Showing posts with label Profit. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Profit. Show all posts

Why Web Design is Advantageous to Business and Profit

The way you have your website designed is going to influence your online business and how much of a profit you are able to generate from it. There is so much competition online these days that you have to offer a nice looking website or consumers are going to find another one that will. There are some common elements you want to have in place for your website so that it will be profitable for you.

Most consumers are very impatient and they won’t wait long for a web page to open up. If you are using animation or Flash to impress consumers you may find it isn’t working well because they aren’t waiting around long enough for it to open up. You generally have three seconds or less before they will go to another website that does open quickly. Since you will likely have links to various web pages, make sure that they can always access the homepage from any of these pages.

It doesn’t matter how good the information is on your website if consumers can’t read it. Take the time to choose a reasonable size of font and discover colors that work well together. I recently visited a website that had good information but I couldn’t concentrate on it because the background was green and the writing was in pink. While you want the website design to be attractive it also has to be easy on the eyes.

The navigation for your entire website should be very simple to follow. Consumers aren’t going to spend their time trying to figure out how to get where they want to be. Have a tool bar accessible on the top. You can also incorporate simple codes in areas that say CLICK HERE or other similar wording so they can get where they want to be.

It is vital that you make the checkout process as easy as possible for your consumers. It should be step by step to follow and move along quickly. Offer plenty of options for payment including e-check, Paypal, and credit cards. The more payment options you include the more sales you will generate.

It is a common courteousy to have your website set up to provide an immediate confirmation number for them once the purchase has been completed. This way they know their order was processed and they can contact you about it with that number should they need to.

Feel free to be creative with your website design as long as you are able to incorporate these various elements in it as well. You will definitely have the attention of the consumers in your target market if you offer them something refreshing that they haven’t seen before. At the same time though you have to make sure it is easy to ready and easy to navigate. Not everyone has the same level of expertise when it comes to using the internet so make your site accessible to that category as well.

7 Steps to a Purpose Driven Home Based Business: The Winning Combination of Passion and Profit

Have you been thinking about leaving your job and starting a work at home enterprise? If you have mentioned your desire to anyone other than another entrepreneur you may have been discouraged. For many people it is hard to understand why anyone would want to leave “the safety and security” of a job and “risk their lively hood.” But if you have ever been hit by an entrepreneurial seizure there is something that happens which is unexplainable.

If you are willing to respond to this deep emotion you will never be happy living your life by a job description. You want more. A cubicle will feel like a prison and until you create something you can call your own you will feel like each day a part of you is making a deal with the devil.

For most people starting a business is a scary proposition. So how do you create an environment that pulls you towards success? What can you do to inspire yourself to take your life back and build wealth from home? Creating a purpose driven home based business is the winning combination that blends living your passion and profiting from it.

Here are 7 seven steps you can take towards a purpose driven work at home career:

1. You can create a vision and mission for your home based enterprise that inspires you. Life is too short. When you make the decision to leave the rat race you don’t want to create a business that’s simply another job. So why are you taking this journey? What do you want your business to look like?

For example, I am clear that my home based venture is as much about lifestyle as it is profit. When ever I work on my business I look at my mission that includes income developed through passive income and working no more than 25 hours a week.

Why? Because after 15+ years in Corporate America I learned that what are important to me are my personal relationships. I no longer wanted to trade my time for money. At the end of my life I don’t want to remember how many hours I worked for someone else or the sacrifices I made for a company. As a result, my vision is to create a lifestyle that allows me to enjoy life with the people I care about.

What is your vision for your business? Try to include all of your senses. What will it look like when you get there? How will you feel? Who will be there to celebrate with you? With you smell the breeze of the ocean water or the pungent fragrance of swaying honeysuckle? The more you connect with your vision the more you will be inspired.

2. Create your business based around something you are passionate about. There is something magical that happens when you are operating in something you love to do and are uniquely good at. Have you ever had a job you hated? How did you feel? You will never live a life of purpose doing something you don't like. Discover your passion and give it all you've got.

For years I worked in jobs that I was good at but hated. However, when I struck out on my own I wanted to have a life I loved. I uncovered my unique talents and went to work. And what happened for me can happen for you.

When you start to live the life you were born to do the universe makes all of the resources available to you that you need to be successful. So what are you passionate about? What skills and talents do you have you can create a life and business around? Write down two or three skills have that would be utilized in your purpose driven business.

