Showing posts with label Direct. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Direct. Show all posts

Is Direct Sales A Good Business?

Direct sales increase profits for companies. It is one of the strongest forms of marketing that will make you the most money. Another key factor in direct sales is having a great product to sell to the public or to sell at whole sale prices to distributors. The wellness and fitness industries are one of the strongest marketing industries and are continually growing. Now is a good time to get into direct sales for either wellness or fitness.

Having a terrific product will make direct sales a breeze. People will automatically want to purchase your items because they will virtually sell themselves. This makes direct sales much easier because the product will speak for itself instead of you having to try and talk it up. Products in both wellness and fitness really attract the attention of customers.

The first thing to know about both wellness industry and the fitness industry is that people like to get healthy and to feel better. A great deal of money is spent on exercise and nutrition. Also, beauty and skin care products have increased in popularity. This means that you have an abundance of products that you will do well with in direct sales.

The best approach to direct sales is to provide people with a reason to buy. Customers are more likely to purchase a product if you create a strong need for the product. You want them to see the potential benefits that they can receive from the products. They will be willing to pay slightly more for a product that will help them in the short and long term. This is a strong direct sales point that can increase profits very quickly.

Another great approach to direct sales is getting to know people in the industry. You can meet a lot of people at wellness and fitness trade shows and exhibitions. This is a terrific way to network and talk with other distributors. Often you can find someone that has a complimentary product to what you are selling. You can cut them a deal and the two of you can actually benefit from the sale. Networking with other people is a terrific way to build some direct sales.

With fitness products you can direct sale to gyms, fitness instructors, and to the general public for home equipment to help with their workouts. It is important to offer DVDs, VHS tapes, and audio tapes as complimentary products. You can also offer free samples of sports drinks or complimentary energy bars when you do direct sales for fitness equipment.

Wellness products range from all types and sorts on the market. Direct sales should be fairly simple in this area. It is good to offer a sample product that your customers can have as a bonus with their purchases. You can direct sale at trade shows, flea markets, gas stations, health stores, malls, and other places to have the highest potential profits.

Direct sales increase profits because you have the potential to get repeat customers. You do the best with products that virtually sell themselves. Offering a sample product or bonus product will also help to increase sales.

Using Squidoo To Skyrocket Your Direct Sales Business

New and seasoned direct sellers need to stand apart from their competition particularly if you're with a direct sales company that offers cookie cutter websites. If you're looking to build online business specifically, you need to find a way to show your potential customers and recruits that YOU are the expert in your field.

You could spend hundreds or thousands of dollars on a marketing plan specifically designed for you and your company. You could spend another large amount on advertising and PR. But what I if I told you there was a way to set yourself apart on the internet - and also told you that it's free? Would you stop and take notice?

I hope so because there's a wonderful tool on the Internet that's just perfect for direct sellers to strut their stuff and establish themselves as the expert in their field and it doesn't cost a penny - and even the time element is minimal. You set this up in about 5 minutes and it's easy. It's called Squidoo!

Squid-what? Squidoo - I like to call it a blog on steroids. Squidoo doesn't call them blogs though; they're called "lenses" because each lens helps you to focus in on specific information on one area.

What can you do on a squidoo site that will help you maximize your position as the direct sales expert for your company?

1. Have a web identity separate from your company sponsored replicated website. It's great to have a company site, but having a squidoo lens will help people find YOU and not just your company.

2. Confirm your expert status. You can give details about your products and how customers can use them in real life. You can go beyond the product descriptions and really help your customers see the benefits of the lifestyle that your company's products promotes.

3. Links to your company site. Within the squidoo lens you can link to your company website too. It's a great lead generator for you.

4. Video and tutorials - show your customers how to sign up by displaying an online video of the process right on your lens (some special software may be required for this part). Even if you don't do video you can type out a step by step tutorial on your sign up process so the shy ones feel better about jumping in.

5. Book and resource recommendations - recommend books and other resources so your customers can become educated. Just another service to help set you apart from the crowd. This option allows you to also earn a little side income for yourself. Not bad!

Direct Mail Tips And Tricks To Boost Business

There are a lot of direct mail tips out there that can help increase your business. This is by no means an “end all” resource. My hope is that I’m able to give you some direct mail tips and ideas that you can use now as a starting point to develop your own strategy.

Direct mail advertising can be pretty expensive, so it’s best you know the ins and outs of it before you start.

