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Showing posts with label about. Show all posts

Meeting With Investors About Your Business Idea

Raising money for your business can be very challenging especially if you are not the type of person who is comfortable marketing your business ideas. If you are one of those people who are not really very good at communicating you ideas verbally, it would be a good idea for you to spend a lot of time and efforts in preparing your business presentation to make sure that you have everything under control. When it comes to preparing your business presentation, you may need to the help of a business presentation expert just to make sure that you are able to get your points across clearly. Always remember that first impressions count when making business presentations so be sure to create a good impression in your potential investors.

When preparing your presentation for your meeting with the investors, make sure that you do not just present your business ideas, you should also them the potential profit that you can derive out of this business idea. Always remember that investors are very much concerned about profits so given them an idea of how you will mostly likely to earn and how it will take you to achieve this goal. Be realistic in your projections. Note that the investors will scrutinize these projections extensively and if they found out that you are bloating your projections, you will most likely lose their trust and their money.

Packaging Yourself

Investors are interested in you and your business. When the investors take a personal interest in you, it will be easier for you to convince then to finance your business venture. It is not uncommon for investors to invest in someone’s business simply because they know and trust that person. On the other hand, there have been cases where investors shy away from a good project simply because they do not like the person present who is making the business presentation. Since you as a person can make a big difference when it comes to convincing potential investors to pour in some money into your business, you make it a point to package yourself in such a way that the investors will like you and trust you. Now, do not attempt to gloss up your appearance. Investors will know it you are being phony so be honest about who you are and what you are.

Potential investors are not just interested in you; they are also interested in the members of your team. If you can bring some of the members of your team with you during your meeting, do so. A lot of investors are very concerned about how your team works so make sure that you demonstrate to them how you deal with the members of your team.

What is Business School All About Anyway?

The ultimate goal for those who enroll in an MBA program is career advancement. What form this advancement will take depends completely on each individual's personal agenda. One student may plan to return to work for a former employer in a more sophisticated context, while another may seek to change careers entirely, transferring to a field that is more challenging or fulfilling. Other more entrepreneurial students may attempt to launch an independent business. Whatever the case may be, MBA programs are designed to guide the student toward the path of their choosing while providing the skills that will be required when they reach their destination.

How do they do this you ask? Well, the most successful MBA programs strive to gather groups of students with diverse backgrounds and goals and then facilitate the sharing of their experiences in the context of the study of theoretical business applications. Before we get in to the academic elements of the MBA program, let's first take a look at some of the different techniques schools are currently using to cultivate leadership qualities in their students (besides the standard lectures, papers, exams, etc?).

1) Problem-Based Learning (a.k.a Case Studies)

Rather than simply conveying material to the students through lectures, business schools are now using the problem-based learning format to force students to think for themselves rather than regurgitate material that they've memorized.

Classes are subdivided into small groups and each group is presented with a particular management issue or problem.

As a team, the students must research the case they've been presented with and apply what they've learned from their studies to come up with a solution to the particular problem.

This type of exercise forces students to become "horizontal thinkers" who must consider ALL factors related to a particular decision rather than simply looking at an issue from on particular perspective (ie. accounting vs. marketing vs. finance).

2) Studies in the Field

Many schools are now supplementing class lectures and individuals study time with studies in the field

Although most students coming into MBA programs already have significant work experience, schools continue to stress the importance of "learning from doing"

The interpersonal skills that are crucial to strong leadership cannot be taught in the classroom setting but rather must be observed first hand in the field.

3) Team-Based Learning

While many of the projects assigned in business school require students to work in groups, team-based learning focuses specifically on how to work as team.

The goal isn't so much to complete a particular assignment or project on some managerial issue, but rather the to learn how to work closely with others.

Setting goals, assigning responsibilities, and learning to rely on others are some of the skills involved.

Because team project and work groups have become so common in the business world, the schools are stressing teamwork abilities now more than ever..

The Curriculum

Now of course, underlying all of these different teaching techniques, is the curriculum itself. The first year courses of most MBA programs make up what is known as the core curriculum. While each school tries to present the material in what they believe is a unique or progressive manner, there remains minimal variation in these courses from school to school because every MBA student must ultimately have a fairly extensive level of knowledge in the following areas:

Business Strategy Analysis

Financial and Managerial Accounting

Management Statistics and Data Analysis

Managerial Economics

Marketing Management

Managerial Finance

Managing Organizations

Operations Management

For a detailed description of any or all of these courses, please browse through the course calendar or website of the particular business schools you are considering.

Once this core curriculum has been completed, most business schools allow their students to spend the remainder of their course time on electives. Many schools are recognized for particular programs that they offer and this recognition tends to revolve around these second year elective courses. Often business schools will have faculty who are eminent leaders in their field lecturing for these courses, providing the class with cutting edge research and the latest advancements in the area. Some of the areas that a second-year MBA student can specialize in include:


Arts Management

Educational Administration

Entrepreneurial Ventures Finance


Health Care Administration

Human Resource


Management Consultants

Management Information


Manufacturing Management


Not-for-Profit Organizations

Operations Management

Small Business Management

So as you can see, it's no longer possible to pigeonhole business schools as gathering places for society's elite, who put in a couple of years before taking over the family empire. A degree from a reputable business school can now place you on the fast track for a leadership position in any one of an incredibly diverse number of career paths. The MBA has become just as important in public service domains such as education, government, and healthcare administration as it is in the more traditional corporate sectors.

What to Expect for the Costs you have Sunk In?

Having established that going to business school represents a pretty serious financial burden, let's see what you're actually getting for all those dollars your laying out. What are the "frills" schools are using to attract students, and the impact that the program can have on your ability to attract employment and your earning potential once you've found the job you've been seeking.