3. Make your business a business that is bigger than you. What would it feel like to know that your business was directly responsible for impacting the world in some way? How would you feel to know that when you passed on people from around the world would thank you for the part you played in creating something of value that was important to them?

At first, this line of thinking can be overwhelming. However, not when you start to think of what is at the core of any business. Your goal is to find a solution to your customers’ problems. And in exchange they are willing to pay you for it. To the extent that you get to know their hopes, desires, dreams and pains and you help to successfully maneuver the maze of life they will be forever grateful.

So how can your venture make its mark in the world? My goal is to help people discover their passion, monetize it and live a life they love. I personally want to help 1000 people in the next 3 years take their life back and build wealth from home. The very thought that I could play a small part in helping someone else do this gives my business a purpose much bigger than me.

Write down one goal that you have for your business that is bigger than you. Make sure you keep the goal in front of you where you can see it everyday.

4. Develop a business plan that supports your values and beliefs. Whenever you are working to accomplish something great you must have a plan. The creation of your business plan is the map that you will use to guide you through your journey. One of the keys to a successful plan is to make sure everything you do is consistent with your values and beliefs.

For example, if you have a family and want to spend more time with them you don’t want to build a business that requires you to spend long amounts of time away from them to build.

Don’t get me wrong. You will make choices and sacrifices. However, those should be things that are short term and spelled out. You want to be clear what you are giving up or making adjustments and what you will get in return.

"Strive for integrity--that means knowing your values in life and behaving in a way that is consistent with these values." ---author unknown. When you are building something that is consistent with who you are as a person your daily actions will feed your soul.

5. Consider giving a percentage of the profits to an organization you love. I love the quote, "No one has ever become poor by giving." --Anne Frank. Actually our lives are enriched when we give.

For example, maybe you have a religious organization you would like to tithe to. Or you might like to help a cause that is close to your heart. One of my favorite charitable organizations is the Junior Achievement.

Junior Achievement uses hands-on experiences to help young people understand the economics of life. This organization partners with business leaders and educators. The mission of Junior Achievement is to bring the real world to students and open their mind to their potential.

I chose to contribute to this organization because I love to see young people find their passion and follow it early in life. I feel like my life is enriched when I can help a young person discover their passion and avoid the rat race.

Do you have an organization you would like to contribute to? Think about how you would feel if your company was contributing to an organization that was helping to make a difference in the world.

6. Extend your hand to help someone who wants to do what you do. One of the ways to give purpose to your business is to teach, coach or mentor a person. There are people who would love to benefit from the knowledge and expertise you have acquired.

You might want to teach a class or create a coaching club. You can impact several people at once and leverage your time.

Who can you reach out to and help? What vehicle will you use to make a difference for someone else? Write down 3 ideas and implement one immediately.

7. Create a community by enrolling others to make it happen. Have you ever experienced the power of what happens when several people are committed to one goal? There is a powerful force that happens when you speak your purpose out loud and invite others to become a part of it.

Look for opportunities to have customers, friends, family and colleagues to become a part of the mission of your business. Your company could become a cause for change in the world.

For example, who would ever imagine that the purpose of a greeting card company was to change peoples lives one card at a time? Well it’s true. I had the privileged of hearing the CEO of this greeting card speak.

He told the story of how he had a prompting to say goodbye one more time to his brother when he was moving and failed to do so. Shortly after the move he got a phone call that his brother had died tragically. He was haunted by the fact he had failed to say good bye.

Later he was inspired to create a greeting card company that allows people to act on their promptings. Never again, would anyone miss any opportunity to send someone they care about a card. His passion and commitment about his business is contagious. He truly embodies the characteristics of a purposed driven home based business.

So the choice is yours. You can create a business that focuses solely on making a buck and during the difficult times it might not be enough to get you through. Or you can create something with purpose. These 7 traits are a winning combination. Life is truly a joy when you can have a home based business with purpose and profit from it.

5 Low Cost High Profit Businesses You Can Start From Home While Working In Your Pajamas

There are two type of people in the world. Those who see the glass half empty and those who see it half full. This experience was heightened for me when I had lunch with an old colleague from work and he began to complain about how only rich people could start a business. I thought he was joking.

As I sat and listened he ranted for almost ten minutes giving all the reasons he could not start his own business and get out of the rat race. He talked about the high cost of start ups,
franchising and real estate development. When he finally came up for air I decided to ask simply ask him one question. Mark, “Have you every asked yourself what kind of low cost businesses with high profit margins are out there?”

