Showing posts with label Blogging. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Blogging. Show all posts

Do You Believe In Blogging For Business?

Blogs have been tagged as helping business as far as the marketing aspect is concerned. However, it still remains that brainstorming and strategic thinking are key components as well. On how to integrate blogging and business is a talent that only bloggers and businessmen can understand and execute.

It goes without saying that maintaining a blog is a good idea for the health of your business. Have you ever asked yourself Why? Being familiar with how blogs work and how to effectively utilize them for the health and wealth of your business will pay you back substantially for your efforts. Ineffective Blogging will simply waste your time, efforts, and this tremendous marketing tool.

Why does your business need a Blog? Credibility would be a good answer. Posting about news in your industry, links you'd recommend to topics related to your industry or post valuable information from the inside or your personal experiences, your readers will see you not only as a valuable information source but as a community minded business.

Blogs are great for your customers.They're not seen the same as your basic website or sales page. Postings are usually informal. At times entertaining yet informative. Their accuracy and effectiveness will peak the interest of your readers, establish you as an Expert, and build trust between you and your readers.

Having the ability to offer subscriptions to your blog through sources like, your readers can simply opt to recieve notices of your most recent postings, delivered directly to their inboxes. Provided your postings remain relevant to your readers wants and needs, they'll continually come to you first.

If you set up your blog to accept comments, this will give your readers the ability to post feedback on your posts. This will give you valuable insight and ideas regarding your next product or project.

How to build traffic with your blog. Your blog provider may provide potential readers the option of a search box. This tool gives the reader the ability to search for a particular blog using a word or phrase. By using those particular words or phrases in your title you'll boost your chances for acquiring some targeted traffic.

With a blog, you can easily brand yourself as an expert in your subject area and promote yourself all over the net. Blogs have taken a life of its own, and there are many blog directories springing to life.

Each blog directory is classified according to various topics of interest, and you can submit your blog to the major blog directories.

You can then easily attract readers to your area of specialization, and slowly brand yourself as the expert from the many readers who visit these blog directories each day.

Search engine will rank your web site higher if you have a blog on your site. This is because search engine "spider bots" like fresh content, and with a blog, you can just spend 5 - 10 mins per day posting what you want to share for that day and that's it.

Do that on a consistent basis, and the search engine spider bots will come back to your site more often. Having a blog on your own site is so simple my 9 year old cousin can do it, and you will learn how in my multimedia course.

Blogs allow you to build and foster a closer relationship with your visitors and readers, building trust and rapport. Blogs allow readers to post comments, and it promotes interaction.

The Pitfalls Of Business Blogging

Whether you are aware of it or not, your customers, potential clients, business associates, competitors and employees are already engaged in business blogging. They are conversing in real time about your products or services, news and developments in your niche. They are discussing about your new product release. Sad to say, if they have not spread it already, they are definitely gossiping about the customer service blunder you hoped you could keep hush-hush. Word travels fast in the blogosphere. Blogging gets you noticed and referenced, favorable or not, in your industry’s conversations. Business blogging has its benefits but, alas, it also has its share of pitfalls.

A business blog can help build your company’s reputation and credibility in your niche business area. It is a cost-effective way to communicate with targeted audience. It provides business feedbacks through comments. A well-executed blog can boost search engine rankings thus raising chances of potential customers visiting your site and ultimately generating sales.

More importantly, you should be aware of the pitfalls or perils that accompany business blogging. If you have finally figured out how blogging can work for your targeted market, then, seriously consider the technical pitfalls of creating a blog that might befall you especially if you are a newbie in the field of blogging.

Before embarking on blogging, you must have read and read some more blogs to familiarize yourself with the blogosphere especially your specific niche. Reading other blogs can spur ideas for blogging topics. Not doing any research will leave you writing in futility. You don’t know what questions your target audience wants answered and what they would like to read. More so, you might not even have a clear-cut goal. What is the purpose of your blog? What problem does it want to solve or gap to fill? You have not determined what is it you are trying to get done. You definitely will not have good topics to write about because topics should be in consonance with your business objectives. Writing without a purpose will get you nowhere. It will just turn readers away.

Not knowing how to use your blogging software properly will, in most cases, produce a non-professional-looking blog. A blogging tool goes to great pains to ensure that your blog will look good, the text look beautiful and the html code it generates follow web standards. It will be to your business advantage if you understand how the vast and sophisticated features work to increase your blog’s chance of being found on the Internet. Keep in mind that first impressions count with readers.

Not optimizing keywords, categories, subscriptions will make it difficult for readers to find your blog. The primary purpose of a blog to be successful is readership. Search engines are a great source of readers. If you are writing a blog post that you want to be read, bear in mind that readers will use keywords to find your blog entry. Keywords are vital to high search engine ranking. Top ranking equals traffic and traffic is readership. Categorizing your blog will also make it more user-friendly and make the content more search engine ranking friendly. Subscribing to an RSS feed allows readers to receive automatic updates whenever you publish fresh content. Not making frequent posts makes readers lose interest in your blog as there is nothing new to peruse. You have to make it a priority to post consistently. The more you post the more reasons the readers will come to read some more.

