Showing posts with label Powerful. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Powerful. Show all posts

10 POWERFUL Reasons Why You're Crazy NOT To Start A... Home Based Business

Home Based Business's are spreading across North America and have become widely recognized as one of the most desirable business's to start for several reasons.

Just think for a minute what it would be like to work from home and never have to worry about waiting in grid lock traffic or to answer to your boss's demands.

Wouldn't that be great?

In todays fast paced world a little extra income doesn't hurt in order for the average guy or gal to get ahead in life so they can enjoy the little extra's life has to offer that there current job doesn't allow them to do.

I know from experience because that's what made me take the neccessary action steps required in order for me to enjoy the quality of life I wanted to live and provide for my family.

But, the problem that usually occurs is people need to be motivated by something or inspired in order to take action.

Well, the purpose of this article is to do exactly that, inspire you.

I'm going to cover with you the 10 main reasons why You should consider starting your known 'Home Based Business' and the benefits behind each of them.

I guarantee once you read through them you'll agree that a 'Home Based Business' might be worth considering.

With that said, let's go to reason #1.

Reason #1. Be your own Boss.

Ever dream of being your own Boss?

Well starting a 'Home Based Business' is a step in the right direction and the best part is, you'll never have to answer to anyone else's orders, just your own.

Reason #2. Work when you want to.

This is probably one of the best reasons in my book for starting a 'Home Based Business' simply because you get to set your own schedule for what hours You want to work.

This is especially beneficial for stay at home moms who have children to tend to and need some flexibility in there work schedules.

Reason #3. Freedom to do what you want when you want.

How's that for a reason to get started. By being your own boss and being able to schedule your own work hours you NOW have the freedom to do what you want when you want to with whom you want at anytime.

It's a great feeling to be in control of your own life and do what you want when you want.

Reason #4. No more worrying about job security.

By having you own 'Home Based Business' you never have to worry about receiving a pink slip from your boss or a "SORRY", but the company has to cut back on its employee's and You happen to be one of the one's who has to go.

Reason #5. It doesn't interfere with your current "J.O.B.".

That's right, you don't have to quit your current J.O.B. in order to get started. You can start on a part-time basis until your able to replace your current income with the income you generate from your business.

Remember, you get to set your own hours for when you want to work your business.

Reason #6. It will make you a more confident person.

By setting out and starting your own business it'll make you a more confident person because it takes alot of confidence to start something you have no idea what the outcome might be and the risks involved, whether there financial or personal.

Reason #7. It builds a sense of pride.

Wouldn't it be great to be able to tell your friends and family or just somebody you meet that you're an entrepreneur and you run and operate your own successful 'Home Based Business'.

Pride also works as a motivator because the more successful you get the harder you'll want to work in order to achieve the goals you have set for your business.

Reason #8. It's all for the MONEY.

MONEY is a pretty obvious reason for starting a 'Home Based Business' because Why would you otherwise start a business if you weren't planning on making any MONEY.

It also builds a sense of security for your way of life and the things you enjoy doing because the facts are... nothing for FREE. Everything has a price.

Reason #9. You get great Tax benefits.

You heard right, you get Tax benefits with running your own 'Home Based Business' because now you're entitled to home business tax deductions.

This is a category in it's own and getting a good CPA who has experience with home based business tax returns will be essential in order for you to maximize your return for the year.

Reason #10. Wouldn't it be great to retire early.

If your business turns out to be a SUCCESS and you invest and put your money to work for you, wouldn't it be great to retire early and do the things you've always dreamed of doing, but never had the time or money to do so.

There you have it, "10 POWERFUL Reasons Why You're Crazy NOT To Start A... Home Based Business In 2005".

Now, if those 10 reasons don't get you excited about starting a 'Home Based Business' then I have failed to inspire you.

If you need to read through them again, do so now.

These are the very reasons I contiplated before starting my home based business and in my mind are the most common.

Write down for yourself why You would want to start a 'Home Based Business', I bet you'll come up with several of the reasons I've listed above.

