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Showing posts with label These. Show all posts

Earn an Extra Income with these Home Business Opportunities

No matter what your skills or interests, there are many opportunities to make money on the Internet. Whether you're a career mom who wants to stay home while earning a living or a father who wants to earn an extra income, the Internet is still wide open for success.

Below are some unique ways people are earning money online and tips on how you can get started.

Information Research and Brokerage

The Internet is often called the "Information Highway" because so much information is available online. Someone has to find and compile this information through research and put together helpful materials, articles, brochures, manuals, and so forth. Businesses and organizations usually need a continuous flow of information to provide to their users. This gives you a great opportunity for employment from home. You can find work-at-home jobs researching or preparing informative materials for one particular company or start your own home business providing the services to several companies.

Specialist Opportunities

If you wish to specialize in a certain field, there are many home business opportunities in various fields such as real estate, finance, education, writing, and retail. You can narrow your job search to the fields of interest to find a job you love. For instance, if you've always wanted to work in real estate, you might find a work-at-home job with a real estate company. Even if you're not a real estate agent yet, there are opportunities for clerical work, photography, website design, accounting, and more.

Niche Home Based Business Opportunity

Another type of home business is the "niche" business. "Niche" means a unique product or service - something that is not available just anywhere. Perhaps you've developed a certain product or have found a rare product that you can buy wholesale and sell through your own website. Or, you might have a unique service to provide to individuals or business owners. The possibilities are endless!

Affiliate Marketing and Other Moneymaking Methods

Another way you can earn money online is through affiliate marketing. You can become an affiliate of one or more companies and sell their products or services for a commission. To do so, you will probably need your own website. Some companies will provide a ready-made website for you; however, you should have the ability to customize the website for uniqueness in the search engines.

You can also work for companies online that are involved in marketing or finance. There are paid survey programs, turnkey opportunities, and wealth-building programs to help you create multiple streams of income. With paid survey programs, you fill out survey forms online or participate in product forums to earn dollars. Some are earning $100 to $200 per day doing this full time while others earn a great part-time income.

With turnkey opportunities, you are provided a website that has been tested and all the tools you need to build wealth. Some turnkey solutions require a fee to start, some are free. Just be sure to check out the company first for legitimacy.

As you can see, home business opportunities are available for just about anyone. There are work-at-home jobs or opportunities to start your own business. Choose what will work best for you so you can start reaching your goals today!

Writing Business Articles? Follow These 5 Steps To Business Writing Success

Business articles are a great way to let readers searching the Internet know everything about your new or existing company, and what you can offer them in your unique products and services.

You may be a company that only does business on the Internet, or a Brick & Mortar retail store that would like to increase their online presence via your web site to create additional exposure internationally or worldwide, and increase your customer base.

No matter what type of business approach you take, you will realize that finding a variety of marketing avenues to reach new potential customers is one of the most important components for the growth of your new or well-established business.

When you finally decided to test the waters in article writing because you wanted to add it to your overall marketing plan, I’m sure you will quickly realize that this is a very powerful, yet cost effective way to reach enormous amounts of targeted traffic!

However, in order to reach your desired traffic online, you must not only create value added, informative and creative articles, but you must place them on the Internet for people to find and read. If you’re not sure where to start, you can use my 5 simple article-writing steps as a guideline, and create your own writing style and article distribution plan that will work best for you:

Tip #1: Have a complete understanding of the business you’re in, the product and services you offer, and don’t over sell and underachieve your readers!

I’m surprised how many times I read an article where some company is telling me they will offer you the world, and when you visit their web site, it looks like they actually do offer you the world, a lot of dirt, and the some of that smelly stuff.

Example: Company XYZ expresses that they’re #1 in customer service online, and when you provide a link to your site for your readers to view your claim that you wrote in your article, the reader navigates your site, and quickly they notice you have no access to a live customer service chat service, any toll-free numbers to reach a customers service specialist, and all you’re providing them is an email address saying that you may get back to them sometime after the summer beach season is over. If you don’t offer the best customer service on the Internet or planet, don’t even think for a minute to convey that message to your readers.

Tip #2: Don’t get business article writing mixed up with a press release!

Writing press releases are a good way to get the message out that your company offers a unique and exclusive product in the market, and you want to introduce it with a bang, or that your business just hired a top executive that will drive your company shares straight up in the stock market. Writing your business article is slightly different, you want to use your article to express your company’s best features and benefits offered.

Write about how you can save time and money, or give them a better lifestyle, how about your products/services offer customers that give them complete “Peace-of-Mind”. Believe it or not, people do searches to find your products and services to either solve a problem, or possibly to fill a desired need they have. You have to tell them how you’re going to solve their problems, and fill their needs, and put it in writing.

Tip #3: Find out who your readers are, and write your article in their language!

