Showing posts with label Finances. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Finances. Show all posts

Personal Finances for Business Start Up

The Powerful Promoter

Many business owners agree that starting a small business will involve the personal finances of the owner, even though the business may be formally regarded as separate entities. This is probably due to the fact that the business owner may be likely to lose his source of income during the initial operations period, especially during the first 3 to 6 months. With this, adequate planning, budgeting and saving should be done by the business owner prior to starting the business so as to have a pool of funds to support personal expenses.

One of the first steps to do this would be to track your monthly expenses on a daily basis in order to adequately determine your actual personal costs. Be sure to include buffers for emergency or surprise expenses. Once you have a clear idea where your monthly expenses go to, you can then create a budget for the period that your income may be affected. It may also be a good idea to pay off any outstanding debt such as home loans or car loans, so that you have less to pay for during the critical period.

It is of utmost importance that you ensure that you have enough to sustain you, as many new business owners overlook this factor, and end up going back to employment while still maintaining their business after a few months, due to the lack of personal funds.

Apart from that, if you are starting a business for the first time and are in need of obtaining a business loan, the bank or credit union will evaluate your application based on your personal credit rating. This is due to the fact the company’s credit history is not yet available for references by these financial institutions. Therefore, the best history that they can base their judgment on your creditworthiness would be the credit history of the business owner.

What is the implication of this? This means if you are planning to start a business and obtain financing for it, it is best for you to run a check on your credit report in the event of errors and flaws. There have been cases where loans were rejected due to an unfavorable credit report, which was actually due to errors made by the system. With this, months may be needed to correct these problems, which may cause delays for the business owner to obtain the required start-up funding for the new business.

In conclusion, the business is a separate entity when it is registered as a private limited company. However, small business owners still may not escape entirely from being regarded as separate entities if they are the only owners of the businesses that they are running. Therefore, business owners should be well-informed on the areas that would require more focus on before they start their businesses.

Separating Business And Personal Finances

Money management is one of the most difficult tasks that a small business owner must face. In the early days, you may have a very uneven income stream, putting out personal funds for startup expenses and operating at a loss. As your business grows, it may become your primary source of personal income. Especially if you work alone or have only a few employees, it is easy for your business finances and personal finances to become intertwined. However, for many reasons, it is important that the two remain separate and distinct. Provided here is a guide to separating your finances.

Why Should I Separate My Finances?

The most important reason for separating your business and personal finances is for tax purposes. You may be entitled to certain deductions for your business, such as expenses for your home office and a mileage allowance for your vehicle. Many of these deductions are not available to individual taxpayers, only to businesses. Likewise, you may be responsible for paying certain taxes on your business that do not apply to your personal income. Separating your finances is the only way to ensure that you properly follow all tax laws and receive all advantages to which you are entitled by law.

Another important reason for separating your finances is the development of a paper trail. If you need to obtain money for the business through grants or loans, you will be expected to show certain financial reports that demonstrate the business’ performance. If your finances are separated it will be much easier to determine which income and expenses belong to the business itself.

Separating your finances can help you decide how best to grow and develop the business as well. You will be able to see the areas in which the business excels as well as those areas in which it needs some extra help. You can generate targeted, accurate reports and financial statements that show at a glance how the business performs in various areas.Painless Billing

How Can I Separate My Finances?

The easiest way to separate your business and personal finances is to open a business bank account. If you use credit to make business-related purchases, apply for a card in the name of the business. Have all payments made to the business account, and use only those funds and the business credit card to make purchases.

How Do I Get Paid?

You have multiple options for paying yourself. Some business owners find it best to write themselves a set paycheck every week. If you are confident that the business will retain enough funds to pay your salary each time, this will streamline the process and make it easier to accurately pay your personal income taxes.

However, if your business is new or unstable, you may find it better to pass funds through the business account to your personal account. You might decide to retain just enough money in the business account to pay for expenses, and transfer everything that is left into your personal account. This is an ideal solution for those who have many personal expenses but few business expenses and earn wildly different sums on each contract.

Setting Up and Maintaining Bookkeeping and Accounting

Many business owners find themselves confused and overwhelmed by the paperwork that is involved in maintaining separate accounts. Consider hiring outside help. A Virtual Assistant company such as IAC Professionals can set up and maintain your bookkeeping and accounting. Your VA can even handle payroll, writing your paycheck each week. You can maintain as much or as little control over the process as you desire. You can hire the VA for a set number of hours per week or per month, or simply retain his or her services on a per-project basis.

You Can Start Up A Home Business For Free And Keep Your Finances Under Control

If you think that you can never get a full-time job because you cannot simply leave your children or you have many responsibilities at your home, then, it is time for you to set up a home business. After all, you cannot simply leave your finances on zero balance because your bills will continue to pile up.