With that said, there's one more thing I want to mention and that is if you are seriously thinking about starting a 'Home Based Business', whether it be online or offline, make sure you put together a 'Step-By-Step' business plan on the actions you must take and make sure you start a business you enjoy doing.

Accountability and Its Powerful Role In Creating Home-Based Business Success

It's so tempting to take the easy road sometimes.

It's even easier to just put something off altogether and say, "next time". We procrastinate by saying, "I'll make twice as many tomorrow", or "I'll do it with twice the effort next time." And what happens? Tomorrow and next time come, and we put it off yet again.

Having an accountability partner on your success team plays a powerful role in helping you keep your eye on the "bigger" picture and your head in the game.

Going it alone may be considered admirable by some who feel the need to declare, "I did it all by myself!" as though it were the ultimate demonstration of strength of character, however, it is by no means the best or quickest way to make your dream come true.

Choosing to build your business or pursue any significant goal without an accountability partner will increase your chances of failure or may severely impede your progress.

It's human nature to back off when things get a little uncomfortable or challenging, and it's at these times more than ever, you need someone in your corner, edging you on and pushing you further.

A perfect example of the power of accountability was demonstrated this morning as I contemplated my workout appointment at the gym.

I have worked out off and on for years and as soon as I felt discomfort in my muscles, I would quit, thinking it just wasn't worth the pain. If the planets weren't in alignment, my morning toast was slightly burned, or it was one degree hotter or colder outside than I cared for, it was a good excuse for me not to exercise.

I won't beat around the bush when it comes to admitting I don't like exercise, but at the same time, there is absolutely no denying its importance in maintaining a high quality of life and optimum health.

When you're not physically healthy, your energy levels are compromised, your mind doesn't function at optimum efficiency, your moods may be altered and heavy, and an imbalance may be created that will affect all areas of your life and business.

When one area of your life suffers, they all do, and if an area requiring attention is a major challenge for you, this is where the need for accountability is paramount.

In my case of physical fitness, I knew I would never stick to a program or hold myself to a certain standard without a partner to hold me accountable, so I hired a personal trainer.

I explained to her that I hated exercise and if a magic "fitness" pill was invented, I'd be the first in line to buy it. I also asked her if she could do the workouts for me so I could increase muscle tone through osmosis. (I think it was at that point she realized she had her work cut out for her.)

Because of my trainer's courage in taking me on, and her belief in and dedication to my success, I will move heaven and earth to make her proud. Today I amazed not only her, but myself.

Over the past three weeks, we've received more than 100 cm of snow. Last night we received another major dumping that was formed into high drifts by powerful winds from the north. It was one of our coldest mornings this winter at almost minus 40 degrees with the wind chill.


This morning was the big test. There was no way my trainer could be disappointed in me if I didn't show. I had a foot of snow in my driveway, the winds were raging outside and it was the coldest morning of the year. My snowplow guy was swamped clearing driveways and I probably wouldn't see him for hours. I had an out!

Now, I easily could have crawled back into bed and put off exercising for a day, but it isn't so easy anymore. Someone else is now holding me accountable and isn't going to let me fall back into my comfort zone.

What did I do?

I put on my snowmobile suit, warm knit hat, skidoo mitts and ski goggles, and got shoveling! It took almost an hour and thankfully my dearly beloved came home from night shift and helped me finish, but I cleared a path so I wouldn't miss that workout!

The funny thing is I didn't feel harried or frustrated by the event. I only proved what is a well-known truth. We can accomplish anything if it means enough to us, but even more so if we have an accountability partner in the process.

As you set your goals and plan your ideal future, make a point of surrounding yourself with people who believe in you and who will hold you accountable for your actions.

It's so easy to fall back into what is undemanding and comfortable that failure to move forward is always a looming threat.

As you plan to create success in your life whether it be building a successful business, improving your financial situation, optimizing health, etc., make sure you have a coach or someone on your success team to hold you accountable and keep you in action.