My first of several direct marketing tips… It typically takes anywhere from three to five mail pieces before you get any kind of response, and sometimes it takes even more exposure. For an optimal response rate, it’s best that you use a highly targeted direct mail advertising list.

To acquire a nice, highly targeted direct mail list, rent one that has some commonalities, such as the same industry, occupation, people in certain age rages, demographics, etc…

Once you have that list, write a headline that can connect with the target audience, one that will hit their hot buttons. If you write up a pretty good headline, mailing out to a solid list, there’s not reason that you can’t do better than the standard one percent response. Perhaps boosting it up to 3 to 5 percent.

Another one of my favorite direct mail tips is this… in order to find out what your audience is most interested, just ask them. Why would you want to mail out your offer to an audience that does not want it. Of course, this option is not available to everyone and some expense will be incurred in testing this, however once you have refined this process, the response to your offer will be much greater… translating into greater profits.

On with more direct mail tips… next we have postcards. They are not used too often by larger businesses and when you do find one, save it. They know what they’re doing. It’s an excellent way to reach out to your customers and clients at a fraction of the cost. It’s cheaper to reproduce and mail out postcards, and it’s especially beneficial when you can post all your content on one side and have a nice picture. I love this because the prospect or client will be forced to read your message.

Moving on with the direct mail tips… you should set up a system to track and measure all mailings you send out. You want to test the headline, offer, price, envelope, day of the week you’re mailing, etc. Once you find a number that you’re happy with, you can continue until you see the numbers dwindle, or try to beat it by testing even more.

Next, you should be using a two step process. Get your audience to first let you know that they are interested, then it will be much easier to market to them, as opposed to marketing to a cold list. Here’s one of the most powerful of all direct mail tips, when it comes to writing your sales offer… you’re going to want to use a deadline. It forces people to take action, instead of having them wait days, weeks or months, if ever to respond to your offer.

Start small, then work your way up. Test 500 to 1000 pieces first, adjust and track your numbers. The bottom line here, direct response advertising can be an effective tool, you must know how to use it. Maximize your return by testing and comparing your data, always trying to reach for the highest response. Use some of these direct mail tips as a starting point, and learn how to implement it in your business. Your business will thank you.

Direct Sales Tips: Take Control Of Your Business Finances

Whether you joined your company for the additional income, the fun and products, or the tax benefits, taking the following steps will enable you to get control of your business finances for higher profits and greater peace of mind.

· Control your spending. Write down in advance what you will need for your business in the coming month. First, focus on business essentials such as catalogs and show supplies. Then be conservative for additional expenditures like buying equipment for your office or supplies for organizing.

· Be creative. Necessity is the mother of invention. Find ways to reduce unnecessary expenses by thinking creatively. Invite a prospect to your home for dessert and coffee rather than taking her to lunch at a restaurant. Make long distance calls to customers and hostesses on your cell phone if your plan includes free long distance minutes. Find new ways to save!

· Get Organized. Disorganization not only costs you time; it costs you money as well! Avoid wasting money on too many copies or duplicating forms by organizing your files. In addition, have a place in your wallet and a file in your desk where you place receipts for business expenses. Imagine the thousands of dollars in tax-deductions you may have missed simply because you did not keep a receipt.

· Track every business expense for the month. At the end of each month, total what you have spent on your business. Consultants who are maximizing tax benefits keep two totals: “Essential Expenses” and “Maximized Write-Offs” so they can see the additional benefits they are enjoying from their legitimate home-based business expenses. Write the highest total on the outside of a 9X12 envelope for each month.

· Track your income. List all your income for the month on the outside of the envelope as well. These will include Retained Profits (the 30-36% you keep from each show), Overrides (the amount earned on your team’s sales volume), and Bonuses (kit and volume bonuses).

· Compare income to expenses. Subtract your expenses from your income and evaluate the results. Keep in mind that if you are maximizing your tax benefits by writing off every legitimate expenses you would incur whether you had a business or not, you may show a loss that does not truly reflect the profitability of your business. This saves you tax dollars!

· Make necessary adjustments. How can you reduce expenses next month? Are there expenses, such as mileage that you are not taking advantage of? How can you increase your income next month? These questions will help you get greater control of your business finances and give you a feeling of confidence and success!

Building A Strong Downline Relationship In Your Direct Sales Business

Congratulations! You've got a strong direct sales downline or are beginning to build one! This is one of the best parts of being a direct sales consultant, - the fact that you can share your passion for your business with others, help them to earn a little extra money and get paid for helping grow your company as well.

