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Showing posts with label Which. Show all posts

Which UK Business Opportunity Should I Sign Up To?

UK Business Opportunities

Business opportunities have always existed even in tough times like wars and draught. UK business opportunities have only grown newer and larger with changing times, so looking for business opportunities of the bygone times may be worthless barring the few of essential types. This drives home the point that one needs to look around with open eyes to identify a business opportunity of his or her choice. An opportunity need not be the one requiring huge investments and long gestation periods as also the one which comes with high risks despite promises of high returns. Let's try to explore a few 'low investment low risk' but having decent returns potential here.

Low Investment UK Business Opportunities

Low investment UK business opportunities may be broadly classified into two categories, one that requires no office setup and the other that requires it. However, how big the office should be is dependant on aspects like how much you can afford to invest and whether you need a full fledged office at all.

The first thing that comes to mind, as far as low investment and low risk businesses are concerned, is franchise business. While many of these types require some investment, there are still quite a few of them that don't require it at all. However, since you are riding on the success and brand value of your franchise, so much so you can rest assured that your business is insulated from violent fluctuations of business fortunes.

Some of the franchise businesses require franchisees to have previous business experiences where they have skillfully tided over difficult situations; you can expect such franchises also to look for certain degree of financial stability in you. On your part, base your selection of a franchise on your skills and expertise; for example, if you are comfortable with services it would not be justifiable on your part to select a product based business opportunity, no matter how strong the brand equity of the product or company may be. Think about it, this principle applies even more stringently to financial services franchise.

The success or failure of a business opportunity rests equally upon how far the business owner is capable of steering his business, drawing from his experience and dedication. No matter what, without total dedication a franchise business will almost always drift towards failure.

Top Rated UK Business Opportunity

The top rated present day UK business opportunity has to go to companies that offer generous payment schemes and incentives, and offer services that are essential to our day to day living, and one that sticks out from the crowd is the business opportunity of Telecom Plus The Utility Warehouse. This home based business opportunity offers everyone the chance to either make money or save money, and the most of the UK would like to do one of the two. It is a very low cost UK business opportunity besides being the one carrying the lowest risk factor in its respective areas.

Choosing a Business Opportunity

This question is irrelevant for those who have a background in business or a certain degree of exposure to business. However, those getting into business for the first time ever in their lives need to exercise a great deal of caution even if the investment requirement were to be low or almost nil. I can easily cite two critical points to justify this:

1. Your lack of experience may lure you to choose an inappropriate or a disastrous business opportunity.

2. Evitable long gestation periods can frustrate you endlessly before finally forcing you to shut shop.

Surely, business opportunities help you realize your dreams when utilized in most appropriate ways. UK being a vibrant economy with low inflation rates, it is rather easier leading businesses to success. Choose the one in which you are confident of plugging the gaps easily and can sustain for long times to come.

Computer Consulting: Which Business Is Right for You?

Some people decide they want to open up an independent doughnut shop instead of buying into one of the really large doughnut shop companies. If you want to make submarine sandwiches, you can do it on your own or you can buy into one of the big, extremely well known franchises. If you want to start a computer consulting business, you can be independent or part of a franchise.

It all depends on whether you want to build your business completely by yourself, or whether you want to try to take some shortcuts. Of course, with a franchise, you need to be prepared to up the ante. In this article, we'll explore some pros and cons to each choice.

Be Prepared to Put in Some Sweat Equity

Realistically, during your computer consulting startup phase, you're still going to have several months where you'll need to be out pounding the pavement, shaking hands and getting your name out there. You'll also follow up on a ton of leads, generate a lot of proposals and go out on a lot of sales calls. And you'll have to do all of this before you start getting a lot of billable projects. Don't think that just because you're buying into a franchise that those problems are going to go away overnight. You need to be realistic about the pros and the cons of buying into a franchise.

