Showing posts with label Budget. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Budget. Show all posts

Work From Home – Business Ideas That Can Get You Started On A Shoestring Budget

If the idea of writing up a business plan and going down to the local branch of the big bank has you scared, you are not alone. As a matter of fact, those who want to work from home, business entrepreneurs, and hobbyists who are ready to take their leisure pursuit and turn it into something profitable almost always see the bank and a loan to get started as something that the “other guys” do. More often than not, the average home based small business gets started with little cash, a lot of sweat equity, personal ingenuity, and the goodwill of friends, family, and neighbors.

When you are ready to work from home – business ideas that get you started on a shoestring budget are actually quite simple!

* Take for example the fact that any time you work out of your own home you are saving money! That’s right, if you have a dedicated space in your home that you utilize exclusively for your business and anything related thereto, you will be able to write off that portion on your income taxes, thus you will be receiving money rather than spending it.

* If you have a hobby that you are translating into a business, do not worry about upgrading your equipment. For example, if you are writer who enjoys writing articles and posting them on a number of sites, you will be able to continue to do so with the same equipment you have been using thus far – except, when you find a paying market, you will earn money for your submissions. As you expand your writing efforts and sell more of your work, you will be able to use these profits to upgrade your equipment, in this case your computer and also Internet connection. No up front expense is required!

* Advertising is frequently a highly expensive undertaking and anyone who has ever contacted any ad agency to talk about even online marketing knows how many dollar signs suddenly enter the conversation. As you work from home, business consultants know that you will not have the up front funds to engage in big ad campaigns, and thus the suggestions are always to start out small. For example, if you bake dog biscuits you could simply create some fliers with your computer and print them up, then hand them out at the vet’s office, groomer’s parlor, and other areas where dog lovers congregate. As you get more sales, you will be able to expand your advertising to include professionals ads in papers, the phone book, and online.

* Last but not least, consider the power of the bloggosphere. Blogging is becoming a hugely popular medium for those who like to rant, discuss, and share their thoughts, and there is nothing wrong with blogging about your business, your woes, triumphs, and other experiences, and at the same time go ahead and promote your work from home business!

Resist the urge to have free business cards printed up that carry another logo on the back. Whenever you hand out a business card it needs to be professional and should adequately represent your seriousness to remain in business. If all else fails, make up your own business card on your computer and use card stock to print them.

Your Home Business Startup Budget

Planning to borrow a startup investment from your friends or family or go to the bank for a credit margin for your home business is something you should avoid as possible because there are much better ways to start your home business without burying yourself in a pile of debts. Just because most people do not have a lot of money for capital investment does not mean you can’t afford to have your home business. There are many ways to start your home business even with a tight budget.

However, if you plan to start your home business with the expectation that it will never cost you anything, you should reconsider your decision before to jump in this venture. Soon or later, to see benefits of your business and the efforts you put in it, promoting your business will require a little initial investment for advertising but it can be done gradually, step-by-step along with the sales you start to make. Every business needs to be advertised because you need exposure for your service and product to make sales and generate an income from it.

Have you though of working online?

There are lots of online businesses that only require a very small startup capital. For example, if you are good at writing, you can offer your services online. One of the great benefits of working online is that you can work anywhere you want as long as you have a computer and an internet connection. It doesn’t matter if you are in an airport, at the beach or in an internet coffee shop, you have all the freedom to work at your convenience.

On the other side, if you are not confortable to write by yourself, there are lots of affiliate marketing programs that will show you how to earn commissions that you can generate from your affiliate website. Most affiliate marketing programs do not require initial capital (or very affordable) to get started because they are mostly free to join and you can upgrade to a higher membership level in the organization later on when you are ready to do so or when you reach a certain amount of sales.

The main benefit as an affiliate marketer is that some programs pay big commissions on the sales you are making. When you affiliate website is generating a big pile of traffic, you have the potential of generating a residual income that can change your life and improve your financial situation.

