Showing posts with label Family. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Family. Show all posts

The Number One Solution For Balancing Work And Family, A Home Based Business

Today there are numerous work from home opportunities available. Many people dream of being their own boss so they can spend more time enjoying their family and children. The solution may be a home based business. Work from home opportunities can help to restore balance between work and home life.

The number of work from home opportunities can be over whelming to many as they start their search for what may be right for them. No matter how over whelming it may be one must sort through the various opportunities presented in order to decipher which opportunities are legitimate and can actually produce an income and which one’s are scams designed to only take your money.

There are choices in what type of home based business opportunity you will want to use. There are many network marketing (MLM) opportunities as well as Online Affiliate marketing plans and actual work at home jobs as an employee for a company.

Starting Your Own Business:

The choices are almost limitless and all depend on your personal interest.

Many people start an EBay Business. While it is highly competitive, money can be made from doing so. You can search the Internet and find drop shippers who allow you to sell their products under your own label and will then ship to your customers using a return label with your company name on it. Another way to start an EBay business is to buy from Flea markets and Garage sales and then add a markup and list it o EBay for sale. One last way and one I did at one time is to buy return merchandise and resale it on EBay and at Flea markets on the weekends. A simple net search for return merchandise/salvage merchandise will give you plenty of buying options. The biggest problem with selling your own merchandise, is no matter how you plan on doing it, you will have to keep items in stock. This usually means setting up a room, your garage or where ever you have space to store, repair, and pack your items. The more inventory the better. You will need lots of stock to actually profit on EBay or at your own garage sale. If investing in inventory and online sales is what you desire there is money in it for the willing.

Online paid Surveys:

There are companies all over the world who need people to take surveys of their products. The surveys help them advertise, distribute and design better products. Many companies are desperate to understand how you think and shop and what motivates you to buy their products because it helps companies improve their products and advertising, they in turn then pay YOU good money for your opinion. Online surveys can be fun, and exhilarating, and, they can make you money from home giving you more of the precious time you need with your family.

Affiliate Marketing:

Affiliate marketing is simply being paid to promote other peoples products. When a sale is made from your affiliate web site you make a commission from the sale. But it doesn’t stop there. Not only do you sell products you build a residual income by signing others under you as an affiliate of your programs. As they make sales you get a percentage. It is actually one of my preferred work from home opportunities because there is no inventory to stock, all sales are made online. You simply promote a product. Affiliate marketing has become a significant force in how commerce on the web occurs. Thousands of merchants now use affiliate marketing to get business done. Affiliate marketing is simply connecting buyers and sellers and paying those people who facilitate the connections. It is all done from the comfort of your home using your personal computer. Many people are now making a significant income with Affiliate Marketing.

Network Marketing:

Network marketing has been described as the “Greatest opportunity for ordinary people to make an extraordinary income”. There are many advantages in both life and financial aspects in Network marketing. First off, it allows you to build a significant life changing income and more importantly it allows you to build it at your own pace. Unlike the Corporate world where employees are burdened with deadlines and quotas you set your own pace, work it as little or as much as you like. Many Network marketing companies design their individual growth plan around working 2 hours a day in the comfort of home. But that’s not a demand. Many people work their business just a couple hours a week while others work it far more. The beauty of it is the companies put no demands on you and whether or not you are successful, if you work it 50 hours a week or just a couple they will continue to invest in you no matter your success level.

The tools you need for success will be provided for you, such as online business presentations, video and written script, a promotional web page tagged with your business ID, telephone scripts you can use when calling a contact you may not know, marketing programs and many more all designed so you can promote your business and make a living from home.

Another benefit is no experience needed. Legitimate Network Marketing companies will provide online training through video presentations and one on one mentoring with those who have already gained a level of success. Virtual training is a major player in the Network marketing world allowing you to learn at your own pace. The only requirement you need is to be teachable. Approaching your new business venture with an open mind and willingness to apply what is taught is the number one factor in having a successful Network Marketing business. The truly great part is anyone can do it if you are willing to learn.

There are many other types of work from home jobs available such as Data Entry, Day Care, Medical Transcriptionist, etc... But few that offer the freedom and financial gain of Affiliate Marketing and Network Marketing work from home opportunities.

Is A Family Business Right For You Special Needs Teen?

