Showing posts with label Network. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Network. Show all posts

7 Reasons Why A Network Marketing (mlm) Business Is The Best Kind Of Business To Own

A lot of people are down on network marketing businesses (also know as multi-level marketing or MLM), but I’d like to give you 7 reasons why a network marketing business is the best kind of business to own.

1. Your chances for success are better in network marketing.

Yes, some people fail at it. In MLM or network marketing, you will often find that 20% of the people are making 80% of the money. Do you know what? That is exactly the same as the church I belong to-- 20% of the people who attend are actively involved and do 80% of the work that needs to be done.

I’m not surprised that it is similar in MLM. People are people. Some of the people who fail at network marketing are not motivated, some aren’t cut out for self employment, some are in the wrong company for them, and some are just not properly trained. But a motivated and trained person in a good company has a great chance of succeeding in their business.

On the other hand, if you start a “traditional” business your odds of success are much lower. According to the SBA, at least 50% of small businesses fail in their first year and 95% fail within the first five years. So, after 5 years of 12 hour days, in debt up to your eyeballs, you only have a 5% chance of succeeding. For some reason that just doesn’t do it for me.

2. The costs are much less to get into a network marketing business.

Most network marketing companies ask for a monthly minimum order to keep an active distributor status, it is true. This is part of what keeps the machine running. It is part of the business operating costs. It may be as much as $100, depending on the company.

Now compare that to the costs of traditional business ownership, like rent, utilities, inventory, insurance, taxes, employees, marketing and advertising, and much more. I think you get the idea.

You don’t have to be rich or go deep in debt to have your own home based network marketing business. It truly is an equalizer, giving everyone a fair chance at succeeding, no matter what the financial background or credit history is.

3. A network marketing business is simpler to run.

If you had your own business hopefully you could afford to hire an accountant and a secretary who would keep all your red-tape, paperwork, receipts, bookkeeping and such. If not, you would spend much of your time doing this.

With MLM, the company you are with handles most of the paperwork. You just need to keep your own financial records for your income taxes. This frees you up to spend your time and energy making money.

4. A network marketing business is easier to market and promote.

Most people who have their own “traditional” business are on their own when it comes to marketing and advertising. They usually try a little of everything to see if something will actually work. Often desperate business owners get taken in by slick sales people who promise results with their newest expensive advertising scheme.

A network marketing company has a proven marketing system that has been tested and used by many people. They will usually have their own marketing material that can be purchased at a lower cost because they can order in larger quantities.

5. You get the business training you need to succeed network marketing.

You don’t need to know anything about business to be successful in MLM. Your company has done all the work and research. They often hire the best marketers in the business to help them develop a training program because really want you to succeed and will do everything in their power to help you.

In traditional business you have to find the training you need on your own.

6. With a home based network marketing business, taxes are on your side.

There are many deductions you can take with a home based network marketing business that will help you reduce your taxes.

On the other hand, the government (federal, state, and local) all seem to have it in for traditional small businesses. And if you have employees, you are really paying much more for them than their salary, as any employer can tell you.

7. Network marketing is the future.

Some people say that network marketing or MLM is a pyramid scheme. That is not true. A pyramid scheme is illegal because it doesn’t work. There is no product, and thus no value to it. The people at the bottom put money in but the value doesn’t flow down to them. It is a scam because only the people who got in at the top make any money. Most of the people get ripped off. A good example of this is chain letters or the airplane game.

A pyramid the natural shape of structure for all businesses, including governments. A network marketing organization is no exception. Network marketing is just a new way to distribute and market goods and services. It is the way of the future. Even many huge traditional companies see this and are jumping on board.

Are you ready to give it a try? There are a lot of great network marketing companies out there. Do some research and try find the company that is right for you.

I found a new online network marketing program that I am excited about. It is called ProWealthSolutions and it is the fastest growing program on the internet according to

ProWealthSolutions is a fully automated online business that provides you with the website, tools, training, and resources to start an online business from home. NO SELLING. NO MEETINGS. NO PRESSURE. You can make up to $1092 a month without ever sponsoring even one person.

Why Start A Home Based Network Marketing Business?

Despite all the abundance in the world today, there is one luxury that still eludes most of us and this is financial independence. It is not, however, a luxury impossible to achieve. When looking at what vehicle you will use to achieve your financial independence, stop for a moment to take a serious look at home based network marketing.

Working from home is a dream for thousands of people around the world and there are those 'lucky' few who have achieved it successfully. The key to their success is the understanding of what it takes to market a home based business. It requires persistence and an unwavering commitment.

There a literally thousands of home based business opportunities and they range from investments of under a hundred dollars to investments in the thousands. For the average person, the primary reason they are looking to start a home based business is to improve their financial situation and so a large upfront capital outlay is not possible.

