Showing posts with label WorkatHome. Show all posts
Showing posts with label WorkatHome. Show all posts

Work At Home - A Home Business Vs A Work-At-Home Job

The at-home work force is increasing exponentially every year. As more and more people begin working from home, the lines and definitions between jobs and a business are beginning to get blurred. But, there is a difference between a home business and a work-at-home job. Keep reading for a clear outline of these basic distinctions.

Basically, a home based business is any business where the primary office is located in someone's home - usually the owner's. In fact, most companies start out this way - from simple tinkering in the garage to typing away in the spare room. From Microsoft to Ben & Jerry's, many successful business got their start the home-based way. If you are planning on launching your own home business and being your own boss, make sure that it's legal. While most zoning laws won't crack down on a basic home office, they will lay down the law when it comes to a noisy auto repair business, illegal daycare or opening a store-front on your lawn.

Once your home-based business begins to earn income, you will need to begin thinking about registering your business, filing business taxes, and essentially running your home-based business in a legal and professional manner.

Meanwhile, a work-at-home job is a little different. Unlike a business where you manage yourself, in an at-home job you are responsible to a supervisor. Whether you do legal transcription, bookkeeping, fund raising, customer service, programming, or web design - if you are working solely for an outside business, a business with offices outside of your home, then you are working an at-home job. A work-at-home job may allow you to direct your hours and workspace, but the essential control and direction of the business will be out of your hands and that is the primary difference between a home business and a work-at-home job.

Creative Business Opportunity Ideas for Work-at-Home Moms

More and more people are finding ways to earn money and work at home. There are many moms who would love to stay home to work and have their own income. Most homes have personal computers, which opens the door to many business opportunities for moms. It is estimated that there are more than three million people working at home now. You too can realize your dream of independence and success.

The mom who wants to make money at home has the ability to set her own schedule and work as much as she wants. If you are only interested in part-time work, then you can regulate the time spent on your home business. If you want to quit an outside job and work full-time at home, the option is your choice.

Find a Business Opportunity

There are numerous business opportunities for someone who wants to work at home. Some work-at-home moms choose an enterprise based on their own interests. Others choose to work for someone else and provide services needed. There are directories on the Internet to help you find the right company for you.

There are many companies that need help with clerical and computer work. You can also make money at home by doing phone polls, processing insurance claims and doing background checks. There are many companies that need products assembled at home, which could help you to get started in a home business of your own. Also, check with "work-at-home mom" websites for great tips, job resources, and helpful advice.

Be Your Own Boss

If you have a unique product or service to offer, you can open your own business web page. There are websites on the Internet to help you get started and many are free. This is an excellent business opportunity to get your products where the public will find them. With a website, you can still be your own boss and put as much time into the business as you want.

Some moms do not have the time or desire to promote their own products or services. Many have tried MLM and network marketing ventures and come away disillusioned. They may not want to sell products and deal with customers. In these cases, finding a good company that will train and support you is very important. Also, there are companies now that do the selling for you. They provide a phone staff to answer sales calls and close the sales. Some companies will even help you promote the business.

Benefit from Your Home Business

Instead of investing a large sum of your money in a business opportunity, find a company that allows you to enter at various levels where you can work up to higher levels. Instead of you having the burden of making all the sales and doing the support work, it is to your advantage to work with a company that helps you in your business. Doing so will allow you to keep a healthy balance between work and home life.

If you don't want high pressure and stressful goals, find a business opportunity that suits your interests and objectives. If you want to make money to live on or need something to do to fill your time, start looking now for the home business that will fulfill your hopes and dreams.