The power of accountability is incredible. Add this ingredient to your success plan and you will amaze yourself by revealing how capable you really are!

© 2006 – Laurie Hayes, The HBB Source

5 Tips On Making Your Business Card A Powerful Marketing Tool

When used effectively business cards can be a great marketing tool. In this article we will discuss 5 of the most effective ways that you can use your business cards everyday.

1. Be Creative.

Be creative in the design of your business cards. Business cards do not just need to be bits of paper with your contact details on them. Be creative and give your business cards a use and purpose. Make them a powerful marketing tool in the promotion of your business.

Your aim is to make your business card something that the receiver will want to keep and make use of. This is the difference between a well thought out and designed business card and a piece of paper with your contact details on it that will probably be thrown into the trash.

Give the recipient of your business cards a special offer. For example if you are a school/training centre you may offer 'first lesson for free with this card' or if you run a shop maybe you will offer '10% of any purchase over $50'.

Whatever your business, there is a creative way to give your business card real value to the receiver. If you can think and implement these new creative ways before your business does, you will have an instant advantage in that area of business, and should definitely see a rise in business if you have promoted you cards correctly.

2. The 1 minute rule

The 1 minute rule basically says, if you talk to a person for longer than 1 minute they should already have one of your business cards in their hand.

This means in conversations you need to find a way to talk about what you do, and be in the position to be able to offer one of your business cards to the person you are talking to in the first minute of conversation. This can be likened to a conversation you may have with someone at the bus stop or on the elevator. The conversation will end in a very short time and you only have a very short time to get your message across, or in this case get your business card to the recipient.

The 1 minute rule is basically just practice to get your business card out there as much as you can. Many people go through all the trouble of ordering business cards just to let them sit in a corner of their office. To use business cards effectively you must be giving them out at every opportunity that you have.

3. Make them keepers

Once you have given your business card to someone what is going to keep it from being thrown in the trash or forgotten about. Unless you are selling necessities it is probably fair to say that most likely they do not need the product/services you are offering at the present moment. Hopefully though in the future will come a time when they are looking for that product/service and that is when your business card still needs to be in the hands of the person.

Why does someone want your business card? If you cannot answer that easily, maybe it is time to think about a new business card design.

Does your business card have valuable information on it? By valuable I mean a map, discount, calendar, measurements, charts or anything relevant to your industry? If it doesn't, you may want to think about adding a value feature to your business card.

4. Leave them everywhere you go

During a number of trips around a number of businesses in my local area I have noticed piles of business cards on the counters of various businesses. For example a recent trip to my accountant I noticed they had a few piles of business cards on the counter for mortgage lenders, home loans, etc.
This can be likened very much to link swapping that goes on with webmasters looking for business referrals from similar businesses.

Every place that you frequent, you should ask if they mind you leaving a stack of you business card there for their customers. You could try this at your doctors office, your dentist, accountant, lawyer, beauty saloon or hairdresser.

For similar businesses (e.g. accountant > lawyer or money lender) maybe you can arrange to have a stack of their business cards displayed at your business when they offer your business cards at theirs. This can be a very effective way to use you business cards and can have great returns.

5. Ask for an opinion

'Do you mind if I ask you a quick question? I'm looking for opinions on my new business card'. After asking the question and bringing the topic up hand them a business card. Make sure that they keep it, even if they try to hand it back to you tell them that you have thousands printed already.

Thank the person for their time, and if they ever need the product or service that you are offer that your contact information is on the business card. Even if that person may not directly contact your business, there is always a chance that they may pass your card or business name onto another party.

Even in the worse case they may go home and tell their friend how a nut just came and talked at the bus stop and handed them a business card for his lawn mowing service. That friend may say, 'I've been looking for a good lawn mower'. 'Here's the business card I got'. And there is a situation where you may still even get business out of handing your business card to a stranger and even a disinterested stranger.

By following just one of the above five ideas each day, you can turn your business card into a great marketing tool, and see an almost instant increases in business.

