Showing posts with label Enhance. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Enhance. Show all posts

Yoga for Business People: Enhance your Business Acumen

There are many of us who feel we are not as bright as we would like to be; or that we lack the will power a friend or a colleague seems to have. What is not known widely - or taken with skepticism even when known - is that mental power can be enhanced by Yoga and meditation.

Don't worry if your allopathic doctors dismiss this claim, or worse, laugh at it in contempt. Allopathic doctors tend to downplay such claims because allopathy has been brainwashed into a sort of negativism.

While the neuro-surgeon himself swears by the mantra which he recites every morning, believing it is instrumental in making divine energy flow through him, he feels that the beneficial effects of yoga on all professionals, particularly businessmen, have hardly been talked about.

Yoga or meditation is very beneficial to business executives because it makes decision-making much easier and quicker. It takes away vacillation and helps the brain to grasp the pros and cons quickly.

A surgeon needs to take a decision quickly on the operating table. Similarly, a businessman may not have more than five minutes to decide. Supposing he has a dollar 1 million business deal where a decision has to be made in five minutes, he needs a brain which is stimulated and in a trim state. In this state, decision-making becomes easy and anxiety level goes down.

In such a state not only is the brain able to think clearly, but the other systems of the body which suffer due to stress or tensions, are also spared.

Improve your Business Cards and Enhance your Sales

In this digital generation where information can be easily obtained within seconds, business cards still have retained their importance in the achievement of increased business exposure and business sales. If your business already has a bunch of printed cards distributed to a number of potential customers and yet you do not see any improvement in your market reach, then it’s high time to revamp your old business card.

Take out your business card and look at it in an objective point of view. If you were the customer, would you want to keep the card, or throw it away? Are the fonts on the card too diminutive for clear reading? Or is your design reflective of what your company is in business for? Most businessmen have their company cards printed based on their own subjective preferences, never really taking into consideration if the business cards deliver the necessary message for maximum business impact in such a minimum space.

Online connectivity has made it possible for businesses and clients to communicate without hassle, yet it is the business cards which reinforce the presence of the business even in the absence of the Internet. Thus, even when your clients are vacationing in a deserted island, or have gone camping on a mountain side where Internet connection is hard to come by, they are still able to access your business information through the business card, and even better to give your card to a prospective client.

Postcards are also viable ways to generate increased contact for your business but because business cards are handier and easier to fit into a wallet or a business file organizer, they are more certain to be carried anywhere and anytime. Moreover, what is printed on the card is as important as to how the information is printed. A business card should have the name and the logo of the company or business, the slogan or motto of the company, the contact person, contact numbers or cell phone numbers, the business website, and if possible, a physical address.

Any business should never underestimate the power of business cards. It is able to provide quick information, is easy to keep, and if optimized to the fullest, can generate impressive sales increase. Even the empty space at the back of a card can be utilized to hold additional information like a map or an attractive freebie. Business cards can surely help any business to be more well-known and profitable in the long run.

Add Value To Your Business Offering And Enhance Profits

A classic mistake a lot of new businesses make is to solely compete on price. By adding extra features to your offering it is often possible to charge higher prices.

Let’s say for example you are a small soft drinks manufacturer. What could you add that would allow you to charge higher prices? One idea might be to add some vitamins to your mixture or if it’s fruit juice – no added sugar. Another idea might be to use premium or novelty packaging.

Have you seen the lolly in a tube which children can open and shut? It is based on the lipstick concept which allows the children to have exactly the right amount protruding for maximum taste. A normal lolly might retail at a few cents whilst this one retails at around a dollar! Same product plus novel packaging equals much higher profit.

Another idea that aroused my interest was when a well known toothpaste manufacturer managed to increase the sales of their product by just increasing the size of the hole! They realised that their customers used to spread a line of toothpaste and when they increased the size of the aperture people carried on spreading the same length not realising that they were using more toothpaste!

Recently have you noticed that cans of beer & juice have wider apertures to allow us to gulp our drink quicker? You can now drink just as easily from a can as you would from a glass. Not all manufacturers have followed this example yet!

Have a look on the Internet and you will find that the best websites offer a lot of information for free. Some of them have a whole host of articles telling you how to do their job! Off course what they are really counting on is the fact that even if they show you how to do it you might not have the time or the inclination to do it! By explaining the processes involved it serves to show their expertise on the issue and means that you are more likely to become a customer.

By adding extra ingredients, improving packaging, offering free information and looking at how easy your product is to use can make all the difference between charging a cut throat price and making a little extra profit.