Finally, you have sorted out how to avert the technical perils of business blogging. Brace yourself; there are even deeper pitfalls with much more severe repercussions to consider. For one, businesses that allow misrepresentations – faulty or misleading information to appear on their blogs can create a public disaster. Some business companies keen to develop one-to-one links with customers, set up character blogs. A character blog is typically conceptualized by marketing people to promote a product or service using fictitious character. This kind of blog is quite risky as some ardent bloggers regard them as an insult to the blogging community. A classic example is the Vichy case. As part of its marketing launch for its new anti-aging cream, Vichy’s advertising team created a blog featuring a bogus author named Claire who incessantly whined about the travails of aging using the same wordings as the Vichy print ad. It elicited a flurry of negative reactions from around the blogosphere condemning Vichy for passing off a phony on their turf. Blogs are about real conversations with real people.

Turning a deaf ear to what the blogosphere is saying can be fatal to a company. Kryptonite, a lock maker company did not respond quickly to a blog comment and cost them millions of dollars. Engadget, a highly trafficked blog published a video file showing how a Bic ball pen can easily open a Kryptonite lock. Kryptonite took its time before issuing a statement that did not assuage the thousands who bought the lock in good faith. Bloggers lambasted Kryptonite and caused heavy traffic to the Engadget blog site. Finally, Kryptonite succumbed and replaced the locks at a staggering cost of $10 million. Take heed; monitor what others are saying in the blogosphere. Your blog is part and parcel of a dynamic conversation. You should track your image in the blogging arena. Reputation risks can surface if your company pays no attention or misjudge the opinions in the blogosphere.

Business blogging can expose your company to legal problems that can cause serious damage to your business reputation. Irresponsible blogging can subject your company to libel, slander and even harassment lawsuits. Off-hand comments may offend customers. Disclosure of confidential corporate information and trade secrets will definitely place a company in jeopardy. Several instances of indiscreet blogging have caused employee terminations. Ellen Simonetti, A Delta Air Lines employee was fired for posting inappropriate images of herself in uniform on her blog. A system administrator at the Manitoba Health Sciences Centre was sacked after posting on his blog “Sitting around doing nothing for three hours while being paid – priceless.” Needless to say, companies should draw up corporate blogging policies that will state clearly acceptable and unacceptable blogging practices. Companies should educate its employees about the business and legal risks involved with blogging.

In a nutshell, do not blog for the sake of blogging. A clear business goal is a must. See to it that your blog reflects your company’s desired image. Carefully weigh the implications of anything you post. Be wary of potential consequences and be reminded that with blogging, anything that appears on the Internet is instantly available to a global massive audience.

Writing And Blogging For Your Business

The key to online marketing is quality content. To get ahead of your competition, you have to be prepared to write well. The ability to write well is an advantage in terms of social media marketing and search engine marketing. In addition to written content, Video and audio are effective online marketing methods.

The best online marketers are experts at getting other spread the word about their products or services. Dedicate yourself to provide remarkable content to empower others to help you get the word out about your business. Take advantage of the inherent viral make up of Internet.

Write Articles

You can significantly increase your visibility when you write articles in your area of expertise. Be sure that your articles are informational. Don’t waste anybody’s time with commercials disguised as articles. The key to successful article writing is to provide value. People will notice when you have something of value to say.

Articles deemed valuable are; posted on article directories; e-mailed in newsletters, embedded in e-commerce site. In most cases, the author receives a link to his website. The links help in a couple of ways. One, they generate traffic to the site. Second, links help to improve your search engine results. The more links you have pointing to your site the better. Search engines view links to your site as a vote of confidence. The more links you have pointing to your site the more valuable your web site becomes.

You can contact website that might benefit from your articles, and offer your articles. Just ask that a link to your website and a one-line description of what you offer be included with the article. Articles offer an effective "viral" approach that can produce hundreds, or even thousands, of links to your site over time.

Practical Example: As you become a prolific author of articles related to your service you build reputation. Through your articles, you enable you customers to find your website indirectly. A business owner may find one of your articles while searching for marketing advice online. After she reads your article, she may click the link to your site from within the byline. Because you have already provided her with value, she is more likely to become a customer.

Start a Business Blog

Your business blog is one of the best ways to get others to link to your site. A blog is less formal than an article and more conversational. You have the power to make your industry interesting to your readers through conversational writing. The blog is not about you. It is about providing value for your customers. If you offer outstanding content and regular industry comment, people are likely to link to it, increasing your site's link popularity. Remember, links are good.

Practical Example: When you blog you are elevating your status to expert level. People are rather buy from experts than sales people. Provide valuable content to your visitors, and they will spread the word. If you have a blog about fly fishing, your readers are more likely to buy from you than another business that simply lists fly fishing equipment on their site. In addition to becoming customers, they will recommend your business to others, in essence become your unpaid expternal salesforce.

Can I Make Blogging My Business?

Through your blog, you may be able to find a publisher for your next book. You may have never though about writing a book before, but blogging is not much different from writing a book. Your readers can help you sharpen your writing skills, if you pay attention to their feedback. Once you published your book, use your blog to create a buzz around it. The visitors reading your blog may become the unpaid advocates for your newly published book.

You should allow your customers to blog too. Yes, why not invite some of your customers to write about their experiences in your blog. You may invite them to review one of your products, or ask them to describe their experience dealing with your company. This form of testimonial builds trust between your customers and your company.