6 POWERFUL VRE Business Models You Can Start Building In 2006 Using Google Adsense - Part 3

Copyright 2006 The IWE, LLC. All Rights Reserved.

Google Adsense is simply pure genius because of its simplicity to produce profits from your website Day and Night while your sleeping.

Who knew that a business on the Internet could be so simple to build and makes many people 5 to 6 figures a month by simply offering people what they're looking for... INFORMATION!

Now if you've been following my "6 POWERFUL VRE Business Models You Can Start Building In 2006 Using Google Adsense" series and have viewed some of the websites out there with Google Adsense on them then you should have a good idea by now of what you need to do to get your Google Adsense empire off and running.

I like giving examples because it really reinforces the importance of where you need to place your Google Adsense Ads in order to get a good CTR(Click Through Rate) as well as how you can blend them into your content so they don't look so obvious that there ads and as well, give you some idea's as to what others are doing so your not left there scratching your head saying... "Am I doing this right?".

These few last weeks I've been working Day and Night on a new project using Google Adsense and want you first hand to take a look so you can model it for your own Adsense websites.

This website will grow on it's own, and the cool thing is, I won't have to write a single word if I don't want to.

Go take a look ==>

Like I said, I like to give you examples and this is an example of what I talked about in my first part of my VRE Google Adsense series.

Anyway, without further adieu, lets move on to the next VRE Google Adsense business model that could pay you in two ways depending how you choose to structure it.

In the last installment I covered "Web Directories".

So in this part of the VRE series I'm going to cover "Review Sites" and then give you some examples of what they might look like.

Here we go.

VRE Model #3. Review Sites.

"Review Sites" are pretty self explanatory but are basically websites that focus on writing Product Reviews(people giving there personal opinion) about Products and/or Services that people offer on the web and/or offline.(ex: Automobile Reviews, etc.)

That's it. That's all they are. BUT, those reviews still contain "CONTENT". Content Google can use to display targeted Google Adsense Ads which in turn could earn you BIG money if you target the right niche.

Now, as I just mentioned "Review Sites" can target any Niche, whether it's Sports, Gambling, Dating -- basically whatever your interests are as long as there's a market for it.

I also mentioned earlier that you could get paid two ways by having your own review site and it's really NO secret.

All you have to do is write reviews on Products and/or Services that offer an Affiliate Program and then simply incorporate your affiliate link into your review using a quick "Call To Action" like...

... "Click Here NOW For All The Details".

Now, if they don't click out through an Google Adsense Ad and choose to click out through your affiliate link and purchase, well... you did your job. You just made a commission.

That's it.

Now you could also set up a review site where others could submit their reviews, the only problem is... they get the affiliate commission, but you still have your Google Adsense through out your review site making you clicks that make you money.

It's up to you on how you want to build it.

Now, lets wrap this up with a few examples shall we.

Here's 3 that I think will give you a good idea of what to expect:

Web Source:

Top Ten Reviews:

Consumer Search:

Now, as I said earlier, your review site can be Topic Specific or can target multiple Topics. It's up to you.

These are just a few that I picked randomly while doing a search on Google.

I hope they gave you some idea's on whether or not you want to consider building an VRE review site.

Surf around on Google - - in the area that interests you the most to see if anybody else is doing it or do some keyword research to see if it's even worth pursuing.

There are always factors to consider before building a business, even with Google Adsense, so make sure you do your homework before hand.

That's it for now. So, be sure to be on the look out for my next installment of "6 POWERFUL VRE Business Models You Can Start Building In 2006 Using Google Adsense".

6 POWERFUL VRE Business Models You Can Start Building In 2006 Using Google Adsense - Part 4

I hope your ready for this installment of "6 POWERFUL VRE Business Models You Can Start Building In 2006 Using Google Adsense" because what I'm going to reveal to you is in my opinion one of the BEST VRE Business Models you can start with absolutely ZERO cost to you.