So maybe starting a home business is the ultimate solution. However, setting up this kind of venture is not an easy job. You may have heard many information and stories about home businesses but you may never know exactly how to go about it.

There may be lots of information regarding start up procedures but with the advent of the new technology, you can now learn starting up a home business for free. This means that you do not have to worry on accumulating thousands of dollars just to start your home business.

The problem with most people is that they tend to buy so many equipments and products during their business’ start up phase. What happens next is that they end up with big credit woes. Their initial profits will be used to pay up those debts.

To avoid this kind of dilemma, it is important that you focus on a start up strategy that will cost you not even a single cent. Keep in mind that starting up a home business does not necessarily mean you have to start with zero.

To help you out, here are some tips on starting up a home business for free and keep your finances under control:

1. Only buy equipments when you need one

It is important to take note that the best way to save on starting up your home business is to buy the things that you only need. There should be nothing that will dictate you to buy your tools than what your necessity will command.

2. Utilize more space

Most start ups were focused on things that will facilitate the work process. Hence, most newbies in home businesses tend to buy things that will provide them the convenience that they want.

However, you cannot simply disregard the space that you can still make use of. Hence, it would be better if you will utilize the walls and floors and build some cabinets instead of buying those expensive standees.

Keep in mind that starting up a home business can be without any charge. You do not have to spend more than what you can afford. In fact, most home business start up can be achieved for free.

Gain Control Of Your Business Finances

Business finances and expenses can easily spin out of control and cause you, the business owner, and a lot of undue stress. So if this is you, how do you gain back financial control? The key to getting yourself back on your feet is to go over your business plan with a fine tooth comb or start your business plan from scratch. Begin with your budget and all of your expenses. Scour over your accounting records in detail. Record where your money goes. Who are you paying and what amounts? Are all of the expenses necessary or can there be cut backs or changes made for profit? Ask yourself these questions everywhere throughout your business plan.

Once you have gone through your business plan you may find that unnecessary money is being spent on business lunches or travels. Maybe there are other shipping options that are less expensive and just as dependable. These are the areas that can slowly get you back on track with your finances. Once you know whom you are paying and what changes are to be made, don’t wait until tomorrow start them today.

If you are a business owner who is being swamped with credit card debt, get this under control. Speak to the credit card company and create a payment plan. Begin taking down these debts so that the interest rates aren’t draining your budget dry. Perform this same method with your entire out going payments. If it still seems too overwhelming you can contact a bill consolidation firm. They can help you go over all of this information and create a plan to get you back on the right financial path.

The key is not to panic and don’t just give up and become overtaken by debt and financial strife. There is a way out. It may be slow at first, but progress is often slow moving. In a world where we want it now, it can be difficult. So don’t lose focus of your goal. The goals of gaining back your business life and control over your finances. You’ll be able to lead a healthier and much more peaceful life once you are back in control of it. Don’t wait and put this off until another day. Sit down in your office chair and get your business plan and accounting records in order. Review, study and give yourself the start to gaining back financial control. You can solve your troubles with a little motivation and want. Think about the relief that will come with being back in control? It almost makes you want to sigh aloud. Take that first step towards the path to financial control and a happier and healthier business life.

Direct Sales Tips: Take Control Of Your Business Finances

Whether you joined your company for the additional income, the fun and products, or the tax benefits, taking the following steps will enable you to get control of your business finances for higher profits and greater peace of mind.

· Control your spending. Write down in advance what you will need for your business in the coming month. First, focus on business essentials such as catalogs and show supplies. Then be conservative for additional expenditures like buying equipment for your office or supplies for organizing.

· Be creative. Necessity is the mother of invention. Find ways to reduce unnecessary expenses by thinking creatively. Invite a prospect to your home for dessert and coffee rather than taking her to lunch at a restaurant. Make long distance calls to customers and hostesses on your cell phone if your plan includes free long distance minutes. Find new ways to save!

· Get Organized. Disorganization not only costs you time; it costs you money as well! Avoid wasting money on too many copies or duplicating forms by organizing your files. In addition, have a place in your wallet and a file in your desk where you place receipts for business expenses. Imagine the thousands of dollars in tax-deductions you may have missed simply because you did not keep a receipt.

· Track every business expense for the month. At the end of each month, total what you have spent on your business. Consultants who are maximizing tax benefits keep two totals: “Essential Expenses” and “Maximized Write-Offs” so they can see the additional benefits they are enjoying from their legitimate home-based business expenses. Write the highest total on the outside of a 9X12 envelope for each month.

· Track your income. List all your income for the month on the outside of the envelope as well. These will include Retained Profits (the 30-36% you keep from each show), Overrides (the amount earned on your team’s sales volume), and Bonuses (kit and volume bonuses).

· Compare income to expenses. Subtract your expenses from your income and evaluate the results. Keep in mind that if you are maximizing your tax benefits by writing off every legitimate expenses you would incur whether you had a business or not, you may show a loss that does not truly reflect the profitability of your business. This saves you tax dollars!