When there is trouble communicate quickly and honestly in your blog. Sometimes there may be bad news on the horizon. There is no reason to avoid using your blog to help put out fires. If there is trouble, let your blog help you resolve it. For example, you may have a software company that just realized there is a bug in the latest program release. Informing your customers about the bug is bad news, but the rapid communication will be appreciated.

While blogs can help you establish your business, build credibility, or improve relationships with your customers, there are several ways you can profit from your blog. Create a subscription-based blog where you readers pay a monthly or yearly membership fee. A members only blog may be that private section of your publicly available blog. In such a way you can create interest on your public blog and sell membership to the private section. If you are writing about a certain product you may be able to sell advertising space on your blog for the manufacturer. Another option is to become an affiliate and generate revenue that way. Adsense is another possible source of revenue for bloggers. If you decide to go the adsense route be sure you have a fair amount of site visitors. You need a significant amount of traffic to make money with this option.

Find Out More On Blogging For Business As A Means Of Making Money!

The more time people spend online, the more ways they find to make it profitable. Almost any business that is even moderately successful, or wants to be successful, has its own website. Websites allow business owners and professionals to have a space to direct potential customers to for information about their business. Increasing popular is the blogging business. The blogging business allows business owners and professionals to write about their particular field and develop a regular circulation of people who want to learn more from them.

The blogging business includes a large variety of fields. Technology is an especially popular field in the blogging business, but politics, the arts, and sports are becoming increasingly popular as well. Many corporations are also entering the blogging world. It enables them to keep their customers informed as to what is going on in their industry. Not only does it keep clients informed but it allows corporations and businesses to develop real customer relationships.

As clients read the blogs of their favorite business or corporation, they develop a level of trust because the corporation in question is sharing important information with them. In past times, corporations shared as little as possible with their clients, not believing that it was something they needed or wanted to know. They are finding out now that people do want to know what is going on they want details and information and are showing it by the comments left in the blogs.

The blogging business is becoming increasingly popular as a means of making money. Bloggers all over are creating content that is of interest to various groups. They allow advertisers to post ads on their blog space and make a profit when the ads are viewed or when the ads are clicked on. Google is one of the biggest advertising providers but new advertising companies are coming up everyday allowing advertisers a means of getting publicity and bloggers a means of making money by writing about topics that they are interested in anyway.

Blogs may be a way for a business to increase attention to their place or it may be a way for people who enjoy writing about a specific topic to make a little money on the side. The blogging business is growing and wider and wider varieties of individuals and businesses are find ways to incorporate it into their fields. The blogging business it helping other businesses to grow as it become as business it its own right.

How Blogging Markets Your Business...

Now that blogging has become so popular among everyone from the novice writer to the most experienced journalist, businesses are starting to take notice. A well-written and frequently updated blog can help market almost any type of business. Blogging can help target readers who are interested in a company’s product or service and businesses can keep track of what their readers are looking for through blogging. In addition, blogging can help link together companies that compliment each other very easily.

There is a lot of talk about blogging. Some feel that blogging is just a passing fad, but others feel it is just the beginning. Some business analysts feel that blogging does not significantly help a business market the company. Many businesses feel that this is not so. Blogging can be a beneficial way to mark a business, build an audience and help link in other companies together.

Blogging can help almost any business expose their readers to their services and products. Sometimes with new products, a blog can create interest in something new. Blogging is helpful because it can talk in depth about the product, and it can also give step-by-step instructions on how a certain product can be used. A reader, who is interested in the product after reading about it on a blog, will be more inclined to research similar products on the Internet. This can lead to a more informed consumer and can save a consumer time when shopping or researching a new product. In turn, a company may save time because customers who have read the blog are already informed about the product. These customers can also read reviews on these products and services, which can be helpful in the buying process.

Another great thing about companies using a blog for their products and services is that a blog enables the company and the customer to communicate effectively. A customer can read the blog and comment on it right away. This provides good feedback to the company and they can know what the customers want. Usually blogs will provide places for readers to leave their comments or send emails to the writer. This is a good marketing tool for businesses. People enjoy communicating about products and services that they have had good or bad experiences with and blogging provided the opportunity to do so.

Blogs can also help market a business because it will be included in search engines. When people enter certain keywords, blogs that contain those words will show up. When blogs are updated frequently, search engines can provide your company with a lot of hits. This can lead to many people looking at the company’s blog who might not otherwise have done so.

When companies use blogs, it also has the ability to create a sensation around a product and influence public opinion. This is an excellent tool for companies to use. Because of the huge popularity of blogging, this can be a more effective tool than some forms of advertising. Readers are more likely to share interesting blogs with their friends and this can help companies get the word out about their product.

Another way blogging can help market a business is that blogs often help a company position itself as a leader in a certain field. This means that those who blog can show their expertise about certain subjects and then updates this information on a regular basis. Blogging can help generate leads and send a positive message about your company without spending a lot of money for advertising. Readers can look at these blogs and know that they are dealing with a quality company.

Companies also use blogs to help network with other companies that compliment their business. This is beneficial because they can easily share their links and readers will see all of the blogs that relate to what they are searching for on the Internet. Link swapping is often used in blogging, especially with businesses.

