Showing posts with label Capital. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Capital. Show all posts

Why Obtaining Business Start Up Capital Is Important

It seems like everybody these days wants to start their own business. I spoke to my older brother last night and he mentioned a business venture. I was actually sort of surprised because he already has a great job working at a financial firm. But he would like to work from home. That is the main draw for most people. The more people I talk to these days, the more I realize that everyone wants to work from home. Could it be because of the convenience of the location? Or could it be the fact that you really didn’t want to drive through traffic each and every morning?

You cannot be shy when it comes to business start up capital. You’ve just got to get out there and get it done. Many folks are doing it successfully, so why shouldn’t you be one of them. Build that business of your dreams and get it going with business start up capital now.

When it comes to business start up capital, you may assume that there is no point in trying. Well this rationale could not be further from the truth. How do you think many of those home based companies started in the first place? They did have financial assistance. You can't always do everything completely on your own, especially when it comes to capital outlay. Maybe it's time you see what the web has to offer regarding business start up capital. This is a prudent place to begin, particularly if you're doing some background research work. Find out how most self-starters acquire their business start up capital.

Read the advice they have to offer. This is one the best things you can do at this beginning point. I personally spoke with someone who got his business start up capital in the form of a loan from a bank. And this was with hardly any income coming in or much collateral. He wanted to become a knife maker! He attained every bit of information he could get his hands on regards to knives. He read books, talked to makers, used the Internet, and learned from some old-school blade-smiths. And now he owns and runs his own highly successful custom knife business. That’s the way to do it!

Will Your Business Benefit From Venture Capital?

Not all businesses can attract venture capital. Venture capital is provided by a firm of professional investors that are generally seeking high growth business opportunities to invest in. They provide funds to help you grow your business but in return they often want shares in the business.

If you have a brilliant idea that has huge growth potential and are struggling to raise money through the normal channels then this route might be ideal for you. Be prepared to give away a large chunk of your business and remember that most venture capitalists will also want a say in how your business is run!

This method of raising funds is also a great way to get some fresh minds looking at your business idea. Venture capital investment companies have been investing in great ideas for many years and know how to turn great concepts into reality.

Do not approach a venture capital company if all you are seeking is money to clear your existing debts. They will not be interested! They are also not interested in providing funds so that you can buy your dream car or luxury house.

They are in the business of providing funds so that they can make money for themselves with the funds they provide you to assist your growth. Got the idea?

A well researched and carefully crafted business plan will definitely help you. How are you going to use their money? They will want to see it being used for growth, sales, marketing and creating value for them. They will not be happy if you use their funds to make a beautiful office! Remove any expenses that are not critical for growth and show them how you can generate profits and a return from their investment.

When a venture capitalist firm looks at your idea, they are also examining you. Millions of people have great ideas and to be honest, the majority of these people do not have a clue how to execute a plan.

If they like your idea, then they will want to get to know you in detail. What are your work ethics like? Why should they back you over the hundreds of other people that are competing with you for their money? Remember that they are most likely to be seeking a brilliant person with a great idea that can deliver them a "home run."

It also costs a lot of time and money presenting your idea to venture capitalists! They do not give anybody any money at the first meeting. In fact they might even meet you a dozen times only to completely reject your idea at the end! Be prepared for this and possibly try out your business plan with a more than one firm at the same time.

The costs will not be that much greater to present your case to two different companies at the same time! Remember that you are also dealing with personalities and one wrong word and they will kick you out before you can count to ten. I never said that it was going to be easy, did I?

Funding Sources - Options To Raise Capital For Your Business

Access to funding when you need it is essential to both emerging and established businesses. So where can you find it? There are far more sources, which are far more accessible, than you may have imagined. Your capital acquisition strategy may include a combination of funding sources. It's smart to diversify, and a blend of debt, equity, and possibly grants is a great idea. Here are some options:

* If your company needs cash to cover expenses, can't wait for the typical accounts receivable cycle, and has invoices and purchase orders, then consider asset-based lending.

Potential sources include your neighborhood bank or factoring finance companies, which you can locate online by searching for "factoring" and the name of your city.

