Using Fleet Wraps To Advertise Your Business

A new form of advertising is hitting the nation and it is coming soon to a street near you. Fleet Wraps are becoming the new wave of the future for advertising. Some companies might only have a few cars that they are willing to advertise their business on, while others will have many. It is those companies that will benefit greatly from fleet wraps. Fleet wraps are advertisements on vehicles that are driven by the employees of the company the fleet wraps are promoting. They stop at job sites, travel down busy streets and get stuck in traffic. The drivers are doing their jobs while advertising the company.

This type of advertising can be much more beneficial than the traditional forms of advertising. Think about how often trucks are on the road or for that matter any vehicle driven by a company. By using a custom fleet wrap, the graphics can create up to 16 million impressions over the course of a year. Most often the fleet wraps contain more than just your companies name and number. The key to fleet wraps is the eye catching design. Most companies who design wraps are taking them to the next level. These companies will often offer custom design graphics. They work hand in hand in hand with their clients to create the ideal graphic design for their vehicles. These companies know how important it is to make the advertisements look interesting and attractive without being tacky or tasteless.

There are many benefits for companies who use fleet wraps as their advertising weapons. For starts they are cheaper than other advertising means. Purchasing billboard space can be expensive and sometimes it is not even noticed by drivers. Another pro is that fleet wraps do the hard part and that is advertising your company. All that needs to be done is have the vehicle driven around as they would any normal day and the vehicle is doing all the work for you. It is like driving around a moving billboard. Companies who have used fleet wraps have reported a significant increase in business. Even more of an increase than they would having a local ad in the paper, or a TV spot.

You will see that most fleet wrap designs are eye catching and bright. They make people take notice of the vehicle and it is done creatively. Their whole mission is to help companies promote their business. Each design should be handcrafted to meet the customer’s needs. It is so much more detailed than just a company name and a phone number. There is usually a design along with the company’s logo if any.

Nowadays people are too busy to skim through the local paper to catch any advertisements for a company, and with the invention of TIVO and the DVR, people are fast forwarding more and more through commercials. These same people however cannot miss a fleet wrap as it passes them by on the street, or even if they drive past one that is parked at job site. There is a whole new audience out there on the road, which just might be looking for what that company is promoting.

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