Are You Afraid Of Starting A Web Business?

Most people dream of having their own business whether online or offline. Most people want to get off the rat race and quit their 9 to 5 job. Most people want to live a happy and financial free lifestyle with no boss looking over your shoulder. Yet only a small percentage of people actually do it and even a smaller percentage actually succeed. Why?

I’m sure many of you have considered having your own online business and living the carefree and financial independent lifestyle you have always wanted. Who doesn’t?

Yet only a small percentage of people will take action and actually do something to make that dream come true. In my opinion, there are 3 reasons namely fear, focus and bad advice.

Fear of failure and fear of being ridiculed by others.

I had the same fear as well when I ventured into my own internet business. Starting your own online business means you do not have the luxury of a regular income every month and you have to start worrying about paying the bills and putting food on the table. To many folks, living without a monthly salary is a very scary proposition. So much so they do not take any action to change their way of life.

They are afraid their friends, relatives and colleagues will laugh at them. Let them laugh because when the day comes when you are successful and earning a full time income on the net, it is they who comes looking for you for advice.

Another reason is focus. Some folks actually took action and started learning how to build an online business. The problem is they lose focus along the way and get distracted easily.

They tried to make money online and after a few months of spending a lot of money on how to courses, ebooks, software etc and still not making any money. They give up and return to their jobs and resigned to their fate.

Starting an online business is not easy. And you need focus and persistence to see it through. Sadly, most people never got to a stage where they start seeing their online business start to take off.

The third reason is bad advice. There are a lot of get rich schemes and opportunities on the internet which are just rubbish. Most people who want to make money online are deceived into buying these schemes, they failed miserably and contend that making online money on the net is impossible.

You have to open your eyes real wide on the net and read between the lines. Find out what others that have tried says. Find reviews about the product or opportunity before buying into it. Contact the owner and ask for real life examples of people actually succeeding with their programs.

In conclusion, starting a web business is not easy, you have to put fear behind you and be focused and determined to get your web business profitable. Don’t give up. If you are new to starting a web business, you need a mentor, someone who you know and trust and has proven to you that he/she has a profitable web business to guide you along the way and correct you if you strayed off the path to success.

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