A case for a Home Based Network Marketing Business

Many people invest in home based network marketing as it requires little capital and usually promises great returns. This is the attraction for most people because the product or service on offer has a global market appeal and is within reach financially for the average person. Generally, because it is fairly easy to join a network marketing opportunity it means you can invest your time and money in marketing your business.

The biggest draw card for starting a network marketing business from home is the leverage you can create. As a simple explanation, this means you benefit from the marketing efforts of people in your organization. You will hear network marketers say very often 'the more people you help get what they want, the more you get what you want' or variations of that statement.

The other draw card is the home based network marketing company you join, in almost all cases, will have training and support to assist you in growing your own business. The people who introduced you into the business will also be available to assist as they have an invested interest in your success.

3 Strategies to Make Your Home Based Network Marketing Work

Once you have decided network marketing is for you, there are some important considerations you will need to take into account:

Firstly, you must treat this like a business. You will do yourself a tremendous favor by finding out from people who have started their own business, what is required each and everyday to make it a success.

Secondly, you must teach yourself to be motivated. Anyone can be motivated when they are excited about something new. There are many distractions at home and after a tough day at your job, it will take a personal commitment to work on your business.

And finally, you must have staying power. Your decision to start a home based network marketing business must be a long term one. You should not have an expectation of getting rich quick, although making some money almost immediately is certainly possible. Make the decision to build your business no matter what the stakes are and you will be successful. Above all have fun and enjoy building your home based network marketing business.

Do You Know What To Look For In A Network Marketing Business Opportunity?

I've been my own boss for years now and let me tell you, I have never looked back. It was pretty scary at the beginning and getting myself set up independently in marketing was pretty tough, but today, you have a lot of resources at your disposal. If you feel that you're tired of an office setting where you don't call the shots and your best efforts are hampered by bureaucratic idiocy, getting involved with a multi-level marketing company might your ticket to a more exciting, more fulfilling life.

Getting started with an MLM company is a great way to get your feet wet, and you might find yourself starting down a whole new career path. The best MLM companies offer you a lot of support and you'll never feel like your alone, even when you're working more independently than you ever have before! With an MLM company, you will be considered an contractor of sorts. You'll have the tools to set yourself up with a franchise of sorts, so you'll be working on your own, but with a company backing you up. This is an excellent first step to see whether you want to be your own boss, or if you'd prefer some sort of supervision.

One thing to think about when getting started is looking for a good MLM company This is extremely important, because there are a ton of organizations like this that are essentially scams. The best MLM companies all share a few traits and once you know them, you can identify them really easily.

The first thing that the best MLM companies do is offer a lot of support. This doesn't mean just one person that you can get in touch with sporadically, this means a full support network that can get an answer to any question that you might have within a few hours. This reveals two things. The first is that the company cares about its contractors and the second is that they have the funds to have a working support network. Both of these things indicate that the MLM company isn't a fly by night organization that will take your money and split.

That's another thing about MLM companies; the best MLM companies will ask for the minimum investment for you. Under no circumstances should you trust one that asks you to invest more and more money. There is a good chance that this would just be a scam. The best MLM companies might ask for an investment, but it is something that you can see making back in very short order.

The best MLM companies are out there; all you have to do is take a look around for them!

Learning To Read The Magazine Network Business

The independent sales of magazine has been around as long as magazines have been published. Subscription sales have the lifeblood of many marketing networks and earning a few dollars by selling subscriptions for dozens of magazines has made it possible for many people to earn a good living providing a worthwhile product to the public.

The magazine marketing network got its start many years ago with grade school kids selling magazines to their parents and neighbors to raise money for school functions. From there it progressed to high schools raising money for school supplies and improvements and then on to the college age students trying to raise money to pay their tuition costs. There are a few magazine marketing networks that been accused of abusing the college students by taking them to strange towns, having them canvass neighborhoods for says at a time and not paying them enough to live on while they are on the road.

The road trips for magazine sales could last from two to 12 weeks, during which all expenses are paid by the distribution company and at the end of the travel period, the expenses are deducted from the commissions earned on the magazine sales, with many students ending up owing money to the company. Many magazine publishers and distributors sis not like the negative publicity and changed their distributor network online, creating a magazine marketing network that provides sales without accusations of abusing the kids.

There are many opportunities for individuals to join a magazine marketing network and receive usually small commissions for selling magazine subscriptions through their web site. However, these networks do not sell only one magazine. There may be thousands of publications on their list and even if they receive mere pennies, or in come cases dimes for each subscription sold, the numbers can quickly add up to a decent paycheck.

There are magazines for virtually every interest under the sun and some that appeal to only a select few. With the internet age still growing and many people getting their information online, magazines have begun to offer online subscriptions as well as the home delivery contracts. A magazine marketing network that can cater to the at home reader as well as to the online reader can enjoy continued success in the publishing industry.

