Showing posts with label Networking. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Networking. Show all posts

The Perfect Business And Social Networking Community.

Capitalizing on the fastest growing global Internet trend.

The global Internet community continues to grow at an amazing rate. From 70 million people in December of 1997, as reported by International Data Group, to 1,245 million in September of 2007 as forecast by Internet World Stats. Representing a growth from 1.7% of the worlds population to 18.9% in a short span of just 10 years and that's only the beginning.

In those very few years, the Internet has morphed into a very powerful platform that has changed the way we communicate with each other and the way we do our everyday business. The Internet, as with no other medium, has expanded the International or Global dimension of the world. It has become a universal source of information and business opportunities. For a very low investment, anyone can create a web page for social or business networking. Almost any individual or business, no matter the size or the location, can reach a very large market, socially or for e-commerce, fast and economically.

With that said, it brings us to one of the fastest, if not the fastest, growing segments of the world wide web, business and social networking communities. We've all heard of them and many have participated in some, such as MySpace, YouTube, MSN Groups, Blogger and the list goes on and on. If we had all been very smart, had a crystal ball and a few extra shekels laying around, we would have all invested in these companies and retired somewhat the better.

The latest rapidly growing segment of the networking community is online business networking sites.

With a global outreach this type of site can reach the ever expanding global populace using the internet, allowing them to connect with virtually any individual or business. Anyone can use networking sites to expand their business while making invaluable contacts world wide and to do some of the easiest, cheapest and smartest form of advertising available.

The latest and maybe the most interesting of the next generation of networking sites is called the gibLink Community, standing for Global Internet Business Community. This new business and social Internet community has incorporated global revenue sharing into the mix so that all of its advertisers/subscribers can have a share of the revenues generated. Now let's imagine a global Internet community with millions of business people from around the globe, networking and sharing ideas, and now benefiting from a revenue sharing plan. Ponder this: How much is Google worth? You get the picture.

Just launched two weeks ago on October 15th Forbes business magazine had this to say about gibLink:

"On Monday, September 24th the giblink conference call was swamped with over 20,000 people who wanted information.

What if you had had the chance to revenue share with the owners of MySpace, YouTube, GoDaddy or Google? That would be the opportunity of the century!!!!

Now imagine for a moment, a company that could bring all the best elements of these companies under one roof with a primary focus on a business social networking community, designed for small, medium and even home business entrepreneurs around the world to promote, advertise and expand their core business to compete in the global marketplace."

All in all gibLink has set itself up to be a Global Internet Business community designed to make connections that count and:

• Promote yourself and your business

• Create a network of business connections

• Promote to new potential customers and like minded people around the globe

• Create a network of business connections to refer business to each other

• Expose your business to a Global Audience

• Publicize and find forthcoming Business and Social Events

• Create and announce Blogs, Clubs and Classified Ads

• Expand your business to capitalize on the hottest in-demand web services globally

• Expose your business to a Global Audience

gibLink is set to change the way people do business and it is the first worldwide collaboration of entrepreneurs from across a very wide business spectrum. We can view gibLink as the next evolution in online business networking or social networking sites designed to aid everyone doing business in a new global business environment.

One of my very favorite sayings applies oh so well to a new global venture such as the gibLink Community: If you do today what you did yesterday, will you be where you want to be tomorrow?

God Bless and Always Remember To Make It A Great Day!!

Michael J Kohn

New Image Marketing Group, Inc.

Please Visit Us At:

Drive Hundreds Of Free Prospects To Your Your Home Based Networking Business Website Daily For Free

The key to any home based networking business is promotion. Netwokring online is different than networking in person. Everything is done over the Internet including all the training and eduction. Occasinaly people in your network may want to talk over the phone or you may conduct a conference call with your fronline team to train but most of the recruitment and initial introduction is done via e-mail and websites. With this being said building a home based networkin business can be a challenge.

Promotion is the most important part of any business, and for your business to be successful, you have to promote, promote, promote. There are several ways you can promote your business. One of the most important is to gain good rankings for keyword phrases in Search Engines. This allows people to find your website in a search, especially Google, which tends to be the search engine of choice for many people. Getting a top ranking for a single word will be close to impossible. But a search phrase such as "how to train dogs" vs. "dogs" produces much less competition and more availablility to gain a good site ranking.

