Showing posts with label Recovery. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Recovery. Show all posts

Find Hidden Money for Your Business Through Revenue Recovery

If you're searching for ways to increase your bottom line, starting a new venture or going after a new business opportunity might not be the answer. Your small business could have hidden money through overcharges that you're not aware of - and revenue recovery may be the answer.

Did you know that businesses lose approximately $250 billion per year through inefficient billing systems and practices? More than 80% of all businesses are overcharged annually without their knowledge! Your home business or small business could very well be within this percentage.

Don't become a victim of poor business management. Good business economics comes from smart management. Knowing about overcharges and how to prevent them will greatly improve your business finance management today and for the future.

What are Overcharges?

Overcharges are additional charges that you may have paid unawares on certain types of bills. These "additional" charges are often accounting or typing mistakes, hidden fees that you were not informed about, or even fees tacked onto bills by a dishonest company. There are many types of overcharges. Here are just a few that are common with businesses.

Workers Comp Overcharges

If you have workers compensation issues at your workplace, then you may also have mistakes that are costing you money each year. These mistakes are often discovered in payrolls, experience modifications, classifications, or NCCI rules applications. There may also be insurance company overcharges. These "mistakes" can cost your company thousands of dollars per year if not caught in time.

Telecom Overcharges

Some studies show that almost 80% of telephone bills contain errors that cost American businesses millions of dollars per year. Telecom overcharges have become a major problem because of the variety of telecom services offered today. Many corporate businesses and franchises must keep up with long distance calling and toll-free calls, cell phones, answering services, telemarketers, and customer service calls. It's no wonder telecom overcharges are so common.

Telephone bills have become so complicated to read that many ignore the details and just write a check for the bill! What's the result? Businesses lose hard-earned money.

Income Tax Overcharges

Businesses can also lose money through income tax overpayments. This can occur whether it's an individual who owns a small home-based business or a small business owner with 5 to 100 employees. The IRS rules change almost every year, so keeping up with income taxes can be a difficult task - even for a financial consultant or accountant!

Tax overcharges can and do occur every year for individuals and business owners. What many don't realize is that these overcharges can turn into hefty refunds if submitted to the IRS as amended tax returns. Your business could have tax overcharges waiting to be claimed!

Rent, Leases and Utilities

Other areas where overcharges can occur are with business offices or building rent, leases, or utilities. In cases where the landlord includes utilities with your rent or lease agreement, he may be getting a discount on utilities, but charging you, the tenant, full price. Therefore, you might possibly negotiate a better rate if this is found to be true. This could result in tremendous savings every month for your business.

Revenue Recovery Solutions

There are many ways to investigate and recover lost revenue; however, it can be very time-consuming to audit all of your business information and bills each month. Luckily, there are many companies such as AmCorp Management that specialize in revenue recovery. They keep up with business news and investigate your bills for you to find overcharges and recover them for you. They provide business services that save you time so you can test new business ideas and possibly increase your bottom line each year through revenue recovery.

Consider revenue recovery to be a lifesaver, not a waste of time. You might be surprised at the money that has been hidden in overcharges year after year.

Data Recovery What No Business Can Do Without

There are very few businesses operating today that don’t depend in some way upon the computers they use. From libraries to hospitals, supermarkets to law offices, almost every type of work place imaginable uses computers to store information and to support a variety of programs that allow its day-to-day operations run smoothly. While the importance of these computers means that most of these businesses perform back-ups on a regular basis, there will always be unfortunate circumstances that will lead to data being lost. This is why data recovery is one of the most important services of which a business is ever likely to avail.

While computers are possibly one of the safest and most reliable ways of storing information, they remain vulnerable to incursion from a variety of sources. From power outages to computer viruses, there will always be unexpected attacks unleashed upon computers and the very important data that is stored within. Most IT departments understand the risks involved in our reliance upon computers and perform periodic back-ups to ensure that in the event of some unexpected violation, only minimal amounts of data are lost. And while this is approach is an important one, there are situations when even this minimal data is too much to lose.

Data recovery thus plays an integral role in any business. Whether this is necessary to perform on a single computer or an entire network, specialists are available to recover the data that we might think has gone forever. With a combination of special software and expert knowledge, data recovery professionals can help retrieve information that has been lost in a number of ways. Whether deleted accidentally by a computer user, fallen prey to a virus or power outage, or lost because of a malfunction in the computer’s hard drive, data recovery allows this information to be wholly or partly regained.

Regular back-ups will remain the watchword of computer use, and while these are essential in any business, they sometimes are insufficient in the face of unpredictable circumstances. Data recovery is the perfect addition to any business’s IT services, so whether your own staff deals with this issue or you outsource it to an expert, be sure to keep that number on your speed dial. You never know when you might need their services.