this for your on line sales but also all the craft shows you have participated in and the goods which were popular during that time. Since demand for a particular item can grow through word of mouth publicity, it is possible that the popular items of last year will become even more popular this year.

5. Get hold of more relevant information. If you are a novice in the handicraft business and not too sure what sells and what does not, you must get in touch with people who do know. There are many organizations as well as individuals who can help you with valuable information on the subject. The other information sources for sales estimates and inventory levels are online, magazines, daily newspapers etc who can throw more light on the matter of handicraft business.

Irrespective of which handicraft you decide to business in, which niche of the market you wish to capture, where you wish to sell your products, the most critical element is to maintain adequate stocks of your products at all times, so that there is never a stock out situation. If you can assess the market trends and customer preferences and make products accordingly, you will soon become a successful professional in the field.