Now that you are a leader of a team, you'll need to build a strong relationship with downline members to not only help them stay strong in their business, but to help your business grow stronger as well. A strong downline relationship will be one that's mutually helpful and everyone benefits.

But you may be wondering how to insure that downline members feel cared for while still maintaining some type of balance with the rest of your life. Here are 5 easy tips for maintaining a great upline/downline relationship.

1. Start off with a bang. When a new recruit first signs up, it's vitally important that you communicate often with her. One thing that I have found very helpful here is to develop a series of emails to send to new downline that talks them through those first days "on the job".

It will help them feel like they are connected to the company and to you. Each day while your new recruit is waiting for her kit she should hear from you. This is very easy to do with an autoresponder system, but can also be done by just copying and pasting into an email message every morning.

2. 15 minutes a day. Set aside fifteen minutes of each workday for downline phone calls. Use those minutes to call one to five members of your group for a quick "just checking in" call. Leave a message if you get voicemail. The idea is to let them know that you're thinking of them and giving them a chance to hear your voice. This is a great time to ask how they're doing with their non-business life as well and get beyond your direct sales company to show you care about them.

3. A downline website. Creating a simple website for my group has been the best thing, by far that I did to keep communication open and strong with my group. We have weekly topic discussions, contests, upload important files and just have fun with the whole group. Through this many relationships between members of my group have blossomed just because the website allowed them to "break the ice".

4. Meetings and/or conference calls. This is another great way to foster unity and strong relationships within your group. Many of you probably have downline that are out your area, so have a quarterly conference call with everyone just to touch base. There are many free teleconference services via the internet that make it very easy to do. And if you can, have a face-to-face meeting once in a while as well. Some group leaders have meetings monthly or quarterly. Others do a once a year get together with everyone.

5. Ecards. I love ecards for celebrating birthdays, achievements etc. First of all it's FREE, which is great, but it's so convenient and just plain fun. Use one of those Internet calendar functions to keep track of birthdays. Once a month go through the upcoming month and set up the ecard deliveries for the birthdays and company anniversary dates for the next month or more. You can set these up to deliver up to a year in advance! It's a wonderful thing. There are hundreds of sites for free ecards on the Internet.

The key? Communicate in any and every way that you can. You will find that your direct sales team members will stay with your company much longer when you've fostered a strong relationship by keeping in touch! Have fun and happy team building!

Article Writing: Can It Help My Direct Sales Business?

Question: How can I get long-term advertising for my Direct Sales website without spending a fortune?

Signed, Direct Sales Mom

Dear Direct Sales Mom,
Very often, people in Direct Sales don’t realize they can benefit from the same methods of internet marketing that other online businesses use. Writing and submitting articles is one of those methods of marketing that is extremely effective for Direct Sales businesses.

If you’re unfamiliar with the way article marketing works, basically, you write and give away helpful, informative articles. Why would you work so hard and give away your information? Look at the bottom of this article. There you’ll see my name and a brief bit of information about what I do. I didn’t pay for that advertising. It’s free.

So, how does it work? You write an article about a topic that you are interested in – usually one that relates in some way to your business. If you sell makeup, there’s no point in writing about forest fires. So, show your expertise and share your love of what you do in a brief article. Then you’ll want to find article directories that will accept your article. You’ll submit your articles to the directories, including your author bio and a link to your website.

Website publishers, blog owners, and ezine publishers will search the directories and find interesting articles to share with their readers. When they use one of your articles, they’ll include your author bio at the end with a clickable link to your website. Voila. You just scored some free traffic.

As long as your company allows you to link to your website, (and I realize that some don’t) – you can use article writing to grow your customer list and your team.

If your company does not allow links to your website, you may be able to set up a lead generation page to get people’s information. Or you can send them to a newsletter sign up page where you can get them on a list where you may talk more freely about your products in your newsletter. Just be sure to check with your company policies and procedures before investing too much time and energy into writing articles.

Now get writing!

5 Fun Party Games For Direct Sales That Will Boost Your Business

If you are in direct sales, the money is all in the parties you do. You want your hostess and her guests to have as much fun as possible, but at the same time, you need to educate them on and interest them in your products. You may also want to plant the idea of one of them becoming a consultant. Party games can accomplish all of this while providing entertainment to the guests. Here are a few of our favorite games. Give them a try and watch your business grow.

1) Bingo

This is an easy all-time favorite and an easy way to introduce a wide variety of products to the group.