The marketer that can successfully reach the readers of magazines online, offering a choice of delivery methods, will be able to survive in this market. One of the best parts of a magazine marketing network is that the site owner has little to do once the potential subscriber finds their site. Once they choose a magazine or two, or three they simply fill out the online form, which is sent to the publisher of the magazines and pay the bill when it comes due. The marketer gets paid just for directing the customer to the magazine subscription form.

The primary distributor typically works with numerous publishers and once the subscription forms are sent to them, they can submit the subscription to the right publisher for appropriate distribution.

Can Network Affiliates Help Your Business Grow Smoothly?

If you own a business, you know that smooth growth is essential not only for your own personal sanity but also to ensure that customer service and product as well as service qualities do not go by the wayside as your business grows in popularity. Network affiliates can help your business grow smoothly and may quite possibly help you to really break into the market!

Of course, the best way to find such network affiliates is to sign up with an affiliate network. The worst way of finding affiliates is to sign up with a new or not so reputable affiliate network. Naturally, for a newbie to affiliate marketing it may be hard to decide which affiliate network will put them in contact with the best network affiliates and which will be more like a boat anchor around the business’ virtual neck. To discern that which is reputable from that which is questionable, you have a number of options.

First and foremost, visit the affiliate network and take a look at the other companies that have signed up with them. If you have never heard of these companies, or if they lead to websites that promise you a bunch of different freebies for signing up, giving out your email address, or signing up for five free offers, then you will want to stay away from those network affiliates. Usually these are the kinds of ads that end up making it into SPAM emails and have gaudy, homemade banners put on web pages. On the other hand, if the names of the merchants point to big, reputable companies, then the odds are good that these network affiliates can help your business grow smoothly and abundantly.

Affiliate networks that attract larger clients are very careful to screen out individual network affiliates that may have substandard websites, have been known to promote affiliate merchants in unethical manners, and may have attempted to cheat the system. While it is true that once in a while someone still slips through, the odds are rather small. It does not hurt to once in a while do a random check on affiliate sites to ensure that you like the way the ads are placed.

As you are signing up with an affiliate network, consider the kinds of ad campaigns you want to run. Furthermore, if there is a certain market to which your product is especially appealing, you being able to pinpoint those network affiliates will help in getting your business’ growth on the right track. In addition to the foregoing, by offering lucrative compensation packages you will attract a wide ranger of network affiliates that in turn will work very hard to promote your products and business, perhaps even by canceling their affiliate relationship with another business that may offer a similar product or service.

Building Your Home Business Network

Building your network of customers and/or clients will be the most important job of all, once you have a home business going. After all, you will not have any reason to have a business, if you don't have a network of contacts. There is a need for customers/clients in every business. Whether you focus on products or services, it doesn't matter what kind of business you have chosen. Without benefit of networking, there is no business, online or off, that can survive. You will need to network in order to assure that you constantly have those who are interested in buying what you create, even if you are a service provider of a creative nature.

The idea of networking is not making phone calls to people you don't know or going door to door. That is not the idea at all. In fact, providing good service is the best networking tool. When you provide good service, your customers will refer others to your business. The best type of networking that you can do is word of mouth. It is always the best sales tool. However, that doesn't mean that it is, or should be, your only tool. You need to do some networking if you expect your business to be successful, even with referrals. That doesn't mean that you have to constantly surf the Internet to find others who are interested in what you have to offer, or that you have to get on the phone every day and contact people. To continue to maintain success, you need to take time on a regular basis to performing networking activities. That may vary from simply promoting your website to contacting referrals.

Many new businesses are doomed to fail. That's because before they are even out of the planning stages, they have underemphasized the value of networking. If you expect your business to succeed, you have to promote it. How you choose to network your business is not the issue. You will not be in business very long if you think that once you have your client base, you no longer have to promote it. Do not be fooled into thinking that! Customers may not always buy goods or services from you because they can be so fickle. For those times when "regular" customers decide to utilize the services of another provider, you need to have a backup plan. Unless you are an inventor, or unless your product or service is quite unique, people will go elsewhere to find the products or services that they want at the price they want to pay. By continually networking for new customers, you will always be prepared for these slow times.

5 Ways to Incorporate Network Marketing with Your Home-Based Business Opportunity

Many people are looking for a new business opportunity to make money at home. The Internet has made it possible to market products and services all over the world. This has created a huge potential for individuals to be involved in their own home business.

Some people work at home for themselves, providing services to others, or selling their own exclusive products. There are business opportunities in MLM, and network marketing that allow a person to earn money while selling for someone else. Either way, it depends on the ambition and dedication of the person involved. Any business can become a success with hard work and a product that is easy to sell.