The only thing your required to do is learn how to set them up with Google Adsense and targeted affiliate programs.

They are FREE, there's no hosting costs(optional), search engines love them, they use a state of the art syndication technology and are one of the most talked about phenomenons to hit the web simply because they work.

So, with that said, let's get on with it.

VRE Model #4. Niche Blogs.

"Niche Blogs" are simply dynamic websites that use a syndication technology called RSS, which stands for Real Simple Syndication or Rich Site Summary, that can target any Niche Market.

Now, why do Niche Blogs make such a great VRE Business Model?

Simple. People come online seeking 'Information' on or about a particular topic or problem.

Information comes in many forms online, but one of the most Powerful forms are 'Articles'.

The great thing about Blogs is they give you the ability to Post content, more specifically, targeted content to your niche and then they ping the search engines to come and take a look for potential indexing, then... using the RSS technology, it will then syndicate that post INSTANTLY via RSS to all who's subscribed to that particular feed giving them the highly target content they requested.

Also, when someone clicks on any of the links your feed is displaying, guess what? It will bring them to back to your blog with all your Google Adsense ads and related affiliate programs which is where you'll make your money.

The real cool thing is the information you choose to post doesn't necessarily even have to be yours. You can go to ANY article directory on the web and use other peoples content, saving you *tons* of time writing it yourself.

The best part about this VRE Model is, all you have to do is set up your blog template with Google Adsense and targeted affiliate programs that will solve that persons query and post to it on a regular basis.

That's it!

All other actions after that are beyond your control because you can't make them click on an ad, all you can do is try to entice them to make a decision.

Now, if this VRE Business Model interests you and you want to get started with building Niche Blogs then I recommend you go to - - since they have an easy to use interface and are owned by the all mighty Google.

Just before I warp this up I always like to give examples so I'll leave you with this one that I've been working on.

Go check it out. It might give you some ideas as to how you might want to set up your own Niche Blogs.

Well, that's it for this installment of "6 POWERFUL VRE Business Models You Can Start Building In 2006 Using Google Adsense".

Be sure to keep your eyes open for my next installment which will reveal yet another 'POWERFUL' VRE Business Model using Google Adsense and targeted affiliate programs.

6 POWERFUL VRE Business Models You Can Start Building In 2006 Using Google Adsense - Part 2

All Rights Reserved.

Okay, it's now time for the next installment of... "6 POWERFUL VRE(Virtual Real Estate) Business Models You Can Start Building In 2006 Using Google Adsense" series.

By now you should have a good idea of what Virtual Real Estate is and why it's to your benefit that you start a network of your own VRE sites depending on the model you choose.

In the last installment of this series I covered "Article Directories".

In this part of the VRE series I'm going to cover "Web Directories" in general and then give you some examples of what they might be and look like.

Sound good?

VRE Model #2. Web Directories.

An "Web Directory" is simply a directory on the World Wide Web that specializes in linking to other web sites and categorizing those links. Web Directory owners will often allow site owners to submit their site for inclusion. Then human editors will review their submission and if accepted, will be added to their database.

The one thing about Web Directories is they are often used as part of a website marketing strategy for being indexed in the major search engines like Yahoo!, Google, MSN to name a few.

The main strategy behind someone submitting there website to a directory is that a new site needs to quickly build inbound links from reputable sources. In doing this they will get a higher ranking within search engine results under there target keywords depending on the PR(popularity ranking) of that directory or inbound link.

That's the basic run-down of what an Web Directories purpose is and why they make a great VRE business model.

Web Directories can be and target anything you want them to. It's your directory, so you make the decision as to what it is about.

As your directory grows, so will its traffic.

And if you have targeted affiliate programs strategically placed on your directory along side your Google Adsense code, you could be making a nice, steady income form your directory like many others are right now.

Now... as I said at the beginning of this article I would give you some examples of some Web Directories with Google Adsense so you see for yourself whether or not this is something you want to venture into.