Should your teen get a job? Perhaps. If you have the perfect situation and your teen is excited about the opportunity, then go for it. You know your child better than anyone, and many special needs teens do very well working for others.

However, if you are uneasy about sending your teen off to a job, then have you considered the possibility of starting a home business with your teen?

Think about it. You and your teen can work together. You can help him or her to learn about responsibility, customer service, sales, marketing and book keeping.

Here are some ideas to consider:
1. Pet Sitting or Grooming. If your teen loves animals (and doesn’t have allergies), pet sitting can be the perfect way for your teen to make money and build self-esteem in the process. The only critical thing here is that you have to make sure they are meeting their appointments. Depending on your teen’s level of responsibility, you may be driving and, possibly going with them. An alternative, of course, is to bring the pet to your home, if that’s an option.

2. Yard work. Raking, weeding, spreading mulch. All of these things can pay quite well for a teen. In fact, your teen could easily make more money per hour than many of his classmates who have regular hourly jobs.

3. Pooper scooper. Yes, you read that right. Yards get messy. People are busy. It’s a perfect fit. It’s not the most pleasant work, but, it is work that you can do on your own schedule. It’s flexible and it pays well.

4. Elderly care. Stop by once a day, to bring in their paper, take out their garbage, and check in.

These are just a few of the many ways you and your teen can build a business together. Please, if your teen can not function in a fast paced job like McDonalds or a Movie Theater, then don’t force it. There are ways to help your child to learn the skills needed to become an entrepreneur instead.

Your Own Home-Based Business: It's All in the Family

Balancing work life with family sure can be challenging in this day and age. Most of us are working harder and longer just trying to keep up with the bills and the overall cost of living. The cost of everything keeps going up: food, utilities, gasoline, insurance, and day care, just to name a few. It's hard to keep up and still spend quality time with your children. As a result, more and more people are choosing to start their own home based businesses.

While it's true that working from home can keep you closer to your family, it also requires a well-organized and consistent approach in order to meet the needs of both your business and family life. To be successful, you must find ways to put in the hours necessary to start and grow your business without being detoured by family matters. You will need to manage your tasks and optimize your time. If you or your spouse hold a regular job, then conscientious time management will be even more crucial. By establishing boundaries and through careful planning, you can manage your time and priorities so that your family can be an asset to your business rather than a distraction.

First, think about how you could divide business specific tasks between you and your spouse. Plan your work, then work your plan. For example, while one spouse is at the workplace holding down a conventional job, the other can stay at home and spend time working the business by writing and posting ads, doing research, ordering product, and so forth. In the evenings when the spouse returns home from the office, that person can take over duties such as answering emails and making phone calls for training and prospecting purposes, while the other attends to the children and household tasks.

Also, consider recruiting your children into your home business. They may be able to help with certain tasks. Perhaps your oldest child can babysit the younger siblings during certain times of the day or evening. Children may also be able to help by preparing items for mailing, cleaning your office, and organizing and filing paperwork (don't be shocked, however, when you get asked to raise their allowance!).

Talk with your family and come to some agreements about the importance of your home business. Make them aware of the demands it places on each member as well as yourself. Gain their understanding and cooperation. Restrict personal use of the telephone to specific times so that your line will not be tied up during your business hours (or better yet, consider having a second phone line installed to be used just for business). Lay down the law that family must stay out of your office area during working hours. To make it easier for them to adhere to your rules, try to coordinate your work schedule with family activities, and schedule some non-business time during crucial times of the day, such as when the kids get home from school and at mealtimes. Be sure to discuss your business schedule with extended family members and friends. Inform them of your working hours and ask them not to drop by or call you during those times when you are working on your business.

Work hard and fast to build your home business, and keep going! Make the whole family aware of what you are doing and what you need from them. You'll probably find that they are all willing to help however they can. The rewards will be worthwhile, and you and your family can reap the benefits for years to come.

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Home-based Business – A Promising Family Enterprise

This morning I was listening to the radio and the news reporter indicated that 75% of respondents (3 out of every 4) have contemplated developing their own business. More than 50% of the respondents said they hoped to actually act on their dreams within three years.

When it comes to home based business there is no lack for interested individuals. However, there needs to be significant research and thought into how to fund and operate the business in order to give it the best chance to succeed.