Different Strokes for Different Folks

The right decision for one person isn't the right one for the other. It really all depends on what you're looking for in your computer consulting business, your skills, and your available time and financial capital.

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Business Contacts - Which Ones Will Hire You?

Business contacts are the best, most effective, and most efficient way to generate business. Through networking and relationship marketing you can cultivate many business contacts. The hope is that many of these are potential sweet spot clients.

When you think about building a base of business contacts you should be on the look out for those people who have a high likelihood of needing your services. Networking for referrals is great but you should focus on business contacts who present a direct line to potential work.

Business Contacts Most Likely To Hire You

The following types of companies have a definite need for IT services. Try to develop as many business contacts within these types of organizations as possible.

Advertising and marketing consultants
Catering Companies
Commercial Printers
Graphic Designers
Insurance Adjusters, Agents
Residential and Commercial Property Managers
Restaurants with POS systems
Transportation companies

When you seek to develop business contacts, make sure you find out who the buyers or decision makers are. It is a good idea to have business contacts with people in administrative or financial occupations. These people are often at the center of IT hiring decisions. Seek to make business contacts with accountants, administrators, bookkeepers, controllers, office managers, and operations managers and sales staff.

The Bottom Line on Business Contacts

Business contacts are critical to your business development. While all business contacts have inherent potential, it is important that you hone in on those people who are in a position to hire you. Look to make business contacts with people in the administrative hub of an organization. Making in-roads with these people has a high potential payoff in terms of business generation.

Copyright MMI-MMVI, Small Biz Tech Talk. All Worldwide Rights Reserved. {Attention Publishers: Live hyperlink in author resource box required for copyright compliance}

Business Opportunities Versus Employment: Which Is Right For You?

When it comes to making a living, there are two options: being in business for yourself or being employed by a company or an individual. Of these two options, there is great latitude in what is considered being in business for yourself, especially if you take advantage of business opportunities. In fact, some business opportunities so closely mirror employment, that many people mistakenly consider them ‘jobs.’ But in reality business opportunities are not in this category. To understand the difference, read on as this article will explain in detail how things work with business opportunities versus regular employment.

Firstly, most business opportunities will require a person to fill out a 1099 versus a W-2, which is the tax form used for regular employment by companies. Both forms will alert the IRS that you need to pay your taxes, but the 1099 does not actually allow for deductions like a W-2 does. When you use a 1099 you have to pay for your taxes on your own. This is one of the major disadvantages to working with business opportunities, especially if you make a lot of money. To try to avoid problems, make sure you keep a close record of all of your business transactions. Also set aside 35 percent of your salary for taxes. You can put this in a savings account so you can accumulate interest. Hopefully, you will have enough write-offs that you’ll be able to pocket your savings once tax time comes.

Secondly, most business opportunities do not offer ‘guaranteed’ 9-to-5 employment, as most hire you as an independent contractor. This is the case whether you are working business opportunities at home or in an office. Basically, if you have to fill out a 1099, you are in business for yourself. Anyway, some business opportunities offer such a steady stream of work that you not being hired as an hourly employee is not a problem. However, there are many others that have work every now and then. In these cases you will want to try several sets of business opportunities, so you can always have a steady stream of work to support yourself.

Lastly, business opportunities tend to not offer health insurance. Granted, nowadays there are many ‘regular’ employers that also won’t offer health insurance, but being able to get some form of health insurance seems to be more typical with full-time jobs. With most business opportunities, you will not get health insurance no matter how many hours you work. However, there are the exceptions but they are exceptions that are quite expensive. In these situations all that has happened is that the company offering the business opportunity has struck up a ‘deal’ with an insurance company. You are still paying as if you had signed up for the insurance yourself without the aide of a company.

In conclusion, the main differences between business opportunities and regular employment can be found in the areas of taxes, work structure and health insurance. Indeed, these differences may make some conclude business opportunities are not for them. For others it may not matter as much because the freedom offered through business opportunities outweigh the disadvantages.