Talk about plush. Be prepared to work extremely hard when you get to business school, but if your at one of the better ones, take solace in the fact that you'll be doing it in style. The fact is that many of the schools (and not just the powerhouses) are investing heavily in infrastructure to woo you. Remember, there's a definite element of reciprocity in the relationship between schools and applicants. To put it simply, they want you to like them just as much as you want them to like you. As a result a significant proportion of a business school's dean's time is spent fundraising. Many schools are building brand new buildings, with brand new classrooms, libraries, conference rooms, cafeterias and students lounges all supplied and state-of-the-art technology. Just as one example, Cornell's Johnson Graduate School of Management has built a simulated trading floor with the exact same technology being used by real analysts.


The business world is ALL about connections. We're not going to feed you the line that "it's who you know not what you know" but rather that it's "who you know AND what you know". For that reason, an MBA program has become incredibly important for young people trying to get their foot in the door. At business school you're going to educated in the "what" and immersed in the "who." Without even realizing it, you're going to be spending two full years networking. Whether it's faculty who have pivotal roles in major corporations, corporations who've formed alliances with the school, or fellow students, over the course of the program you're going to be in close contact with individuals who are currently, or will be in the future, extremely influential in the business community. Imagine your new best friend happens to be the next Bill Gates, Warren Buffet, David Filo, or Jerry Yang just waiting to surface. Well that's the kind of relationship that fortunes are built on.


The following excerpts come directly from the Business Week Guide to the Best Business Schools (6 th ed.). It summarizes the relationship between MBAs and corporate hiring so well that felt we should pass it straight on to you completely unadulterated. We further recommend that you find the complete article from which this excerpt was taken (available on the web) for supplementary reading and that you use the guide as one of your resources for choosing the right business school for you (in our opinions it's one of the most informative).

As we approach the millennium, the MBA is unquestionably the hottest degree you can hold, particularly from an elite school. The stats prove it: At virtually all of the best schools, GMAT scores and starting pay packages are setting records. Applications are too, although a large part of the boom is coming from overseas...The 61 schools surveyed by business week for its 1998 rankings waded through 116,912 applications for the Class of 2000, and the average GMAT score was 667 for those attending the Top 25 schools, up from 649 just two years earlier.

Today, the MBA is on its way to becoming a requirement for anyone who hopes to build a career in Corporate America, and, indeed, much of the world... Certainly, it's true that corporate recruiters can't seem to hire enough MBAs these days. The 259 recruiters who participated in business week's 1998 survey of the best business schools hired 10,348 MBAs in total, a 28 percent rise from 1996. And they would have hired even more if they could have: Grads of the Top 25 business schools averaged 3.2 job offers each, up from 2.3 in 1992, and compensation exploded. The median pay package (salary, bonus, and extras such as stock options or moving expenses) at the Top 25 hit $111,420, up 19 percent from just two years ago. Another telling figure: Median pay topped $100,000 at 18 of our Top 25-versus 5 two years ago.

detailed Information About Business Gold Delta Skymiles from American Express

The American Express has come up with the Business Gold Delta Skymiles from American Express aimed at the small business sector. The card promises the much needed financial help in the form of a credit line of up to $50000. The card is very apt for the business owners who can take advantage of savings on flying miles as the card enables the customers to accumulate considerable airline miles for the Delta and Song airlines.

The Basic Features Of The Card

The annual fee applicable is $85, which is waived off for the first year. An applicant, having a charge card account with the American Express, however, will enjoy a special benefit and will be charged a mere $30 towards fee for the Business Gold Delta Skymiles Card.

The card has a regular APR of 17.99 percent, which is above the average. You should have no problems if you clear your payments regularly. Defaulters, i.e., people who carry balances, will find the card not very beneficial and they will accrue huge credit card debts.

The Card Benefits

The Business Gold Delta Skymiles from American Express awards the users with points. If you spend one dollar on general purchases, then you can earn one point. According to the double points program, you can take back 2 points for every dollar spent at super markets gas stations, drug stores and United States postal services. You can also earn double points if you use the card to make purchases with Delta and Song airlines or for wireless phone bills.

The good news is that the miles earned have no expiration period but you should keep your account active for a three-year time period.

You will receive 15000 start-up miles for making the first purchase with the card. You will be awarded with additional 5000 bonus miles for making purchases worth $15000 and $25000 annually. You will also be eligible for 1000 bonus miles for each additional card application submitted with the basic card application (for up to five additional cards).

Equipped with this card you can save money for the discounts at the FedEx, AT&T, Hertz and many more.

The Extra Benefits

The Business Gold Delta Skymiles from American Express offers a myriad of other benefits and perquisites. You can receive purchase protection related services, travel accident insurance and discounts from those merchants and retailers who are a member of the American Express network. You can also benefit from the various account related services, purchase protection, emergency check in service and other similar services.

Computer Consulting Business: Know about Vendor Hard Drive Replacement

Many of your computer consulting business clients will come from non-technical, business backgrounds. As a result, many will not immediately grasp why a failed hard drive cannot "simply" be replaced by a new or refurbished hard drive.

As part of managing clients expectations, it’s important to educate your clients on the steps that go into formatting a hard drive, loading the OS, configuring device drivers, loading software applications, customizing the OS and applications and restoring data.

Educate Your Client

As a computer consulting business owner, you know replacing a hard drive is not as simple as removing the shrink wrap and installing the device into the PC. But, many times, your clients don’t.

Or they just assume that all the OS files, device drivers and software applications will "magically" appear. This all may sound really basic, but taking a few minutes when discussing PC warranties with your clients to explain these issues.

How does the Vendor Handle Hard Drive Replacement?

You need to know how your preferred PC vendors handle hard drive replacement under warranty service. What kinds of labor are covered if a desktop PC or notebook hard drive needs replacement under the warranty?

