Showing posts with label Saving. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Saving. Show all posts

Your Home Business - Saving Money & Cutting Costs

Running a home business is the ideal path for some entrepreneurs who just want to have more flexibility in their lives. But, in the initial stages money can be tight so how do you ensure that you have a lean, mean fighting machine?

Make Your Home More Energy Efficient - Lag your boiler and insulate your loft. It is actually frightening how much heat is lost through the roof. Buy some thick curtains and close them when the sun goes down. Many local councils offer grants to make your home more energy efficient. Why not give them a call today?

Buy energy saving bulbs & turn the thermostat down by just one degree. Just doing this could save you over a hundred dollars a year. Always turn the light off when you leave the room and never leave appliances on stand by.

Shop around for the best utility suppliers as some offer great deal if you buy all your energy from one place.

Cut Costs on Your Office Supplies - buy basic items in bulk and you could save quiet a bit of money. Ordering your stationary online and receiving credit could also aid your cash flow.

Use price comparison sites when replacing old equipment and look for the most energy efficient models. Printers use a lot of ink so buy one that you can buy cheap generic ink cartridges for.

Save Money on Your Phone Bill - the market for telecommunications has never been so competitive and you could save a bit of money by just changing your supplier. If you make a lot of national calls pay a little extra every month, and get all your local and national calls free.

Use companies like Skype to make and receive free calls. They provide this service by allowing you make calls through your internet connection rather than more traditional means.

Send and receive faxes via your computer rather then printing them out and using an old fashioned fax machine. Better still do all your communication via email!

Most of the tips above are very quick and easy to implement for most home businesses. Some could start saving you money straight away whilst others reduce costs over the longer term and make your business a lean mean fighting machine!