Showing posts with label Young. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Young. Show all posts

Young Business Men & Woman

The most dynamic business people are those who are starting their own business for the first time. They have innovative and daring ideas and believe that the world is a safe place for young entrepreneurs!

They have dreams of the world waiting with baited breath for their latest million dollar idea. They believe that their journey will be short, sweet and simple. They laugh at older people that are still struggling to get by.

They are full of optimism and hope to realize their ambitions in record time not realising that their lack of serious business knowledge and their high sex drive is waiting for them like a trap that a hunter has set!

As they get older, most become cautious and their respect for people that are already successful grows… as they start to realize the sheer effort and true grit that is involved in making a new business fly.

Most serious (or should it be serial?) entrepreneurs generally start making a serious income in their late thirties and early forties. Prior to this they have been at "school" trying to figure out what works and getting shrewder, sharper and wiser by the minute.

Finally, if they have not become cynical, they learn to be humble and knuckle down to some hard work. If they have persevered and not let their business goals die in this shark infested world of business, they are now ready to make inroads into their desires and goals.

The best advice I can give to anybody starting up for the first time is to find one or more successful business mentors that you can trust completely. Make sure that if you ask for their advice then you follow it!

A normal man learns from his experiences, a bright man learns from other people's experiences and a clever man will seek the relevant advice from properly qualified people and take a short cut!

Business Success Tips For Young Entrepreneurs

A company that is founded on the energy and enthusiasm of youth can give larger, more established businesses a run for their money. Young people have a lot of creative ideas for making money and plenty of free time to explore the many possibilities of making it work. For most young people, the biggest motivating factor for starting their own company is the flexibility of schedule that it offers, which means they can study and work on their own terms. What’s more, the fewer financial responsibilities that are present at this time mean there is more money to put into the business.

You have the ideas but don’t know how to implement them? Here are a few tips to help you on your entrepreneurial journey.

Believe in yourself

You may not find many takers willing to fund your business venture and that could only be because of your age. Don’t let it discourage you. Try different avenues. You could be find help from the most unexpected quarters.

Don’t be afraid of asking for help

You’d be amazed at the amount of information and advice that is yours for the asking. Nobody knows what’s on your mind unless you tell them. So go ahead and tell your mentors and everybody else along the way about this fantastic business plan you have. People love to give advice and talk about things they are passionate about. If you come across the right person, the ideas and support you are bound to get could prove invaluable.

Stay focused, but stay balanced too

Stay focused on your plan and look for every opportunity you get to network and promote your business. But be careful not to overdo it. Earning a degree and starting a business side-by-side can be very intense. Making time to socialize and having other interests will go a long way in helping you avoid early burn-out.

Creative marketing is everything

Learn to use innovative marketing strategies to attract potential clients. Putting yourself in their shoes and thinking like them will give you a better idea of which is the best place to start.