Showing posts with label Successful. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Successful. Show all posts

PAS is what it takes to be successful in a home business when many others fail!

Now you can side step the pitfalls that make most small businesses fail. You can have the professional team you need that will market, prospect, follow up on prospects and then close a deal without having to hire them. This is done by using PAS (Prosperity Automated System).

Some people agonize over when to pick up the phone to follow up on a prospect. You want them to know you are interested but you don't want to annoy them. At the same time the decision must be made as to whether you should call them or appear in person. Some people appreciate a "go getter" that goes the extra mile to come in person and others think what audacity to show up without an appointment. The worst part is getting the nerve up to follow up on prospects because you are afraid you might get the wrong response.

Marketing your business is crucial. Many don't have the experience to make the right decisions as to where to advertise, for how long and what to say. A lot of money goes down the drain by making the wrong decisions. After all, marketing isn't cheap!

Some people would like to go into business for themselves but lack the self determination to get out of bed at a reasonable time every morning. Others are not good at planning their time and find themselves finishing up with one client at the same time they should be meeting with another on the other side of town.

Let's face it, people are hard to please and sometimes you would rather choke them than smile. The skill you need is diplomacy. All successful business people must have some degree of diplomacy.

These are some of the pitfalls that cause so many to fail after starting their own home business. You can have professionals that can manage all these decisions and situations without having to hire them. This is where the PAS Group comes into the picture. They have a team of professional, experienced people that can handle the situation - so you can profit! This is assured with a 100% money back guarantee. You see the results or you pay no money for this service.

PAS works, but if it shouldn't work for you, you have lost nothing. The team works for you to make you money so they get claim their fee. This is a new concept to the business world, implemented by Bill Osterhout, a former fortune 500 executive. He has successfully started and maintains a number of internet companies and he recognizes what it is that make so many fail.

Successful Home Businesses – A Second Income from Homes

Successful Home Businesses – A Second Income from Homes: The dilemma whether your legitimate home based businesses will be a success or not can be nerve wrecking. So evaluate all aspects of your stay at home business solution before you actually start a home business. Examine the pros and cons of money making home business ; especially it’s financial and commercial aspects before starting one. The reason is most people lose money in their home based business ventures. The market is teeming with hundreds of ideas of stay at home business. Every single day new schemes come into the market calling them money making home business opportunity. Sadly, most of the so-called successful home businesses are scams.  

The right money making home business: If you are planning to start home based business, choose a stay at home business that interests you. If you are pursuing it just for kicks, sooner or later you are going to fail in legitimate home based businesses. Hence choosing the right kind of money making home business can decide whether you will be successful or not. So do your research and then decide on which of the successful home businesses suit you.  

Speculate all your issues minutely: Do not leave your stay at home business solution midway and change to a stable but permanent job This is the mistake most people in legitimate home based businesses do. Once you start home based business, try to understand the nitty gritties of it. Also don’t expect that you will become successful within a few days of starting your work from home business . So stays put & work hard at your work towards making your home based businesses a grand success.  

Choose the Right Partner: Successful home businesses will bring you rewarding results in the due course of time. At the beginning, there will be certain difficulties associated with your work at home business solution which will frustrate you. Your mental and physical stress will hinder you to resolve these issues. The best solution to such a situation is a partner or a mentor who will be at your side and guide you through the difficult times.

Make failures your strength : Once you decide on a stay at home business, make sure you allocate the resources in a planned way. And in spite of everything, you keep in your mind is whether the legitimate home based businesses will actually make money or not?

There are chances of failure in every business, and work in home businesses are no exception. That doesn’t mean that you should give up all your efforts and leave everything to destiny. But if any unfavorable situation has evolved, face it bravely with confidence. S tart a home business only if you are comfortable with the idea. If your financial situation doesn’t permit you to take risks then it is better to take up the idea of work at home business solution at a later time.

Remember, success of your business depends on the way you project your business to the world. The success or failure in home businesses depends on the degree of confidence you have in your home business and also on your own abilities.

5 Pillars To A Successful Home Business.

- Hustle:

Generally, people who make it big have one thing in common—they are dissatisfied with the status quo. They will not take what is “common” or “expected” and let that define their lives—they move past it and excel. You must work hard and hustle.

- Character:

Someone coined the phrase, “character is what you do in the dark.” In other words, when no one is looking, will you behave differently than if someone was looking? If not, then you have character. If you are attacked, be tough—not hard. Don’t be a pushover, but be compassionate, gentle, and flexible—especially on procedure (not principle).

- Risk Taking:

This isn’t gambling, it’s a willingness to be bold, hearty, and to push forward. People who refuse to take risks are definitely going to lose. If you refuse a new promotion because you’re not confident of your skills, you will likely be passed over when a different chance arrives.

Don’t be afraid of rejection, just take it as part of life and you’ll find there’s nothing to be afraid of—especially in the word “no.” “No” is just another opportunity to find a way around an obstacle and to use creative problem-solving skills.

- Time Management:

We all know that one minute has 60 seconds and that one hour has 60 minutes. One day has 24 hours, and one year has 365 days. But one year also has 525,600 minutes. We don’t think about a year in such small increments, but maybe we should.

We waste minutes as if they’ll always be around, and the fact is that time wasted is time we can never get back. We might miss a deal or promotion of a lifetime by wasting just a few minutes.

Proper time management is essential as you climb to success. Continue to break goals down in to manageable chunks—do that with relation to your day and the time you’ve been given. You’ll accomplish far more this way and you won’t regret using your time wisely.

- Master Non-Verbal Communication:

It is said that our body language and facial expressions do much more communicating than our words will ever do. When the words that you speak don’t match the expressions on your face or the stance of your body, you confuse the listener and muddle your message.

Be aware that when you try to “multi-task,” you often end up short-changing something, and the last thing you want is to short-change people. Don’t try to do too much at once—your willingness to do this tells people they aren’t important, even if you’re expressing your appreciation of their work and effort.

Be aware of what message your body is sending off!