Promoting Your Business On A Shoestring Budget

Have you ever wondered how you can create a business with a great client base, without spending thousands of dollars on ads? The truth is that advertising is not cheap and public relations can be costly as well. But a savvy business owner can often get the company’s name out to the public for very little money. Notice, there is no mention of getting everything for free, but there are ways to participate in advertising for considerably less money than you would expect. In fact, if you get creative you may find better ways to advertise than you’d ever imagined.

If you own a restaurant, or have one in the community that does a great business, consider going in with other businesses to create placemats the restaurant can use, and offer them for free. Anywhere from 12 to 20 businesses can place their ad on a placemat and the restaurant uses them on their tables. The price for each participating business will only be 1/20th of the cost to produce and the ads are going to be in front of a captive audience.

This can be a one-time deal or a lasting business partnership between the advertisers and the restaurant. If there are more than one location of the same restaurant, getting the placemats in all restaurant can create consistency in your advertising efforts.

There are also opportunities to team with professional services by sponsoring informational pamphlets to place in professional offices. For example, if you offer child care services, buying pamphlets from companies that offer informational items on childhood diseases, with your name on them, can be placed in doctors offices as well as in pharmacies. Many of these are available and can be an inexpensive alternative to direct advertising.

Get involved in community affairs and if the budget permits, sponsor a local sports team. The expense of uniforms with your business name on the back or front is a good method of getting your name out into the public. Awareness for your business as well as becoming known as one that supports the community can often provide better public relations than many other paid means.

Press releases are often thought of as free advertising and most newspaper editors can see through a press release and the intentions in which they are sent. A good press release, and one that has a chance of being printed, will offer information useful to the public instead of just a blatant attempt at self-promotion. If you have information about a new product important to the paper’s readers, then there is a realistic chance of it getting printed.

An article about a promotion of a local resident or a new product that save money will be more welcome and having it appear in as editorial content in the paper gives it more credibility than when it appears as a paid advertisement. Think before you write because once editors get used to seeing your pitches as looking for a free ad, they probably won’t read any of the ones you send in.

Eight Easy Home Based Businesses For Low Budget Entrepreneurs

Money is the main obstacle hovering over the minds of most people who want to start a Home Based Business either Full-time or Part-time. The fear of loosing their hard earned money is the main reason for putting the idea off. If you are one such person then don’t give up hope. There are many easy home based businesses you can start with a very low budget, operate successfully and generate a good income.

Some of these could be started on a full-time basis while the others could be operated on a part-time basis to commence with.

Secretarial Service:

Many small businesses cannot afford the luxury of employing accountants, secretaries and other staff to assist them in their day to day work. If you possess skills such as word processing, data entry work, accounting and proof reading, you can start a home based business by having a small home office. You probably have all the equipment you need such as a computer, printer, an Internet connection and a telephone. Prompt and reliable service is what your clients will expect of you.


If you are qualified or very knowledgeable in any particular field then this is a business you can start operating from home. There are many folks out there who have the money but do not have the time or the knowledge to develop their business. You can advice them and get paid for it. Have business cards printed and pass it around at community functions, meetings and seminars whenever you get an opportunity. Let the world know that you are in business.

Selling in eBay:

We have all heard of success stories of thousands of people making a living by selling things in eBay. Huge profits are being made by enterprising people who buy things in the Flea Market, Garage Sales or at discounted prices and selling them in eBay. You too can do the same. Get started by selling the old and discarded items that are in your basement. Honesty and good customer service are the key factors for success here.

Craft Making:

If you are talented and have the ability to make crafts and fancy items with your hands, then you can utilize your talents in making crafts and selling them in Fairs and Community gatherings. There are many people who make a good profit by making unique products that are sought after by wealthy people.

Avon Sales Representative:

Avon is the world’s largest direct seller of consumer beauty products mainly for women. They have also started a men’s section in 2004. Their products are sold in over 100 countries. They constantly recruit Sales Representatives who have an opportunity of earning a good income working from home.