He looked like he had been run over by a truck. I went on to say, “You are just asking the wrong question.” He sat for a minute and said, “Ok, if you’re so smart give me some ideas.” I said, “Great. Oh and by the way let's make it fun and focus on the ones you can work from home in your pajamas.”

Here are the 5 low cost high profit businesses I shared with Mark.

1. Internet Marketing: Do you have a computer in your home? If so you could be sitting on a gold mine. People use the internet to do all types of things. From a multimillion dollar wire jewelry making enterprise to a young kid from Long Beach California who created his empire teaching people how to play music by ear. Everyday people are getting on the internet and pursuing their own dot com fortune.

2. Tele-seminars: If you not a very technical person one of the
best strategies is tele-seminars. With simply a telephone and a
conference call line for your guest to call in on you can offer
a class or seminar. You can either use it as a lead generator or you can sell your product or service from the seminar itself. An additional product can come from recording the class. Once you record the class it can become an instant product you can create passive income from.

3. Joint Ventures: If you like the idea of not needing a product or money of your own than the idea of joint venturing could be for you. This business is simply the art of the deal. You are paid in direct proportion to your ability to bring together two parties who would not otherwise know each other outside of your introduction.

For example if you combine company A’s products, knowledge,
resources and partner it with company B’s client list you get to share in the profits. And it would not cost you one cent.

4. Affiliate Marketing: What if someone else did most of the work but you got to share in the profit pie? Well, that is
what affiliate marketing is all about. There are thousands of
products ranging from digital down loads, books,seminars not to
mention hard products like computers, cell phones and other
techie stuff. Your job is to find the products that your market is interested in and when you sell something you get a percentage of the sale. You can do this without having any inventory or the overhead of a traditional business.

5. Information Products: This is one of the most highly lucrative low cost businesses you can get into. If you have specialized knowledge or can do you can research and reporton it you can create products that are highly profitable. For example, one of the fastest ways to success is to interview experts in a high demand niche market.

Once you have interviewed these experts you can take the information and create several different products from the one interview. Some of the things you can do is sell the recording itself, sell the transcript of the call, use some of the content create an e-book or report or take several of the interviews and put them together for an expert tape series.

6. Network Marketing/MLM: I have always been a fan of network
marketing because the business model is as much about self
development as it is building a business. The premise is you find a company that you are passionate about the product, has a proven system and strong team leadership. Most of these companies are low cost of entry. And you build your empire leveraging the efforts of many.

Some people incorrectly believe you are going to get rich off the back of someone else. Not true. The very core of network marketing is built on the fact that you get paid in direct proportion of your ability to recruit, train, inspire, support and lead a voluntary group of people. For those who can do this the rewards are great.

7. EBay: I was recently introduced to the EBay craze by someone
who in the beginning had no money so he decided to sell a tape set a friend had created. This product was a compilation of interviews with successful entrepreneurs. Their first sale was $37.00 and they went on to build multi-million dollar empire. EBay is one of the quickest ways to get to a profit. You can take things that you have in your garage today and sell them on EBay tomorrow. Remember one mans junk is another mans treasure.

At the end of the lunch something interesting happened. My friend Mark was starting to see the glass half full. How about you? Are you looking for a business you can start without breaking the bank? The above five businesses are just a few ideas to jump start your thought process. However, make no mistake you can start a low cost high profit business and enjoy it while lounging in your pajamas.

Home Business From The Profit Angle

A home business has so many positive sides to it and the profit angle is one side that draws many people in. By creating a home business you eliminate the need for a boss or other employees taking profit away from you. You are the man or woman on top. You take home the greatest portion of profit made fro your business. This brings us to the three main reasons why the profit angles of a home business are so appealing.

You’re the Boss

Since you are the boss and you run your company you make all of the financial related decisions. You can choose what areas of your business can be thriftier than others. You choose where and how and how much money to save. You work the hours that you choose and not what your employer tells you to. You can work or not work on holidays and so on. You are truly the one person who makes the choices that lead to your profits and losses.

No Employees

Most likely when taking on a home business, you will be running it either solo or with a single partner. This cuts the need for employees and saves the profit earned and to be shared by yourself or between you and your partner. No losses can be created, no damages to business equipment to throw money away on.


If you make your products or you provide your business services, than most likely everything is done “In-House”. What I mean by this is that if you make your own flyers and business cards in your home office, it is done “In-House”. By doing this you keep from paying additional funds to outside workers. If you can make your products without the aid of another company, that you are saving your profits for yourself.