Some vendors specify that the hard drive device needs to be just physically replaced and operational, and recognized by the PC hardware setup program. Under this form of warranty coverage, the technician’s job is done the moment the empty (blank) replacement hard drive is installed in your client’s PC.

The Real Cost

Unfortunately, as most PC vendors feel financial pressure to reduce their support and warranty costs, your computer consulting business clients probably will be subjected to a no-frills warranty service approach. Hard drives for desktop PCs are relatively inexpensive, around $100 to $200 at retail.

So it’s important for your clients to understand that warranty service on a hard drive replacement generally doesn’t cover the more substantial labor costs involved with restoring the hard drive and system to the pre-crash condition.

If your clients outsource this work to your computer consulting business, it easily could cost them $200 to $500 (or more) in labor to get that PC hard drive back to its pre-crash condition. Even if your clients’ internal gurus handle the work, this easily could pull these internal gurus away from their "real" jobs for a half-day or more.

The Bottom Line about the Computer Consulting Business

The expense of recovering a crashed desktop PC hard drive tends to be more concentrated on soft costs, which most times aren’t covered by the PC vendor’s warranty, therefore we see more and more reason not to recommend purchasing extended warranty coverage with entry-level desktop PCs.

Copyright MMI-MMVI, Computer Consulting Blog. All Worldwide Rights Reserved. {Attention Publishers: Live hyperlink in author resource box required for copyright compliance}

Common Myths About Operating A Business Franchise

As with any business venture, you can not always rely on information passed casually between holes at the golf course. While 95 percent of all franchises are successful, there are several common myths that may set some franchisees up for failure. This happens when an entrepreneur enters the franchise model with high expectations only to be let down by the realities that come with any business. It’s important to be realistic and deliberate in your approach to launching any new company, whether it’s an established brand or built from the ground up. As you weigh the pros and cons of operating a business franchise, do preliminary research and don’t accept what “everyone else” seems to tell you, even some of the franchisors.

Myth: Franchises are a guarantee route to success in the business world.

Fact: The main reason franchises are so successful is because of their rigorous requirements. For instance, most of them require large capital investments. Many of these investments are so substantial that only serious entrepreneurs would even consider signing on. Of those who purchase one of these businesses, not all of them have the assets allowing them to wait for a return on investment. The fact is that it can take a considerable amount of time for franchisees to generate a profit because of the high investment, royalty fees, etc. Thus, under capitalization is the most frequent cause of franchise failure.

Myth: You can be your own boss.

Fact: While you will enjoy some perks that come with owning a business, you are still subject to the operating system provided by the franchisor. A few examples of this include hours of operation, approved equipment and supplies and even marketing items. What this means to you is that closing early on Christmas Eve may not be an option, unless you are willing to risk getting caught and any accompanying repercussions.

Myth: Buying a franchise is less expensive than starting your own business.

Fact: The initial cost of purchasing a franchise business is typically the same as building one from the ground up. This makes sense when you consider the real estate, equipment and supplies in addition to franchise fees (allowing the use of the brand name, logo, trademark and in some cases, marketing materials). Plus, royalty fees to be deducted from your profits later must also be factored into the equation. Of course, there is no reason to become discouraged. In truth, the key to managing a lucrative franchise is to find the right business opportunity for you, which brings about the next point.

Myth: Higher cost franchises translate to larger returns.

Fact: Rather than searching for the highest investment amounts, you should do your best to find a franchise that will allow you to make use of valuable skills. For example, if you have previous experience in the daycare industry, you should consider some of the children’s franchises in this industry. Though children’s salons are all the rage, your resources, economic and otherwise, will be better spent running a business you already understand. You will see higher profits sooner. Thus, putting your capital in one of the low cost franchises of which you are knowledgeable will prove more profitable than using your resources on one of the high capital franchises you know little about.

Myth: Franchising is a stress-free way to start a business.

Fact: Building a business of any kind can be very stressful at times. While franchises offer terrific benefits such as established name recognition, a working infrastructure and ongoing advertising campaigns, franchisees are not immune from the ups and downs of business ownership. The fact is that these benefits come with specific requirements. Not only are franchisees expected to operate within certain guidelines as mentioned previously, they’re also held accountable for the financial success of their stores. One illustration of this might be a business franchise that experiences a drop in sales over one month. Not only does the owner have to deal with loss of revenue, he or she has to provide an explanation to the franchisor.

Myth: Owning a franchise means you no longer have to deal with employees.

Fact: Developing any business takes not only a monetary investment but also your time and effort. Chances are, you will spend some time, even though it may be very little, making sure things go smoothly at your store. For instance, imagine owning a restaurant franchise. You stop by to visit with your manager about changing coffee suppliers when you notice an unusually full parkinglot. You enter the restaurant to find that all the employees working at their maximum. Drink orders are completely backed up. Since you have a vested interest in making this surplus of customers is happy, it only makes sense for you to jump in and start making drinks. Moreover, if you plan to manage a multi-unit franchise, you will have to hire and develop a quality team of managers in order to achieve success. This would require a great deal of communication and consequently, demand spending time with management employees.

Myth: It’s better to purchase a brand that is already established in my region.

Fact: Going back to the restaurant example, if your goal is to open a profitable fast food chain it may be wise to open one that is already reputable in your community. After all, people know what you offer and that they enjoy it. On the other hand, you have to consider the amount of business the other restaurants are getting. Do they have customers from your territory willing to travel across town to dine there? If so, is the market big enough to share if you build a location in between your designated part of town and the other store(s)?

Myth: You’re always protected from competing franchises in your territory.

Fact: This depends on your contract. If your agreement is strong, you’ll be protected from unwarranted competition, even when it is due to a company merger or a second chain created by your franchisor. Additionally, you should always consider the time frame disclosed for when your territory becomes negotiable. Nonetheless, best way to attain a beneficial agreement between you and your franchisor is to have an attorney review these important documents before you agree to any of their terms.

