How To Creating a Web Based Business - Part 4 of 5

You are most likely coming here as a follow up to my Part 3 of 5 articles on creating an online business. I hope you found part (1) one through part (3) informative.

Today I am going to cover web page layout and design. It's important to always be working toward your long-term goal of having a presentable, fast loading web page. Studies have shown that people who will open your site will mostly see what I call hot zones. To understand the hot zone lets draw an imaginary line on your web page from the top left hand corner over to the right and then half way down the page on the left side much like a triangle. There is also a hot spot from left to right along the very bottom of the page. Most of your visitors are going to see these areas only.

These advanced techniques are things that I learned only after a year of web site design so it should give you a head start on your business. You may be thinking okay why have the rest of the page if visitors are only going to look at the hot spots? Well a large percentage will look there and that will be where you want most of your best converting offers, but others will spend time looking through your whole site. The goal is to increase the time they stay on your site, which increases chances for a conversion into a sale.

The placement of offers on your site will be somewhat dynamic in that you can monitor and move around the opportunities that you find converting well. If you see one program located at the bottom of your page converting at 20% versus another at 1% that is located at a hot spots. Change them! It's that simple give the top converting programs the most exposure. You will more than likely be given a web site template, especially if you have followed what I did through out this (5) part series. If you did than you are on the right track to keeping your site looking organized and presentable. This means making sure things are lined up properly, spelling is correct and use friendly colors.

In the next example I'm going to use my web site as a reference so that you get an idea of what I'm talking about. You can then incorporate your products and services in the same manner. The point is you need to keep similar programs on the same web page. For example you will find by going to my site that I have a Work at Home, Online Paid Surveys, Moms Jobs, Top10, Home Based Business and a news letter page. Why do I do that? Well if someone is looking for a home based business they don't want to have to sift through work at home or survey programs to find out what they are looking for. The more they have to look the lower your chances of converting them into a customer will be. They as I would, under the same circumstances, will get frustrated and move on. If on the other hand someone is looking for Online Paid Surveys and you send them to a landing page that has all of your survey opportunities nicely organized on one page then they will be more likely to either take action then or book mark your site so they can come back later. We have all found sites that we really liked the way they were designed and book marked them for later use.

Okay in summary, you will put your best programs in the hot spots. The rest of the programs will be nicely organized throughout your site and you will have multiple landing pages. Make sense? I hope so, because if you will do it the right way up front you will save yourself more time and make more money. Well I think we have covered enough for this part.

See you in Part (5) five.

Please feel free to read both this article or one of my many others by visiting my link in the resource box below. I always enjoy getting emails pertaining to my articles or my site. Your feedback is important to me.

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