Take Charge Of Your Time, Take Charge Of Your Business - Budgeting Your Time To Be More Successful

Running a One-Man Show

Transitioning from working in the corporate world to working from home requires a lot of adjustments, but the biggest one is probably organizing your time. Because, in a very real sense, it is your time now. It’s not your boss’ time or the companies’ time—you answer to yourself. That’s a tremendous amount of freedom, but it’s also a great deal of responsibility.

You’re now in charge of every aspect of your business. It’s your job to find your clients, as well as to deliver your services to them. It’s your job to collect the money, pay the bills and make the office run. You’re not only your boss, you’re also your secretary, your marketing department, your tech support, your accountant, and the list goes on. Without a support staff backing you up, time-management becomes critical to your business success.

5 Tips to Make the Most of Your Time

It’s imperative that you have a plan and that you follow through with it:

1. Schedule your days, and stick to your schedule. Assign certain times for certain activities and projects. If you don’t put yourself on a schedule, it’s very easy to find yourself wandering aimlessly and waste the entire day without really accomplishing anything. Or to forget some important task until it’s too late.

2. Make a to-do list each day and be diligent about crossing everything off. If you don’t get something on today’s list done, it should go right back to the top of tomorrow’s list. Rosalind Resnick, founder of Axxess Business Centers (, says, “That’s one very good way to stay focused…otherwise 5 o’clock rolls around and it’s time for dinner, and [you’ve] got nothing done.”

3. Set aside time to market yourself. Promoting your business is essential, so schedule time for whatever it is that you do to bring in new customers.

• Consider using the first hour of the day to make phone calls to potential clients, send out emails, etc., before you get busy with all your other business.

• Resnick recommends using lunch as an opportunity for networking: “Everybody has to eat, so… have lunch with either a client, or a potential client, or a consultant, or professional services provider who could provide [you] with leads to the client, at least three out of five days a week.”

4. Have a place in your house designated for business purposes only, whether it’s the spare room, the den, or the basement. There’ll never be a shortage of distractions when you’re working from home—the kids, the fridge, the TV, even the solitude—to pull your attention from the work at hand. If possible, set up your office somewhere that has a door you can close. Make sure your family understands that your workspace is separate from your home space and when you are “at work,” you’re unavailable for non-emergencies.

Just being good at what you do doesn’t guarantee you a profitable home business. If you want to be successful, you’re going to have to take control of your time. If you discipline yourself and organize your time according to your needs, you’ll really put yourself in a position to achieve your goals.

Top 10 Secrets Of Outrageously Successful Business Owners

Are you struggling to make a profit? Are you challenged in reaching your next success level? Would just like to reach your desired business goals faster?

Then “THE TOP 10 SECRETS OF OUTRAGEOUSLY SUCCESSFUL ENTERPRISES” is a *must* for you. These business secrets are the *BEST OF THE BEST.* These secrets were not gotten from a book or seminar. Rather they represent the wisdom I gained from coaching & consulting hundreds of businesses over the last 21 years ... from the soloist entrepreneur to multi-billion dollar companies.

I GUARANTEE if you apply any one of these top 10 secrets with conviction and commitment, you will experience quantum leaps in your business.



While we all experience highs and lows in our business, outrageously successful enterprises EXPECT to succeed over the long run. For such enterprises,

Success is the ONLY option.

To what extent do you EXPECT to succeed in your business? What less empowering expectations currently undermine your success? Make a *decision* today to succeed. “Cut the cord” on all other possible outcomes.


While most businesses have crafted a mission statement, it is not enough just to have one. Outrageously successful enterprises live and breathe their missiion statement ... in every goal, every strategy and every project of their business. It is the life force and the reason for everything they do.

Do you have a compelling mission statement for your business? Do you communicate it - both in words and actions - to every client, every prospect, every employee? If you asked any one of these stakeholders what is your mission, would they know what to say?

Post and read your mission statement daily. Include it in all your collateral materials. Live and breathe your mission statement in every goal, decision and action. This one principle will make your business a compelling magnet for greater and greater levels of success.


***** “Where is the opportunity in this situation?” *******

Within *every business challenge,* there is an extraordinary opportunity for a HUGE breakthrough. Even with the most difficult challenges, outrageously successful enterprises never see challenges. They ONLY see opportunities. They constantly ask: “Where is the opportunity in this situation?”

Where is your focus right now in your business - on the challenge or the opporunity? Make it a habit with every challenge to ask: “Where is the opportunity in this situation?” that one question will blow open the doors to new solutions, new strategies and new possibilities to take your business to the next level.


Outrageously successful enterprises are constantly “IN LOVE.” Yes, that’s right. They LOVE their customers. They LOVE their employees and vendors. They LOVE their visions. They LOVE everything about their business.

This priniciple is not something you get from a book. It comes from the very heart and soul of why you are in business. When you are “in love,” it shines forth in every client interaction, every exchange with a prospect, every dealing with a peer or vendor. Remember the old cliche, “People don’t care what you know; they want to know that you care.”

Are you “IN LOVE” wiith your clients and prospects? Are you “IN LOVE” with the benefits you offer? Are you “IN LOVE” with every aspect of your business? If not, why not? What do you need to change about your attitude, beliefs or actions to become the “Ultimate Business Romanticist.”



Contrary to conventional business thinking, marketing does not end with a sale. Outrageously successful enterprises know that marketing is a perpetual process. And, contrary to most business practices, these enterprises focus more than 50% of their marketing efforts **after the sale** -- such as ‘post sale” follow-up, repeat business incentives, backend selling, referral marketing, etc. They know that the greatest revenues are generated *after the sale.”

How do you see and practice marketing in your business -- as an event or a continuum? What *post sales* and prospect follow-up activities can you incorporate as the focus of your marketing efforts? This one shift n your marketing focus alone can increase your revenues 100%, 200%, even 500% ... more than any marketing action you take in your business.


Within every target market, there is a high end and a low end market and everything in between. Million $$ enterprises constantly stretch their marketing sights and target prospects that most businesses would think impossible to acquire as clients. They constantly “market up” to high end prospects ... a strategy that catalyzes their business to a much bigger game.