Myth: The most popular (and lucrative) chains are franchise businesses.

Fact: While studies show that franchises are more financially rewarding overall, not all lucrative chains are franchises. Case in point: Businesses like Starbucks, Lone Star Steakhouse and Kinkos function under a company owned model. This means that the company owns each store but hires managers to run them.

If it Sounds too Good to be True…

With any business, the prospective owner must be prepared to put in a great deal of hard work, time and in many cases, capital. The only real way to guarantee success is to find the business that utilizes the resources already available to you (financial and otherwise). Most of all, it’s good to be optimistic as long as you remain aware of the dedication it takes to run any productive business, even franchises.

A Make Money Home Based Business – Tell Me All About It

If you want to make money, home based business is the way to go. Having your own business operating out of your home is an inexpensive, almost free, way to generate a monthly income and have relative freedom from the 9 to 5 grind. As you own boss, you set your own hours and break times and still make money. Home based business ideas are many so you can literally choose anything that suits your interest and expertise and still make money. Home based business has a lot of positives.

The growth of the Internet has led to an explosion of home based Internet businesses using affiliate marketing as a way to make money. Home based business built on affiliate marketing means that you set up a website and redirect the traffic to an affiliate that pays you each time a customer makes a purchase by clicking through your website. This is an example of a free home based Internet business because it doesn’t cost anything to sign up with other businesses as one of their affiliates.

However, there is a lot more to just setting up a website to make money. Home based businesses operating on the Internet cannot just expect the sites to make money without some extra work. The cost of an Internet based business is not quite free, because you do have to pay for the domain name and the web hosting, but when you compare it to the cost of setting up a bricks and mortar business, then you might consider it almost a free home based Internet business.

In order to make money through affiliate marketing you do have to become knowledgeable about how it works. Choosing onine merchants that people want to buy from will help you make money. Home based business owners with small internet businesses can get the information they need about operating a free home based Internet business by reading all the available information on affiliate marketing. The main thing is to choose a merchant that sells products consumers want.

To make money, home based business owners need to search the Internet to find the online merchants that rank highly in the search engines. Study the websites that have links to affiliates and find out how you can take advantage of a free home based Internet business. Think about what is hot in the market right now and set about finding merchants that offer quality products like these. Once you do this and have your website up and running, you will be well on your way. You do have to keep working at least a few hours each day to make money. Home based business using the Internet also means you have to be constantly on the lookout for new products and ideas.

If you want to make money, home based business on the internet is a low cost and effective way to do it.

Are You Serious About Your Work At Home Business?

Are you treating your business like a Fortune 500 Company or like a Yard Sale? Take this quiz to find out.

How would you describe your Office?
a.) Corporate or b.) Chaos

Which word describes you personal appearance while you’re working?
a.) Success or b.) Mess

And, how would you describe your attitude towards your business?
a.) Winner or b.) Winging-it

If you chose only ‘a’ answers, then congratulations! You’re thinking like a Fortune 500 company!

If you chose even one ‘b’ answer, then keep reading…

We oftentimes think “What does it matter what my desk looks like? And, who cares what I look like in front of my computer at home. Nobody can see me.”

Well, it does matter. It matters, because you matter and because your business matters. And, if you treat your business like something of value and take care of it, it’ll take care of you. And why shouldn’t you? Your business is just as important as any Fortune 500 Company. It’s yours and it’s special.

Here are some steps to take today.

1. No more working in chaos.
Make your office a “no toy zone”. Your office is your turf. Protect it. If you have little office helpers, then establish one area that can have toys, perhaps a basket or drawer – and don’t let it spread.

2. No more working in jammies.
You wouldn’t show up to work at IBM or Microsoft in your fuzzy bunny slippers, would you? You don’t need to wear a suit, but simply feeling more professional will lead to more professional results.

3. No more amateur phone message
Review the outgoing message on your answering machine. Does it sound like the office of a professional or like chaos central? Rerecord it to make a good first impression upon clients when they call.

4. No more ‘winging it’.
Begin each day with a list of six jobs that you want to accomplish. If you make the list achievable with small goals, you’ll feel much better about at the end of the day.

Are you ready to treat your business like a valuable Fortune 500 company? I hope you’ll take your first step today towards success.

Lessons I Learned About Building a Home Based Business While Watching a Master Violinist

Have you ever been in moment where you realized that your perception of something would never be the same? Well that's exactly what happened to me when I attended BB Kings Restaurant to hang out and listen to a violinist for an upcoming CD release.

Much to my surprise I walked away with 5 lessons that I could use to take my home based business to the next level. Within moments of world renowned jazz violinist Karen Briggs (formerly with Yani) taking the stage the quote from Tony Buzan rang my head.

"Whatever your discipline, become a student of excellence in all things. Take every opportunity to observe people who manifest the qualities of mastery."

Here are lessons I walked away with that you can use to
successfully create a business you can work from home.

1. Change an idea or business by 10% and you can be a leader in what you do. Ms. Briggs is not the only violinist but she is one the first to become known as a "Jazz Violinist." She took traditional classical music and put a jazz twist on it and made it her own. She created a fortune by doing so. You can do the same thing. Find a work at home business you love, add your unique slant and become an expert.

2. Give your customers more than you can expect and you will create raving fans. We were told the concert would go 90 minutes. However, when Ms. Briggs surprised us with an additional 45 minute jam session it blew everyone away. When you under promise and over deliver you will create screaming fans that will tell others about your business. The ultimate form of flattery is a referral. (By the way, I highly recommend you see

3. When you are operating in your unique gift it will appear effortless to others. Ms. Briggs was one with her instrument. As a former violinist myself, I know first hand that it is not an easy instrument to master if you don't have the aptitude or attitude. However, when the talent or gift is innate your presentation appears organic and effortless to others.

