Keeping Up Business Momentum This Season

I don't know about you, but once the cooler weather sets in, I have the urge to head to the Appalachians, sit around a campfire and sip cocoa with my family. It's a bit harder for me to focus on business with the Autumn leaves so lovely!

What about you?
Here are a few ideas that will help you keep the momentum going in your business even while you play a little bit. Soon enough it will be too cold to spend much time out of doors, so better go enjoy it now.

Blog When Nobody's Home
Just because you are out playing doesn't mean your blog has to shut down. If you use WordPress you can schedule blog posts in advance. Write a bunch of them and have one a day added automatically. If your blog is on Blogger, you might want to write several posts, save them as a draft, then pay a Virtual Assistant to post them for you.

Keep In Touch With Subscribers
Most newsletter management systems allow you to schedule broadcasts. If yours doesn't, get a new one! I use Aweber and WahmCart and highly recommend both.

Load up your autoresponder with informative emails to keep selling your product for you as well as prevent your customers and subscribers from forgetting you.

Invest In Strategic Advertising
My favorite form of advertising is free, but spending a few dollars towards some valuable advertising can bring you new business while you do other things. It's a smart investment.
For instance, Kelly McCausey's WC magazine offers VERY reasonable advertising costs.

Get Others to Publish You
If you're doing article marketing (and you are, aren't you?!), why not have an article distribution service like iSnare send out several of your articles to thousands of publishers?

While you're away from your computer, other people are adding your articles to their sites and getting you additional traffic, search engine rankings and expert status. It feels really nice to log into your email program and have dozens of emails saying: "We have published your article here..."

The same applies to press releases. Craft an informative release and send it out to media outlets that reach your target market.

One of the wonderful things about an Internet business is the ability to create passive income. If you set things up properly, you should be able to get away with playing a little and still earn money. Now, go jump in a pile of leaves somewhere.

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