Blogging is proving to be a beneficial marketing tool for businesses all over the world. While it’s a fairly new way for companies and customers to communicate with each other, blogging provides an immediate and unique form of advertising for the company. Customers are able to read and research products and services through blogging and companies can better understand what their customers want.

5 Ways Blogging Can Help Your Business

Not long ago, a diary was a deeply personal thing — a journal of thoughts and observations, kept under lock and key and often buried in a dresser drawer.

The Web has a way of changing things. Now, a diary of thoughts, observations and insight — posted on the Internet — may be a way to boost your business.

Web logs, or "blogs" as they're better known, have become a way to engage readers and potential customers of businesses big and small.

A blog is a journal posted on a Web site, updated on a regular basis and containing news, opinions, ideas and brainstorms. It might also have links to other sources of information, other Web sites and other blogs.

Many blogs cut both ways, inviting readers to post feedback on what they see. While that can apply to everything from sports and entertainment, it can also generate interest — and, ultimately, income — for your business.

No, blogs aren't for everyone. But see how they can accomplish these five basic business objectives.

1. Expose a new or little-known product or idea

For Grant Smith, blogging makes a world of sense on a number of levels. Smith operates a business that provides streaming video e-mail and related video communications products. Since many prospective clients might know little about video e-mail, Smith says his blog is a natural way to provide specifics.

"I began blogging to get established in the technology," Smith says. "It can have a positive impact for business. Readers are always looking for more ways to find out information about companies and for ways to interact."

That, in turn, can lead to a more informed customer and a more time-effective sales process. Rather than taking time to pitch your product or service to a client who may not need it, a blog supplants you as an information source. If a prospect contacts you, that's great. If not, you've wasted no time in explaining something that generates nothing in return.

2. Improve your search engine rankings

Blogging also puts you in touch with prospects in other ways. As any company with a position on the Internet realises, Web site visitors that come via Google, MSN and other search engines can provide numerous leads. Blogs can add to the frequency with which search vehicles identify you and your company, particularly if your blog allows readers to post a response.

If done properly, blogs have a tremendous benefit relative to search engines, according to Brad Fallon, president of SEO Research, a search engine marketing firm. "With blogs that allow comments, every new post and every new comment becomes an additional Web page filled with additional keywords to be picked up by the search engine spiders," he says.

3. Position yourself as an expert in an industry or field

Blogging also can also prove an effective marketing tool to establish yourself as an authority in your field. Not only can that generate leads, it also sends a positive message about your credentials through the marketplace and also gives your business a face and a personality.

4. Influence public opinion

Blogging also allows users to bypass traditional journalistic venues and, in effect, become a publisher of their own thoughts and viewpoints. For Steve Rubel, vice president of client services at a public relations firm, blogs are also fast becoming a powerful influence on public opinion.

"Blogs have evolved into legitimate alternative sources of news on niche and micro-niche topics," Rubel says. "Anyone with a passion and dedication could become an amateur journalist. I feel some of these sites — in aggregate — are having just as much sway on public opinion as larger, more established media brands."

5. Engage in a forum openly with your customers

Just as important, blogs that solicit reader comments can provide a sense of immediacy with your customers. In one respect, that's a ready source of feedback on what you're doing right and what you need to improve.

"My blog provides a forum for customers to give feedback after plunking their money down," says Fallon. "The result? While the normal market is lucky to have one-half of 1% of customers send an unsolicited testimonial, I have already collected glowing testimonials from over 15% of my customers."

Blogging For Business Owners

If you run a small company, you may find that the world

of blogging for business owners is a world that you

want to be a part of. Blogging is a great way to get the

word out to consumers about your product or service,

and it can even be useful for inspiring employee loyalty

and helping you keep your workers at peak morale. If

you are looking for a way to take your business to the

next level, consider what starting a blog might be able

to do for you.

Blogging for business owners has a lot in common with

all other types of blogging, but it has its own unique

pitfalls and strengths. The key to having a successful

blog as a business owner is keeping your goals clear

and concrete at every step of your blogging adventure. It

can be all to easy to get sidetracked, especially if you

are just learning about the exciting possibilities of

blogging technology, but if you want your blog to

succeed you need to stay focused. Write up a plan for

how often you will update, how you will promote your

blog and retain readers, whether you will feature

photographs or video, and other aspects of your blog,

and then stick to it with the same kind of determination

that you used when you built your company.

Blogging for Business

Blogs seem to be everywhere now, even making it into the dictionary. So what is a blog and what can it do for your home based business? A blog is simply an online journal that, when used strategically, and boost your sales and allow to you network more effectively.

Blogs can be a simple method for advertising and showing off what you have to offer to the wide range of internet users. More and more people are turning to blogs to gain information on specific topics or products, and you can use that blog-surfing to your advantage by tailoring your blog messages to that audience. This method of boosting sales can save you a lot of money over other media outlets.

However, there is an art to blogging for business so that your blog does not read like one big catalog of press releases or sales pitches. Learning effective ways to offer your consumers information while leading the reader into what you have to offer takes effort. Blogging for business means that you keep your focus on what your consumers are looking for from your home based business. This way you will keep your blogging for business fresh and interesting for your clientele.