Most people spend their life looking for the "magic bullet" to create wealth. And the truth is if you were to look at the gifts and talents you have, your million dollar idea is innately a part of you. If you are not sure what it is think about what are the things you do that appear easy for you and difficult for others. Your unique talent harnessed with discipline and commitment will be unstoppable. Unleash your talents and discover how to turn it into a profitable work at home opportunity.

4. When you are a master at your craft people will pay for it and you can name your price. Being an expert in business is much like a top paid artist. When you have specialized knowledge or a skill people are willing to pay a higher price to have access to it.

5. Surround yourself with talented and supportive people and you all can go to a higher level of success. Ms. Briggs had a band around her and with their support her talents were showcased even more. No one creates success by themselves. Make sure you have people around you who support you in your business. Consider a Mastermind Group.

If you are starting or currently building a home based business
take one or all of these lessons, implement them in your business and watch it grow. I am always amazed how lessons about
being successful are always around us if our mind is open and
our ears in tune. These lessons if implemented will sound like
music to your ears.

All About Franchising and Starting up a New Franchise Business

Copyright 2006 Peter Hayes

Franchise business opportunities are expanding rapidly. If you look at the most famous franchise in existence today is the McDonald’s corporation. McDonalds has established itself around the world and is one of the leading business organizations. Opportunities in franchising continue to develop as the franchise industry develops.

What is a franchise?

Information on the Franchise Business

A franchise is a mirror image of an original business idea. When a business has become successful the opportunity arises to duplicate the success in other locations. When an individual purchases a franchise opportunity, they are purchasing is the right to repeat the original business operations in another area. To help them achieve success a franchisee receives complete instructions on how to achieve the success achieved by the original business. They get an established and proven business plan and marketing plan on which to build their new business.

A franchise has been granted the authorization to sell or distribute a company’s goods or services in a certain geographical area. For example, a restaurant or coffee shop’s marketing area is limited, usually to people in the immediate local area. Therefore, creating another restaurant or coffee house based on the original business in a different area would be considered a franchise.

The original business developer determines the formula for producing the same result achieved by the original business and how this formula can be repeated in new locations. This formula is packaged and sold as a franchise. This package is sold to interested parties who can achieve success simply by following the proven formula.

Why Do Businesses Sell Franchises rather than Expanding their own Business?

What is the advantage of developing a franchise as opposed to simply opening the business in multiple locations? It is quite possible to open a number of restaurants in one city or county or even within a state. However, the time requirements and energy required to do this is extensive. Franchising offers th possibility to expand the business and have others on board to share the burden.

It would be impossible for someone like Roy Croc, who developed McDonalds, to run each individual McDonald’s restaurant around the world. To expand your business without running it into the ground, you need quality people who have an interest at your own bottom line.

Information on Buying a Franchise Business

Many people would like the freedom to start their own business. However, they may be new to the business world. Or they may not be confident of their ability to develop a business. Or they may not have a business idea that they are confident in.

The opportunity to start a business that has a proven success record and an established plan for achieving a similar success is what make franchising attractive to new business owners.

This is beneficial to both the original business developer and the entrepreneur. The business developer makes a profit by selling his system and the entrepreneur gains the knowledge from an experienced owner with a successful business. This increases the opportunities for the entrepreneur, which allows for a greater chance of success.

12 Things Nursing Taught Me About Owning a Business

Have you ever wondered whether you're cut out to be an entrepreneur? Nurses sometimes tell me they aren't sure if their nursing career has prepared them to start and succeed in their own legal nurse consultant practice. Yet even the most routine nursing job is full of life lessons that apply to the business world.

My first job as an intensive care nurse in a major medical center prepared me for business success. Subsequent jobs reinforced those early messages. I invite you to look closely at your own nursing career and discover the lessons that will help you succeed as a legal nurse consultant.

Success Lesson 1 — Find Your Passion and Turn It into a Business
As much as I loved my work with critically ill patients and their families, my inner voice told me I wouldn't be working in a hospital forever. As a young nurse, the vision of myself working in the ICU at age 40, 50 or 60 just wouldn't come into focus.

With only 6 years of nursing experience, I left the hospital and started my legal nurse consultant business. From there, I listened to my inner voice and reconnected with my first passion teaching. At age 8, I spent hours every day teaching an imaginary class. Today I am privileged to teach, coach and mentor nurses to live their career dreams. I turned my passion into a business, and since then I haven't worked a single day.

Listen to your inner voice, and you will find your passion. Many nurses have reconnected to their passion through legal nurse consulting, a choice unknown to them before they took my program.

Success Lesson 2 – You Have the Power to Take Control of Your Career Destiny

Patients heal faster when they take control of their health and practice healthy habits. Even the smallest positive action can give a patient a sense of control and empower the healing process.

I learned this lesson time and again as I struggled to gain control of my own nursing career. Each time I refused to give in to the frustrations of working within the healthcare system and took a positive step on my own, I felt better. With every step I grew, I thrived and I came up with new ideas to further my sense of control and satisfaction.

The same is true about your career. You have the power to practice the healthy habits essential to take control of your career destiny. Educate yourself about the steps to achieving career health, including new career options like legal nurse consulting. Then take action on those steps. You really can take control of your career destiny.

Success Lesson 3 – Don't Give in to Fear

As a nurse, I frequently treated patients who had the same progressive disease, yet experienced dramatically different outcomes. We all have known patients who lived years after their predicted demise and other patients who should have lived but didn't because they gave up or didn't want to live. The fact that so many elderly patients die within months of losing a spouse is a solid example of the mind-body connection. In almost every case, the patients who died too soon had given in to fear.