What specific prospects ... or kinds of prospects ... would you love to have a clients or customers but think it is impossible? Think out side the box and think BIG. It could be celebrities, politicians, admired companies or CEOs, leaders in your community, rolemodels, etc.

Pick one high end prospect to start. Build a marketing campaign to reach that person or company. This strategy requires persisitence, yet is well worth it. From my own first hand experience, ”marketing up” can skyrocket your reveneues and business exposure instantly and multiply your profits for years to come .


Outrageously successful enterprises are in the business of creating value. They have a stgrong conviction to contribute to more and more richness to their cleints’ lives and businesses.

In everything they say and do. they let clients know “you matter. Your well-being and success is important to us.” They focus on “what do I have to give?” ... NOT “what do I have to do to get a sale?”

Where is your focus right now --- on adding value, or making the sale? Make a list of at least 10 ways yo can increase the value of your products and services. Implement the easiest one ideas ... starting now. Make “adding value” a routine business priorty. When you do, your products and services will sell themselves.



Outrageously successful enterprises are masters at achieving the greatest return at the lowest possible risk. They constantly look for ways to reduce the amount of time, money and energy to achieve their ultimate goals.

They take what works and see if they can make it better, faster, cheaper. They know the “what if” implications of every new strategy, goal, product or service. They are pros at maximizing performance tradeoffs.

Do your know the profitabilty of each product or service you offered? Do you know what clients are the most expensive, demanding or time-consuming to serve? If you doubled your client base, do you know the implications on costs, revenues and the operations of your business?

To optimize your business results, think highest and best use of your time, energy and money. ALWAYS THINK HIGHEST AND BEST!!


Most businesses build their enterprises in a haphazard way. Outrageously successful businesses grow their businesses from a place of leverge. They look for new ways to convert their current assets, strengths and opportunities into new revenue streams. They constantly take inventory and seek ways to profit from untapped capabilities and underutilized resources. They integrate marketing activities into a single business strategy to maximize results.

How can you leverage

*** your current assets (eg., your client base, employees),
*** your current strengths (eg., your knowledge base, processes),
*** your current resources (eg., your business network, capital),
to quickly grow your business?

How can you revamp your marketing activities so that your products and services sell each other? Leverage is one of the most under-utilized principles for multiplying profits in business.


Outrageously successful enteprises understand that, in today’s economy, windows of oportunity are often measured in months ... not years and decades. They know they cannot wait for the perfect strategy, the perfect solution to capitalize on these opportunities. They must act quickly if they want to thrive in these highly changing times.

What new projects, strategies or opporatunites are you stalling in order to achieve perfoection? What new practices, support structures or habits will accelerate your bias toward action?

5 Preparation Tips For A Successful Home Business

Many people mistakenly believe that all home businesses will hit the ground running. Just like any other company or store, a home business requires the same things from an owner: capital investment, time, effort, diligence, interest, and so forth. More importantly, if you’re not willing to make the necessary adjustments and changes, it’s very unlikely that your home business will succeed.

5 Preparation Tips for a Successful Home Business

Are you truly committed to attaining success for your home business? If so, be prepared to make the following changes.

The main appeal of home businesses to most people is its personalized touch. Most products of home businesses are either handcrafted or homemade. These products are the result of a labor of love rather than machines. It’s what drives their prices up, and if you’re not ready to do the same for your home business – you’re going to find it very hard to market your products anywhere.

In relation to that, home businesses must be unique. You need to dedicate a good amount of your time prior to opening up your home business in thinking of any way that would distinguish your home business from all others.

Flexibility is one of the key advantages of home businesses over its bigger rivals, and your home business has to show their ability to become flexible as well. There are various ways that a home business could be flexible where a large company wouldn’t be able to. Your home business could focus on one or multiple ways, depending on your preferences and capabilities.

It could be flexible with its payment method. Since a home business is almost always small in size, you have the opportunity to build a solid relationship with your suppliers, partners, and clients.

The strong foundation of trust between both of you allows for uncommon payment methods. Whereas any company would never dream of sending the goods first before receiving payment – you could afford to do that because you personally know your clients.

Customizing options are also a must for almost all home businesses. With bigger rivals, designs of their products are rarely customizable since they are already pre-made. Home businesses, however, can’t afford to have large stocks in inventory. Most of their products are sold on a by-order basis, but they compensate with the waiting period by allowing clients to customize certain features like the color and design of their product. This may seem like a small thing, but it truly means a lot to clients!

Home businesses more often than not find success in the Internet. It’s through the Internet that they’re able to get much needed exposure and have the chance to stand on equal ground with older and bigger rivals. It’s there that they’re able to expand in size and number.

If you want your home business to succeed, you must be willing to invest in learning how things work in the Internet. You must understand how search engine optimization (SEO) works and use it when creating your own website.

Last but not the least, always remember that home businesses start with you: at its first stages of operation, it’s important that you personally oversee your home business. Hiring help is okay, but delegating everything to them is not. The time for delegating will soon come – you don’t have to worry about that – but for now, it’s your own blood and sweat that’s going to make your home business progress.

Whiners Anonymous: (aka The Successful Home Business Owner Association)

Tired of your job? Stop whining and do something about it. Those who whine often see little change. Those who do not whine seek a way to make things better, and then a new idea and business is born. Suddenly we have an entrepreneur, and if the thinker is a great money manager, a millionaire is born. How do these individuals move from a place of dissatisfaction to entrepreneur? It all starts with a great idea and blossoms with motivation and the desire to succeed.

The dissatisfied non-whiners will start small. They test their idea with friends and family. They talk to a smart business man or mentor about the idea and seek educated, informed opinions. These non-whiners weigh the advice of the wise carefully. They do not jump in with both feet, but they start slow and small. Once they have tested the idea with a mentor, they test the business on friends and family. They ask for a test group from those who will give them honest feedback. If the idea tests well with the test group, they move into the open market. This entire time, the typical non-whiner still has an income-producing job. He does not just quit his job one day and decide to test an idea. But he uses his income from the cruddy job to fund his idea, thus increasing his chances of success.

