Showing posts with label Design. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Design. Show all posts

Why Web Design is Advantageous to Business and Profit

The way you have your website designed is going to influence your online business and how much of a profit you are able to generate from it. There is so much competition online these days that you have to offer a nice looking website or consumers are going to find another one that will. There are some common elements you want to have in place for your website so that it will be profitable for you.

Most consumers are very impatient and they won’t wait long for a web page to open up. If you are using animation or Flash to impress consumers you may find it isn’t working well because they aren’t waiting around long enough for it to open up. You generally have three seconds or less before they will go to another website that does open quickly. Since you will likely have links to various web pages, make sure that they can always access the homepage from any of these pages.

It doesn’t matter how good the information is on your website if consumers can’t read it. Take the time to choose a reasonable size of font and discover colors that work well together. I recently visited a website that had good information but I couldn’t concentrate on it because the background was green and the writing was in pink. While you want the website design to be attractive it also has to be easy on the eyes.

The navigation for your entire website should be very simple to follow. Consumers aren’t going to spend their time trying to figure out how to get where they want to be. Have a tool bar accessible on the top. You can also incorporate simple codes in areas that say CLICK HERE or other similar wording so they can get where they want to be.

It is vital that you make the checkout process as easy as possible for your consumers. It should be step by step to follow and move along quickly. Offer plenty of options for payment including e-check, Paypal, and credit cards. The more payment options you include the more sales you will generate.

It is a common courteousy to have your website set up to provide an immediate confirmation number for them once the purchase has been completed. This way they know their order was processed and they can contact you about it with that number should they need to.

Feel free to be creative with your website design as long as you are able to incorporate these various elements in it as well. You will definitely have the attention of the consumers in your target market if you offer them something refreshing that they haven’t seen before. At the same time though you have to make sure it is easy to ready and easy to navigate. Not everyone has the same level of expertise when it comes to using the internet so make your site accessible to that category as well.

What is Graphic Design and How Can It Help My Business?

Graphic design is an art and for professional results you should be utilising the skills of someone that can demonstrate relevant experience in the field of design, advertising, typography, print and the use of colour. Desktop publishing is not graphic design.

It is important that your advertising materials should be well designed to create the initial visual impact before the user reads the information or explores the website.

As the number of companies, products and services increase, an effective eye catching design is a critical element for marketing your business. An innovative design will help differentiate your company from the competition

A professional qualified graphic designer should take an individual approach to graphic design and with each clients project should produce strong creative designs appropriate for that business or service.

Graphic design done for print can be adapted for use on the web and CD ROM which means you can have strong corporate branding throughout your range of advertising materials.

High quality graphics for print should be processed by a highly regarded professional printer, one who has demonstrated that they can consistently produce high quality printed materials. Don’t cut corners and for the sake of saving a few pounds use a printer that will not do the graphics justice.

Do you need to consider branding & image for your companies materials?
Brands are not just for big companies, they can also make smaller businesses stand out from the crowd and can play a significant part in helping your business or services become the first choice for customers.

In increasingly competitive markets, it is important to establish a strong company (corporate) image or brand which will give potential new customers a true idea of what they are buying before they buy it which should make that decision easier to make for them. Existing customers trust strong brands because they know exactly what to expect and they will keep coming back to you.

If you want to build and manage a strong company brand or image you will need to convey a consistent message to your customers in all ways that you communicate with them.

Strong branding is achieved by a consistency in your marketing tools of which the following are examples:

Web site, Business name, Names of products or services, Company slogan, Company logo, Style and quality of your business stationery including brochures, business cards, letterheads, flyers, folders, Product packaging.

It is important that you commission a professional designer to obtain good quality visual images - photographs and graphics, which will ensure that your marketing materials have maximum impact.

A professional graphic design service will provide high quality graphics which can be adapted for use on your website as well as in all your printed materials such as business stationery, letterheads, business cards, brochures and flyers. High quality graphic designs can also be used on your large conference boards and to build interfaces for an interactive CD Rom which is becoming a more popular way of distributing information about a companies products or services.

graphic design and web design Scotland

Business Web Page Design Tips

Business web page design is an important consideration when you are starting your business. There are many options and styles and it can be confusing. What you need to remember though is, regardless of the style you choose, your business web page design must promote your brand.

Business Web Page Design Dos and Don'ts

To be effective your business web page design does not need to be any more than a simple four-page Web site.
Design your business web page as an online brochure.
Use very simple, inexpensive shared hosting.
Do not use anything that has to do with Flash or graphics in your business web page design. These things slow down the loading time and they are not picked up by search engines.
Make sure you have an email address that matches your company Web site domain. In other words,,
Branding is the key so all elements of your web page design should match.
You must be able to access Web Mail. When considering who will host your business web page design, make sure you can get access to the associated email account via the web. This way you can check your email from any computer just as if you were sitting in your office.

The Bottom Line on Business Web Page Design

Business web page design is an extension of your brand. Do not clutter your web page with unnecessary graphics, fancy videos, Flash or anything else that will slow down the web experience. Make sure that all aspects of your business web page design are coordinated including a matching email address that is accessible by Web Mail. Less is more with business web page design - keep it simple and professional.

