Showing posts with label Takes. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Takes. Show all posts

PAS is what it takes to be successful in a home business when many others fail!

Now you can side step the pitfalls that make most small businesses fail. You can have the professional team you need that will market, prospect, follow up on prospects and then close a deal without having to hire them. This is done by using PAS (Prosperity Automated System).

Some people agonize over when to pick up the phone to follow up on a prospect. You want them to know you are interested but you don't want to annoy them. At the same time the decision must be made as to whether you should call them or appear in person. Some people appreciate a "go getter" that goes the extra mile to come in person and others think what audacity to show up without an appointment. The worst part is getting the nerve up to follow up on prospects because you are afraid you might get the wrong response.

Marketing your business is crucial. Many don't have the experience to make the right decisions as to where to advertise, for how long and what to say. A lot of money goes down the drain by making the wrong decisions. After all, marketing isn't cheap!

Some people would like to go into business for themselves but lack the self determination to get out of bed at a reasonable time every morning. Others are not good at planning their time and find themselves finishing up with one client at the same time they should be meeting with another on the other side of town.

Let's face it, people are hard to please and sometimes you would rather choke them than smile. The skill you need is diplomacy. All successful business people must have some degree of diplomacy.

These are some of the pitfalls that cause so many to fail after starting their own home business. You can have professionals that can manage all these decisions and situations without having to hire them. This is where the PAS Group comes into the picture. They have a team of professional, experienced people that can handle the situation - so you can profit! This is assured with a 100% money back guarantee. You see the results or you pay no money for this service.

PAS works, but if it shouldn't work for you, you have lost nothing. The team works for you to make you money so they get claim their fee. This is a new concept to the business world, implemented by Bill Osterhout, a former fortune 500 executive. He has successfully started and maintains a number of internet companies and he recognizes what it is that make so many fail.

Do You Have What It Takes To Run A Home Based Business? (part One)

Before you run out and quit your day job, it is important to decide if running a home based business is really suited to you or not. Some people make the decision to stay in the same line of work only they choose to become self-employed while others turn a craft or a hobby into a home based business. While you may be giving up the nine to five grind, the exhausting commute to work and the employer you will probably be taking on more work then you did before. Ask yourself if you are prepared for this as a home based business takes a great deal of energy, dedication and plenty of hard work, not to mention the hours you will have to put into it to get it off the ground and then to sustain it.

Make sure that you have the skills to do what you love and create the home based business of your dreams. In some cases this might involve going back to school part time or taking correspondence courses or perhaps doing a great deal of home study on your own. Hold on to what you have until you are assured that you have the required skills and aptitude to turn a dream into a reality and make a success out of it.

Working at home and running a home based business is often a solitary pursuit and for people who once enjoyed lunching with co- workers and the office chatter this can be difficult to adjust to. Many people find that they miss the social element of working away from home. Be aware that starting a home based business means that you will spend a great deal of time alone and you will put in long hours. For many people this can cause depression and sometimes it is hard to set boundaries for yourself when you work alone. When you work in an office there are designated breaks, lunch hours and the official end of the workday. There are no such things when you are self-employed. Some people sit for hours in front of a computer screen working at home and are surprised when they look up at the clock to see how much time has passed.

When you run a home business it is important to pace yourself and to not let your physical or mental health slide. Many people become more sedentary when they work at home and end up eating too much or too little, putting on weight, not getting enough fresh air and not getting enough exercise. Do not fall into this trap. Make sure to take breaks often and do not neglect your health, your family, and your social engagements and do not stop doing other things that you love.

Some suggestions for taking breaks include occasionally taking an afternoon off to walk your dog in the park or meet a friend for lunch. Other ideas include seeing a movie, strolling around the block or just kicking back in your home and relaxing for a couple of hours before you return to your work. It is extremely important to recharge your batteries, as this will make you more productive in the long run. As well spending too many hours behind a computer is not good for the body or the mind. What happens to so many people is that their drive to succeed is so strong that they end up putting in effort that is closer to 150 percent as opposed to 100 percent and eventually this catches up with them in an adverse way.

Do You Have What It Takes To Run A Home Based Business? (part Two)

In order to start a home based business you need to have an entrepreneurial spirit and you also need to be a self-starter. If you like to procrastinate and have to be coaxed and prodded to get your work done at your day job, then you probably do not have the discipline to start and run your own business from home.

According to experts, in order to successfully run a home based business you need to have what is referred to as the "completion gene." In other words you have to be industrious when it comes to getting started with your home based business but you also have to have enough stamina and persistence to keep it going. When you first start out with your business you are heady and excited and completely "up" for the challenge but will you still have the same enthusiasm and vitality in a year's time, or two years, or three? As well there are bound to be hard times when it comes to your business. Are you prepared to deal with those? If yes then you are likely on the right track. If not then perhaps you should stick with your nine to five job for the time being.