There's also a mind-business connection that will influence the health of your business. When I give in to fear, I become the biggest obstacle to my success. That was true when I started my business 19 years ago. That is true today.

Fear will paralyze you instantly. Practice mind control and exercise your mind daily for positive thinking. Shake off your lack of confidence and negative thinking. Don't wait for an MI to stop inhaling the toxic smoke of fear. Don't let fear be the reason you don't live your career dreams. Always remember the mind-set of the patients who live and the patients who die.

Success Lesson 4 – Nurses Can Do Anything

As nurses most of us have brought patients back to life. We all can recall at least one miracle story a case where, with our help, a patient survived against all odds.

Whenever I face a business crisis, I remind myself, "I'm a nurse and nurses can do anything." I've repeated this same message for 19 years, and it has helped me overcome every obstacle.

If you can heal sick patients and handle life-threatening emergencies as easily as you make your bed in the morning, you really can do anything – especially something as straightforward as starting a business.

Success Lesson 5 – You Can't Climb Mount Everest without Practicing on the Foothills

I had to have extensive education and training just to qualify for my first nursing job. All the lessons from that job helped prepare me for the next. Each successive nursing position required new and different skills necessitating more training and education.

The same applies to owning a business. Today I handle things easily and successfully that seemed impossible 19 years ago. But that's because I've been in training for what I do now ever since I became a nurse.

If you're frustrated with your nursing career, don't feel like you've thrown your life away. No experience or job is a waste. Everything you have done has trained you to move up to the next level. Above all, don't let the fact that you're not trained to climb Mount Everest stop you from pursuing your dreams of becoming an independent legal nurse consultant. Your nursing training and experience was the first step. Start the next step of your training today, and you will make that climb to start your successful legal nurse consultant business.

Success Lesson 6 – The Nursing Process Is Your Friend

When I left clinical nursing, I thought I could set aside the "nursing process" forever. I couldn't have been more wrong. Business requires that same process of assessment, diagnosis, planning, implementation and evaluation. Every project I take on requires me to assess the possibilities and needs, diagnose the problems, plan how to achieve my goals, implement the plan and evaluate my results.

Your nursing jobs have prepared you well. You can apply the nursing process to any business situation and challenge. You will thank your nursing instructors for this one. Every time you review a medical-related case, interview with an attorney or face a challenge in running your business, you will rely on the process they taught you.

Success Lesson 7 – Act Quickly and Decisively

As an ICU nurse, I learned that seconds made a difference in patient outcome. That's true for nurses in any specialty. I rarely had lots of time to ponder or brood over a clinical decision.

I have applied the same principles of acting quickly and decisively in business, too. Am I always correct? No. Do I make mistakes? Yes. Yet because of my nursing experience, I'm never paralyzed into inaction and I've been able to make the most of numerous opportunities I would have missed without acting quickly.

Don't miss your chance to succeed. Learn to act quickly and decisively, and you will grow your legal nurse consultant business.

Success Lesson 8 – What You Focus on Is Where You Achieve Results

In nursing I was often overwhelmed by short staffing, heavy caseloads and lack of support from hospital administration. I soon learned to triage and focus on what I needed to do to heal patients in this less-than-ideal environment. Nursing taught me that where I focus my time is where I achieve results.

That skill comes in handy in business. It's as important to triage and prioritize your actions in business as it is when working with patients. Every day I'm confronted with dozens of challenges, five things that must be done at once, and 20 new creative ideas for my business, but I rarely panic. The organizational and multi-tasking skills I learned as a nurse have served me well.

When you start your legal nurse consultant business, you will not receive any extra hours in the day. In fact, the days will feel shorter. Even the general public knows that working conditions for RNs are worse than ever. Your ability to focus on what's really important under these conditions is the perfect preparation for your successful legal nurse consultant practice.

Success Lesson 9 – This Is Just Business, It's Not Breast Cancer

Ministering to patients and family members helped me put life with all its problems and challenges into perspective. Today when I overreact to a problem or feel I'm in crisis, I think of sick and dying patients. I think, "Now fighting for your life is a REAL problem."

In business I've had lots of ups and downs. When the down moments come, I remind myself, "This is business – not breast cancer." This helps me focus positively on solving the problem rather than embarking on a pity party. I've thrown plenty of those "parties", and they never helped me solve a single business problem.

As you grow your legal nurse consultant business, it helps to ask "So what if this month is not as successful as I planned?" or "So what if my best attorney-client retires?" and to remember its just business, not breast cancer.

Success Lesson 10 – Illness Can Wake You Up

As a nurse I treated many patients who only began to live after they almost died. We've all had patients who said they are glad they got sick, because while they were well, they weren't living the life they wanted. The health crisis forced them to wake up, reassess their lives, decide what was truly important to them, and go for it.

Not every day is a healthy business day. Some days I wake up to a disease challenge in my business. Surprisingly, it's the business ills and mistakes that often awaken me to creative ways of injecting my business with new life.

If your career is facing a health crisis, this is your opportunity to wake up and change things for the better. Legal nurse consulting is one way to restore the health of your career.

Success Lesson 11 – Business Is Personal

Even though technical skills are vital for an ICU nurse, the relationships with patients and their families were what mattered most to me. Those relationships paid off one day when I made a mistake. Because of our relationship, the patient requested that I continue being his nurse despite my error.

Legal nurse consulting is a service business where you will apply the same relationship principles you learned in nursing to your attorney-clients and prospects. Provide quality service and excellent work product that no other legal nurse consultant can replicate, and soon you'll feel like you're in a short-staffing situation all over again.

Success Lesson 12 – Healthy Patients Take Care of Themselves

We've all worked with healthy and unhealthy patients and we've seen the effects of poor health habits on the human body. The health of a pregnant woman is often dramatically reflected in the health of her offspring.