Sometimes home businesses begin as a result of an enthusiastic coffee conversation. The infusion of caffeine often provides the artificial boost that convinces an individual their business idea is not only a good one, but one that will result in significant wealth.

One of the best rules of thumb when developing a home-based business is to save (accumulate) up to a years worth of capital to operate the business. If you can get past the first year you have a much stronger chance of survival.

If you’re married you should consider asking for the opinion of your spouse. Often a spouse can help put the business idea in perspective, they may also caution a more even approach to the business model. Often in marriage the spouse we choose has strengths that we can use to help make the best choice.

I heard someone say, “If you and your spouse always agree, one of you isn’t necessary.” The varied backgrounds and interests in marriage make it possible for husbands and wives to work together to make an informed business decision.

Sometimes when you feel most desperate it is advisable to stop and take the time to reflect on what you are doing, why you are doing it and if the home-based business really matches your specific passions and skills. Market research can allow you the opportunity to really assess how much interest there may be in your idea.

If you can take the time to reflect on your idea, ask for input, and take an honest look at the chance of success for the business you will have a better opportunity to work together with your family at building a business that has the support of every member.

Home-based business has a long and respected history. There are very real benefits in owning a home-based business, but if you can take the time to understand what you will face and have a tentative plan on how to respond to problems you can make home-based business a family enterprise with promise.

How Business And Family Can (and Does) Mix Well

It is an oft repeated phrase that you should never mix business with pleasure. This idiom is extended to include doing business with friends and family and it is held to be as true as never talking about religion and politics with people whom you wish to remain friends. But the truth is, family businesses are alive and prospering every day in this country, and there is no reason why you and your family can’t enjoy the same success. And you can do it without wanting to tear each other’s heads off. Here are some benefits to working with your family to create a great business.

People like to see family owned and operated businesses. The phrase “Mom and Pop store” came into the American lexicon due to the country’s fondness for these small businesses run by and started by families. There is something wholesome, valuable, and American about these operations, and their success is not necessarily limited to the corner grocery. After all, Wal-Mart began as a family business and it is now the most successful retailer in the world. Whether right or wrong, people automatically perceive a family owned business as being a bit more trustworthy than their corporate counterparts. They feel as though each purchase is helping to support something important to the community. You can, for lack of a better word, exploit these feelings with your own family run business.

While there is always the danger of too much of a good thing, a family run business can give you the opportunity to incorporate plenty of quality family time within the boundaries of your career. Most people are not so fortunate. With today’s world demanding more time than ever from its employees, many American families are lucky to spend any quality time at all together. With a business run as a family, you can sidestep this unfortunate aspect of modern American life.

Perhaps most importantly of all, a successful family business can mean a future of security for your children and grandchildren. While it is true that each person makes their own decisions in life, with a little luck at least one of your kids will aspire to take over the business and run it with their family in the future. This is a way of presenting a legacy for your kids and your kids’s kids.

So while holidays may be stressful and you may not always agree with your brother in law about which team is going to the Super Bowl this year, a family owned business does not have to be all about arguments and stress. It can be a wonderful opportunity to enjoy something that is disappearing all too rapidly from American society. Perhaps your business will do more than simply provide an income for you and your loved ones. Maybe you will inspire others to follow the same path.

Business Support Systems - Your Family is Key

Business support systems are critical to your business success. The most important business support system is your family. The spousal relationship is particularly key to your ability to launch and operate a successful business.

If your spouse or significant other is against your business, then you are missing a huge portion of the business support system you need to sustain yourself. Running a small business is a family affair. Whether your family thinks they are involved or not, they are. They truly are the largest source of support your business will get.

Impact of Negativity

If your family is negative about your business then this influence will almost wipe out any other business support systems you have in place. It’s going to be tough for the next couple of months while you get your business off the ground. A strong, positive, encouraging business support system will sustain you through the lows and temper you through the highs.

Negativity, on the other hand, will kill your business faster than anything else. If you are hearing all day that you're no good, you're business is crappy, you're ruining your life, blah blah blah blah, you will go down a black hole with the rest of the business support systems you so carefully put in place.

The Bottom Line on Business Support Systems

You need to have positive business support systems and the main source of this support is your family. If your family is not going to be supportive then the circumstances are not optimal for your launch. Despite all the other business support systems you may have in place, your family trumps them all. Think seriously about where your family rates in your business support system and then decide if now is really the right time to start your business.

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