Nothing is worse than when I come across an interesting article, and I find out halfway through, there is a completely different language that I don’t understand. There are many business writers that have a technical writing background, and when they communicate their message in the article, readers may stumble on your article that is saturated in technical mumbo jumbo that only tech savvy individuals understand.

When you start preparing to write you article, think about your people you want to reach, and who will be interested in reading your information, because if you’re writing for the non-technical person, and you put a ton of information that the average individual won’t understand, your message will definitely be lost and your readers you’re trying to attract will move on and find another article that is easier to read.

Tip #4 Once you have written the perfect article, now you want to know how to reach your targeted readers!

You wrote the perfect article, and it is jam packed with your features and benefits. You’re telling your potential readers how to reach you, but they won’t be able to reach you if you don’t take the steps to get your article out there on the web.

The best way to get your company article distributed is through ezine and article distribution directories. You may decide to only submit your articles to a select few of the top article directories that offer a high volume of traffic, but I would suggest that you consider also submitting to a variety of smaller ones, because you never know where they will be picked up from and prominently placed for inbound traffic.

One of the biggest changes happening with article directories is that you will find more niche targeted business content distribution sites that focus on your related themes. Highly consider these sites, because they not only offer you more category options, these sites will eventually be classified as an authority site on your specific business topics.

Tip #5Your Author Bio can make or break the goal of your article!

Believe it or not, but your Author Bio is probably the most important piece to your article puzzle! You worked very hard on your article, and you took the time to make sure your message was clear and to the point, but what I find with many well-written pieces is that they end with a very weak author bio. It’s like winning your customer over with a knockout presentation, and then not asking for the sale.

The same goes with your Bio, you should not over sell, but you definitely should let your readers know you’re the expert, and that everything you talked about in your article will be explained in more detail once they click through your hyperlinks. If you’re talking about a specific product or service and you have several pages with more information, normally most directories will allow you to place up to a maximum of three links including your main index page. Take advantage of this, and always maximize your links that will give you many optimizing opportunities.

These tips are pretty straightforward, and most of you would consider them to be common sense, but even the best article writers sometimes get off track, and may forget some of the fundamentals of writing. It’s always good to get some outside tips to get you right back on track. Take my advice and use it as a tool to help you design your own writing style, and before you know it, your article will be flooding the Internet with business flair!

Home Base Business Ideas. 100% Success If You Copy These Home Base Business Ideas

People buy from those they know and like. They resist sales effort from everyone else. — SBI! Action Guide, DAY 1.

Home base business ideas. The Fine Art of Pre-selling a Product or service

It is a known fact that about 95% of websites fail within the first year. Even the ones with awesome products, great design and a streamlined checkout process.

Why is this?

Everywhere you look you’ll see websites that do nothing but sell, sell, sell and then sell some more. These sites have missed the boat and stand to be among the 95% that fail.

Home base business ideas... Remember the quotation above and hold onto your hat!

People will buy from someone they know and/or like. That is the key point to pre-selling and it is more important on the Internet than anywhere else.

This is because the customer cannot see you, hear you or interact with you in any palpable way. You need to earn their trust and earn their respect as an authority on whatever it is they are looking for.

Let’s use a simple example; You walk into a shoe store and the moment your feet cross the threshold, a salesman assails you with the daily specials, sale items and such.

You feel pressed, uncomfortable and you don’t even know this person throwing information at you. At this point your tendency would be to leave the store.

This exact scenario is played out every day on home base business websites from Japan to New England.

This is where the concept of pre-selling comes into play. Rather than hard sell your visitors right off the bat, go a different route with them. Offer some information about you and mention, ever so softly, your credentials.

Show the visitor on your website that you are a person just like them. This will put them at ease and begin to gain their trust. Now you have opened a mindset known as the “open to buy” mindset.

All this means is that the visitor now has an open mind about you, even though he/she doesn’t know they are going to buy anything yet. Pre-selling is not about push, press and grab the wallet.

You need home base business ideas which teach you about finesse, gaining trust and maintaining credibility.

Like we said above, people will buy from someone they know and trust. The art of pre-selling accomplishes exactly that. Your website visitors need to know that there is a real person behind the web page.

On the Internet, visitors are very wary about pulling out their credit card. They want to feel at ease about who they do business with.

Your product or service should be strong enough to sell itself, so all you have to do is convince the visitor that YOU are trustworthy.

Let’s go back to the shoe store for a moment; This time when you walk into the store, a young man comes up and tells you his name. Then he comments on how your son reminds him of his own baby at home.

Then he just says if you need anything, I’ll be around, and leaves you to look around on your own terms. He knows that you need shoes because YOU'RE IN A SHOE STORE!

The product will sell itself. He just wants you to know he’s there when you are ready...

"That’s what pre-selling is about. Learn it and learn it well, it is the only home base business idea with guaranteed results!"