· Make necessary adjustments. How can you reduce expenses next month? Are there expenses, such as mileage that you are not taking advantage of? How can you increase your income next month? These questions will help you get greater control of your business finances and give you a feeling of confidence and success!

10 Easy Ways To Organize Your Business Finances

Whether you are a new entrepreneur or a more experienced business owner, taking control of your finances can feel like a part-time job. Some simple tips can help you streamline your time, organize your finances and reduce the stress of business money matters.

1. Keep Your Bills in One Place

When the mail comes, make sure it goes in one place. Misplaced bills can be the cause of unwanted late fees and can damage your credit rating. Whether it's a drawer, a box, or a file, be consistent. Size is also important. If you get a lot of mail, use an area that won't get filled up too quickly.

2. Pay Your Bills on Schedule

Bill paying can be simplified if it's done at scheduled times during the month. Depending on how many bills you receive, you can establish set times each month when none of your bills will be late. If you're paying bills as you receive them, chances are you're spending too much time in front of the checkbook. Although bills may state "Payable Upon Receipt", there's always a grace period. Call the creditor to find out when they need to receive payment before the bill is considered late.

3. Read Your Credit Card Statements

Most people take advantage of low interest credit card offers but never read their statements when paying the bill. Credit cards are notorious for using low interest as bait for new customers then switching to higher rates after a few months. Make a habit of looking at your statement carefully to see what interest rate you are paying each month and if any transaction fees have been applied. If the rate increases or a transaction fee appears on your statement, a simple call to the credit card company can oftentimes be beneficial in resolving the matter. If not, try to switch your money to a more favorable rate.

4. Take Advantage of Automatic Payments

Most banks offer a way to automatically deduct money from your account to pay creditors. In addition, the creditors usually offer a lower interest rate when you sign up for this payment option because they get their money faster and on-time. Consider it as one fewer check to write, envelope to lick and stamp to buy. Just make sure you record the deduction when the automatic payment is scheduled or you run the risk of bouncing other checks.

5. Computerize Your Checkbook

Using a software program is a handy way to organize your finances. Whether it's Quicken(r), Microsoft Money(r) or another package, these easy-to-use programs make bill paying and bank reconciliation a cinch. Computer checks can be ordered almost anywhere and fit right into most printers. Once the checks are printed, all of the information is automatically recorded in your electronic checkbook. Furthermore, many banks have direct downloads into these software packages so when money is deposited or withdrawn, the transaction is entered immediately onto your computer. And, when it comes time to do taxes, it couldn't be easier.

6. Get Overdraft Protection

Most banks have a service where, if you run the risk of bouncing a check, the money will come from another source. For a nominal fee, the bank will link your checking account to either a savings, money market, or credit card so the embarrassment of bouncing a check will be avoided. Call or visit your bank to learn about this convenient feature.

7. Cancel Unused Accounts

Whether it's a credit card or bank account, write a letter requesting that the account is formally closed. Not only will this improve your credit score, it is a useful way to avoid money from being scattered all over the place. Don't let department stores and credit card companies lure you into opening new accounts by offering favorable interest rates and purchase discounts. It's easy for credit to get out of hand by taking advantage of every credit offer that comes your way.

8. Consolidate Your Accounts

If you have several credit card accounts with outstanding balances, try to consolidate them into one. Be careful and check the balance transfer interest rates and one-time fees. Also, make a list of all your open Money Markets, Savings, CDs, IRAs, Mutual Funds, and other accounts to see if any consolidation can be done. Keeping your money in fewer places eliminates all of the guesswork involved and reduces errors.

9. Establish Automatic Savings

Create a link from your checking account into a savings account that will not be touched. This can usually be done through the banks and automatic amounts will be transferred over each month. Most people will not put money into a savings account on a regular basis. They may wait until a large tax refund check arrives or some other event to actually deposit money into savings, retirement or other accounts. If you establish an automatic savings deposit every month, your accounts will begin accumulating money faster than you think.

10. Clean up Your Files

Make sure your paid bills are organized in a filing cabinet. Keep individual files for paid bills. Go through your files at the end of each year and throw out bills and receipts no longer needed for auditing purposes. Contact your local IRS office to see how long records need to be kept for audits. Usually federal tax return audits can be done three years back but cancelled checks may need to be kept for seven. Consult the Internet for auditing and records-keeping procedures for your state or region.

(c) 2005 This article may be freely distributed as long as the signature file and active link are included.

Michael G. Peterson is the Vice President of American Credit Foundation, an IRS 501 (c)(3) non-profit consumer credit counseling organization that has assisted thousands of individuals and families with their financial situations through seminars, education, counseling services, and, debt management plans. For more information, and free consumer resources visit