* If your company needs cash to cover expenses, can't wait for the typical accounts receivable cycle, and has a solid history of credit-card sales, then consider merchant cash advances.

Potential sources include and other such services, which you can locate online by searching for the keywords "merchant cash advances."

* If your company needs seed or expansion capital and is willing to take on debt, then consider business loans, loans from friends and family, and microloans.

Potential sources include your neighborhood bank, the Small Business Administration,,, and

* If your company needs seed or expansion capital and has time to apply and wait for processing, then consider government or other types of grants.

Potential sources include and online searches for the keywords "small business grants."

* If your company needs seed or expansion capital and is willing to sell equity in the company, then consider angel investors, venture capitalists, and friends and family.

You can locate potential sources using online searches for the keywords "angel investors" or "venture capital" plus the name of your city.

* If your company needs to buy equipment or incur other capital expenses (such as pricey software), then consider an equipment lease line of credit.

One potential source is your neighborhood bank.

Businesses Need Money To Grow. Is Venture Capital Right For You?

The goal of every business is to be successful in their efforts and continue to grow. However, they often come to a crossroads where they are going to have to invest more money if they want to experience growth and additional profits. It may be money needed for new equipment, a larger building, or a number of other items that can be found to keep a business operating at its very best.

Many business owner’s turn to venture capital in order to finance the such ventures for their business. This is a type of loan that comes from a private investor rather than a traditional lending institution. The lender offers the necessary cash and in return they receive shares of ownership in the business.

They often ask for 2% of the profits during the time it takes to repay the funds as well so venture capital lending can be very profitable. In addition you will still be paying the principal balance and the interest on it. However, this 2% is to cover their risk on such an investment.

Business owner’s may have no choice but to look into venture capital options if they are considered to be too high of a risk for a traditional lender to offer them the funding they need. It could be due to the business being new, the business owes too much money to other lenders, or they have a poor credit history that traditional lenders can’t accept.

There are also times when a business needs funding in order to purchase items that aren’t tangible. Since the lender can’t use them as collateral they find the venture to be just too high of a risk. Some common items that may be involved are software programs for operating computers in the business and research that is necessary for the business to successfully grow.

However, it is important to realize that venture capital may not be a good option for your particular business and financial needs. You are going to have to be able to present information that shows there is a very high chance that your business will be quite profitable if you are allowed to access the funds necessary for your business to expand.

Keep in mind that your information also has to show that these additional earnings will be evident in the allotted time frame. In most instances the investors of venture capital will give you a minimum of three years and a maximum of seven years for that growth to occur and be profitable.

Venture capital should always be a last resort when all other options of securing funding have failed. In those instances it can be a very valuable tool which can decide whether you get the funding you need to expand your business or not. It is estimated that more than $6 trillion in loans under the category of venture capital take place each year in the United States. The process is available in many other countries as well but not nearly to the same extreme as in the United States.

Boost Your Capital With Business Loans UK

Operating a business requires skills and huge capital investment. Unfortunately, not all of us have sufficient funds to invest in the business. Majority of the population in the UK today is living on the edge of financial breakdown. Due to this some people curb their personal desires and some lack behind in business. If you are distressed by such a financial crisis, opt for business loans UK and regain your finances.

Business loans UK are specially designed to cater to the financial needs of the entrepreneurs.

Business loans in the UK can be availed as secured and unsecured loans. Secured loan requires to place a collateral. Any residential or commercial property, equipments, invoices etc can be secured against the loan. If you do not want to put a collateral, you can opt for unsecured loan. These loans are ideal for tenants.

The lenders of business loans UK usually consider the credit score of the borrower for the approval of the loan. The higher the credit score, the lower will be the interest rate. The lower the credit score, the harder it will be for the entrepreneur to get the loan approved.

The entrepreneurs are required to self monitor their business credit score in order to get business loans UK at favorable rates. If they have a credit score of 600 or below, immediate measures should be taken to repair the credit score. Earlier, a few banks and financial institutions had their own credit scoring systems to rank a business and determine the rate of interest to be charged on business loans UK. But nowadays, there are various credit rating agencies that rate an entrepreneur’s business credit score.