While breaks are important, too many breaks and too much down time is likely to make you look unreliable in the eyes of clients and this will cause you to lose business. If you cannot do work and deliver it on time then this will be a hindrance to the development of your business. It is extremely important when you start a home based business to set realistic goals for yourself and re-evaluate them as needed and to devise a routine for yourself that works. Schedule time to work as opposed to doing it haphazardly and fitting an hour or two in here and there around grocery shopping, laundry and picking up the kids from school. Always take the time to review what your priorities are and if something is not working then figure out why and attempt to look at it another way.

Be aware that financial responsibilities are completely on the shoulders of a home business owner and when you do not work for a day or two or a week or two, there is no money coming in which can be burdensome to many. Self-employed individuals do not enjoy vacation pay, holiday pay or paid sick days. As well self-employed people must bear the brunt of such things as health insurance, life insurance, retirement savings, cost of childcare and so on.

While self-employed people are entitled to some breaks on taxes it is usually not enough to offset the extra cost of other expenses. Both Medicare taxes as well as Social Security taxes must be paid in full by the home business owner and these two things alone amount to approximately 15 percent of an individual's income. As well there is also federal income tax to think about and local taxes. In some cases self-employed people may have a spouse who is covered for health and life insurance through their place of work but some people do not enjoy these benefits.

Be aware that many financial institutions will not lend to home based business owners because they consider it too much of a risk to do so. In fact some banks need to see proof that a self-employed person has successfully run a home based business for a period of two years before they will even look at a loan application.

Do You Have What It Takes To Start Your Own Business?

Owning your very own business is a big step for many individuals to take in life. Yet more and more individuals are doing just that and stepping up to the challenge which comes with being a business owner. There are many different businesses which one can undertake and many of these businesses turn into successful ventures. Prior to starting up a business, it is wise to take a look at a few things to determine if you have what it takes to start your own business.

Financial Background

As with many things in life, starting a new business costs a good deal of money, both in the beginning and throughout the business venture. One should consider their financial background to determine if this is something which they can afford. Funding a new business can be done via savings, loans or taking on financial partners. By looking at the financial situation right in the beginning, the hopeful future business owner can see whether or not this is the right time to start a new business.

Schedule and Time Availability

Time is another factor which must be considered in relation to starting one’s own business. Starting and pursuing your business will take quite a bit of time so it is crucial that one is sure they have the time to devote to their new project. Some businesses will require more time and effort than others however this is something which all individuals should take into account as the more time one puts into a project, the more success it is likely to see.

Sheer Dedication

Starting and cultivating a new business takes more than time and money. It is something which takes sheer dedication on the part of the business owner. An individual who decides to start their own business must have this desire to pursue their occupation to the utmost of their capabilities and follow through on things from start to finish. If you have the sheer dedication, you will be more likely to turn your business into something wonderful.

Ability to Ask for Help

Lastly, one should also possess the ability to ask others for help with getting their business off the ground and running. This can be enlisting the aid of family members, friends or even paid workers. Depending on the size of the venture, it is often difficult for one individual to start a new business without asking others to pitch in and help from time to time. Whether it is asking for tax help or having family members help out with caring for the kids, there is often something which others can do to help make the business even that much more successful.

Do You Have What It Takes To Start Your Own Home Based Business?

Let me first start off with letting everyone know that I am not a Business “Guru” by any means. In fact, prior to me starting my business, I had had no experience in marketing whatsoever. Like most people, it seemed that all my time was spent working and I didn’t have much to show for it. I basically was making just enough to “get by”. The commute alone to and from work was exhausting and costly. I said to myself one day… “This is NOT the way I want to live. Something has to change.”

So, one night I went online and started looking for Work at Home Business Opportunities. After extensive research I found some Legitimate ones. I was on my way. I did realize something very quickly however, and that was… you can’t start a thriving business overnight. I’ll admit.. It takes work.. And also a little investment, but if you are willing, the results can be amazing.

If you are one of those people who dream of having your own business, setting your own hours, not having to answer to anyone but yourself, then a home business opportunity may be right for you.

Do you have what it takes?

The Key to Success in your business is having SELF MOTIVATION. You need to have the drive to push yourself ahead. There will be no one looking over your shoulder telling you WHAT to do or WHEN to do it. Your success lays entirely upon your own shoulders.

The level of success that you will achieve greatly depends on the time and effort you are willing to put into your new home business. Your organization, planning and marketing skills, will all be put into practice when you embark on your journey from employee, to being your own boss. In fact, you will be the wearer of many hats and gain a wealth of business experience along the way, when you finally make that commitment to work at home.

There may be times you feel that things are not going your way, but you need to remember to stay positive and focus on the end result. Even if sales aren’t up to par, or if you’re getting negative comments from people who are unhappy with their “dead-end jobs”. This business is all about you and your life, if you choose to start living it.

