Showing posts with label First. Show all posts
Showing posts with label First. Show all posts

Simple Stress-Busting Secrets to Creating a First Class Support Team In Any Business

Stress and an occasional sense of overwhelm is a normal by-product of a successful business. Yes, we are lucky to have all the opportunities that the business world presents to us. And yes, at times, it is impossible to make wise use of our time and resources. So, the result is inevitably: Stress!

We differentiate between primary, situational, short-lived stress and long-term, accumulated levels of stress. The purpose of this article is then to help you instantly with the first type of stress. To give you tools you already possess but we all don’t utilize enough. In addition, my High-Impact Business Coaching Formula allows you to grow thriving businesses while creating rich, balanced lives and with that eliminate the second type of long-standing, highly damaging stress.

Yet, this is not an overnight process as any transformation takes time, effort and commitment. So then, this article is about allowing you to find instant relief. To find ways to bust your sense of “too-much-to-do” immediately, within seconds.

I am going to start you off with a somewhat strange statement: “Believe it and you’ll see it”. This seemingly bizarre concept is now part of a highly success stress-reduction program at the Stanford University School of Medicine. For further education I recommend “Stress Free For Good” – 10 scientifically proven life skills for health and happiness” by Dr. Fred Luskin and Dr. Kenneth Pelletier. One interesting fact about the mind is that the brain has absolutely no actual connection to reality. It relies on chemical signals from other organs to decide what's happening out in the real world. The fact that the brain is ignorant of reality is precisely what makes it so susceptible to suggestion. Harvard's Professor Jonathan B. Cohen showed that imagining performing an activity, and even just seeing someone perform it, fires the same neurotransmitters and the same pathways as actually performing the activity!

In sports, visualization has been considered an essential tool for decades. In a 1984 survey of the 235 Canadian Olympic athletes preparing for the Games, 99 percent of them were using imagery. "There's no one who doesn't use imagery," says Rebecca Smith, a clinical research assistant in sports psychology at the U.S. Olympic Training center in Colorado. No professional athlete has ever won first place by visualizing coming in last and yet we do this so often in our business world.

Since the principle is called: “Seeing the good in others”, what comes to mind for you? The saying is old but listen to it again: “Seeing the good in others”, is about seeing it in your mind’s eye, isn’t it? How often do we prefer to blame others for our stress? How often do we love talking behind somebody’s back more than finding the good in others? So, then how does that affect our leadership abilities? Since this concept of “Seeing the good in others” coincides with chapter five in my book: The Art of Succeeding by Design” which deals with leadership, it should come as no surprise that our ability to see the good in others is a highly effective trait as the leader of your small business.

Why? Well, think about it. If we could regularly let go of our judgmental tendencies and make a 100% commitment to taking responsibility for our lives (which means NO blaming, ever), combined with an ability to see the best qualities in our team members, what would that allow us to do? Yes, you would see different results. Why, because as our attitude changes, our thoughts change, our body language changes. Those working for you will feel safe and when feeling safe, there is no limit to creativity and productivity. Do you notice the disabling effects of stress on YOUR performance? It is not any different for your staff. They also get stressed and even more stressed when feeling criticized and judged. It impedes their ability to work in their highest performance zone, for you.

I guess, you are figuring out what I am proposing here. Yes, a win-win situation! Seeing the good in others allows your stress level to go down since you consistently trust that things will get done and that everybody does their best, your positive actions based on this great attitude influences your brain, and as a crucial consequence your employees or support staff can keep working in a stress-free environment giving their best in turn.

Secret number 1:

Practice your compassion. Put yourself in their shoes just for a second. Do you really know what’s going on their lives? Do you know if they are deadly scared of losing their job? Do you know if they feel empowered and equipped to do their job right? What do you know about their battle scares of life?

This does not mean being permissive and lowering your standard of performance. No, quite the opposite. By you setting the stage for an environment where fear and stress is not the driving force, you invest your time very wisely. Having a staff that lives with stress and fear is a waste of your money. Nothing gets accomplished, no new ideas come up, no responsibility is taken when fear and stress is present. If you want to create a team that is loyal, productive, innovative and equipped to take your business to success in a climate where an A+ team will be harder and harder to find, your efforts to practice compassion is essential for sustainable business success.

Ok, with that out of the way, I want to give you another 10-second secret:

It’s smiling. Yes, you heard me right, smiling. So smile right now, hold it for 10 seconds. Really smile, laugh! Do you feel better? I do. If it makes you feel better, how do you think the recipient of this smile feels? How do you feel when you encounter someone who just for the fun, throws you a smile? Yes, I thought so… pretty good.

Ok, practicing compassion and smiling more often, more randomly, more just for the fun of it, is then good for business, good for employee retention and good for your stress-management. The funny part is that you already knew all this, right? We do and still, at times, we forget. Why? Because we are stressed. Yes, that’s why.

One of my clients reported that she has attracted a much “nicer” clientele since her attitude changed and another client reported that “seeing the good in people” has significantly lowered his anxiety.

Remember, as far back as Napoleon Hill, the famous author of “Think and Grow Rich” said: “Man, alone, has the power to transform his thoughts into physical reality; man, alone, can dream and make his dreams come true.”

Like they say: War is not the way to peace, peace is. Don’t let your thoughts take you to a war zone driven by fear and doubt. Let your attitude guide you to thoughts that make you feel connected and you will reduce your stress level and make others feel safe and cared for. There is no possible negative outcome and lots of potent positive outcomes.

Do we need scientific proof for that? No, just give it a try tonight in the check-out line at the store or smile to someone at a red light, especially when you feel tired, burned out, foggy in your head. I can promise you that even a quick smile back will help your attitude at home with your family or your friends. Don’t waste a minute, practice all of the above or maybe just one but do it and do it often. Stress-busting is guaranteed.

Who’s On First When It Comes To Business Practices?

Remember the old “who’s on first, who’s on second” joke? Well when it comes to business it’s certainly no laughing matter. Do you know who’s on first when it comes to your business practices?

These days in our highly competitive technological world you can find yourself slipping to third base in no time at all. And anyone that’s being honest about today’s business world will admit that the only place to be is first base.

So who’s on first and who’s on second in your industry? Implementing a Customer Relationship Management solution will give you the best chance of being on first base in your industry. CRM solutions empower your company and impress your customers.

Most of us know about the pass the buck scenario that happens in workplaces and no matter what management does to deal with this type of mentality it still runs rampant. That means everyone knows what needs to be done and anybody is capable of doing it but nobody is willing to step up to the plate and take responsibility.

Once you implement CRM solutions there is no hiding behind the base for any of the workplace players. Not on will everyone know what needs to be done nobody will be able to avoid stepping up to the plate and taking care of what anybody should have been doing before.

Great so now you’ve got your players in the right places on the field but you’ve also got the crowd cheering your company on for you see customer service in the past 10 years has almost disappeared. And today’s customer is demanding more. They are tired of sitting on hold forever and then talking to a rep that doesn’t know anything about what you are talking about.

Your CRM solutions will track your customer from the beginning on. So now when your customer calls you’ve got information right at your fingertips. You know what they bought, when they bought it and with all that up to date information right at your fingertips you can resolve most any problem and you also have the power to upsell your customer more products.

Your Customer Relationship Management solutions also give you marketing power like you’ve never had before. Suddenly at your fingertips are all the stats you’ll ever need. You know what products are in hot demand, what services sell, you can tell whether extended warranties are popular, what age your customers are, their demographics, and the list goes on and on.

In case you still aren’t getting the big picture CRM is a powerful business tool. That said not all CRM software is created alike but the Microsoft Dynamics CRM solutions are definitely one to have a look at.

Microsoft Dynamics CRM solutions can keep hitting home runs over and over again. Not only is it affordable it is flexible so that as your company grows, morphs, and changes with the market it will continue to meet your needs over and over again.

So who’s going to be on first when it comes to your business?

Franchise & Business Opportunities - The First Golden Rule

All franchises & business opportunities can be analysed for both growth and profit potential using very simple rules. These rules apply whether you are starting a business on your own or considering buying a franchise opportunity.

The first golden rule in business is to analyse the market place that you are contemplating to enter. Is it a declining market or is it growing? Is it becoming more competitive or less? Is it forecast to grow or decline? The same rules apply when you are considering buying a franchise opportunity. What forces are at play in this segment?

Let us assume that you are thinking of entering the retail trade and specifically men's clothing.

By analysing the market or commissioning market research you will quickly discover that the segment is very tough indeed. Average retail prices when taking inflation into account have actually fallen in real terms. Average cost prices have not fallen so quickly. Margins are being squeezed. Average spending power has actually increased so certain highly specific segments within this segment could still hold their own.

The growth in mail order and internet shopping for these products has risen over the same time. Supermarkets have entered the field and now hold a significant market share. The quality of imported goods has now reached the standards of some inferior brand names.

All the above should sound alarm signals for anybody considering entering this business segment. So the first golden rule in business is to enter a growing market segment where profit margins haven't been already squeezed. In reality the opportunity has already been exploited. Again if you are contemplating buying a business franchise in this segment I would advice you to think twice.

A rapidly growing market segment is to supply health care, holidays, specifically designed products and other services to the elderly. In the last 50 years the rate of growth of the over 60s has exceeded any other age group. Their disposable incomes have risen at the same time. This is forecast to grow even further as better understanding of health risks, improved medication and exercise facilities enable the population to live longer.

The need for help with every day activities also increases with age. Most elderly people need help with one or another area of life that we all take for granted.

Another very important feature that has been widely seen is that the elderly now seem to be a lot different from the same age group only 50 years ago. They are much more likely to travel on their own, exercise in the gym & demand greater services from both the business community and the government.

So in this case the first golden rule has been overcome. Profit margins are healthy and the market segment is expanding and forecasted to continue expanding. Spending power is on the rise and forecast to grow further in years to come.

There are many market segments that are forecast to grow so the above example is just one of them. Again there are other segments that have already started declining.

The First Golden Rule states that if you find a niche in a market place that is growing rapidly even a hard working fool can make money. Your accountant can help you analyse any market segment very quickly and easily. Why enter the wrong segment when you are likely to be in that field for at least the next 5 years? Look out for my next golden rule out soon.

Business card’s Lasting First Impression

Simple, isn’t it? The first is a success and the second is a failure. The former entails more sales while the latter may mean waste of money, time and effort. Therefore, where do you think lies the demarcation line?

First impressions last. You may be a non-believer of this maxim but when it comes to marketing items like business cards, this maxim must be given a wider leeway. You do not want your business cards to rot like tomatoes, do you?

That best thing to do is to plan a catchy and functional business card. If the design requires, have it in full color to boost its potential to catch attention and be a head turner. Aside from that, never forget its functionality. Place in there the indispensable details of your company or yourself. After reading it, your information must be accessible to further guide them to your call of action. Whether you want them to purchase a product, subscribe a service or simply make yourself available for their queries, it is a must to give them the details that they will need in the future.

Business cards must leave a lasting first impression, that is. Before they can convince the potential readers to read them, they must invite them first to come closer and take a look at them. They must have captivating design and appearance to entice the receivers.

To complete the formula, you must entrust your would-be masterpiece to a master in business card printing. If you have doubts regarding the printing process, the colors and materials like paper and ink to be used, ask the pool of experts that the printing company has. They will help you solve your business card printing dilemmas.

To make your planned business card a reality, be sure that you use the right materials, printing process, ink, plus a dash of creativity and intent. Bear in mind that business cards are not just tiny pieces of paper. They may mean a lot to you and your business.

Make your business cards do what they are suppose to do. Make them capture your probable customers to your advantage!

Your First Screen Test

To begin with a positive note, screen tests are not something that is impossible to crack although it might seem tough and nerve wrecking for many. But remember you don't get these opportunities too often so you have to make the best use of it to demonstrate your talent to the talent agents, casting directors and directors. You should not be let down by the outcome of the screen test and always look ahead, you should always take it in a right sense after all the failures are stepping-stones to success. Keep in mind only one fact that you have to work hard towards your goal and having a positive attitude can do that. Apart from the attitude, one should be passionate and ambitious to achieve goals. Also enjoying the work you do makes the quest easier.