Preparing your site means making sure that it is optimized for the search engines, a process called Search Engine Optimization (SEO). It may cost a little bit to do, but it’s worth it in the end because SEO will guarantee that your website gets top ranking with the search engines, thus a better chance that it will come up early in a search. A good free place to do this is usually performaing a search on Google for "free search engine optimization". You will find lots of cool sites offering free information. Even if you spend a few bucks to get your site prfessionally optimized you will be very happy six months to a year down the road as your site will be cranking out visitors.

Of course, before you start optimizing your site, you have to submit your website to the search engines so that they know it exists. There are several services available that allow you to do this for free., for example, goes out to 40+ search engines and offers professional optimization services for a reasonable fee. If you wish to submit it to more, you can purchase a premium package that allows you to submit your site to hundreds of search engines, directories, and free for all pages. The more places that you submit your site, the better the chance that someone will visit your site and want to join your home based networking business.

The other angle to consider is selling product versus recruiting new members. For example, if you sell hosting services you may get a good staple of customers that use the service but don't join the business. This should be a strong consideration for any home based networking business. This is often a forgotton goal and where many people fail in Network Marketing. They get caught up in the money and not selling the product. People come to the Internet to learn and search, not be sold to. If your product fits their need they might try it. They may then become a business partner in the future if your product works for them.

One other tactic is to place a classified ad for your website. This is an inexpensive method that can get your site listed very fast. Google loves In addition, there are email groups and newsletters where you can advertise your business as well. You just want to be careful not to spam because many network marketing organizations will cancel your membership for spamming; they offer specific guidelines concerning the acceptable forms of business promotion, and if you deviate from that, you lose whatever time and money you have invested. Take a few minutes to review your companies policies and procedures to be safe.

Using Social Networking Websites to Promote Your Business

The goal of most business owners is to make money. This often results with the selling of a particular product or service. However, to sell that product or service business owners need to alert the general public. Customer cannot buy a product or a service if they do not know that it exists. That is why, as a business owner, you need to advertise your business.

When it comes to advertising there are many business owners who literally cringe. Are you doing this now? There is a good chance that you are because many advertising methods cost money. As a business owner you want to make money not spend it, right? Unfortunately, if you believe that all forms of advertising take money, you are sadly mistaken. Although you may have to spend money to make your business what you want it to be, there are ways to promote your business and the products or services that you sell without having to spend any money at all.

Is your curiosity peaked yet? There is a good chance that it is, rightfully so. One of the ways that you can promote your online business, without having to spend a dime, is by using something that is readily available online. That thing is an online social networking website. A large number of internet users, in fact millions of them, belong to at least one social networking website.

When it comes to social networking, there are many individuals who think of online friendships or online relationships. While these types of relationships are the most common, did you know that social networking is also used for businesses? In fact, that was originally how social networking got started. If you are a small business owner, especially one that operates an online business, there is a way that you can use social networking sites to your advantage.

Although social networking websites are traditionally focused on those that would like to make online friends or develop online relationships, there are networking sites that are designed for business owners. These websites will not only allow you to share your business information with other business owners, but it will also allow you to develop close relationships with those that share an interest that is similar to yours. Essentially, this means that you could not only learn valuable business information, but you could also walk away with a new business partner or a new friend.

As previously mentioned, social networking websites with a focus on businesses, are a great way to promote your business. However, this does not mean that you should completely forget about the other online social networking websites, the ones that are designed to make online friendships. Although you may not learn any valuable business tips by joining Yahoo! 360 or MySpace, you may be able to get new customers and new customers is exactly what your business should want and need.

If you are looking to join an online community, you will need to create your own profile or profile page. If you are planning on joining a traditional social networking website, to gain access to millions of potential new customers, you are urged to be careful when making your online webpage or profile. One thing that internet users hate is being solicited for business. This does not mean that you cannot use social networking to your advantage; it just means that you need to be careful with how you do it. Instead of creating a MySpace page or a Yahoo! 360 page for your business, you are advised to make one for yourself, but, of course, you will want to include information on your business.

By joining a social networking website, especially one that is popular and has a large number of members, you should be able to generate interest in your business, including the products or services that you sell. Who knows, but that interest generated could turn into sales; thus making your social networking experience more than worth it.

Using Social Networking Websites to Promote Your Business

The goal of most business owners is to make money. This often results with the selling of a particular product or service. However, to sell that product or service business owners need to alert the general public. Customer cannot buy a product or a service if they do not know that it exists. That is why, as a business owner, you need to advertise your business.