Once the non-whiner discovers that he has a successful product in the open market, he works hard to continue to market his product smartly, and he stays out of debt. What? Don't good businesses borrow other people's money to make money? Not really. A good business owner will work from the ground up and will only invest the money that he or she has instead of borrowing and hoping to pay back his or her lender. While this may cause the business to grow slowly, it gives the home business a rock solid foundation. The day that business declines due to a slow economy, the business owner can rest easy because he owes no one anything.

Finally, the successful small business owner continues to keep working. He never quits, and he never slows down. When business is going great, he does not just quit and believe that he has arrived, but he always searches for a new angle, a new way to meet the needs of his consumer. He looks for gaps or holes in his current product, and he seeks ways to serve his clients.

Ultimately, successful home business owners are a smart, savvy, hard working group of individuals. Anyone can join them, but doing so takes discipline and wisdom. And we can only gain that by hanging out with the wise and disciplined. Thus if you seek to succeed in the world of home business, find the wisest, most disciplined business owner you know, and ask him or her if he or she will mentor you. Then sit down, and soak in some knowledge.

The 3 Core Competencies of a Successful Home-Based Business Owner

Success at home-based business is dependent on many factors including:

- specific skills
- specialized knowledge
- an efficient and functional work space
- structures and processes
- ongoing learning
- a strong support team and mastermind group
- a genuine interest and love for helping people
- a vision and a plan

All of these elements and many others play an integral role in your success, however, if you don't have the following three core competencies, the above elements alone will not guarantee long-term success and fulfillment from your business.

The three core competencies you must possess are:

1. discipline
2. desire
3. belief

The absence of any one of these three competencies will create struggle, overwhelm, confusion, frustration, fear, procrastination and eventual failure in your quest to build a profitable, reputable, enduring home-based business.

Discipline – The ultimate test of this competency is created when you transition from the corporate or "outside" work world to operating independently from the comfort of your own home.

The exhilarating rush of freedom and permission to make your own decisions on your own terms can so easily consume you that you don't initially realize you're allowing yourself to become distracted and deterred by the activities of daily life.

Accepting personal phone calls and visits during work hours, taking extended breaks, accepting invitations to go shopping or for lunch may be regarded as rewards or treats to yourself for your accomplishments, however, it's important to maintain strict rules of conduct, business hours and a professional mindset as you build your business.

Working from home creates an automatic feeling of comfort that can easily overlap into your business performance by nurturing a laissez-faire attitude. Working from home might also provide you with a continuous reminder of the laundry sitting in the hamper, the dust on the bookshelf and the dirty dishes by the sink.

If you're contemplating starting a home-based business, honestly assess your level of self-discipline. Even if you regard yourself as highly disciplined, you will be put to the test on a daily basis, especially during your first couple of years.

Evaluate this competency in depth before quitting your job or investing serious time and money into a new business. No level of specialized expertise or creative genius will compensate for lack of discipline if you want to achieve business success.

Desire – How strong is your desire to not only run your own home-based business, but to work in the specialized niche you have chosen? If you're in it for the money, this is rarely enough to carry you through the hard times, challenges and setbacks that are a natural part of business life.

Desire fuels your energy and keeps you going when everything else around you seems to come to a grinding halt. Desire keeps your spirits up and keeps you motivated and willing to be and act in ways that may at first seem uncomfortable or unnatural.

Desire will give you strength and persistence when naysayers try to sabotage your efforts or undermine your actions. It will also help you seek out creative solutions to unusual challenges, give you courage when situations warrant, and an unwavering determination as you travel through areas of discomfort and unfamiliarity.

Without this core competency, it will be very difficult to get through the hard times with a positive outlook and the resolve to press on. Make sure you have a strong desire to succeed at the particular business and niche you have chosen. At times it may be the one thing that keeps you going.

Belief – How strongly do you believe in yourself, your business and your right to succeed, enjoy wealth, have beautiful things and be happy? Your mind is your most powerful asset, yet can be your most powerful adversary.

Your beliefs alone can make or break your success in life and business, and you would be amazed by how many intelligent, gifted, creative, dynamic people fail because they don't believe in themselves.

Self-limiting beliefs and negative self-talk can be the poison that kills your dream, so it's important to look inward and take an inventory of your beliefs in the areas of your personal rights (what you're entitled to), money, relationships, your role as a mother, father, son, daughter, life partner, human being, entrepreneur, etc.

Many home-based business owners fail because they are continuously measuring themselves against others, focusing on their personal limitations, kicking themselves for not having all the answers or for not being perfect.

Some have a subconscious belief they don't deserve success or put a limit on what they think they're entitled to, so they unknowingly sabotage their own efforts keeping success at arm's length.

Can you see how no amount of specialized skill; the perfect workspace, structures or processes will be enough if you don't have the discipline, desire or belief to support the entire process?

As you contemplate starting your own business or if you're having difficulty bringing your business to the next phase of growth, assess your levels in these three core competencies and determine their impact on your decisions and actions.

Are you willing to make a shift where needed to produce the results you seek?

Might a lower level in or non-existence of one of the competencies indicate the need to perhaps change direction or look at alternate options?

A lower level doesn't indicate a deficiency on your part, but may provide a clue that you need to look in a different direction or to open yourself to options you may have never considered.

Conduct this self-evaluation not to judge yourself, but to provide a benchmark or a compass that will guide your decisions in a direction that will give you real happiness and genuine success.

2006 © Laurie Hayes - The HBB Source

Do You Have Your Successful Home Based Business Idea?

With the constant development and enhancement of the internet, more and more people are looking for successful home based business ideas. It’s not a question really of what you can do to be successful working at home, but what you can’t do to be successful. As long as you are willing to put in the effort and promote your business, you will have a successful home based business.

There are a number of successful home based business ideas, but it all begins with you trying them out and seeing what works best for you. So what are some of the ideas you can try out you may be wondering?