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Graphic Design –A Tool for Business Success

Principally, with the present situation in the market graphic design had brought in to create an impressive impact that had resulted in gaining more clients and earning more profitable sales. And because of the tight and stiff competition in the market businesses had paved to create an identity that will stand out among their competitors.

Basically a business wanting to be highly recognized in the market finds ways and intelligently plans on how they are going to work on with their projects. And with the aid of graphic design Ventura California plus the graphic designer’s team they are able to create a corporate logo, content management and manage to develop a good web site for their business.

In managing to create a good image and an identity that will mark in your customer’s mind you have to come up with an extraordinary material. With this means for sure you will be bale to gain confidence from your customers.

In order to make a successful graphic design you must learn the tips and the processes.
• Make an intelligent plan. In this part you must have decided for the designs, colors and content you want to apply. Having a well planned and organized idea will bring a smooth workflow upon the process.
• Choose for the right company that will provide you graphic design needs. A reliable graphic design company will be a good help for a reason that they are available with the materials and graphic design staffs who has the ability to perform and accurately handle your graphic designing project.
• Learn marketing – in this part you are not only after the good designs that your site has but rather you are about to focus how good your designs are and what are the results you had gained from you designs. So in order for you to gain a positive result aside form graphic design application you must also learn about marketing strategies.

Primarily the coming up of numerous graphic design companies tend to provide lots of benefits and graphic design services that might struck you. But mind you not all of them are reliable companies that you can trust. So if you want to have a proper care, security and to attain success for your projects you can rely to the graphic design Ventura California. Having them around can provide you with your needs and for sure you will be able to attain you desired success for your business.

Business Blog Web Design Mistakes

With more companies adopting blogs, we're starting to see what works and what doesn't work from a design perspective. As a cue from Jakob Nielsen's article on the topic, here are thing problems I often find.

Bad headlines. They're frustrating. Some bloggers like to get creative... but creativity can affect search engine keyword opportunities. The important thing is that readers have a hint of what the post is about.

Links. Readers like to know where links take them and most of us rely on the status bar, but sometimes that doesn't help. Some experts say to use "click here" to help those who are newer to the Web and others say that's wrong, wrong, wrong. It just depends on the content. When linking, try to pick the best words that give readers an idea of what to expect.

Calendars as the only way to navigate a blog and impossible to find archives or older entries are big problems. I almost always resort to search when I want to find postings no longer on the home page. Unfortunately, some blogs don't have search. That's why I put "archive" links in my sidebar in both meryl's notes and meryl's notes features. As my site goes through redesign, I'm making sure the archives are accessible especially in the features section. I found some old entries from 2001 that are still relevant today.

Bloggers must be regular. No bathroom jokes here, please. :) When a blog looks abandoned for a month... your audience is gone. They'll take you off their feed reader and blogroll. If you plan not to do it again or take a long sabbatical... prepare to start over again when you return.

Keep the boss in mind even if your the head honcho. Always blog with a boss in mind. Will your boss (current and future) be offended by your posting? Not only do people get fired for their blogs, but also they could cost job offers. It wouldn't surprise me if managers are Googling applicants while going through the interview process.

Junky URLs. Nielsen says having a or equates to having a or email address. Some of the bigwigs use Blogspot or Typepad URLs. Guess what? I never remember their URLs. I have to rely on Google. So this makes sense, BUT I wouldn't call it unprofessional.

Business blogging has many benefits and problems. Companies tread carefully when entering this new world. It's wise to have policies on the approval process and what can and can't be said. Like anything else in a business, blogs need to be evaluated to determine whether or not they fit the business' model.

Business Card Design That Works

There are a lot of business cards being circulated by countless businesses nowadays, but the truth is most people only keep a few. The main reason is that the business card does nothing to make the people who have them want to know more about the business. There are cards that utilize loud designs that make the contact information hardly noticeable. There are letter heads which are printed in unreadable fonts and sizes, or a paper material that is way too scented or way too glossy.

Business cards have the ability to speak so much about a business. This is the reason why the design of a business card is as essential as the distribution of the cards to a greater number of people. There are many business card printing companies that are able to come up with professionally designed cards best suited to your company or business. Whether online or offline, these printing and design experts can be of great help in determining which design, color, or lay out will give your business the best possible exposure it can generate.

Although there are businesses, especially small or start-up businesses who would rather print their own business cards to save on costs, choosing a professional business card lay-out designer and printing company is a wiser option. There are in fact many ways to optimize a business card. The products or services can be enumerated on the face of the card for the clients to have a clearer grasp of what the business can offer. Unfortunately there are cards that fail to include other services which may add to the profitability of the business by increasing sales.

Furthermore, in business cards, the business logo and business name must be printed legibly on them. It is not wise to fill your card with so much information and other designs, and barely leaving enough space for your company name and logo. A business card is not a company resume, and as much as information on the company is essential, there is no sense in overdoing it.

Finally, the other side of the business card can be utilized for a number of purposes. The location map of the business may be printed, or a particular product best seller or service can be highlighted. Or the card can have a folded design so as to have more space for additional information. Business cards can do so much for any business, when optimized for exposure and sales purposes.