When it comes to advertising there are many business owners who literally cringe. Are you doing this now? There is a good chance that you are because many advertising methods cost money. As a business owner you want to make money not spend it, right? Unfortunately, if you believe that all forms of advertising take money, you are sadly mistaken. Although you may have to spend money to make your business what you want it to be, there are ways to promote your business and the products or services that you sell without having to spend any money at all.

Is your curiosity peaked yet? There is a good chance that it is, rightfully so. One of the ways that you can promote your online business, without having to spend a dime, is by using something that is readily available online. That thing is an online social networking website. A large number of internet users, in fact millions of them, belong to at least one social networking website.

When it comes to social networking, there are many individuals who think of online friendships or online relationships. While these types of relationships are the most common, did you know that social networking is also used for businesses? In fact, that was originally how social networking got started. If you are a small business owner, especially one that operates an online business, there is a way that you can use social networking sites to your advantage.

Although social networking websites are traditionally focused on those that would like to make online friends or develop online relationships, there are networking sites that are designed for business owners. These websites will not only allow you to share your business information with other business owners, but it will also allow you to develop close relationships with those that share an interest that is similar to yours. Essentially, this means that you could not only learn valuable business information, but you could also walk away with a new business partner or a new friend.

As previously mentioned, social networking websites with a focus on businesses, are a great way to promote your business. However, this does not mean that you should completely forget about the other online social networking websites, the ones that are designed to make online friendships. Although you may not learn any valuable business tips by joining Yahoo! 360 or MySpace, you may be able to get new customers and new customers is exactly what your business should want and need.

If you are looking to join an online community, you will need to create your own profile or profile page. If you are planning on joining a traditional social networking website, to gain access to millions of potential new customers, you are urged to be careful when making your online webpage or profile. One thing that internet users hate is being solicited for business. This does not mean that you cannot use social networking to your advantage; it just means that you need to be careful with how you do it. Instead of creating a MySpace page or a Yahoo! 360 page for your business, you are advised to make one for yourself, but, of course, you will want to include information on your business.

By joining a social networking website, especially one that is popular and has a large number of members, you should be able to generate interest in your business, including the products or services that you sell. Who knows, but that interest generated could turn into sales; thus making your social networking experience more than worth it.

Business Networking and Marketing Ups and Downs

The last couple of days have been beautiful, the weather near perfect and some of us are suffering from spring fever while others are simply struggling with the pollen levels. This time of the year reminds me that summer is coming and things are about to slow down – in networking. I would like to take just a moment and discuss this trend and what I believe may be the cause of it.

Let’s begin in the fall. At this time of the year we are working feverishly trying to procure new business because we realize that around the holidays things will slow down. As December draws near, some of us become preoccupied with things like parties and shopping and our attention turns from building our business. Others find it increasingly difficult to make contact as people begin long vacations.

Then the holidays pass. We put our marketing and networking efforts into high gear, going to several meetings a week, trying to get things cranked up again. The result is increased business and increased profits. Have you ever noticed that in the early part of February that things begin to pick up almost at a maddening pace? When this occurs, unless we are prepared for growth, we start to back off on our promotions as we scramble to complete the work that has been generated by our marketing efforts.

In effect, we stop networking. We lose contact with those we have been making and asking for referrals, and they begin to feel as if we are not interested in them any longer. When this happens, they may look for someone else to refer when that target prospect comes along.

By early to mid summer, we are starting to crawl out from under the workload and we again look for opportunities. Unfortunately, the vacations have started again as children are released from school for the summer. Thus it is very difficult once again to find the contacts that were out there just before our business picked up again late last winter.

By mid August, school is back in session and people are coming back out into the networking world again. Of course we are seeing some of the same people that were there before, but there are also a lot of new faces as well. Because we had slacked off from our promotion efforts, we were not there to greet the new faces as they started their new business. So the people who have a balanced networking and marketing strategy are there to greet them.

These are the people who have businesses that seem to be growing. They have a marketing and networking plan that is consistent year round. When many businesses are experiencing that new business rush in the spring, these business owners are ready to absorb the new business with new employees or temporary help. They realize that to maintain growth means to be ready for any upswing in the economy that could propel their business to the next level.

So how do we accomplish this? First plan for growth. Have a system ready for when you have more business than you can handle so that there is help you can call. This is managed by building relationships with temp agencies, headhunters, and placement firms. Hire people on a contractor basis if necessary. This saves money on benefits and salaries when thing are a bit slower. It also reduces the amount of paperwork when it comes to payroll processing and taxes.

Next, develop a plan for networking that is manageable. Set a goal for the amount of meetings that you would attend when business is just OK and stick to it when business gets better. Attend functions year round, even during the holiday seasons.

Plan vacations when necessary, but don’t assume that everyone is going on vacation simply because it is summer. Most people have to accommodate the schedules of others and entire companies usually do not go on vacation at the same time. Notice that larger corporations always have staff on hand to do business while an employee is on vacation. Also take note that large corporations do not stop promoting just because it is the month of July or December. They are consistent year round.

The lesson here is that, if you want to grow into a large company, take a look at what large companies do. Emulate them if they are successful and you may be able to duplicate their success. You must be constantly marketing, networking and promoting to ensure consistent business year round. If you decide to slack off now because business is good, I guarantee that when autumn comes you will be working twice as hard to get things going again. If, on the other hand, you keep on consistently marketing the way you did when times were slow, you should be able to experience the growth of both your company and your bank account during the entire year.

Business Networking Referrals When You're New To Town

Business networking referrals are the life-blood of any computer consulting business. It's a who you know type of marketplace. This makes tapping into a source of referrals absolutely critical.

The problem is, what happens when you don't know your next door neighbor let alone any other business networking referral sources?

Business Networking Referrals An A New City

Many people who start a computer consulting business are going to be moving, or have moved, somewhere new. This move is often what precipitated the business in the first place.

If this is you, you might think you don't know anyone. You are also probably overwhelmed by the thought of getting business networking referrals before you've got a sense of what's what in your new community. The fact is, you DO know a lot of people and these people know a lot about the community.

Get out your checkbook and credit card statements and look at how many people you have met through your purchases - these are all potential business networking referrals:

Many of the vendors will be small business owners and managers. This is your target market. They might become clients, and they surely know others who could be clients.

The Real Estate agents are plugged into who who's and what's what in the community. Tell them about your business and use them as a source of business networking referrals.

Attorneys, mortgage specialists, title officers, etc... again, these business networking referral sources are priceless.

You will be amazed by the number and type of businesses you have been in contact with already.. Get the word out to these businesses and start right away with setting up a rich source of business networking referrals.

The Bottom Line on Business Networking Referrals

Even when you move to a new town your business networking referral pipeline is still strong. Look at your credit card statements to figure out what business you have spent money with in the local area. From movers to real estate agents and landscapers to decorators, you have already been in contact with business networking referrals. Make sure you use every opportunity you have with these people to market your new business and begin to build a strong business network.

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Improving Your Social And Business Networking

Social networking is not a new phenomenon - people have been meeting together for centuries as a way of expanding their friendships, increasing their sense of community, and establishing new business relationships. And even in the last half century neighborhood or city-based networking organizations have arisen such as the Lions, Kiwanis, and Elks clubs along with those dedicated to pure networking like Business Networking International and LeTip. But it wasn't until a website called sixdegrees was created a few years ago that online networking started to take off - sure chat rooms and listservs had existed in the pre-1995 days but there were never resources online dedicated exclusively to networking. And while sixdegrees sold off their company's assets to other online upstarts, the networking craze had begun. Depending on where you look, there are potentially hundreds of websites where one can network, separated out by interest, industry, and geography and whether the networking interest is for business or personal reasons.

For more business networking, there are 4 primary sites individuals use to expand their network and ultimately their income. The granddaddy of them all is craigslist - a San Francisco-based warehouse of local community news, classifieds, dating options, and job listings started by Craig Newmark that has content specific to the top metropolitan regions in the US. It's a popular site and useful for many things - as ebay found out when they recently purchased a 25% share. ecademy is a UK-based site created by the uber-networker Thomas Power. ecademy requires membership and is set up for pure networking, particularly on a worldwide basis. The site also enables blogging, industry-specific content and chats, and is enabled for heavy-duty networking with known and unknown associates. Ryze is a site focused on business to consumer networking and provides a venue to create a community around your business and personal interests - unfortunately, Ryze use is not regulated too well so the connections and content often related to business opportunities, MLM deals, and value-less connections. LinkedIn is the current disputed leader in the US and worldwide due to its ease of use, practical benefit, and value added features including providing a testimonial for someone you know, passing along requests for connections, job listings, and easy networking with those with similar interests.

Regardless of which site you decide to use, pick one initially and commit to a week or month of consistent participation in the community and decide how you might benefit the work or personal lives of others. As with everything else in life, you get out of it what you put into it - so think both of how you can benefit yourself and others as you participate.