A home based business can be truly rewarding. You can start living the life you’ve always imagined. Free to do what you want.. When you want to do it without having to worry about money or time. You can gain your life back. If you truly want it. Do you have what it takes?

Do You Have What It Takes To Run A Successful Home Business?

Now that you are in your own home business, no doubt you had to make some adjustments that where necessary. New techniques and a new way of thinking will assure your real success.

You also want to have what it takes to grab your golden star. But how can you be balanced and still have some fun? Very successful people have known this secret for a long time. We want to live our lives in a way that we can still have some fun. Well, as with everything, the right balance is the answer. No matter if we are young or a little older, we need to sit down and make time work for us. The time we spend in our business is important because this will translate into financial freedom and prosperity.

On the other hand, we need to spend some time to recuperate and refresh ourselves so that we can continue on our way to the top. How you will accomplish this in the right way will make the difference between failure and success in your home business.

This is vital to know and this has been a secret way for successful people to become what they are. You see, you want to have the right frame of mind and attract success and money to you and you can do this more easily when you are in harmony with yourself.

There is a great law in our universe and it is called the law of attraction, which means that you will attract to yourself what you want. But you have to sort out some things here, because while it is true that you want success and money, it is also true that you want even more. This is not your only endeavor! You also want to enjoy life and have some fun, but everything needs to be in it’s right place.

Time management is the answer! But wait, don’t think that it is difficult for you, it’s really simple and easy. With a regular schedule and some routine and the support of those who are close to you, it will all work out right.

There are people that are raking in truckloads of money and still have fun and everybody can do it. It’s just a matter of learning simple techniques from those who are already on the top.

So here is what you want to do, just make a good time schedule and be serious about your dedication to your home business.

Stick to your schedule and then take out some time to relax and have some fun. But remember the law of attraction! So be dedicated to your goals in life and to your home business plans and be passionately about it, it will work!

By being balanced, you can have some fun, too. Keep your goal in mind however!. You want to create your own wealth and have the financial freedom that so many people desire. Set your priorities in the right prospective!

When you do this you, have what it takes to be a successful business person and still have some fun.

Dreaming Of A Web Business? Do You Have What It Takes?

After many months of worrying, searching, and procrastinating you finally decide to take the plunge. Are you ready for this?

Here’s what I found you absolutely need to start and run a successful small business on the Web.

Deceptively Simple

If you are reading this, you can obviously navigate on the Web. You also have a more than passing interest for the subject clearly stated in the title of this article.

Furthermore, I would be willing to bet that you can already use your personal computer to create written documents, such as emails, or a more elaborate document, such as your personal resume (curriculum vitae).

You may even be using your computer to do your budget, for all I know.

Intuitively, you know you will need a Web site to market your Web business. You believe that you should know something about how to build a Web site that will serve the purposes of the small business you are planning to start.

This is where most people hesitate, or even drop the idea of a business on the Web. They think they need to hire expensive web site creators, and Web designers, to do what they think they cannot achieve.

Some forge on blindly and fall for the many “easy solutions” that are constantly being offered on the Web. “Try our easy to use – free – templates, and just fill in the blanks. Presto! You have a Web site! Need content? No problem! Just subscribe to our free articles … blah…blah…blah”.

Yeah! Sure! But, will your Web site be a suitable marketing instrument for your business? Will it be an extension of yourself? Will it represent you, or someone else’s efforts?

How are you going to be able to tell? You know (deep down) that you ignore practically everything about how to use the Web technologies to

·Validate your business idea,

·Research the best way to exploit it to it’s maximum potential,

·And ensure the success of your small business.

The “get rich quick, it’s easy” (GRQ) crowd remain conspicuously silent on these vital issues!

Keep your eyes and critical mind open!

Be on the constant lookout for openly revealed answers that ring true and logical to you. Stay away from “secret” recipes. Use your own judgment to determine where the true solution lies. You have more common sense than you think. Don’t be afraid to use it! It’s in you best interest to exercise due diligence.


You need to know the basic marketing techniques and strategies for the Web. They are very different from the ones you would successfully use on “land”! Seek competent advice on this.

Remember! The most reliable advice need not be the most expensive!

Look for reputable, knowledgeable people who have a vested interest in your success. They will want you to succeed because your success will be contributing to their success. These experts work for themselves as well as for you. Therefore, they do not charge extra for the privilege of contributing to your endeavor, and making your efforts worthwhile. It will be worth their while too, in the long run. They know it. So should you.


Look for the guarantee behind the “GRQ” schemes. You will find none, of course.

If you don’t believe you need a guarantee, think again! You are new to this business of … starting a Web business. You a running the risk of failing, without appropriate and reliable help and support. You stand to lose your desire, perhaps forever! That would be a sorry mistake to make.