Freelance jobs are great because it is a broad category that allows you to work with your skills. There are a number of different freelance jobs including freelance writing, graphic designing, copywriting and so on. If you were to do a Google search for freelance jobs, it comes up with a result of over 14 million. The demand is there and so is the possibility for success.

One of the most well-known and popular successful home based business ideas is affiliate programs. There are hundreds of thousands of affiliate programs to choose from giving you the chance to promote programs that are associated with your website. Another benefit of affiliate programs is that there is no limit to how many you can join. However, if you truly want to have success with affiliate programs you should join no more than a few. The reason being is that it takes a lot of effort to promote affiliate programs.

If affiliate programs are not quite your thing, take a gander into online advertising. If you have any sort of graphic design skills, you can make a living by advertising for other peoples successful home based businesses. Advertising is the key to people’s success with their businesses. If you can design logos and banners for websites, there is plenty of business to be made.

Not everyone has the ability to design graphics and logos, but there are a number of people who are qualified to be article writers. Everyone knows that quality content is the key to getting people to stay at your website and return later. Because of this, hundreds of people are willing to pay for their content. Through article writing, people are able to get fresh content, optimize keywords, and promote their website through the resource box. Article writing is one of the best successful home based business ideas out there.

While these are some of the most popular successful home based business ideas to consider, there are a number of other methods as well. As long as you are motivated and determined, it is easy to find a home based business with the high traffic volume circulating the internet today. The successful part is up to you and how much effort you are willing to put in.

Do You Have What It Takes To Run A Successful Home Business?

Now that you are in your own home business, no doubt you had to make some adjustments that where necessary. New techniques and a new way of thinking will assure your real success.

You also want to have what it takes to grab your golden star. But how can you be balanced and still have some fun? Very successful people have known this secret for a long time. We want to live our lives in a way that we can still have some fun. Well, as with everything, the right balance is the answer. No matter if we are young or a little older, we need to sit down and make time work for us. The time we spend in our business is important because this will translate into financial freedom and prosperity.

On the other hand, we need to spend some time to recuperate and refresh ourselves so that we can continue on our way to the top. How you will accomplish this in the right way will make the difference between failure and success in your home business.

This is vital to know and this has been a secret way for successful people to become what they are. You see, you want to have the right frame of mind and attract success and money to you and you can do this more easily when you are in harmony with yourself.

There is a great law in our universe and it is called the law of attraction, which means that you will attract to yourself what you want. But you have to sort out some things here, because while it is true that you want success and money, it is also true that you want even more. This is not your only endeavor! You also want to enjoy life and have some fun, but everything needs to be in it’s right place.

Time management is the answer! But wait, don’t think that it is difficult for you, it’s really simple and easy. With a regular schedule and some routine and the support of those who are close to you, it will all work out right.

There are people that are raking in truckloads of money and still have fun and everybody can do it. It’s just a matter of learning simple techniques from those who are already on the top.

So here is what you want to do, just make a good time schedule and be serious about your dedication to your home business.

Stick to your schedule and then take out some time to relax and have some fun. But remember the law of attraction! So be dedicated to your goals in life and to your home business plans and be passionately about it, it will work!

By being balanced, you can have some fun, too. Keep your goal in mind however!. You want to create your own wealth and have the financial freedom that so many people desire. Set your priorities in the right prospective!

When you do this you, have what it takes to be a successful business person and still have some fun.

Your Successful Tutoring Business!

How To Go From A Dead End Job To Being A High Paid Tutor!

Why has tutoring and supplemental education become such a booming market?

With NCLB (No Child Left Behind) in place, many teachers have additional responsibilities and students can easily fall behind. With National tests and exams, teachers have to spend a lot of time prepping students for these exams and tests and don’t have as much time to help the struggling student.

Parents dream of their child doing well in school, going to college and starting a successful career, but when they are not doing well in a subject, parents will readily call for a tutor for help!

Many households have two working parents, leaving little or no time to assist their children in their school work which makes the idea of a specialized tutor very appealing to them. Working parents have extra money but don’t always have a lot of extra time.

Parents wish they could afford private school for their children and choose instead to hire tutors to supplement their children’s education. Also, as class sizes continue to grow, the idea of individualized help becomes more and more appealing!

Tutoring does not require a teaching certificate or Master’s Degree. In fact many successful tutors do not have either of these. What is most important is that tutors are enthusiastic, empathetic, friendly & knowledgeable about their subject!

Many also don’t realize that tutoring is not just a seasonal business based on the school year… students enrolled in summer school need help, and students looking to get ahead and stay current in their work over the summer often call on the help of a tutor!

Tutoring is a great business for many people including moms, dads
entrepreneurs, college students, teachers, self employed persons, and home schoolers. Again, you do not need to have a teaching degree or certification to become a tutor.

You can choose where you want to work….in your home, at your local library or at your student’s home. Tutoring in your own home is great because it allows you to maximize your time and book sessions back to back. It also means you save on gas and avoid this added cost for a session.

Working at a library or a local coffee shop is also a good idea. Most libraries have a study room that can be reserved free of charge and this is a quiet but still public place to work together. Coffee Shops are a fun place to meet although they can sometimes be distracting for the student.

In addition to choosing where you want to work, you determine your availability, the people you want to work with, your hourly rate and you choose the subject you want to teach! The time is right for you to reach out and start your own tutoring business and make a difference in someone’s life!

Turning E-books Into Successful Business Opportunities From Home

If you have spent any time on the internet you have probably come across the phrase “e-book” and you may have even downloaded one. So just what the heck is an e-book and why in the wide world of sports would you want to write one?

An e-book is simply a book whose contents are in an electronic format. With the explosive growth of the internet, e-books have carved out a niche for self-published writers. There are no expensive production costs, no having to dig up a publishing deal and NO REJECTION. You can write what you want and distribute it on your website or someone else’s.