Tutoring Service:

This is an easy home based business that can be started anytime with hardly any cost to you at all. Today’s life style and working hours does not allow parents to devote much time to tutoring their children. If you possess the knowledge, ability and the patience to handle young children, this can be the opportunity you are looking for. Start by giving free tuition, build a good reputation and gradually start charging a fee for your services.

Senior Care Provider:

If you are service minded, like helping people and working with the elderly this is a good business you can think of.. As the life expectancy increases the demand for Senior Care Personnel too keeps on increasing. Caring individuals are in great demand and are sought after by people to look after their elderly parents.

Personal/Errand Service:

There is a great demand for people who can run errands and also do shopping for clients who simply do not have the time or are unable to do it themselves. You can print Flyers and distribute them in the neighborhood and the local community, specifically targeting single parents, busy executives and senior citizens.


Many enterprising people are making a living by operating these low cost easy home based businesses. If you are short of funds, seriously consider these business opportunities, choose one that suits you best, put your best foot forward and get started.

How To Build A Website For Your Home Business When You Are On A Tight Budget

There are many people out there who want to start a work at home business, but they need to build a website and they either don’t know where to start, or they think they can’t afford it. It’s a myth that you need a lot of money to start a home business website. Sure, you can pay to have one built for you, but you will find that you will want to make changes to it and you need to have the flexibility to do this yourself, otherwise you will also have to pay for modifications.

The first thing you have to do is choose a domain name. When it comes to domain names; size does matter. I made the mistake of picking a long name with a lot of dashes in it. This is not recommended. Try to pick something short and memorable. It’s also a good idea to have the name of the product you are selling or promoting in your name. Spend some time brainstorming before you decide. You’ll be glad that you did.

You’ll also need a web hosting service provider. This is the company that stores the files of your website on a computer that allows Internet users to view it. You can usually acquire web hosting services for less than $10 per month. It is better to find a service with a fixed rate, because websites usually grow and require more storage space. For example, I use IPower, because they charge me the same rate no matter how much storage space I need.

It really isn’t that hard to learn to how to build a website. You would be amazed at how easy it is once you get started. There are really two approaches to building a website:

Starting From Scratch

Starting With a Template

When I started my Work At Home Directory website, I built my own site using a simple template. There are many companies on the Internet with free or inexpensive templates. I’ve seen them as low as $25 - $65. I decided to use Microsoft Frontpage as my HTML editor, because I was already familiar with some of their other software products and I thought it would make the transition easier. Many of the HTML editors out there allow you to either use their editor, or to make changes to the code directly. After I got started, I found that I did a little of both.

There are two things I would recommend when starting to build your site. Get yourself a book on the subject, such as HTML for Dummies, and find someone that knows HTML, who can help you when you get stuck. When I started my website, my 15 year old daughter was a big help to me. She taught herself HTML when she built a Neopets website at the age of 13. I figured if she could do it at 13, I could do it.

There are a lot of teenagers and college kids with basic computer experience who can help you. If you don’t know anyone, put up an ad at your local college saying that you will pay $10 per hour for someone with HTML experience who can help you set up your website. Paying someone $100 or $200 to help you, is a lot cheaper than paying $1000s for someone else to build a website, that you don’t know how to make changes too.

After you learn HTML, you can be proud of yourself, because you will have learned a skill that can help you advertise your home business and earn money at home.

Announcing Revolutionary New Building On A Budget For Home Business Owners

It’s ruthless. Today, succeeding in the work at home arena is harder than ever with the painful advertising costs and expensive cut throat competition. Spending a small fortune to keep their businesses afloat, most home business owners find themselves throwing in the towel before they even begin.

But with the new Building On A Budget platform, large pocketbooks may no longer be needed to grow a lucrative home business.

Now aspiring and success driven entrepreneurs who have little or no money to advertise, can learn the most potent ways to build any home business using the latest online marketing strategies, in many cases without spending a dime.

Anyone truly wanting to build on a budget can request their free case studies at: