Showing posts with label Without. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Without. Show all posts

Patience: Don’t Start Your Business Without It

In this world of instant gratification, there is still a place for one of the keys virtues known to man, especially for the work at home entrepreneur: Patience. Patience is defined as bearing or enduring pain, difficulty, provocation, or annoyance with calmness. It also means persevering; constant. Why is that so important for someone who is starting or is operating their own work at home business? Let me explain by telling you my story.

I found out the importance of patience through a mistake I made several years ago. I enrolled in a work at home business in the mid 90's. But, instead of being patient, I decided quickly that it wasn't for me and I moved on to another opportunity. Well, I decided that one wasn't for me either and I moved to another, then another, and another. Finally, I ran across an opportunity that really appealed to me. I found it on a simple web search. I clicked on the guy's website, signed up, and waited with anticipation for more details. I mean, this was exactly what I was looking for. I patted myself on the back for being “patient”. After all, I hadn't wasted my time with those other opportunities, right? Well, it turns out that this new opportunity was the same work at home business that I had started to begin with! So instead of not wasting time like I thought, I had wasted several years but not sticking with the original opportunity. Ha d I been patient to start with, there is no telling how far up in the business I would have been.

Through the years, I have learned the importance of patience in several areas of the work at home business Entrepreneur.

First, you need patience to get to know your new business. It's kind of like getting to know your spouse. Would you give your marriage 30 days and say it's too hard and leave? It takes time to get to know them. Your business is no different. A genuine work at business will offer you some type of training. You may need to go through the training several times to get the idea of how things work. You need to get to know any products you offer by studying them and giving them a try yourself. You need to understand the compensation plan so there will not be any surprises down the road when you get your commission checks. You need time to understand exactly how you are to promote your business. Be patient and you will gain the understanding you need.

Next, you need patience in dealing with and getting to know your customers/affiliates. When I first started my online business, I e-mailed my sponsor 2 or 3 times a day. Sometimes I asked the same question over and over. But you know, he was always nice and kept helping me, although I know I was getting on his nerves. His response to me was one reason I kept going. I knew deep down I could be a success and he kept reminding me of that fact. He was patient with me. Not everybody will reach your expectations. Some will join you and drop out in a day. Others will last a month and quit. But you will find quality people that are like you. It may not happen overnight but it will happen. Just be patient.

You also need patience in promoting your business. Advertising takes time, both in the time it takes to do it and in seeing results, as well as finding the best way to promote your particular business. Just because you start a business doesn't mean people will come flocking to it. It takes time to get the word out, both with online and traditional advertising. It took several months of promoting my website before I got my first customer. It takes time to send out follow-up letters to customers/affiliates you get as a result of your advertising. Advertising takes time but it will work.

In closing, let me say you need patience in the day to day running of your business. This may be the area that patience is needed the most. The thrill of getting started is wearing off. The actual work has begun. It seems that nothing is happening. Day after day, week after week goes buy. You start thinking, “I knew this wouldn't work.” But then it happens. Someone joins your program or you sell a product. The thrill is back! You are rejuvenated! Life is good. This is the feeling that you need to hang on to even when things don't seem to be moving. This should be your focus even when that little voice is telling you that you can't do it or that you should give up or when patience is wearing thin. It may not happen overnight but you can be a success. But remember, anything worth having is worth working for. Make up your mind you are going to give it time. Be patient!!

Setting A Business Site At Home With Or Without The Help Of A Designer

Stay relevant to your main web sites theme or subject matter. If for example you own a sports related web site and you add cosmetic and make up ads to it, chances are you are not going to do well. But if you put ads for health and fitness supplements on your sports oriented web site you may interest a few people into buying those products earning you a commission.

Attributes that have made entrepreneurs succeed in the traditional business also apply to online business. Every successful business starts with a good plan. Online business is no exception.

Affiliate programs set themselves apart from the million other results in two ways. First, with affiliate programs, a person can click on one page and find a listing of several high quality results. When a person can find a selection of quality results by visiting one page, they save time and effort.

"Today is life - the only life you are sure of. Make the most of today. Get interested in something. Shake yourself awake. Develop a hobby. Let the winds of enthusiasm sweep through you. Live today with gusto."

Setting a Business Site at Home With or Without the Help of a Designer According to one survey, there are more people who prefer to work at home than in the office. Results show that these individuals are still able to produce the same output or better than some who do the same job in the workstation.

This popularity has given encouraged some people to start up a business at home since there is no overhead to pay and because of tax deductions.

Can anyone set up a business site at home? The answer is yes. All the person has to do is arrange one room in the house that has the proper equipment and start watching the money come in. The approach for letting people know about the business is different from how manufacturers and distributors do it. This is because of the limited budget so the person has to improvise by using the internet.

The person should build a website. If the individual is good at using the computer, this will not be a problem. Those who have no clue should get the help of a specialist.

The person can ask friends of family members to refer a specialist who can do the job. The individual should see some samples of previous works and interview the designer if there will be any problems in the specifications of the entrepreneur.

I’m a plain man when it comes to making money online; I just do what I do and try to make an honest buck wherever I can without upsetting anyone. is a lie because the same gurus spend sleepless nights working on the products they sale you. The truth is that for any business to succeed there should some investment in time and money.

Nowadays many people want to make money online using the power of affiliate programs, but most of them fail to achieve that financial level. Affiliate programs can be very profitable, if you have the resources to promote it online. Most people think that just by joining an affiliate program they are going to make money, but that’s not how it works these days.

As you can see, there is plenty of opportunity here to make money, legitimately. There is no con involved. Nothing illegal involved. Just good business practice. So is making money online through affiliate marketing a scam? Absolutely not!

The designer should be asked on the type of approach used in building site. Some people are good that giving information while there are others who work best on aesthetics and other technical issues. Full reviews on Making Money Opportunity here. Proven Money Making Opportunity as seen on CNN Money, CBS and Forbes.

The individual should have some websites that can be shown to the designer. This will give the specialist an idea of what the client wants. If this person does not suit the job requirements, this is the time the person should consider getting a firm to make the website.

Designers charge different fees. Some will already include web hosting, registering the domain name or site updates as part of the package. The person can be taught how to update to avoid calling the designer back to do this and pay again another service fee.

The site should be tested before this is launched. The best way will be to let friends try it and give comments so that this can be improved.

The person shouldn't pick the first one that comes along but compare how one fares over the other. After all, this is a money generating business that will hopefully be profitable working from the home.

There is one strategy for success though, that goes against the mainstream philosophy that business should be every man for himself. Affiliate programs afford internet businesses a cost-effective means of making money that utilizes similarities with other high volume companies rather than pitting each company against the other. Best Money Making Opportunity as seen on CNN, CBS and Forbes! Full details at

This will, in turn, generate more web traffic to your website and possibly more customers. You may also wish to utilize search engine optimization. This will get your website listed at the top of the search engine results that pertain to your product or service.

There is nothing mystical about making money on the internet. With lots of hard work, dedication, discipline, long hours and perseverance one can succeed on the internet. Take the time and make the effort to learn what you really need to know to make it work.

Affilate marketing is one of the easiest ways to make money. Most affilate programs are free to join and give you the opportunity to offer great deals such as free satellite and unlimited video game rentals. Once you join affilate programs, you will need to create a webpage with your programs and participate in website promotion via search engine optimization and search engine submission.

Find The Ideal Venue For Your Business Event – Without The Stress!

Finding the right venue for a conference or business meeting can be a testing time. With so many things to consider, from the number of delegates to travel and parking arrangements, and of course, everything has to be within budget!

Before you start to panic, spend some time considering what is essential to your business event. Gather ideas from colleagues, jot down things as they come to mind and research who’ll be attending and any special requirements they may have. Planning is the key to organising any conference, seminar or meeting and, if done right, will make sure it’s a great success.

Think about some of the following questions: How many will be attending your event, how long will it last – will you need overnight accommodation or just day facilities? What about leisure facilities, somewhere to relax at the end of the day? How about food, will you need lunch, mid-morning refreshments or perhaps a dinner in the evening?

Once you’ve made the big decisions you’re ready to start your search for that perfect venue. After spending all that time planning, you’re sure to want somewhere out of the ordinary, and definitely not the standard dull meeting room with an equally uninspiring view of one of the UK’s busy motorways.

There are some outstanding meeting venues in Norfolk that won’t blow your budget, offer far more than your standard, hotel venue and with experienced conference co-ordinators on hand to answer your questions. Sounds like a big promise, but you’ll soon be impressing colleagues and new business associates with your choice of a truly refreshing venue.

Situated just south of the medieval city of Norwich, with excellent road links, is Barnham Broom Hotel and Golf where you will find all this and more. A range of bright, airy meeting rooms can be arranged for events small and large, plus all the usual equipment will be at your fingertips such as presentation software to ensure your messages are delivered professionally along with free Wifi internet access.

Whether you need a quiet room for a small meeting with colleagues to brainstorm and discuss important, even confidential issues or a large, grand room where 150 people will gather to absorb a presentation then head to a first-class lunch, Barnham Broom can cater for all. With an excellent attention to detail and experienced staff to help ease you through the day, they will ensure everything is as you planned.

Comfortable bedrooms and an award-winning restaurant, make Barnham Broom a great choice for businesses that need overnight packages with fantastic rates available. And on top of this the Norfolk hotel has fabulous leisure facilities, which include a health and fitness centre with swimming pool and gym along with two championship golf courses. Whatever activity you choose, the end of the day will refresh the mind. A round of golf is ideal allowing you to absorb the countryside setting as you unwind, get to know fellow delegates and test your golf technique on the challenging course!

So, when you’re asked to find a venue for your next meeting or conference, think of the perfect combination of business and leisure at Barnham Broom Hotel in Norfolk.

Funding New Business/Product Without High Cost Loans

One of the tallest hurdles facing new businesses and entrepreneurs is funding their new venture and the fact remains that securing loans for any new project is next to impossible. Many people are willing to put themselves in debt by maxing out their credit cards, using their savings and borrowing from family and friends to come with enough money to get their project off the ground.

Face it, getting a new product to the market takes time and money and most times the money is going to be hard to come by. It is the experience of many entrepreneurs that it’s nearly impossible to get a loan for a new venture unless you prove to can the bank that you really don’t need the money. However, if you don’t need the cash, many banks will trip over each other to get their cash into your hands.

There is a way to fund your project without borrowing money from banks, friends and family. While venture capitalists sometimes want more than a piece of your business, they will want to see one of their representatives involved in how your business operates before they put money into it. And, many times if things don’t work out the way they think it should, they can pull their money out leaving you broke.

The best way to launch any new product or business, regardless of its scope, is to design a program that is self-funding, bringing in money for product development, packaging, marketing, advertising and sales. You believe in your product so strongly that you are willing to put all of your available financial resources into it, but there’s no reason you should have to. There is a way to find the funding without leaving you and your family without grocery money.

Finding people, friends, relatives and total strangers with money waiting to be invested in a good product or in a valid business is never difficult. However, you will have to show them a good return for their willingness to help you get the business off the ground.

How to Build a Print Business Without Owning A Print Shop

You can own a legitimate business and make top dollars by becoming a print broker or print specialist. This is a person who sells on behalf of an actual printer or a middle man who locates and serves customers. Print brokers are independent, as they're not directly employed by the printing companies they represent. Your number one arsenal to being successful as a print broker is customer service. See, you will need repeat customers to grow and build up your business even greater than any single printer who prints for you.

Look at it as printers working for you at their various locations. You hire a printer to print what your customers request, e.g. booklets, catalogs, brochures, business cards, flyers, etc. You may want to focus on specific items as there are so many different products out there to print. With the power of the internet, now you can hire a printer anywhere and sell to customers everywhere.

Ok, here are the basics for becoming a Print Broker:

1. Set up Shop
You will need to set up an office area to operate from. It should include a phone, fax, computer, and a file cabinet. Keep your work area as detailed as possible, this will keep you mind clear and allow you to be on top of your business. Make sure you have a good answering machine to take messages when you are not in office. You can use your same phone line for fax if you can’t afford a fax line right now.

2. Find Printers who are willing to sell to you at Wholesale Prices
The easiest way to find these printers may be to search your local phone directory or just search the internet. Call them up and ask if they have a print broker program or if they would be willing to sell their print services to you at a wholesale price – it must be at a 15% discount or more. Most printers who already have a print broker program will have a contract ready for you to sign.

3. Choose the products that you are going to offer for printing and set your own prices.
The most popular products that businesses use are things like business cards, letterheads, envelopes, brochures, flyers, presentation folders, labels, inserts, postcards, etc. You could even get into printing promotional items like bags and pens, but that’s a whole new area that you could explore. Remember I told you that customer service will be your number one arsenal in this business. So you don’t have to marginalize your profits, just stress value and offer customer service second to none.

4. Promote your Print Broker Business
(a) Print and distribute business cards, flyers and postcards to places that people visit frequently (like restaurants, barber shop and salons, clubs etc.).
(b) Mail postcards to new businesses – you can get the new business listings at your local county court house or search online
(c) Word of mouth – tell everyone you know about your new business venture, friends and families. Give them one of your business cards.
(d) Website – put your website address on everything you use like business cards etc. You can get good advice on how to promote your website at

5. Maintain and keep in touch with your customer base
One of the most effective methods that will build your business is word of mouth – when your satisfied customers tell others about you. So you will want to send your customers holiday cards, specials by mail or e-mail, call them by phone or whatever it takes to remind them about your great service. You could also invite your top customers out for lunch.

It’s not unheard of to make 5000 to 20,000 dollars a month just being the middle man or woman. Just remember that you must be dedicated and have a willingness to act. Read, keep up to date with trends and increase your marketing skills.

Businesses Cannot Live Without Commercial Mortgage

When starting a brand new business or expanding an existing one that you already own, many businesses seek sources for a commercial mortgage that they can use to buy property in which to house their venture. Essentially, there is little difference between a commercial loan and a residential mortgage as the credit worthiness of the business owner is considered before taking action on the loan application.

The business itself, regardless of how viable it may seem, will not qualify for a loan without the owners or principals of the business having the reputation of repaying their financial obligations. If the owner has got a bad credit history, the odds of them receiving a commercial mortgage are reduced without going through some companies that do offer loans to people with questionable credit histories.

Even those with stellar credit reports may have some difficulty obtaining commercial mortgage approval if the plausibility of the business does not meet the requirements of the lender. The institutions responsibility is make loans only to those who can show the ability and willingness to make timely repayment of the loan and the property for which the loan is being sought also has to meet specific criteria.

A property is disrepair may not qualify unless it can be shown to be refurbished to a good value for a reasonable cost. Essentially, a lender will not loan money on a building that will have to be replaced almost immediately, unless the property itself is valued above the loan value. Even in these situations, the lender may require a time line in which improvement will be made and proof during the renovation stage that the improvements are on track to meet the deadline date.

Acquiring a commercial mortgage typically requires more financial information than a regular mortgage in that information about the business is collected along with information about the owner or principals who are accepting the responsibility of repaying the loan. Business information may include the value of any assets such as equipment or accounts receivable as well as projected income show in the form of firm orders for products or services.

If the business has been established for any amount of time, an income history may be required as well as showing that the business has paid its debts in a timely manner. Those seeking a commercial mortgage to raise money to get out of debt, may find the option not very likely. However, funding a business loan to erase debt to enable the business to purchase additional properties may be possible, if all properties are eligible to be used as collateral.

With many commercial mortgage agreements, it is not unusual for an amount of 80 percent to be granted to those with good credit, as the lender may consider a 20 percent down payment as a commitment by the buyer to maintain ownership of the property. Having the financial commitment in place is usually a good indication of the new owners willingness and desire to see the loan through to completion.

Data Recovery What No Business Can Do Without

There are very few businesses operating today that don’t depend in some way upon the computers they use. From libraries to hospitals, supermarkets to law offices, almost every type of work place imaginable uses computers to store information and to support a variety of programs that allow its day-to-day operations run smoothly. While the importance of these computers means that most of these businesses perform back-ups on a regular basis, there will always be unfortunate circumstances that will lead to data being lost. This is why data recovery is one of the most important services of which a business is ever likely to avail.

While computers are possibly one of the safest and most reliable ways of storing information, they remain vulnerable to incursion from a variety of sources. From power outages to computer viruses, there will always be unexpected attacks unleashed upon computers and the very important data that is stored within. Most IT departments understand the risks involved in our reliance upon computers and perform periodic back-ups to ensure that in the event of some unexpected violation, only minimal amounts of data are lost. And while this is approach is an important one, there are situations when even this minimal data is too much to lose.

Data recovery thus plays an integral role in any business. Whether this is necessary to perform on a single computer or an entire network, specialists are available to recover the data that we might think has gone forever. With a combination of special software and expert knowledge, data recovery professionals can help retrieve information that has been lost in a number of ways. Whether deleted accidentally by a computer user, fallen prey to a virus or power outage, or lost because of a malfunction in the computer’s hard drive, data recovery allows this information to be wholly or partly regained.

Regular back-ups will remain the watchword of computer use, and while these are essential in any business, they sometimes are insufficient in the face of unpredictable circumstances. Data recovery is the perfect addition to any business’s IT services, so whether your own staff deals with this issue or you outsource it to an expert, be sure to keep that number on your speed dial. You never know when you might need their services.

Business Can’t Live Without Websites

Websites can be your business lifeblood. In fact, they are considered a big deal not only to those starting small business but to the well-established business of all time.

Why is it essential? Well, there are lots of reasons. Let us discuss them one by one.

First, websites are controlling sales tools. It is an effective way of hooking probable purchasers in order to secure continuous and productive orders. It’s a way of expanding your business by making the computers talk for you. Every time a customer clicks on the mouse or press the keyboard one tendency is to trigger the ‘buy button’. A website is a valuable asset. No wonder almost all of the businesses now are equipped with websites.

Websites become powerful sales tools because they are definitely good in advertising your goods and services. It serves as a chamber that is comfortable to visit because there is no obligation, no worries but answers and solutions to people’s wants and needs. Websites like mass media has powerful impact on viewers. It is one of the easiest ways to contact your business. It is the best avenue to hear about you, ask queries and see the ad of the business. It is easier than visiting the business, writing or even making a phone call.

Another reason why we have to have our business websites is the fact that it increases credibility. It boosts customer’s confidence in your business. An effective website which consists of helpful information, captivating design, well-written content and good contact can overwhelmingly heighten trust and assurance in you. The reason behind this is that, they become aware that your business is updated and the persons behind are knowledgeable and skillful. This may further impress the visitor which can lead to an instant purchase or subscription.

What else? Well, a website will make your company more visible to customers. It is open 24/7. thus, you are accessible anytime of the day with just a click of the mouse or a tip on the keyboard. This will further open you to bigger and better doors of opportunities.

Don’t be left behind by your competitors. Give your business a chance to boom bigger and better. The secret is to establish your business and earn the trust and confidence of your target market. Another is to open your line to quantified sales. These are all in the bag – all you have to do is to create an EFFICIENT WEBSITE!

Balancing Your Home And Business Life Without Having Super Powers

For moms who work from home, balancing the home and business sides of their lives can feel downright impossible, especially when the reason they began working from home was so they could spend more time with family. However, many home businesses actually fail because moms don’t manage to balance business and home life. How can you juggle your family’s needs, your business needs and occasionally find some time for your needs without being a super hero?

The first thing any mom should do to achieve balance is to get the family involved. If your children and husband support you, you will find that they interrupt less often and are more likely to pitch in to get household chores done. You’re probably thinking that will happen the day the moon turns to blue cheese, right? However, if you mention that you need to get a major project done and will be able to buy a pizza and rent a video when you are paid, you may be surprised at how quickly everyone pitches in to help out.

If you have young children, they may not be able to understand the concept of waiting for a reward. To get your younger children involved, try explaining what you are doing in very simple terms and having them help you. Set up a small desk or table for your toddlers and add crayons and paper so they can help you with your work by drawing some pictures or writing a letter. Children that are a bit older can put stamps on envelopes and seal them, paperclip papers together or do other simple organizational tasks.

Of course, no matter how supportive your family and friends are, they are not going to be happy if you work 15 hours a day. Make sure that you ask for uninterrupted time to do your job or run your business, but also make sure that you schedule time for your family and friends. While you are making up that schedule, don’t forget your significant other. If you sit at your computer all evening after the children are tucked away for the night, you may end up with some serious relationship issues!

Once your family and friends are involved and you’ve scheduled time for them in your life, it is time to consider a few ways to make the most of your valuable work time. While you may be tempted to work non-stop during the time you have dedicated to your business, you should actually try to take some breaks. Taking a half-hour walk or having lunch away from your desk can really help you recharge your mind and keeps your body from growing stiff and tired. When you sit back down, you can do so with a clearer view of your goals and fresh energy and focus.

Also, don’t be afraid to make a “to do” list for your business. Write the four or five items you absolutely must do on your list and promise yourself that you will get them done before you visit your favorite forums or check your email. This can really help you get more work accomplished in less time.

So, although you may not have super powers, you can still have a home life, a business life and some time for yourself. The next time you are feeling overwhelmed, take a deep breath, ask your family for some help and try out a few of these great ideas for balancing your life.