So how do you get started blogging for business? If you have no experience with blogs at all, you should check out various blogs on the internet. They really are everywhere, and they span a range of topics including politics, fashion, music, business, technical information, and more. If you have an interest, there is a blog out there for it. See how other companies are blogging for business, and take note of the language used and the effective use of the blog to increase networking and sales.

As you take note of how others are blogging for business, you can begin practicing by creating a simple blog for yourself. If you are unfamiliar with the technical aspect of blogging for business, you may want to start out by creating a personal blog using a simple blogging site like BlogSpot or Live Journal. These sites allow you to start a blog for free, and you will get used to blogging on a regular basis. Plus these sites allow you to blog without having to learn the technical language of html, which for most people can be rather complex.

Once you get your basics down pat, you can begin blogging for business. Promoting your home based business with a website is important, but creating a blog can add a whole new dimension to your home based business website. Not only can you voice your opinions on trends to watch in the industry and offer advice for your consumers, but blogs also allow your consumers to respond. Blogging for business will allow you to see directly how your thoughts and practices are affecting your consumers.

Blogging for business is a new and inexpensive way for your to promote and network for your home based business. If you are unfamiliar with blogs, then do your research and practice before you begin blogging for business. If you don’t have a way with words, then you may want to work with a writer that can help you with your copy for your blog. After all, when you are blogging for business, you want to make sure your blog represents your home based business while also generating a network of ideas and thinking.

Blogging Tips For Starting A Business

A very popular way to become better known in wellness, fitness, and nutritional supplements is through business blogging. A business blog is slightly different than other traditional blogging styles that many people are familiar with. Below you will find some handy starting business blogging tips that you can use immediately.

When you are starting business blogging it is important to set your blog up on a site that is already popular in the search engines. This provides you with a stronger chance of other people finding the blog and you have to spend less time promoting it.

Once you have determined where you will host your new business blog, think about the purpose of it. Starting the business is not going to be successful if you do not have a goal or purpose set out for the blog.

Some questions to ask yourself when deciding a goal for the blog include: Are you promoting a particular product such as a nutritional supplement? Will you be blogging to establish yourself as expert in a particular field such as the fitness industry? Are you going to use the blog primarily to connect with other people in the industry and network?

Starting business blogging requires you to think about a target audience. Are you going to be writing posts that will encourage people to purchase a specific product? Are you going to be writing posts that are full of the industry jargon and very technical?

Deciding a target audience will help you decide how to actually write your posts. For example, if you are going to be targeting potential buyers you want to write posts that will excite them about a particular set of products. On the other hand, if you are going to be writing for other people in the industry, you would want to write posts that contain industry jargon, informational posts, and posts with research findings. Knowing your audience is a key to successful blogging.

Once you begin, it is helpful to set up links with other blogs and websites. For example, if you are selling vitamins as your goal for your blog, you can find other blogs that provide information about vitamin benefits. You are then linking with someone that is not competing for the same buying market and their blog posts will compliment the purpose of your business blog.

You should spend time responding to comments left on your new business blog. Monitoring comments is an excellent way to network with other people. You can also provide answers to any questions that might arise as a result of a particular post you made. Some people leave spam and inappropriate comments. Make sure to delete these off of the business blog to keep the blog clean and looking professional.

Starting business blogs is a great way to begin a newsletter. Not everyone that visits will see your blog on a daily basis. You can compile each month’s blog postings into an email newsletter that others can subscribe too. This will increase regular readership as well as help you make additional contacts in your niche.

Starting business blogs is an excellent way to network market products with a soft-sell approach and it provides more information to the public about your industry field and to create newsletters. Take advantage of business blogs to help mold and shape the future of your company.

Blogging – A Critical Part of Your Web Business Strategy

The methods by which we use to contact each other, especially in internet marketing activities continue to undergo dramatic transformation. In the not to distant past (only a couple of years ago!) we kept in touch with customers – existing or potential new ones, using the telephone, fax machines, direct mail marketing and even in-person meetings. Today, people expect more frequent updates, new information, and the latest of everything. So much so that it is literally impossible to keep up with this dizzying pace and certainly not on a continuing or ongoing basis with any consistency. Thankfully, blogging has come to the rescue. Setting up a blog on your web site - and having an associated RSS feed - means you can keep in constant touch with your clients and potential customers. Plus you don't have to email them and they can get your latest news without having to visit your web site.

So how does this all work? A blog is really a fancy name for a web page that gets updated regularly. It's nothing special. There are several methods of writing 'blogs', but they are nothing more than computer programs which allow you to easily update a web page. Far and away the easiest way to start a blog is with a popular blog website. One example is called

However, for keeping in touch with your customers, RSS is the key. RSS stands for Really Simple Syndication. What this means is that your blog can be automatically delivered to people who want to read it - you don't have to send it to them and neither do they have to come and collect it. All they need is the address of your RSS Feed and their RSS Newsreader can do the job for them. There are several RSS readers available and new web browsers incorporate the ability to read RSS feeds and keep them updated.

Whenever you add new content to your blog, the RSS Feed automatically gets updated in everyone's Reader program or web browser. That means you are guaranteed to be able to keep in touch with clients and prospects. You don't have to do anything other than produce the content. Equally, you don't face the problems of email filters and anti-spam programs blocking your email. Furthermore, people tend to read RSS Feeds because they have subscribed to them whereas they tend to ignore non urgent emails.