That also means that you are responsible to deliver on the success of your e-book. Your content, the topic(s) that you are writing about should be relevant to something you are knowledgeable about and already has an existing market. Another option is looking for business opportunities in the marketplace that bigger companies are overlooking. For example, the current rage on the internet is online dating, but it is mostly targeted towards young people, what about creating an e-book on successful dating tips for seniors? You could tie in a dating service and all kinds of extras.

The advantages of selling an e-book are hard to beat; no shipping charges, instant download for the customer, instant cash for you and most importantly a source of passive income that works for you even while you sleep. Passive income simply means earnings which you are not actively involved in. Once you have developed your e-book and have a digital distribution method for it, you are no longer actively involved in the operation of it. You can just sit back and watch your bank account get bigger. Go for a trip or on holidays, it doesn’t matter, this will still make money from you even when you are not there.

Now that you have a general understanding of what an e-book is and why creating one can help generate wealth for you and your family, there are some options that you can use to distribute it. You can sell it on a website, have it bundled as a bonus for another product you are selling, or use it as a promotional item like a free course to help build your subscriber list.

If you have a website and you are selling items on it already (e-commerce) than you probably know all about Clickbank at If you do not have a sales mechanism in place, ClickBank is the way to go. They take care of all the credit card sales, they have an affiliate network and they have an existing marketplace for you to add your product. All you have to do is set an account with them and they will generate the HTML code for you to place in your website that allows people to order your product online. Once this is set-up, it is an automatic process, customers order your e-book and ClickBank sends you a cheque.

Choose To Be Successful In Your Home Business

Running a home based business is convenient and costs less but requires a great deal of time and energy to make it successful. When you make a decision to earn income from a home based business you will need to follow some basic steps and guidelines to be successful.

A business operated from home starts and ends with self-discipline. It is easy to give in to all the temptations that are present at home. Be it staying in bed longer on a cold morning, watching television, or surfing the web if you do not commit yourself to your home based enterprise, it will fail before it begins. No wonder 96% of the population that begins a home based business fails within the first few months. Self-discipline also applies to the basic day to day operation of your home business. As a home business owner if you do not see to record keeping, book keeping, marketing and other duties then your home business will eventually fail.

Another thing that can either make or break your home business is your attitude. Treat your home business like a business. This is critical whether you are working part-time or full-time. Always have a full-time attitude even when you are working part-time. Do not treat your home business like a hobby. Hobby attitude will produce hobby income. Have a business attitude and you will earn business income. Most people who decide to work from home end up working in their "spare time" and the business fails within few months if not days.

When operating a business from home make sure to create a space that you call your own, free from distractions for your scheduled time. Make sure to have a comfortable chair, an organized desk, and stationary supplies (pens, highlighters, stapler, hole puncher, sticky tape, note book(s), a simple filing system, manilla folders, etc.....). If your home business is an Internet business then consider the value of a broadband connection. Your time is valuable and a broadband connection will allow you to get more done in a given time frame.

Scheduling is the backbone of a home business. Develop a schedule that works for you, your family and business. Only work for your home business during the time you have scheduled for it. Do not do business work during the time you have alloted for other activities (family time, reading, exercise, leisure time, etc.) Your schedule is your "boss." Are you committed to your home business success? What will be your choice in situations, for example, when people calling you or dropping around unexpectedly or maybe out-of-town visitors may want to catch up with you? You are the person who decides what is important to you. Decide wisely.

Confindently and concisely describing your business in a few sentences is extremely powerful. Work on creating a short description which can easily be remembered by others so they can tell their family and friends about it. Remember word of mouth is very powerful.

Know your product or service "from the back of your hand" before you decide to market or sell it. Customers are interested in purchasing a quality product or service. Provide quality information about your product or service and you will definitely become a preferred supplier. Remember the product or service that you are marketing or selling may not be something you use yourself, it just needs to be something you believe in and know intimately. For example, women may choose to sell men's products (and vice versa) and still know the benefits and features to satisfy customers.

Be a good record keeper early on as you begin your home business. You will be glad in the long run and will sleep better too. You may need a tax advisor to consult about the best way to set up your financial records. Your advisor can also point out what records are important to keep. Also, you may obtain an advice on the best arrangement for your bank accounts. You should and will be advices to create a seperate bank account for your home business. If your home business is an Internet based business you may want to check out and to help you keep track of your logins, usernames and passwords. Both of these tools are very handy and can save you a lot of time.

Also, when operating a home business that is Internet based it is extremely important that you protect your computer and the data that is stored therein. You must invest in software(s) that provide virus protection, personal firewall, anti-spyware, anti-adware, and preferably an e-mail scanner.

Some recommendations are:

AVG Anti-Virus:
Spybot S&D:
Microsoft Anti-Spyware:
Mailwasher Email Scanner:

Along with working hard it is important to work smart. Follow the advice above and you will surely succeed. "You have brains in your head. You have feet in your shoes. You can steer yourself any direction you choose."

How To Create A Successful Home Business

The Internet is full of ways to create a foolproof home business that makes you rich quickly and easily. I’m here to tell you that these offers are mere fallacies. There is no home business that is quick and easy and will instantly triple your income. Home businesses are hard work and require time, dedication and perseverance. But they are possible, and have the potential of making you a lot of money and keeping you at home where you belong.

While I can’t and won’t tell you which home business will work for you, I can give you suggestions for how to make your home business work.


Your devotion to your home business venture can never waver. It must come before all other financial opportunities. This is not to say that you have to quit your job in order to launch a home business. That would be a bad idea, at least until your home business is providing a steady stream of income. However, leave your job at work. Your home is the place for your home business, and you should try to keep your home free of other financial distractions.

Work on your home business whenever you possibly can. Dedicate every free moment you have to advancing your business. Spend time each and every day, including holidays, to furthering your home business, even if you just write down an idea or make a single contact. If you can meet one contact every day, then by the end of your first year, you’ll have 365. Dedicate yourself to your home business and your chances of success will improve drastically.