Do not forget to take your resume and a headshot most preferably 8"X10" with you to the audition. Some talent agents also need social security number, so take it with you. Sometimes the aspiring actors are called in the number of hundreds, be prepared to stand in line for hours. But most of the times you are called for screen test through an invitation. It is very common that you will get few pages of the script that you may be asked to read during the screen test. Read the script thoroughly and get into the character and ask yourself questions about the character. After getting into the skin of the character you should learn your lines properly using the best way you can.

Some people say to dress according to the type of the character and some say dress lightly so that you feel comfortable during the screening, go with whatever you think is more comfortable for you but you can also combine light dressing with the dressing of the character by complimenting your dressing for instance with a hat for a cowboy role. It's a good idea to do some exercising and rehearsing before the audition and give ample time to relax in between. Also avoid blabbering when you stand in the line after signing up this will ensure that you are focused on the screen test.

Usually the casting directors will take the first call and talk to you and instruct you to begin. It's the time to show what you in you. Be confident and focused on the character and show your talent to the casting director. Important thing to remember is that everyone sitting in the screen test is not your enemy, but they are probably there to get the right person for the role, so remove that fear and perform the scene that you have been given. Also, it is a good idea to re-enact that scene in your own way to show the creative side of yours. Keep in mind to keep safe distance from the casting director; do not try to get too friendly either. Don't be so over enthusiastic that you destroy the settings.

Things should move on life and prepared to take criticism and hear 'no'. You got to take life as it comes and move on and should look forward to what is coming up next. If the screen test goes well you will definitely get a call again for another screen test with select few actors and if you get through this one who knows you might land up getting the role.

Writing your first Screenplay

Introduction to the story, characters, location and time frame should usually be the start of the screenplay. Setup is an important part as the audiences have knowledge about the movie or the performance. It's better to start with a picture rather than an unknown voice on a blank screen as that will be good to absorb the audience into the story. The image can be of anyone, either that of the actor who plays the central role, or any place like his hometown, whatever conveys the theme? Like in Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets, a snake is shown crawling which later gets killed by Potter in order to save himself and the students.

Starting with characters interaction is also a good idea as the audience concentrate on them for a while to decide whether they want to pursue them or not and also keep them wondering about the plot of the story. But it's very important that whatever is portrayed in the first few scenes or the first ten minutes should be directly related to the story. If any irrelevant stuff is being displayed it will simply confuse the audience and can also make them lose interest.

After gaining audience's interest the next ten pages should explain about the unfolding of the story and at the same time holding the suspense of the story. Most of the characters can be introduced, environment can be created, past events can be enacted and the villain can also be introduced but that isn't a must. To build the suspense the villain can be pictured as a good guy but his reality comes to light after a bad incident or when he caught red handed by another character. But this shouldn't take long to test the patience of the viewers.

Next is the catalyst or the inciting incident which creates a twist in the movie. The normal flow of the story should be disrupted. The audience should be kept on their toes so as to retain their interest in the story. Questions like what do the characters want and what is obstructing them should be answered here. After these questions are answered the next question will be very important, that whether the evil-doer will win in his plan. Until this question isn't answered the audience waits for something to happen, they wait for some action or they wait for the climax of the movie. If the antagonist doesn't win the story will have a happy ending and the characters will live happily ever after. But if he does win, then the story will have a tragic end and sometimes will result in the death of the main character. This is known as the first act of the movie.

The catalyst or the inciting incident can be depicted as small scenes which when linked creates a mystery or with the receiving of vital information by some character or as a clash between the good and the bad characters. In the movie "Disturbia" the hero watches reports on the television about missing girls and were later found murdered. In another scene, the hero hears a scream of a girl from his neighbor's house, who is also the antagonist of the movie.

Plot point one is the climax of the movie. It occurs after the first act. They are usually meant to surprise the audience with something unexpected with the occurrence of a pivotal event. The main lead takes a risk and faces his opponent. And if it's a happy ending kind of a movie, the main lead gains victory over the villain by either killing him or making him learn a lesson. And if the story is supposed to have a sad ending, the villain gets away by causing harm to the good character. The last page should give an idea about what the future will be for all the characters and if it's a sequel, it should keep the audience guessing about the future.