These three simple areas that are involved in running a home business make the profit angle of home business so appealing. The fact is that you truly have the power over your profits. You decide how much to bring in, and how much profit goes outside of your business. This is why so many people today are leaving their current jobs to become home business owners. The power to run your life and the power over your finances draws us in. There is no greater feeling than knowing that you control your life. You wake up happier and smile more throughout your day. Looking at the profit angle of home businesses can make you see running a home business as more than an opportunity but possibility. A possibility that can change the way you live your life as well as the life of those in your family. Looking at the profit angle of business, do you think a home business is for you? It certainly could be.

Bulk Buying Of Bead And Jewelry Making Supplies Increase Your Profit For A Home Based Business

All you need to start up your own jewelry business are beads and jewelry making supplies. Making your new jewelry business a home based business makes it even more economical. Your bead and jewelry making supplies are very inexpensive, since you already have your hands, and there is no overhead when working out of your home.

Bulk Buying

Your bead and jewelry making supplies can and should be bought wholesale and also in bulk. It is much cheaper for the new business owner to buy their beads and jewelry making supplies in bulk. The bead and jewelry making suppliers give deep discounts when the consumers buy in bulk quantities. It would be wise to select one type of jewelry to make at first. Again, it is cost effective, because your inventory will be limited to a specific type of bead or jewelry component. And being a new jewelry business owner, this gives you the opportunity to practice on the specific item until you perfect it.

Choosing Beads

When choosing your bead and jewelry making supplier, remember to research the company before making a decision. It is always wise to ask a fellow jewelry business owner who they would recommend. If the supplier gets good reviews from fellow artisans, then you generally can depend on that supplier.

It’s also a good idea to decide on one style of bead to use before you pick a supplier. Maybe you should buy from a supplier who specializes in the one specific bead you are interested in. There are hundreds of locations for bead and jewelry making supplies all over the world. A good rule of thumb is that if you are choosing, for instance a Bali pearl, you should buy from a supplier in Bali. But then again, Austrian Swarovski crystals can be purchased in the U.S. for a very fair price. But normally if you are seeking a bead from a specific region in the world, the cost of a middleman is taken out if you buy direct.

There are hundreds of internet sites where you can find bead and jewelry making supplies. The number of bead suppliers alone run in the hundreds. If you are looking for the average wooden, ceramic, plastic or glass bead, the internet can become your best friend. All of the bead and jewelry making suppliers have competitive pricing. But be sure and research the quality of the bead before you make your final selection. If you follow all of the above and you already know how to make jewelry, your home based jewelry business will be simple to start. Good Luck!

Afraid To Start Your Own Business? New Turnkey Automation Makes It Easy For Anyone To Profit

The benefits of owning your own business can be astronomical. Not only can you earn all the extra money you'll ever need, you can earn a full-time income that dwarfs what you're making now.

There's a good reason why you'll earn more owning your own business. Employers ALWAYS pay employees LESS than they're worth. The difference between what an employee is worth and what they're paid is profit. The bigger the difference between worth and pay, the more profit the employer makes.

But when you own your own business, you get paid the entire amount you're worth. If you're worth $1,000 per week, or $1,000 per day, or even $1,000 per hour -- that's what you earn. There is no boss standing over you saying, "I'm sorry, but even though you're earning me $1,000 per hour, I'm only going to pay you $1,000 per week."

Of course, owning your own business isn't always that easy. Start up costs can be very expensive. You may have to bankroll your business for months or even years before it starts earning a profit.

On top of that, you also need a great product to sell, a good way to get all the new customers you'll need, and have advanced skill in selling. I don't care what you sell, you have to be able to REALLY SELL IT to customers if you're ever going to make money.

Now I fully realize the vast majority of people reading this article don't have a lot of extra money to start a business and hate to sell. You may feel you'll never be able to run your own successful business. You just don't have what it takes.

Nothing could be further from the truth. In the past, you needed a lot of money to start a business. But today's automated turnkey online business systems let you get your business up and running within a few minutes. You can be earning profits -- and I mean BIG $2,500 per sale profits -- that same day.

They key is to insist on a home business that uses the Net's awesome automated lead building capabilities. Search engines can be used to drive huge numbers of targeted leads to professionally designed web sites. These sites gather new customers and send them to a professional staff of sales people.

The system delivers professionally "sold" new customers ready to buy.

If you figure ANYONE can profit from this kind of business, you're absolutely correct. Today's new turnkey systems don't require special training or a great deal of start up cash. You don't need employees or even an office. Run your business from your kitchen table. It's really that easy.