So, with that said, here are 3 directories that I think will give you a good idea of what to expect:

Free Stuff Directory:

All Free Things -

eBook Directory:

Wisdom eBooks -

Software Directory:

Software5 -

Now remember, your Online Directory can be about anything you want. Your in control.

These are just some examples of whats out.

Did you happen to see the Google Adsense ads?


Also, pay special attention to where those Google Adsense ads are positioned because this is KEY to getting a good CTR(Click Through Rate) with your Google Adsense ads.

Now, at this point, it's up to you to make the decision on whether or not this is the type of VRE business model you want to use and start.

I recommend you surf around and see whats out there with your interests in mind. By doing that you will be able to get some good idea's as to what to expect and more importantly, model your directory and/or VRE sites from.

Well, that's it for now. So, be sure to be on the look out for my next installment of "6 POWERFUL VRE(Virtual Real Estate) Business Models You Can Start Building In 2006 Using Google Adsense".

6 Powerful VRE Business Models You Can Start Building In 2006 Using Google Adsense - Part 1

VRE -- better known as "Virtual Real Estate" is literally everywhere online.

That's right. Everytime you do a search on whatever it is your searching for via the Internet you get a list of results. Within that list of results lye's thousands, if not, millions of pages of Virtual Real Estate that is making someone out there on the WWW some handsome profits.

The question is... "what have you done in order to stake your Internet "VRE" claim so you too can enjoy some of that profit as well?"

If you haven't started anything yet, that's okay because I did a little research for you and came up with these "6 POWERFUL VRE(Virtual Real Estate) Business Models You Can Start Building In 2006 Using Google Adsense" so you too can benefit like the many others out there online.

The first VRE business model I'd like to talk about are -- Article Directories.

VRE Model #1. Article Directories.

Article Directories are in my mind are probably one of the best VRE business models on the web simply because they offer your audience and publishers Multiple Channels of information on any topic.

And the facts are, people come online for information.

So, what do Article Directories contain?

That's right... Information! ... and lots of it.

The other great benefit to Article Directories is that you don't have to write a single word if you don't want to because the whole purpose of starting your Article Directory in the first place is to get other people(we also call them authors) to submit their content for your readers and/or publishers to read and use.

Now, the Rule Of Thumb is simple when it comes to growing your Article Directory and that is... the more authors you recruit, the more your Article Directory will grow, filling it full of targeted information for your readers to digest and for publishers to use on their websites.

It gets better, so keep reading.

Did you know that the more pages you have within your Article Directory means... the more search engine food you'll have for the search engines to come and index into their database which will then be displayed within the search engines search results.

Remember in the beginning of this article when I was talking about the search engine results being full of Virtual Real Estate. This is where your Article Directories webpages(or your Virtual Real Estate) will be listed for web surfers find.

This also means that you'll receive a lot of FREE targeted search engine traffic to your Article Directory as it grows giving your authors FREE targeted traffic to their sites and keeping them happy, and at the same time, will be building your VRE nest egg on the WWW.

Are you starting to see the benefits to starting your own Article Directory on the Internet?

I hope so.

But don't go anywhere just yet, I'm not finished.

There's two more things I want to talk to you about before this part of the article series ends.

The first is RSS -- better known as "Real Simple Syndication" and what RSS does is it allows you to syndicate your Article Directories content or just content in general through an RSS feed so that any reader and/or publisher who subscribes to a particular RSS feed within your Article Directory will receive ANY new updated content that is published... INSTANTLY!

The other benefit to a RSS feed is... lets say you have 1000 publishers subscribed to one of your RSS feeds and one of your authors submits a new article at your Article Directory, all those publishers who subscribed to that RSS feed will receive it once that RSS feed updates and when someone clicks on the link within that RSS feed to read the new article, guess where the visitor is sent to?

You guessed it, your Article Directory, with your Google Adsense ads(I'll talk about that in a second) and whatever other related affiliate links you have on that webpage.

Now... for the BEST part, how-to make a $Profit$ with your Article directory.

