Great Reasons for Setting up a Home Business

Many people dream of setting up a home-based business, but it takes hard work, persistence and a willingness to wait for results. If you are thinking about starting up on your own, make sure you write a list of your reasons for doing so. When the going gets tough you can go back to your list to remind yourself of why you’re doing it and to reactivate your motivation. Here are some valid reasons for going it alone. Add your own to the list.

You want to make a lot more money than you earn in your present job

With so little job security around these days, more of us are finding we have to work long hours to keep the boss happy. And if we don’t toe the line, we know there are plenty of people who will be only to happy to step into our shoes. But is it worth all the hard grind, just to put extra money in someone else’s pocket? Achieving financial freedom is high on most people’s list.

You want to get a life beyond the office

Money isn’t the only important thing in life and what’s the point of earning it if you don’t have the chance to enjoy it? Work may play a significant role in our definition of who we are, but it certainly shouldn’t be all that we are. Whilst starting up a business is very time-consuming, the ultimate goal is to create enough recurring income to give ourselves more free time. This is not possible in a job, except for a very fortunate few.

You want to stop commuting for hours every week

Many people spend several hours a day getting to and from work. This is stressful at the best of times, but add traffic jams, overcrowded trains and bad weather and this is enough to exhaust anyone before they have even started work. Facing the same journey on the way home can lead to the inability to relax and enjoy what’s left of the day.

You want a more flexible lifestyle

Deciding your own working hours will enable you to fit in many other activities which you would otherwise miss – watching the kids perform in the school play or concert, taking part in a sport or other hobby, spending time with friends and relatives who are in town on holiday.

You want to cut down on childcare costs

In many families with young children, both parents are obliged to work in order to make ends meet, but often find that one of their salaries is almost completely swallowed up by childcare costs. If one partner is working online, hours can be fitted around those of the partner working outside the home, eliminating or at least reducing the need for paid childcare.

You want to something you really enjoy

How many of us really enjoy working for an employer? The job may be exciting at first, but it’s all too easy to get bogged down in paperwork, boring routine tasks and office politics. You might have to do all the menial jobs when you start your own business, but the day will come when you can hire someone else to do them!

The final reason is really an combination of the first six:

You want to take control of your life

As your business grows, you’ll find you have the power to make more decisions about how you live your life – where you live, when you take holidays, when you retire, how you spend your free time.

If you are thinking of setting up a business online, decide which reasons are most important to you, then write them in large letters on a piece of paper and stick it where you’ll see it every day. That way you won’t lose sight of why you want to change your life.

© Waller Jamison 2006

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