Create some bingo cards by drawing a 4 by 4 box grid on a piece of paper. Write “Free” on the center box. Then write the names of your products on the remaining boxes in random order on each of the bingo cards and make yourself a set of cards with just one of the products on each card. You will use this set of cards to draw the bingo “numbers”. You may want to have a sample of each of the products with you and show it and talk about it when the product is drawn during the bingo game. As in ordinary bingo, the first person who has a row of items checked off wins a prize.

2) Get To Know Each Other Game

This game makes for a nice icebreaker, especially if most of the guests don’t know each other. It can also provide you some clues about who may be a potential prospect.

Pass around a bag of M&Ms. Tell everyone to take as many as they would like. Quickly ask them to count the number of candies in their hand. Each person then takes a turn standing up and telling as many things about themselves and their family as they have M&M’s. Of course no one is allowed to eat their M&Ms until they have had their turn.

3) How Well Do You Know Your Hostess?

Give a piece of paper to each of your guests and have them number it from 1 to 10. Then ask them to answer the following questions.

1) What is your hostess’s favorite color?
2) If she could have any vehicle, what would it be?
3) How many kids does she have?
4) What is her favorite hobby?
5) Who is her favorite actor?
6) What is her favorite animal?
7) What is her favorite TV show?
8) What is her favorite food?
9) What is her favorite scent or smell?
10) If you were in need of something, would your hostess give it to you if she can?

After everyone writes down their answers (including the hostess), read the questions again and have the hostess tell everyone her answers. The other guests mark on their papers if they got it right or wrong. The person with the most write answers wins a small prize or discount on their purchase.

You can change and rearrange any of the questions, but leave the last one in place. It provides a nice lead- in to mention that the hostess will get free product if they purchase a certain amount, and/or book their own parties.

4) Left Right Game

This game is a great way to start a party, right before you go into your presentation. Pass out one or two small gifts. Tell your guests that you will read them a story and that they should pass the gift to the person to the right when they hear the word “right” and to the left when you mention “left. The person holding the gift at the end of the story gets to keep it.

Here is the story:

I left my house and was on my way to (insert hostess’s name) house. But I soon discovered that I had left my directions at home, right by the phone! Well, I knew right away that I needed to have the right directions to (insert hostess’s name) house, so I turned left and I turned left and I turned right and made my way back to my house for the right directions. Sure enough, there they were, right where I had left them, right next to the phone.

Finally, I was on the right track. I arrived right on time and set up my (insert your company name) presentation right over here. You all arrived and sat down. I’m going to get right down to work and tell you about (name of company). I hope nothing will be left out. In a moment I’ll show you our new line of (insert your type of products) products. If you left home with the intention of shopping for gifts tonight, you’ll find we have the right gift for everyone. Think about upcoming birthdays and holidays, we don’t want anyone left out. I’d be happy to help you find the right gift for that special someone.

(Insert name of company) has a (insert number of days) –day return policy. When your merchandise comes in please check it right away. If something is not right please call me right away and you can be sure I will take care of it right away. You don’t want to be left with something you are not 100% satisfied with, right? If you’d like to be a hostess and earn free and discounted merchandise, this is the right time for you to explore hosting a party.

I’m enjoying being here with all of you tonight and I hope you are having fun, too. I know you can’t wait to see if we have that special item you have been looking for, so without further delay I will get right to the point of this party, which is showing you our great products! So, there is really nothing left for me to do except congratulate the winner, right?

5) Ask Me About My Job

This game is a great way to get your guests thinking about joining your company.
Get or make up some tickets.

Tell your guests that for the next 3 minutes you are going to play “ Ask Me About My Job”. The first person to come up with a question will get 3 tickets, the second person will get 2 and every question after that earns one ticket.

You will hear questions like “How long have you been doing this?” and “How many hours a week do you work?” Answer them as positively as possible. Good answers to the questions above would be “I’ve been doing this for 12 months and I’ve never had so much fun” and “ I only work evenings and weekends because I want to be home with my kids”.

After the three minutes are up, tell you guests to hang on to their tickets. You will have another short Q&A session towards the end of the party (your guests will have thought of some additional questions by then). After that have a drawing for a small prize.

This game is a great opportunity for you to teach your guests about your business and they may see how could benefit them.

Give a few of these games a try and put your own spin on them. All of these can easily be adapted and modified to work for you and the particular direct sales company that you represent. Go out there and have fun!