After a small amount of basic research and reading, you will quickly see, there are numerous advantages to Blogs and RSS Feeds. One of the biggest reasons is that search engines love them. This is because blogs provide fresh and new content - precisely the thing that searchers are looking for. Hence the search engines are actively pushing blogs higher up the search engine ranking. What this means to internet marketers is that if you don't have a blog for your business, you are potentially reducing your chances of a high search engine ranking. You need a blog nowadays to get noticed by the search engines.

For all the reasons mentioned above (and many, many more), blogging is essential. Not only does it improve your web presence, it also means you can keep in touch with clients and prospects more easily. All the marketing research you can find will tell you that regular contact with your customers is a vital component in retaining existing clients, as well as gaining new business. Don’t put it off any longer; it is time to get your blog going---today!

3 Reasons Why Blogging Will Boost Your Business!

Building your business can be a difficult task. You can put hundreds of hours of effort into the business, but if you still don’t have important components, you will not be successful. Today business owners are realizing that blogging boosts business. Blogs are typically only seen as personal places to express yourself and your views. The truth is however the blogs are also great places to reach people about your business or your products. There are several ways to do this ty...

Building your business can be a difficult task. You can put hundreds of hours of effort into the business, but if you still don’t have important components, you will not be successful. Today business owners are realizing that blogging boosts business. Blogs are typically only seen as personal places to express yourself and your views. The truth is however the blogs are also great places to reach people about your business or your products. There are several ways to do this type of blogging.

The best way a business can use blogging to boost their business is by taking part in the blogs of others. You can easily create quality posts with your business in mind without needing to set up a blog of your own. Try finding blogs that pertain to the area of business you are in. This will help you get started. With millions of blogs out there, you should be able to find some with no problem. Choose to post on all of them, or choose the few that get the most activity. Then begin posting. When you do, you will see positive results come in. If you are still curious about how this can boost your business, check out these three reasons blogging boosts business.

Quick Name Recognition

The fastest way to get your business’s name out in the public is to make it known to your targeted marketing group. If you want to get your company’s name out to men who like fishing, then you can find a blog that is about just that. When you find the blogs pertaining to this marketing group, post useful and intelligent information about topics that pertain to your company. You might not want to sound like an advertisement. Think about responding to another comment and simply tagging your signature with your company’s website. This is a subtle way to get their attention. The more you post on blogs, the more widely known your company’s name will become with the select marketing group. When they tell their friends and family about the site then your consumer group will have grown even more. This is a fast way to get started. You will have to invest some time however. At least an hour a day can be used for this type of task.

Consumer Testimonies

Your company might even think about hiring professionals to blog for your company. You can offer these employees products to try and give them the task of finding blogs where they can appropriately “praise” the product. By paying these people to do the task, you will be getting the work done that you need without having to devote much time. Consumer testimonials go a long way with other consumers. If these bloggers are productive enough, you will see an increase due to it.

Building Relationships

Smart business owners know that they can go further with the help of others. A great way to connect and build relationships with other businesses is via their blog. If you are a regular poster who values their business, they will be more likely to work with you. Working together with advertising is a great idea. You can swap ad space for no fee if you like. These are great things for business owners and are easy to get into when you blog regularly.

As you can see, blogging can be a great way to do business. It may seem like tricky advertising, and it is in some ways. However, it is free advertising that does the same thing as a commercial on television does. It reaches a targeted marketing group and lets them know your company’s name, products, and sometimes offers an endorsement. Overall, it is an effective way to get your business out there. When people have no idea who you are, they are not going to feel comfortable working with you. The better your reputation is, the more likely they will trust you. When you have no reputation at all, they will not trust you either. So, even if you just want to use blogging to build your company’s reputation, it will be worth your while. Give it a try and see what type of results you can get using these tips.

Blogging for Business – Some Helpful Tips

A lot of businesses are now conducted online. With an internet business, your service or products can reach different parts of the world especially if your website can attract much traffic. In order to establish one of the best online businesses, the usage of blogging for business is of utmost importance.

You can make use of blogs in order to promote your business today and in the years to come. This is not an easy task and so you will need all the help and some tips to keep you on the right track.

Here are some useful tips that you can incorporate in your internet business:

• Back links are valuable – to promote your business through the use of blogs, you have to give importance to back links. The blog post contents should be able to incorporate appropriate back links. By doing so, you can attract much traffic to your website in a more effective manner.

• You must learn to use the right keywords – all the contents of your blogs should have the right or appropriate keywords. Effective blogging can also place your internet business among the top searches in the results of search engines.

• If you plan to use blogs for your internet business, you must be able to make posts regularly. If you forget to make posts, your blogs will not be very effective for your internet business. Sporadic bloggers have no place on the net and so if you want your efforts to be rewarded, make sure that you post blogs frequently.

• Your blogging efforts will be rewarded if you post frequently and if the contents are interesting. Through effective blogging, you can establish the reputation of your online business and not only that, you can shout to the world your business expertise. If you want to gain a positive reputation, make sure that you post interesting blogs that are related to your business.