Starting a home business without a plan is like trying to sail from New York to India without a compass, map, or the stars. You might get there, but it would only be a matter of dumb luck. Never be content to rely on Luck. Think about your home business, what you want to achieve with it, and where you want it to be 5, 10, 15 years down the road. Establish goals, timelines, and marketing plans before you begin anything. These will be the blueprints that you use to build your home business.


While you need to have a well-thought out plan before you begin a home business, do not be afraid to deviate from it if an unforeseen opportunity pops up. You should never rely on Luck, bet never ignore Luck when she is offering you her hand. Businesses are built on taking advantage of opportunities. Don’t be afraid to throw those blueprints that you made to the wind if something better should come along. Home businesses have to be flexible, because we live in an ever-changing world.


If you don’t have a family, don’t neglect your friends. You can’t be successful without support from other people. If you husband or wife is not behind you and your home business, then your chances of success plummet. You will be distracted by their anger and hurt feelings, and will not be able to dedicate your free time to your home business, because you will be thinking about your family. You have to come out of the working world eventually, and when you do, you need to have someone there to be your companion. Not only that, but your friends and family can be useful allies in the creation of a home business. No one can do everything alone, and the people around you are natural, and usually willing, resources. Never forget about the ones that you love.

Effective Booklets for a Successful Business

Leaflets, pamphlets, guide and catalogs - these all refers to booklets that are used by businesses to market their products and services. In today’s highly competitive market it is essential that every business has a marketing strategy that can help promote their products and services.

In creating your company booklet it is important not only to include graphics and images. It should also be informative and neat. A few images and text won’t help market your product so make sure that they are informative, simple and catchy as much as possible. Also, carefully choose the layout and printing company that will do the job for you. There are a lot pf printing companies today all claiming of good and effective service. It is just up to you to choose which service to avail. Just make sure that the printing company that you choose has adequate experience in the print job that you need to be done.

Also, carefully choose the colors that you will use. If you want to use a dark background use light letters and use light background for dark letters. The images and photos that you will include in your booklet have to also be carefully chosen. You do not want to send the wrong idea and impression to your customers so make sure that the images are appropriate to your products or services. The message that you will also include have to be short and straightforward yet still catchy.

Take for example a clothes designer trying to find a way to showcase his newest spring collection. Advertising through brochures and catalogs can be quite costly. So let him do it through a booklet. He can have a simple medium size fifteen or twenty-five page booklets with interesting illustrations and images and it will do the job for him. Keep in mind though that the booklet should be attractive in appearance and content as most advertising materials are short lived, but a well created and designed booklet can probably live longer than most materials. It can tell the story for you. It can detail your business like no other promotional material can at a very affordable price. And if produced rightly it will get you those customers that you need.

Business Tools to Help You Run a Successful Business

When setting up a business, even the best prepared among us will struggle to do everything and remember everything. It is very unlikely that we will understand all of the financial and legal ramifications of a new business, especially when we need to concentrate on getting that elusive first sale or completing the first contract. It isn’t always feasible to employ an accountant and a solicitor as well as a secretary, a salesperson and any other workers needed in the daily running of the business. So, we need to be able to diversify when setting up a new business and the best piece of advice anyone can give you to help is to make the most of the widely available business tools on the market.

Financial Documents and Tools

An accountant is a very expensive commodity that many new businesses can afford full-time. It is down to us to undertake as much of the financial side of things as possible; a daunting task indeed. There is help at hand in the form of business tools.

Spreadsheets have become immensely powerful and can do much of the financial work that any business needs, even invoicing. The Internet is awash with free standard documents for almost any occasions; if you aren’t proficient at doing this yourself, you can find balance sheets, daily cash sheets and almost anything you could need.

The Legal Minefield

Mention legal documents to a new business owner and most will curse you. Again, paying for a lawyer to create all your contracts and other legal documents is a cost that new businesses may not be able to afford. Look at other contracts, get ideas off the internet and take a look at the standard contract and terms and conditions guidelines and when you’re ready, book a session with an affordable attorney and let them look over everything. This way you will only pay once and get all the information you need for an affordable price.

It is important that you get any legal documents checked at least once. A poorly written contract can cost you a lot more than the lawyer’s fees.

Human Resources

Human Resources, or personnel as it was once known, will become very important when you start to employ staff. There are a lot of rules and regulations to abide by as well as a lot of extra information to store that is both important and

You can get time and attendance software, standard contracts, standard terms and conditions and software to look after your payroll details.

These are just a few tools available to new business owners. To do a job right requires the right tools. It is better to spend time researching your options first to find the right tools, than to get yourself into a real bind attempting to do the job with the wrong (or no) tools. You will find that the time it takes to get the right tools will pay off time and time again.

Home Business Resource – What You Will Need To Start A Successful Business

Starting a home business is a very important decision, and there are some typical home business resources you will need to have in order for you to succeed. Home business resources are assets, services and systems you will need to make your home business run smoothly; and also other steps you will need to take to make sure that you will succeed with your business.

So, to start a successful home business, what resources and steps do you need to take?

• A clearly laid out business plan. Without a business plan and goals to achieve, then you can not get anywhere. A business plan will map out what you need to succeed and how you will achieve your goals.

• Good research. Whatever your business will need, you will need to be well informed about it. So you will need to do me research so that you become an expert on the niche, product or service. Knowledge about the business is an important home business resource, so you must do the necessary research to be well-informed about the industry or product/service.

• A well set-up office. Your office is another important home business resource. You will need to be productive while working from home. You will therefore need an office that has all you will need to run a smooth business; a computer, printer, internet access, fax, telephone, business cards and a conducive work environment. A suitable desk and appropriate lighting in your office is also an important resource that is often underestimated in its importance. You will sometimes work for many hours in a day, and your work space needs to be comfortable. Allocate some money towards setting up a working environment you will enjoy working from everyday!

• Some money to cover capital outlay and running costs is an important home business resource which you will need. Any business requires some form of investment, and you will need to know how much you have, and how much investments and ongoing marketing your business will need for it to succeed. It is therefore recommended that you start your business while you are still employed, so that you have some income to live on while you are still building your business.