I'm telling you, this is the easiest money you'll ever make for simply supplying your viewers and the Internet(A.K.A. The Information Super Highway) with what it needs the most, Information!

How do you do it?

Heard of Google Adsense(as I mentioned just a minute ago), because if you haven't, now you have.

What is Google Adsense?

Google Adsense is Googles affiliate program for publishers and how it works is it displays ads targeted towards the content on that particular webpage being viewed.

How do you get paid? Simple. Your reader just has to click on one of the ads within the Google Adsense ad box on that webpage and depending on what the topic is and keyword could pay some handsome commissions(usually between 35% to 50%).

And, guess what? You didn't even have to do any selling OR follow-up.

Not bad and believe me those clicks add up Fast and by having the search engines returning frequently for regular indexing and having RSS feeds(remember, when someone clicks on the RSS feed link on someone elses website they get redirected back to yours with your Google Adsense ads on it and other affiliate links) for other publishers to use on their websites you'll soon see your Google Adsense profits get Bigger and BIGGER!

Well, that's it for now. So be sure to be on the look out for my next installment of the "6 POWERFUL VRE(Virtual Real Estate) Business Models You Can Start Building In 2006 Using Google Adsense".

Business Mastermind Groups, the Forgotten powerful Business Strategy

Have you ever wonder what a mastermind group is and what makes it hold so much appeal for successful people? Dr. Napoleon Hill, most renowned for his classic "Think and Grow Rich", defines a mastermind group as "an alliance of two or more minds blended in a spirit of perfect harmony and co-operating for the attainment of a definite purpose".

In Dr Hill's book, he came to the conclusion that a group of like-minded, achievement-oriented individuals dramatically leveraging upon one another's strength provided the crucial platform for their collective success. This finding is based upon the research and analysis behind the achievements of no less than 500 of the most successful people in America, in a glittering list that includes Andrew Carnegie, Thomas Edison and Henry Ford.

This is due to the fact that having a mastermind group allows one to tap into the power and wisdom of many, and put in place a support group to assist all in attaining personal and professional goals. This is in stark contrast with the individual who cuts a lonely figure struggling to build and shape an entire business by himself.

How can business Mastermind groups benefit you?

“Me” no longer exists in a Mastermind group, it's harnessing the power of “We” that is intriguing. Imagine have a Mastermind group of people that are fighting with you in the same trenches or people who have been that, done that! And you given access by them to this unique brain trust, so as to speak, to generate support and understanding and ultimately solutions from these people, allowing you to dismiss that temporary setback as an insignificant blot on your otherwise impressive CV in future...

How does that sound? A mastermind group does exactly that for you! You are able to leverage upon the skills, knowledge, experiences, ideas and abilities of others as though they were your own and in the process, create a synergy within your group and a precious compilation of thoughts which would otherwise possibly never be generated.

The benefits of being in a mastermind group are bountiful. It provides you with marketing contacts, sales referrals, and information about new business opportunities, as well as advice on how to improve the way your business is run. However, it's important that you realized that referrals and leads exchange is just a small part of what a Mastermind group does.

Being involved in a mastermind group also calls for accountability. There can be no excuses not to get things done as you are not only answerable to yourself, but to your other group members as well.

Once you have accrued the long-term benefits such as being able to sustain your business and being able to build lasting and deep friendships with the other members of your mastermind group, you can expect unbiased and non-judgmental advice from them, and over time, they will grow to become your most trusted business associates upon whose shoulders could be relied on should you run into any sort of trouble in future.

To be able to reach that stage though, you have to first learn to give and share, objectively. Sharing allows you to process things better in your brain as you are talking to a group of people who genuinely care and this allows you clarity of thought so as to be able to set more definite and realistic goals. To benefit the most from a Mastermind group, follow the credo- Givers Gain!

Finally, should you reach this stage, you can even rely on members of your mastermind group, people whom you trust, to help regulate your business and serve as a layer of protection against external threats.