Finding a Business Opportunity

Network marketing is about selling and dispersal. You want to get your product known to prospective customers and have it distributed so that it creates more sales for you. By investing a small sum of money, you can begin to make money and work from home selling your own products or products for another company.

Promote Your Business

The first and best form of advertising and marketing is word of mouth. Whenever a person finds a new product, or a new store, new doctor, or a new restaurant, they tell everyone they know about it. This stirs up interest and encourages people to try something new. If you have a product or service to sell, the ones who use it will become your best form of advertisement. Many businesses depend on this positive form of network marketing.

Secondly, to make your product known to more people, try printing business cards to hand out everywhere you go. When you go to the grocery store, church, school meetings or other everyday places, hand your cards out with a friendly smile. This will spread your name and increase your business opportunity.

Thirdly, you can promote your products through your own website or by emailing people from related websites. The Internet is also useful for marketing by submitting articles related to your products to other websites.

Fourthly, another effective network marketing tool is a send-out card. These keep you in touch with your clients and customers by using a more personal approach. Sending an email is easy and cheap but it does not seem as personal as a card addressed to them

Fifthly, network marketing is not just about making a one-time sale. You need to generate new sales and keep your customers coming back for repeat business. A business opportunity that enables you to add products or sell multiple products to your previous customers will give you a solid foundation for building a steady yearly income.

Following up on your customers will build a relationship that will develop confidence in your home business. By thanking your customers for their business and staying in touch, you show them how valuable their business is to you.

Build Your Home Business

The success of your home business will depend on your dedication and hard work. You don't have to start out with a lot of overhead expenses and huge facilities. By investing a few hours a week, you can slowly build your business and not be overwhelmed by debt. Start working today to build up your home business and enjoy fulfillment and financial security.

Building A Network For Your Home Business

After you have decided on which home business opportunity best suits you, an even more difficult task awaits you. You will have to start building a strong customer or client base. Without customers, your business will not exist. This is the most important task to perform no matter what business you join. There is no business that can exist without a network of customers or clients.

Some people believe that in order to build a network, they must start cold calling people or pressuring them to become a customer. This couldn't be further from the truth. The best way to gain new customers is to provide a good service so that your existing customers will recommend your product or service to others. This is how your customer base will expand. Word of mouth will always be a better networking tool than going door to door.

Even with the benefit of positive word of mouth, you will still have to do some networking to help your business. This does not mean that you need to pick up the phone and start calling complete strangers, but it does mean that you will have to start promoting your site and advertising your business by performing network marketing activities.

If you want to succeed in your home business, you will have to advertise it. Do not believe that once you have established clients that you will be able to stop promoting. Your goal is to constantly try to bring in new customers while keeping your existing customers satisfied.

Customers are whimsical. They may buy your product today, but tomorrow they may find something better. People often search for a cheaper price for the same product or decide not to use the product at all. When your existing customers start purchasing elsewhere, you will have had to have brought in new customers to compensate for any customers you may lose.

An Overview Of How To Create A Surefire Stream Of Prospects For Your Network Marketing Business

Copyright 2006 Roger Loh

Have you heard the saying, “Prospecting is the lifeblood of network marketing”?

Picture yourself having this “leaking bottle” and your objective is to fill it up with water to its brim.

Because there are holes in this bottle, when you start filling it up, some water will simply leak away. Thus, in order to achieve your objective, you must fill the bottle at a rate faster than the rate at which the water is leaking out.

You see, your network or downline organization is just like a “leaking bottle”. Whether you like it or not, you have to realize that some of them are going to drop. So, in order to build your network, you must replenish your downlne at a rate faster than the normal attrition rate.

Through my three years of network marketing experience, I have developed a simple 3-step strategy that creates a surefire stream of prospects for me:

1. Attend Networking Events Regularly

2. Create A List Of Names Daily

3. Contact Your Daily List Of Names

Step 1: Attend Networking Events Regularly

This article focuses on the “networking” part of a network marketer. (Let’s leave the “marketing” part to another article.) It is extremely important that a network marketer learns how to network well and attend networking events regularly.

First, attend networking events regularly. Why? It’s because you need to replenish your name list which is most likely limited to a few dozen names.

Once you collected their contacts, add these names to your master name list that your upline or your network marketing company tells you to make when you first start out in your network marketing business.

Step 2: Create A List Of Names Daily

This is a daily list of names that you create from your master name list.

Each morning, I create a list of 10 prospects to contact. I use a simple notebook to write down the 10 names so that I can carry it in my pocket everywhere I go.

Step 3: Contact Your Daily List Of Names

Throughout the day, I will contact as many of these prospects either by phone or short message service (or sms).

Depending on my relationship with each of these names, I will “talk” to them accordingly. When I receive a response, warm up the relationship a little before asking for an appointment.

By doing this consistently, you will find that after a few weeks, you would have created a surefire stream of prospects for your network marketing business.