These credit rating agencies collect information on the entrepreneur’s business including details like their payment history, current income and other facts which they think will be useful in determining the credit worthiness of an entrepreneur. They bundle up these details as the credit report and sell them to different loan providing organizations so that they can calculate the business credit score of the entrepreneur.

Business loans UK come in the following forms-:
• Start-up business loans
• Small scale business loans
• Large business loans
• New business loans
Various lenders are available online providing business loans UK. These lenders are easy to approach and keep you away from all hurdles and inconvenience. The borrower is required to fill in a hassle-free online loan application form which takes hardly a few minutes. The details entered by the entrepreneur in the loan application form remain confidential. It is passed to the lender through a secure server. The provision of an online loan calculator will help you compute the monthly installments and rate of interest payable on business loans UK.

Make your business flourish and touch the sky with the help of business loans UK.

Business Operating Cost & Cashflow - How To Manage Business Operating Capital

Operating expenses are those costs every business has that are not considered directly related to a company’s first line of business. Operating costs include sales and marketing, research and development (R&D), administrative costs and other costs which does not involve directly in the business

Investors want to make sure management is doing the best job it can to keep these costs in control as well as maintaining their bottom line. Operating expenses are available on the financial statements that every publicly traded company files with the SEC.

Management also must do a good job turning a profit with its own operations. That means the costs associated with cost of goods sold (COGS), etc. must generate more than those costs. If not, well, the company must be in the wrong line of business. Companies should never be operating at a loss. If a company is operating at a loss exactly why needs to be interpreted by the prospective investor

Operating margins represent the direct relationship between sales revenue and operating income. The operating margin of a firm is the operating income divided by net sales. It shows how much gross profit a company generates before taxes.

Well-managed companies should increase these margins from year to year. The higher these margins are the more profits are available to return to shareholders investing in the company. Operating margins can be a useful tool when comparing two prospective stocks that compete within the same market.

Higher operating margins represent a company in a better position to generate income. For example, a company with a lower operating margin than a competitor in its market will have less flexibility in determining prices. It’s competitor with higher profit margins will know this about it’s competitor and can “go for the jugular” by slashing prices and stealing market share.

Beginning Business With Low Capital

There are home business opportunities available for those entrepreneurs who don’t have a lot of start up money. There are three areas to keep in mind that will help you to see these business opportunities. Think skill or talent, think opportunity and think available assets or resources. Keeping these in mind will open a whole new world of home-based job opportunities that you can begin today.

Everyone has a skill or talent that can be used to create a home based opportunity. Here are just a few examples of this. A gentleman knows how to play guitar and piano. He is very talented and could easily teach others how to play these instruments. A young woman is an avid artist and could with little money and effort teaching others to paint, draw or sculpt with clay. If you are a person who enjoys being around children, is patient and has the necessary time needed, a tutoring service can be created. Talent and skill come natural to each of us and are free. Why not put our talents to good use?

Opportunity is all around us. Often we are too preoccupied to see these opportunities that are at hand. A young man who has always wanted to play the guitar approaches the gentleman from the first paragraph. The young man shows interest and enthusiasm, yet the gentleman does not offer his skill or talent to teach this young man. This is an opportunity wasted. It is a sad occurrence for both of these men. The teacher is out of enjoyment and a job opportunity. The young man is still unable to fulfill his dream of learning the guitar. If an opportunity presents itself, one should take the chance that is presented.

Assets and resources are usually already available to many of us. For a craft maker who is interested in providing art classes, he or she would already have teaching materials. A musician already has instruments to teach with or to loan to students for a fee. The person who chooses to be a tutor or study assistant may already own a computer or set of encyclopedias. These materials are already on hand and have already been purchased. Put them to use and make a profitable living for yourself.

With all of our examples and so many more job opportunities you can begin an at home career with little to no money spent. It does take time, effort and the desire to succeed to begin one of these careers. The benefits however outweigh any amount of time and effort put in to these jobs. So take some time to consider what talents you can offer others and you may just be able to begin a home business with low capital.