Keep searching until you find a solution provider that will openly “guarantee results, if you follow their plan … or your money back!”. You will know, then, that you will have found a solution worth looking into seriously.

You just have to use your brain, common sense, and your motivation to keep looking further, below the surface (apparently easy solutions).


You will have to work at it. That should not come as a surprise. You did not really believe that it’s possible to build a successful business without you contributing some level of effort, did you?

Just make sure your efforts are well supported by reliable expert guidance, and everything will turn out just fine … given time, and your active participation, of course! You don’t have to become one the many misguided start-ups that fail miserably, because they failed to do their homework!

You will have to be strong to resist the many temptations of promised “easy way outs”! Because, that’s all they are. An easy way out of business!

Before you know it, time will have flashed by, and you will end up with a truly viable business. Your determined efforts will be rewarded, in more ways than one.


If you read somewhere that it takes passion to build a business, be it on the Web or elsewhere, believe it!

When you go to bed at night, and can’t wait to get up in the morning to run your business, that’s when you are well on your way toward a rewarding outcome.


You are considering a business on the Web. It does not require much money to start one. You will not be buying an existing one, nor will you be buying into one.

You will be building your Web business from scratch. It can even be done “on a shoestring”, if all your will be offering your clientele is your knowledge, your know-how, or your services. You are already warehousing that in your brain, for free!

You already have a computer, and an internet connection. No extra expenses there.

Most people will think, at this stage, that “all they need next” is a Web host for their business Web site. Don’t make the same mistake!

You will need more than a Web hosting company. As I explained above, you will need the company of Web marketing experts to guide you through the first critical steps toward building a successful Web business, not just a Web site!

A few (rare) Web hosting firms will provide all the “hand holding help” you will need … as part of the basic (not extra) services you will be paying for. They do it because they want to keep your business.

They want to be able to show you off as yet another success story … to which they dutifully, and respectfully contributed.

My Recommendation

Keep looking. Keep your eyes open for sharks. Keep a critical mind on full alert to distinguish between “fools gold” and the real stuff. Keep believing in your idea. Keep working at it. Above all, keep it real.

Keep your efforts honest. Do not try to fool yourself. You will be rewarded … in spades!

Eventually, you will realize that you had what it takes, after all.

5 Tips To Know If You Have What It Takes To Start A Home Based Business

You may see, hear, and read a lot of people constantly raving about the numerous wonders of a home based business but in reality, starting and managing one isn’t immediately a bed of roses. In some cases, having a home based business is easier than having a business in traditional settings, but in some cases, it’s absolutely the other way around.

Tip #1 You Still Need the M’s for a Home Based Business

The only difference is that there’s no need for you to pay for rent and possibly, you’ll have lower business costs because your business is based at home. But other than that, the process of starting up and the necessary factors of production are still the same.

Money – It’s rarely possible, if at all, to start a home based business without spending even a dollar for investment and pre-operating costs.

Material – If your home based business is selling products and not services then you’ll still have to ensure that you’ve got the best materials to produce the best products in the market.

Manpower – For a home based business, you can usually make use of family members – even your kids – to help out and provide the necessary labor for the business.

Machinery – Usually, a home based business selling services online can function with a computer and Internet access, but if you’re selling products, you’ll naturally need other additional equipment.

Tip #2 You Still Need to Register Your Home Based Business

The fact that you have a business based or you’re working from home doesn’t exempt you from your obligation to pay taxes. You can, however, apply for tax deductions that you may be eligible for due to your home based business.

To qualify for tax deductions, you need to prove that one part of your home is indeed used primarily and exclusively for operating your business. Secondly, if ever personal meetings with your clients, suppliers, and affiliates are required, you use that particular section of your home for such purposes.

Tip #3 Products, Services, or Both?

A home based business may sell products, services, or both. The success of your home based business definitely depends on how marketable your products or services are. Consider the following factors:

Quality – How does the quality of your products or services fare compared to those manufactured or provided by your competitors?

Cost – How much are you selling them for? Since you’re operating a home-based business, you should take advantage of your situation and use it to lower the price of whatever you’re selling. Lowering your price is something you can afford to do because you have lower costs, and it will at the same time allow you to compete against bigger retailers on the same ground.

Tip #4 Online, Offline, or Both?

The success of your home based business will also depend on how you should to advertise about your business. If, for instance, you’re selling home baked cookies, you’ll probably achieve greater profit by focusing mostly on selling to your neighbors and acquaintances in the area then advertising online on the sides. Setting up a home based web designing business on the other hand would certainly benefit more from online advertising.

Tip #5 Are You Good at Waiting?

A home based business will also take time to prove its profitability and stability. Thus, make sure that you’re willing to wait for your business to grow. There are any number of hurdles that your home based business might face in the future but you need to be prepared to face all of them if you wish to succeed.