• Support system. This can be a mentor; someone who has succeeded with a similar business, or simply your family and friends. You need to have people close to you who will encourage you and give you any support you need. You can also join a forum of people with the same business like yours. A good support network is a very important home business resource.

• Business leads and clients are a crucial home business resource. Making and creating contacts and networking is very important – you need to start building your potential clients base before you launch your business. Start marketing your business by giving away some products and services. By creating a relationship with your potential customers, you build trust with them, and when you launch your business, it will be easy for them to buy from you.

• Be professional! The way you run your business and relate to your customers is very important. Be prepared to ‘go the extra mile’ with your customers. Care about your customers, and provide all the information they may need.

• Hire any professional help you may need. Treat your business professionally, and if you need the services of a lawyer or accountant, hire/outsource it. It is more productive and effective to get experts to do what you can not do, leaving you time to focus on your business. You will want to do the best for your business; so if there are any home business resources you do not have, outsource them.

If you have the home business resources outlined above, then your business will succeed. Although your home business may only be a small venture, treat it like a real business, and get all the home business resources any business will need in order to be successful.

How To Build a Successful Web Hosting Business

When you start your own hosting business, there are many things you will want to take into consideration. One of the most important things you will need to figure out is how you will attract customers. There are four important factors you will need to know in order to build a solid customer base with your business. If you are a reseller, you will want to know which company to buy your package from.

You will also need to have the skills necessary to run a hosting business. The very first issue you will want to pay close attention to is the design of your website. This is the first thing a visitor will seen when loading your site, and you will want to leave a good impression. If they aren't impressed with the design of your site, they are unlikely to become a customer. Your website should have an easy navigation menu, because few people will take the time to figure out how to move around your site. You should also try to use a custom design rather than a template.

Thousands of websites use generic templates, and they all have the same look and feel. You will not be successful online if you try to blend in with everyone else. You have to find a way to stand out, and using a custom design for your site is the first step. You want to have a professional look. It is also important to provide a variety of different hosting packages which can accomodate clients on a budget. Whether you decide to offer customer service via phone, IM, or email, make sure you respond to questions quickly. If you take longer than a day, your service will appear to be poor.

If you have some money, don't be afraid to invest in a tech support department. It is well worth it, and will separate your company from the thousands of other hosting services available. You should also provide tutorials on your website which will help your clients learn more how to optimize or market their sites. If your target is clients with e-commerce sites, write articles about how they can build their business.

It may be helpful to start a forum where your clients can exchange ideas or information. This could function as a kind of tech support where clients answer each others questions and problems. At the same time, if you start a forum it is critical that you provide excellent service. If you make an error with a client, it won't be long before many of your other customers learn about it.

Creative Tips For Building A Successful Home Business

If you own your own home business, there are things that you can do to both turn your business into a success as well drive your business under. It is important that you focus your attention to the positive aspects of your business in order to help grow your business and make it successful.

The first thing that you must do in order to create success is to put forth time and effort in your business. You should set a work schedule for yourself and stick to it. Although the dress code in your home business can be as lax as you want it to be, it's important that you get up each morning and get dressed as if you were heading to the office. This will get you into the habit of being more productive throughout the day. Try to remember that part of owning your own home business lies in your ability to sell your product or service to others, and this starts with a positive attitude.

There are other things that you could be doing to help out your business as well. If you post a blog on a regular basis that is fun and creative, visitors will come to your blog and read all about it. You can post your thoughts about your business, suggestions to help others that are running their own home business or anything else that comes to mind. Try to keep the blog professional, even if the blog is intended to be fun to read.

Turning your business into a successful comes from the attitude that you project to your customers. Whether it be a fun or professional attitude, people will be attracted to your business based on your attitude. So no matter what angle you decide to promote your business from, remember to keep a positive attitude throughout.

How to Build A Successful Business?

Starting a business and becoming successful is often part of the American Dream. But there is a difference between starting a business and building a successful business. Many businesses fail within the first few years of existence due to the lack of planning for the long-term. There is not enough vision and there is not enough done to strengthen the business properly from the ground up.

If you want to start a business there is an easy way to get a better understanding of why some businesses fail and others don't. When starting a business think about it similar to building a house. If done right it is protecting you against any kind of storm or danger of the outside world and will last for a long time. It offers shelter and protection. For you and your business that could be translated to that you want to have a business that is able to weather economical ups and downs (=storm) and that will provide income to pay the bills (shelter and protection).

When building a house there are several different steps you need to follow to have the house build. You know you want a house, but you got to pick a location and get an architect to plan everything out. In the business world that would be: you know you want to start a business, but you have to come up with a business idea and work out a business plan. The next thing for the house would be to build the foundation (and eventually the basement) for the house. In the business world - you got to build the initial infrastructure (example: connecting with vendors, find a manufacturer for your product, create a sales team, rent office space, get a delivery truck, etc.). Once that is in place you able to actually do business and earn some money. But you are not completely done yet. You need to build a frame, put in windows and you also need a roof on house. For your business this means that you pay off debt, improve business processes and get professional help when needed (example: find a tax accountant, select a payroll service, etc.).

Once the house is build you probably want to fill it with furniture and make it livable for the future. Nobody wants to sleep on the floor, right. Again translating this to the business world it could mean that you invest money you earned back into your business. You buy machinery instead of leasing it. Eventually you buy a building, hire more staff, develop more products, move into new markets, build up a high cash reserve, and buy other businesses and so forth. This is often the step where winners and losers separate. Re-investing money into the business is a key factor for success. If you go and spend all the money on your own salary to buy things you have nothing to go back to when the economy slips into a recession or if disaster strikes.

The successful business owner has build up a cash reserve or can borrow money from bank – securing loans with the assets of the business. Going back to building a house this pretty much matches the same efforts. You pay off your mortgage and have equity available to eventually borrow against when emergency arises. Emergencies do not include paying off credit cards to use them again or to buy a car. Financially responsible you should be looking at the long term and not finance short-term goods with long-term debt.