Those are some simple tips that you can use for blogging. Indeed, blogging can be very useful for online business but only if you can post effective blogs.

At present, many owners of online businesses are now making use of blogs to promote their products and services. If you want to become a blogger and at the same time a successful owner of a business, try to learn how to make effective blogs.

Some say that blogs are not that hard to compose. To some individuals, it may be their way to share their personal experiences and everyday life. But according to some expert bloggers, you also need to consider the interests of the readers and online researchers. Remember that once you start posting blogs in your business' website, you have to post frequently (at least once or twice a week) so that your customers and readers will not forget you or your business.

So what are you waiting for? Learn to make blogs now and become an effective blogger. Your business will surely benefit from the blogs that you post. If you want to learn more about effective blogging for business, you can easily conduct researches online because you can find a wealth of information there.

Blogging for business is one of the most effective means of making your business a success. Start making blogs now and you can earn more profits in the future.

Blogging And The Business Owner

There’s a booming business in freelance writing and it’s in the realm of business blogging (b-blogging).

Why is this the case?

As businesses begin to see the marketing benefits of blogging they are reaching out to skilled freelance writers to develop material on a variety of topics that can be plugged into a business blog.

This can be a benefit to three separate parties. 1) The blog owner. This individual gains the benefit of quality professionally written material t...


marketing,internet marketing,site promotion,blogs,blogging

Article Body:

There’s a booming business in freelance writing and it’s in the realm of business blogging (b-blogging).

Why is this the case?

As businesses begin to see the marketing benefits of blogging they are reaching out to skilled freelance writers to develop material on a variety of topics that can be plugged into a business blog.

This can be a benefit to three separate parties. 1) The blog owner. This individual gains the benefit of quality professionally written material that can work to instill trust in the business represented by the blog. 2) The freelance writer. This individual gains the benefit of meaningful writing assignments and gains the satisfaction of seeing the ultimate success of the blog. 3) Most importantly, the blog readers. These individuals are often content consumers and having consistently updated material on the blog is an enormous benefit to these individuals.

Perhaps you have considered developing a business blog, but feel that you may not be able to withstand the pressures of developing new material or you may not feel as if you are gifted in writing. This is where a freelance writer can assist you. A freelance writer can take your ideas and bring them to life. Depending on your needs they can work to locate links for online articles you want to include and they can write to a specific word count.

Business blogs have also benefited from the use of free-to-use articles found in many locations throughout the web. These articles must be listed with the original author, may not be altered and must include a linked bio at the end of the article. These articles can be a great supplemental source for topic specific blog articles in addition to any original or freelance blogging you may make available to your content consumers.

Freelance writers have become very adept at learning the skills needed to develop content for websites, content for press releases and the more conversational business blogs. In many respects these professionals act as content chameleons.

The end result is business owners who can harness the power of written words as a marketing tool in a manner that satisfies the consumer, is cost effective and allows the business owner to focus attention on other necessary aspects of marketing.

The good news is a business owner can still provide as much or little content as they like for their business blog. Business owners can even develop a panel of experts that can rotate on blog content development. No matter what direction you select the prevailing thrust is improved marketing capabilities – just what every online business owner wants.

Blogging Your Business

What is a blog? The term was coined in 1999, and today Webster’s dictionary defines a blog as a “diary; a personal chronological log of thoughts published on a Web page.” More importantly, it says that blogs are “typically updated daily” and that “blogs often reflect the personality of the author.” But think seriously about frequent blogging. According to Technorati - an internet search engine focused on the world of blogs - only 11% of all blogs update weekly or more. What matters more and more is what you write not how often you write – quality not quantity or frequency.

For a business, there are several potential reasons to blog, but, (there is always a but, isn’t there?) what you really need to consider before blogging, is: Why are you doing it?

Is it a forum to have a more personal relationship between you and your customers?

Is it to create a channel where media regularly check what you have to say, instead of media just being passive recipients of press releases.

Is it private, a workspace where project members keep each other updated without wasting time?

Is it to establish your company as a thought leader so that people in your business will pay attention?

Is it to test ideas or products, a place where people can comment, and provide you with a measure of value or interest?

Is it a bit more ‘cynical’ another attempt to rank higher in search engines because they reward sites that update often, that link to other sites and have many inbound links?

Blogging tools (our favourite is b2evolution) will allow you to publish news, information and opinions widely. You do not need any real technical expertise to write a blog. You just add pages or articles through a “Windows” type of interface so there is no need to rely on a web designer to update it for you.

Business Blogs can be very effective. Blogs can put a human face on your company and the products and services that you offer, which increases the value of your organisation in the eyes of your customers. This in turn will build much higher levels of trust so that, in fact, the readers of your Blog often become your most passionate word-of-mouth ambassadors.

The key issue is discovering what a Blog really can do for you. However, I find that once a business has the chance to have their questions answered about blogs and understand what they can offer, the question tends to change from “Why have a blog?” to “Why haven’t we got a blog?”

Northeastern University’s Professor Walter Carl, the students in his Advanced Organizational Communications class (Spring 2006), John Cass and his colleagues at Backbone Media, Inc. carried out the “Blogging Success Study”.

The research team interviewed twenty corporate bloggers from companies of varied size and industry, and asked each blogger a series of standardized questions. Only bloggers who had been blogging for over one year and considered their blogging efforts successful were eligible to participate.