To run a successful company you must enjoy an optimal state of health. Give yourself permission to take care of yourself. I love my business, but I love myself more. After all, without a healthy me, I couldn't muster the energy to give 110% to my clients and employees every day.

Every lesson I learned from nursing, I apply to my business today. You've already learned similar lessons yourself. You don't need another hospital job to help you succeed in business. Take a moment to revel in all nursing has taught you. These lessons will multiply your success when you transfer them to your new legal nurse consulting practice.

Advice About Setting Up Your Own Business

Are you thinking about setting up your own business? Have you an idea for a new business but are unsure about how to proceed? If you have answered yes to either of these questions, this article could be of benefit to you. I am going to write about how to plan and create a successful small business.

Many people are looking at ways in which they can become self-employed as they have had enough of being dictated to and fed up of long and frustrating commutes to work. They want the freedom of being their own boss and to be able to choose their own hours of work.

Leaving a full time career can be quite a scary prospect however. The security of having a regular income and other benefits such as a pension and a share save scheme can seem hard to let go. I am sure many people whether rightly or wrongly have opted to stick with this security and to merely keep their business plan as an idea, which they never see through or use.

Other people are willing and happy to take the risk and see it as a way of getting out of the rat race.

When you have an idea for a new business you then need to think of a name to call it. I would keep this name quite short as it makes it easier to remember for people. It obviously needs to have something to do with the business sector you are entering.

You will now need to work out how much money you will need to set up the business. This can be quite daunting but is essential. In the short term I would advise to keep these start up costs as low as possible, you can always buy or rent better machinery in the future as an example.

Once you are aware of how much money you need, you then have to find it. You may have enough yourself via savings or a redundancy payout, however most people are not in this position. If you do not have enough money, you could try and raise money via the family, by seeking a partner or by releasing the equity from your house. There is also the option of a business loan.

The next stage is to market your product or service. There are many ways of doing this including:

The internet via a website

An advert in the newspaper

Direct marketing in the form of leaflets

An advert in the yellow pages


Trade fairs

I would advise finding out where other people from your industry advertise as they will have tried and tested many of the above options.

You then need to work out how much to charge for your product or service. I always keep these charges fairly low at the outset in order to attract as many people as I can and to get some income in. I then hope that word of mouth will take over and the idea is that after a few months I will be in a position to increase my fees.

It is also important to realise that we will make mistakes along the way. When this happens we need to think positive and not to beat ourselves up. It is an experience we can learn from.

Always have belief in yourself. At times any business will go through a rocky period, this is when we need to be strong. In my opinion the more work we put in, the more rewards we are likely to obtain.

Self-discipline is one of the keys to your success. Being able to choose your own hours of work may seem like a dream but it can prove to be many peoples downfall. We have to ensure that we work the required amount of hours. It is far too easy to stay in bed for that extra hour or to arrange yet another game of golf. These things are fine once you are established, but this is a long way off at this stage.

9 Essential Items Your Website Copywriter Must Know About Your Business BEFORE Writing a Word…

…And if he’s not asking, you don’t want him writing for you.

It’s pretty much a given…when you hire a copywriter for your newly designed web site, your getting someone with above average writing skills. But the best copywriters are more than merely good writers. They are expert interviewers, researchers and marketers. Before sitting down to compose those lead generating or sales gems, they must completely understand all the benefits of your product or service, your goals for the project, what makes your customers tick and what distinguishes you from the competition.

If your copywriter is not covering these topics and asking these questions before he begins writing your copy, you will not get the biggest bang for your buck.

Website copywriting components:

· Project Objective

Is the purpose to make a sale, educate your customers, raise market awareness of your product or service, enhance your company image…or perhaps , internally, excite your sales force, improve company esprit de corps, build company loyalty?

· Target audience:

Who is the customer to whom we are writing? What are their sex and ages? What jobs they hold? What about their social status and economic circumstances? Where are your customers geographically concentration? What motivates them? What if anything do they already know about your product/service?

· Product description:

What are all the product’s features; its specifications, components, its manufacturing and delivery process? What efforts have een made to market it to date?

· Customer benefit:

Why should the customer buy your product or service? Can you quantify savings in time, money and/or effort? What is the relative importance of this product/service to the customer?

· Support for benefits claims:

What proof is available to support your product/service claims; in the form of test data, focus group reports, testimonials? We are looking for specific, quantifiable facts here, not subjective generalities.

· Competition:

Who are your competitors in the marketplace? How can I get an objective assessment of their features and a comparison to your product or service?

· Creative consideration:

What are the limitations and constraints for the promotion; such as budget, schedule, and overall requirements?

· Distribution:

How do you intend to market this promotion? What is the planned marketing campaign…ad runs when and where, brochure distribution and mailing plans?

· Unique Selling Proposition:

What specifically makes your product/service unique in the marketplace? What separates you from the competition?

Copyright Alan Richardson

Blogging about your Business

There are many uses for blogging. In most cases, blogging can be used for advertising. If you own a business, you can make use of blogs to promote your products or services. The usage of blogging in businesses is gaining popularity because it can establish a business’ credibility and name recognition.

The internet is a very competitive arena for online businesses. Many people are now into home-based businesses. There are certain advantages in putting up home-based business such as lower capital requirement, free to work any time, and you can spend a lot of your time with your family. If you want to establish a successful online business, make sure that you use blogging.

You don’t have to be an expert blogger. You simply have to know the basics of blogging and you’re on your way to success. Through blogging, you can create a priceless platform where you can demonstrate readily your expertise, experience, talents, and your business to the whole world. Now, you have a more effective way of presenting your business to the world and most especially, to your customers or clients.

