Showing posts with label Attainable. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Attainable. Show all posts

Home Based Business And The Attainable Dream

In traditional sales you may have heard the old adage, “It’s not what you know it’s who you know.” I’m here to debunk that myth – at least in online business.

There was a notion that provided the ability to think that even if a parent had messed up at least their children could do better, perhaps becoming a senator or President. The world of online business takes it one step further. No matter what success or lack thereof you may have experienced you can still find potential in developing an online business.

You don’t have to know the son of a large firm to get a job. You don’t have to be the daughter of a wealthy merchant to find success. You don’t even have to have a college degree in order to access the potential in online business.

The rules for online business have effectively altered the perception of business.

Suddenly the ‘haves and the have nots’ stand shoulder to shoulder. The dreamers stand with those who have dreamed and the buying public is less concerned because the world is your market.

The connections are devoid of the pettiness that may be present in a local business where a last name is more important than the product being sold.

We’ve all seen or read stories where an individual cannot get ahead simply because they did not come from the right side of the tracks – businesses that were boycotted because the skin tone of the owner was the wrong color. Yet we all cheer when we see a rags to riches story that demonstrates that the little guy can overcome the odds and do something great.

The idea of an underdog makes for great movies and football, but it no longer needs to be applied to online business.

The fear that so many feel when it comes to developing a home-based business is often the result of feeling they cannot rise above the expectations of those who may have been native in their past. If Aunt Sarah never felt you had what it took to be a business owner (or even successful for that matter) then this lie often makes it virtually impossible for some to consider giving business ownership a shot.

Home-based business allows you to prove something to yourself – not so much to prove others wrong as it is about demonstrating that you can do something for yourself and your family that may be unexpected and yet intensely satisfying on a personal level.

The growth in home based businesses along with the success stories have encouraged many to unwrapped a carefully hidden dream and hold it up to the light for inspection.

It can be a scary step to acknowledge a dream, but it can also be a crucial step in liberating yourself from a lot of negative baggage from the past.

An “I told you so” probably won’t make you feel nearly as good as if you can honestly say, “I did it. I have worked hard and I did it.”

Pursue your dreams because they are your dreams. Home-based business is not an easy step, but an online environment has made the process much more attainable.