Showing posts with label Offering. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Offering. Show all posts

Build Your Home Business Offering Superior Service

One of the biggest complaints customers have against businesses, large and small is "LOUSY CUSTOMER SERVICE".

We have all had the experience of being left hanging on the phone while just trying to get some simple information, or waiting to hear the voice of a live person who can answer a few questions. Recently, I called the U.S. postal service on a working day to see if I could get some information on sending a package to the U.K. Believe it or not, I got a voice mail message telling me to leave my name and phone number and some one would call me back.

I COULDN'T BELIEVE IT! I was out-done, flabbergasted! You mean to tell me that a gigantic operation like the U.S. postal service can't afford to hire enough people to answer the phones on a regular working day!

A few weeks ago, I ordered some information from a small mail order company. The order information said that if I sent a check that my order would be delayed until the check cleared. So I sent cash ($16.00). I still didn't get the order for three weeks. When I got the order it was only three pages of information, I don't know how you see it, but I call this poor customer service.


Why does there seems to be so many companies that don't have a clue when it comes to serving their customers? Why is it that large businesses such as airlines, hotels, car rental companies etc. make the customers jump through hoops just to use their services?

Perhaps some of the companies have grown so big they think the public has no choice but to do business with them. Whatever the reasons may be, poor customer service is bad for business.

I could go on and on giving examples of my experiences of poor customer service. But I’m sure you too could tell poor customer service stories of your own.

The point is, when we spend our money to purchase a product or service, we all feel that our business should be appreciated. In most cases, when we receive poor customer service, we simply take our business elsewhere.


The small business entrepreneur must do every thing possible to gain an advantage that will help obtain loyal customers.

Offering your customers "RED CARPET" service will help to ensure a lasting, profitable relationship with your customers. Offering excellent customer service could mean the difference between success and failure for your business.

This process should begin when a potential customer makes an inquiry about your product or service. When a potential customer wants more information about your business, you should see that this information is in their hands as quickly as possible.

Your sales message should look professional and be truthful. Don't make the mistake of assuming that your potential customer is some kind of idiot by making outrageous, unrealistic claims about what your product, service or program will do for them. Give your customers all of the information they need, so they’ll know exactly what they’ll receive if they purchase your product or join your program. Make sure that you deliver on every promise you make to your customers.


If you are a small mail order dealer doing business out of your home, you should understand that when a person sends you money through the mail, they are giving you a vote of confidence. You should show your appreciation for their business by providing them with prompt, efficient service. Always make it a point to give them more than they expected to receive.

Establish a line of communications with your customers. Make sure that you provide them a way to contact you by phone, email or fax. Keep in contact with your customers by surprising them with an inexpensive free gift such as a wallet sized calendar with your business name on it. Or include a special offer. Make your customers feel special. Let them know that you value their business.

Add Value To Your Business Offering And Enhance Profits

A classic mistake a lot of new businesses make is to solely compete on price. By adding extra features to your offering it is often possible to charge higher prices.

Let’s say for example you are a small soft drinks manufacturer. What could you add that would allow you to charge higher prices? One idea might be to add some vitamins to your mixture or if it’s fruit juice – no added sugar. Another idea might be to use premium or novelty packaging.

Have you seen the lolly in a tube which children can open and shut? It is based on the lipstick concept which allows the children to have exactly the right amount protruding for maximum taste. A normal lolly might retail at a few cents whilst this one retails at around a dollar! Same product plus novel packaging equals much higher profit.

Another idea that aroused my interest was when a well known toothpaste manufacturer managed to increase the sales of their product by just increasing the size of the hole! They realised that their customers used to spread a line of toothpaste and when they increased the size of the aperture people carried on spreading the same length not realising that they were using more toothpaste!

Recently have you noticed that cans of beer & juice have wider apertures to allow us to gulp our drink quicker? You can now drink just as easily from a can as you would from a glass. Not all manufacturers have followed this example yet!

Have a look on the Internet and you will find that the best websites offer a lot of information for free. Some of them have a whole host of articles telling you how to do their job! Off course what they are really counting on is the fact that even if they show you how to do it you might not have the time or the inclination to do it! By explaining the processes involved it serves to show their expertise on the issue and means that you are more likely to become a customer.

By adding extra ingredients, improving packaging, offering free information and looking at how easy your product is to use can make all the difference between charging a cut throat price and making a little extra profit.