You can also look into other online businesses which previously made use of blogging for promoting their products or services. If you want, you can contact them and ask how blogging has helped them in establishing business success. You’ll be surprised to find out that some business owners exerted their own efforts to create blogs for their businesses. They did not seek the help of expert bloggers to do the job for them.

Aside from enhancing your business’ reputation online, you can also use blogging to enhance the web presence of your business. If you can make a comprehensive website for your business and you’re able to create effective blogs, the name of your business will be known online.

Many online businesses spend thousands of their capital to enhance web presence but if you want to save some money on the promotion of your business, you must learn to create blogs for your business. This way, you can create personal blogs that your business can benefit a lot. Customers are easily attracted to businesses that are considered leaders in the business arena. You can inform the world about your expertise through the blogs you post in your website.

Many people read blogs nowadays. If you can post blogs regularly, prospective clients and customers can be kept informed. You can create a buzz so that you business will become more popular. Oftentimes, readers who are interested in your blogs will also pass the links to their friends, colleagues, and family members. This way, you will have a wider audience.

If you can blog appropriately, your business can be among the top ranked in search engine results. If you can achieve top ranks in any search engine, your business will become more popular and more profitable.

With more readers and subscribers for your blogs, you can increase the traffic in your business’ site. You will then be able to reach more customers so that your business will earn more profits.

So don’t just sit down and watch as your business fails. Start learning the basics of blogging and post blogs in your business’ website. Soon, your business will flourish and you can earn huge profits.

Always have fresh blog ideas at hand so that your readers and customers will remain interested.

All About Commercial Business Financing in the UK

Good news for all the UK borrowers… Now commercial business financing for them has become so easier. Why? Obviously, for commercial business financing loans that are specially tailored only for the UK borrowers. If you are a UK borrower, thinking about financing in your business then grab the chance, avail commercial business financing loans.

Commercial business financing loans are mainly used for business or commercial purposes in the UK. Whether it is related to buy any new business premise, commercial building or any business assets, commercial business financing loan is the apt one that assists all the UK borrowers to meet their needs.

A UK borrower can execute commercial business financing either in secured or in unsecured way. For financing in secured way, obviously a security is required. Any worthwhile collateral can be used as security, like home or other real estate, automobile etc. Oppositely, if any UK borrower wants to finance in his business in unsecured way, then he does not need to pledge any security against the loan amount. However, generally for financing, a borrower can borrow anything between ₤ 5000 to ₤100000 where the repayment period varies from 3 to 25 years.

In the UK, commercial business financing loans are available both with fixed and variable rate option. In case of fixed rate, borrowers need to pay same amount every month. While in case of variable rate, the interest rate changes according to the changes of loan market.

Nevertheless, some documentation is required while submitting the loan application. These are as follows:

•A UK borrower has to attach a loan request while applying for a commercial business financing loan. In this request, the borrower should mention that what type of loan he wants to borrow, how much he needs for funding in his business etc.

•Mentioning the business plan is vital, if the applicant heads for a new venture. At the same time, it is also necessary to reveal the guess estimation regarding yearly turnover. Do remember that all information should be concise and proper.

•If the purpose of commercial business financing is related to business expansion, then the borrower has to comprise a brief of his business profile and all financial statement including tax returns, balance sheet, profit and loss statement etc.

Generally, the decision of commercial business financing takes 1-4 days. By that time, a borrower may be asked to provide some more information. In such cases, a borrower can take help of loan broker. There are numerous brokers in the UK, who help borrowers to submit their loan application to various lenders for approval. And needless to say, all borrowers should try to make some effort to find out a good deal.

Commercial business financing loans are giving all the UK borrowers a rewarding opportunity for financing in their own business. Such kind of loans can be used for all sorts of business- new or existing. With lots of facilities these loans are truly a benediction for the UK business people.

Business… It’s About People

Conducting business is by nature interdependent. It is the result of multiple interactions between multiple stakeholders every day. A stakeholder is a person or a group with a vested interest in the success of your organization and your products and services—people who can affect or are affected by the actions of your business.

Stakeholders come in many shapes and sizes. They can be found inside and outside your company. They are your employees, your customers, your vendors, your partners, your advisors, your lenders, the government, the local community, even your competitors.

Few companies have leveraged the influence of stakeholders like Starbucks, which turned a passion for coffee and taking care of stakeholders into a runaway success. Howard Schultz, the CEO who transformed the company from a small chain of coffee shops to a worldwide phenomenon, states, “If people relate to the company they work for, if they form an emotional tie to it and buy into its dreams, they will pour their hearts into making it better.”

When stakeholder relationships are strong, you have employees who work better together, customers who buy more products, strong supply chains, collaborative relationships, and seemingly infinite opportunity. Taking care of your stakeholders is good business.

This concept is embodied in a Japanese concept, Kyosei, embraced by Canon Corporation as its corporate philosophy. Kyosei is a way of living and working together harmoniously, enabling continuing growth and mutual prosperity to coexist with healthy and fair competition.

The stakeholder group that instantly comes to mind is your employees. Of all groups, they probably have the biggest stake in your business. Your employees count on you for their jobs, their income, working conditions, and their livelihood. If your business fails, employees are among the first to feel the pain.

As a business owner, you have a responsibility to all of your stakeholders, but especially to your employees. This means providing jobs, good working conditions, fair compensation, honesty in communications, access to information and tools, freedom from discrimination, and protection against unnecessary injury or illness.

Your employees are more than a group of stakeholders—they are the lifeblood of your enterprise. Spend the money it takes to hire talented individuals. Share the vision and goals of your company with them. Invest in your human capital and build teams that encourage cooperation and open communication so that they can perform to the best of their abilities.

And remember what Mary Kay Ash, pioneer of the Mary Kay Cosmetics, states, “People are definitely a company’s greatest asset. It doesn’t make any difference whether the product is cars or cosmetics. A company is only as good as the people it keeps.”