Build Your Home Business with Networking

Marketing a home business can be tiresome as you spend endless hours creating, implementing and testing marketing techniques. That's what makes networking so effective. You can network with other business owners or those thinking of starting their own home business to share in the promotions and the profits. If you're not sure how networking can work for your business, read the tips below.

Find a Product

Before you can begin networking, you must get focused on what products and services you will offer. There are so many business opportunities to choose from that you could spend hours searching for the right one. Narrow your search to products or services that you are familiar with or that interest you.

For example, if you are interested in medical herbs you can start a business focusing on many different types of herbs and related health products or you can focus on one particular product such as the new breakthrough herb called Touchdown Booster. This product and many others provide an amazing income opportunity because the products are unique and useful - and there's always a huge demand for innovative products.

Why Products like Touchdown Booster are Unique

Touchdown Booster is a Chinese medical herb with a main ingredient called Schisandra chinensis. This ingredient is known for its ability to give energy, strengthen the immune system, to provide healthy liver support, fight stress, increase sexual stimulation, and much more. While this is only one of the many thousands of products on the market, some people have created an entire business around Touchdown Booster and then networking with others to create a powerful sales team.

If it's variety you like, you can join many different marketing groups and offer lots of products. If you want to keep your business simple, you can offer only one product such as Touchdown Booster. It depends on how much time you are able to spend on your business and how creative you are with marketing.

Find a Partner

Networking is nothing more than finding a partner or a few partners with the same business goals in mind. Maybe you all have an interest in certain types of products such as health and fitness or herbs. Maybe you're a mom who wants to work at home. You can find other moms who want the same even if you don't have the same business interests. Working with one or more partners will do two things: keep new ideas flowing and provide support for all participants in the network.

Affiliate Yourself with Local Business Groups

In your local town there might be business owners who meet as a group weekly or monthly for meals to discuss their businesses and get to know others in the community. This is a great way to network your business and to meet others with home business interests.

Another way to affiliate yourself with other home business owners is to join the local Chamber of Commerce in your town. At Chamber meetings or events, you can meet many different people.

Find Networking Partners Online

You can also contact other home business owners online to create an effective online marketing campaign. There are millions of people online who are either getting started with a business or thinking about it.

One way to contact people online is to ask for a link exchange, and use this as an open door for conversation by email. Another way is to contact someone and ask if you can showcase their products at your website with reviews about each. Then, you can casually mention the types of products you offer as well.

You can also write articles or hire someone to write articles about subjects related to your products. You can submit the articles to others selling related products to get exposure for your website. Find someone who publishes a related newsletter for the best results.

After finding some partners or associates, don't be afraid to ask for referrals. Referrals are one of the most powerful selling tools you can use to find new, interested customers.

Use these networking tips to create a strong team of marketers for your products. Your home business will grow as you help others achieve their goals.

Business networking locally

Owning your own business of any type is going to require some amount of networking. Networking is a method of building awareness of your business, among people who may be likely at one time or another to use your products, your services or to refer someone else to your business. Networking is all about getting to know other people, and locally your best bet in finding additional network contacts is going to be with other business owners.

You can find many types of networking opportunities around you. Every club and every association that you belong too is going to be a part of your network. From there, every person you come into contact with and every person you talk with is going to be part of your network.

Make a lasting impression

You can make a lasting impression on the people that you meet by talking about what you know best, and by talking about topics that are vital to your business. If you are not sure about a topic that is being approached during a conversation, ask questions. This will show you are part of the conversation and that you still want to know more. Just listening is going to keep you out of the conversation and will not make a lasting impression of you on any one.

Make your voice known

Join local chambers of commerce; join local men and women’s associations. Join the local PTA, the sports boards, and join clubs that interest you. If you don’t find a club locally that does interest you, create one and build your local network from that point. The more people that you can put yourself into contact with is going to increase awareness of yourself, of your business and what you have to offer. Even if you are selling online, you have to be proud of what you are doing, and talk about it as often as possible to build a network of people that will call on you when they need your products or services.

Once you have built a good network it is important that you maintain and set goals for yourself. As you have set goals, you need to keep them. This means, that if you strive to meet one new person a week, or to make it a point to call one person you know each week that is not a current customer, you are going to increase your business. Think about this, for every five calls you make, and only one turns into a sale, that is one more sale than what you had. Increase exposure for your business, and use this for your personal success.