About the Author

Alex Cheong is an expert author in the topic Mastermind groups.

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'A Step-By-Step Guide That Shows You How to Leverage Networks to Supercharge Your Career Growth and Business Profits'

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Copyrights © 2006
Alex Cheong @

The contents of this article may be copied, reproduced, or freely distributed for all nonprofit purposes without the consent of the author as long as the author's name, copyright notice and contact information are included.

3 Powerful Tips for Getting into the Right Business for You

Copyright 2006 Tony Mase

In two previous articles, "The #1 Best Business to Get Into if You Want to Get Rich" and "How You Can Find the Financial Success You're Seeking", I answered one of the single most frequently asked questions I'm asked.

Although it's asked in many different ways, the question really boils down to...

What's the best or the "right" business or profession to get into if I want to get rich?

Regardless of how it's asked, my answer is always the same...

A business or profession which you like!

If it uses your strongest abilities, skills, or talents, all the better. If it doesn't, no big deal, you can develop the necessary abilities, skills, or talents as you go along.

Here are three powerful tips for getting into the right business or profession for *you*:

Tip #1 - Take a close look at what you *don't* like to do.

Although I don't generally recommend looking at anything from a negative perspective, there are times when it's helpful and this is one of them.

One of the easiest and fastest ways to narrow your search for the right business or profession for you to get into is to figure out what the wrong business or profession for you to get into would be.

For example...

If the very thought of selling something to someone makes you want to...


Let's just say...

Throw up...

Then I'd suggest you don't consider any business or profession that involves sales or at least direct sales.

I can tell you from personal experience...

If you get into a business or profession that you don't like, you'll be miserable in the process and ultimately you'll fail.


Why set yourself up for misery and failure ahead of time?

Tip #2 - Take a close look at what you *do* like to do.

It might be something you're doing now or have done in the past to earn money. It might be a hobby or special interest of yours. It could even be related to a class you took in school or a particular subject you're interested in...


Absolutely anything!

Remember this...

You can get rich in *any* business or profession.

There are folks right now, right this very moment, who are getting rich in *every* conceivable business and profession...

And so can you!

There's a way or ways you can get rich doing absolutely *anything* you like to do.

Here's a great example...

I know a gal who earns a *serious* full-time income doing exactly what she likes doing better than anything else...

Going to tag sales (also known as garage sales or yard sales depending on where you live) and buying "stuff".


There's a downside...

She really doesn't like selling her "stuff". She finds the selling process boring and tedious. She gets all her "jollies" from finding and buying her treasures.


How does she possibly make any money?


She's developed a rather elaborate network of dealers willing to buy her "stuff" in their specialty areas at wholesale prices from her, consignment shops willing to sell her "stuff" for a percentage of the sale, and she has someone who sells her "stuff" on eBay for her (who, interestingly enough, likes the selling process but doesn't like to go out to find and buy "stuff" to sell) for a percentage of the profits.

Although she makes less money per item doing it this way, she makes far more money in the long run because it allows her to massively do the one thing she likes to do better than anything else...

Going to tag sales and buying "stuff".


There's a way or ways you can get rich doing absolutely *anything* you like to do.

Tip #3 - Take a close look at your strengths and weaknesses.

The ideal business or profession for you to get into would be one that you like doing and one that makes use of your strongest abilities, skills, or talents.


Although you should consider them, your abilities, skills, or talents shouldn't be your first consideration when choosing a business or profession for you to get into.


Two reasons...


There may be all sorts of things you're good at that you don't really like doing all that much.


There isn't any ability, skill, or talent that you can't develop if you want to.

In his book "The Personal Power Course", Wallace D. Wattles, best known for his classic masterpiece "The Science of Getting Rich", wrote:

"Perhaps the most essential part of wealth-culture consists in finding the place where you will be happy in your work."

When you're "happy in your work" your work ceases to be work and it becomes fun.

Your "fun" combined with constructive thought and constructive action can make you rich!