They identified five factors for success.

1. Culture: If a company has particular cultural traits worth revealing or a bad reputation it wants to repudiate, blogging can be an attractive option.

2. Transparency: Transparency is critical to establishing credibility and trust with an audience. People want to see an honest portrayal of a company.

3. Time: It takes a lot of time to set up, research and write a quality blog. Companies need to identify a person who has the time to blog.

4. Dialogue: A company’s ability and willingness to engage in a dialogue with their customer base about topics that the customer base is interested in is critical to its blogging success.

5. Entertaining writing style and personalization: A blogger’s writing style and how much they are willing to reveal about their life, experience and opinions brings human interest to a blog, helps build a personal connection with readers and will keep people reading.

Nevertheless, they missed out the most important:

6. It takes time and dedication to build a good business blog. You must stick with it and expect it to take months to build up a sizable audience. Lots of people blog for a few months and stop. You need to blog constantly and at a constant pace. You need to find time to write posts, to reply to comments from readers, monitor other blogs, keep up with the latest industry news and build relationships with other bloggers. However, sticking with it is actually the only hard and fast rule to creating a successful business orientated blog.

Blogging about your Business

There are many uses for blogging. In most cases, blogging can be used for advertising. If you own a business, you can make use of blogs to promote your products or services. The usage of blogging in businesses is gaining popularity because it can establish a business’ credibility and name recognition.

The internet is a very competitive arena for online businesses. Many people are now into home-based businesses. There are certain advantages in putting up home-based business such as lower capital requirement, free to work any time, and you can spend a lot of your time with your family. If you want to establish a successful online business, make sure that you use blogging.

You don’t have to be an expert blogger. You simply have to know the basics of blogging and you’re on your way to success. Through blogging, you can create a priceless platform where you can demonstrate readily your expertise, experience, talents, and your business to the whole world. Now, you have a more effective way of presenting your business to the world and most especially, to your customers or clients.

You can also look into other online businesses which previously made use of blogging for promoting their products or services. If you want, you can contact them and ask how blogging has helped them in establishing business success. You’ll be surprised to find out that some business owners exerted their own efforts to create blogs for their businesses. They did not seek the help of expert bloggers to do the job for them.

Aside from enhancing your business’ reputation online, you can also use blogging to enhance the web presence of your business. If you can make a comprehensive website for your business and you’re able to create effective blogs, the name of your business will be known online.

Many online businesses spend thousands of their capital to enhance web presence but if you want to save some money on the promotion of your business, you must learn to create blogs for your business. This way, you can create personal blogs that your business can benefit a lot. Customers are easily attracted to businesses that are considered leaders in the business arena. You can inform the world about your expertise through the blogs you post in your website.

Many people read blogs nowadays. If you can post blogs regularly, prospective clients and customers can be kept informed. You can create a buzz so that you business will become more popular. Oftentimes, readers who are interested in your blogs will also pass the links to their friends, colleagues, and family members. This way, you will have a wider audience.

If you can blog appropriately, your business can be among the top ranked in search engine results. If you can achieve top ranks in any search engine, your business will become more popular and more profitable.

With more readers and subscribers for your blogs, you can increase the traffic in your business’ site. You will then be able to reach more customers so that your business will earn more profits.

So don’t just sit down and watch as your business fails. Start learning the basics of blogging and post blogs in your business’ website. Soon, your business will flourish and you can earn huge profits.

Always have fresh blog ideas at hand so that your readers and customers will remain interested.

Blogging – Is It Worth The Effort For The Home Business Entrepreneur?

A few years ago all the gurus were screaming “You’ve got to have a web site” and they were right. Now we are being told “you have got to have a blog”. But is this true and are they really worth the effort?

At least blogs are easier and cheaper to set up than web sites thanks to the likes of and Wordpress. But is it worth the time and effort writing the posts and keeping them updated ? My answer to this question produces a typical fence sitters reply. They can be.

Sure if you just want to let the world know what an exciting life you lead or let the world know your views on the burning issues that is fine. You should not really expect to make much profit from your blog. It is a hobby, something you are just doing for fun but if you want to make it a marketing tool of your business then you must adopt a professional attitude regarding your blogs.

Before you post anything you must decide exactly what you hope to achieve with each blog you post. So what are the options?

You might want to sell something either your own or an affiliate product.

In which case you might consider a review or an explanation of how to use the product and or the benefits a buyer would receive. Your one purpose with this type of blog is to pre sell the product and get the prospect to click the link to the full sales page and hopefully make a purchase.

A blog can also be a great way to establish you within your specialised niche.

It can help you get your name known and increase your credibility. But this will only work if you write fresh thought provoking copy. A rehash of others work or hackneyed ideas will do little for your standing especially if your niche is small and close knit.

Another option is to write a series of “how to” blogs giving your readers information on specific aspects of your niche. This can often be a good introduction to offering them a complete “How to” e-book or program. I look on these as very similar to the e-courses that many Internet marketers offer.

Instead of setting them up on your auto responder you post them to your blog at regular intervals.

The bottom line is that if you are to make posting blogs a worthwhile option then you need to have clear in your mind exactly what you want to achieve with your blog before you even write one word.