Showing posts with label Failing. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Failing. Show all posts

What Is The Difference Between Succeeding And Failing In Your Home Business?

Why are some people successful in their home business and others not so successful in their home business? We are going to cover a number of reasons why some people make it in home business and other people do not make it in their home business. Home business is just like anything else you plan to do in life, it takes work. It also takes effort and not just effort once every couple of weeks but it takes daily continuous effort to make your home business succeed.There is a quote in a movie with Tom Hanks called " A League Of Their Own". In the scene Tom Hanks is talking to his all-star catcher, who just quit the team, he tells her " If it were easy everyone would do it". That quote is so true in todays home business, if it were really as easy as pushing a button and making millions don't you think everyone would be making millions upon millions. Only the strong survive holds true for home business or any business for that matter. No matter who you are, you will go through ups and downs. Most people quit as soon as they hit the first stone in the road. Which is the number one reason why people never fulfill their dreams.

So people quitting is the main reason most people never make it and just not in home business but in anything in life. In order to succeed in anything in life you must have the mind set where quitting is not an option. If you quit you never get to fulfill your dreams or goals. Once you start quitting it becomes a habit and once quitting is a habit you are then officially a quitter. So what if you haven't had the type of success you had dreamed of yet. Keep trucking. When the going gets tough the tough get going. If you quit on yourself you will never be successful in anything you do in life.

The next reason so many people never make it is because they are listening to morons. Yes and I said morons. Remember most people will knock you anytime you try something new or you try something they are too afraid to do themselves. I have seen many people give up on their dreams just because some Average Joe who makes 7 bucks an hour flipping burgers, told them it was not possible. Remember to consider the source when you listen to advice from people. Everyone has an opinion and you must consider the source when listening to their opinion. Remember "Opinions are like (you know what) everyone has one."

You see everyone has doubts and everyone has opiated people trying to influence them. The difference between winners and losers is winners stick it out to the end. No matter what happens, no matter how bad things go on, winners stick it out. Losers quit! That is the difference. Winners cut out negative people and add more winners to their social circle. Losers let other losers influence their lively hood. I will not lie to you and say starting a business is an easy road. It is not, there will be ups and downs but everyone has gone through them from Donald Trump to Bill Gates. The difference is they believed in themselves and kept going not matter what happened and no matter what anyone said.

90 Percent Of All Home Based Businesses Are Failing

Many home based businesses are failing. Studies show 90 percent of all home based businesses are failing to make any profit. There are many reasons for this. I believe everyone from the companies to the home business owners are at fault. Many people are afraid to join or start a home business because of all of the negative publicity going around. Many people who have actually started a with a business have lost lots of money but at the same time many people have also made a ton of money with these types of businesses. I will separate the myths from the facts in this article and explain what is really takes to be successful with these types of businesses. Hopefully this will put to rest any fears or questions you may have about the home business industry.

Like anything else in life you will alway's have a few bad apples ruining it for everyone else. And this is what has happened in the home business industry. There have been a few companies who had one purpose and that one purpose was to scam hard working and decent people out of their money. Once this happened of course word spread and a therefore a bad rep was given. Another thing that has hurt the home business industry is bad advertising. Some companies make promises they cannot deliver on. For example make $100,000 a year only working 10 minutes a month. Claims like this are completely untrue and many people have been burned by companies proclaiming ads like that.

But it is not entirely the companies fault, either. This maybe something you are not used to reading or hearing but it is also the faults of the people looking to join or start a home business. Most business owners will not tell you that since they are looking to sell you something, so they tell you everything you want to hear. I will be very blunt, many people looking to go into this industry are looking for the quick fix. They are looking to make money overnight. Many will give up after one month of trying to get a business off the ground. Now as a business owner myself, I think that is crazy, quitting after a month is ridiculous. You have to give your business a chance to succeed by sticking with it and working it daily.

Over 90 percent of home based businesses fail because many people come in with the wrong mentality. They come in thinking they will get rich quick by only working 10 minutes a month. Some of the companies in this industry also do not help out since they make such claims, like work 10 minutes a month and make 6 figures. Building a business for yourself can be one of the greatest things you can do for yourself but you must understand a business takes time and work to build. It does not happen overnight. If you are willing to put in the work and stick through the ups and downs you will find yourself enjoying a life of wealth and abundance.