
3 Seo ‘w’ Factors To Consider When Marketing Your Business Online

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Web analytics provide tools on understanding your market; from their behavioral patterns and purchasing capacity to the probabilities: what your niche market wants, how to make your site visitors keep coming back and ultimately how to convert them into devoted customers.

Today’s booming internet marketing has become more challenging and competitive not only with the mushrooming of online businesses, but also because more and more online businesses fold-up just as soon as t...


seo, search engine optimisation, search engine optimization, seo tips, seo advice

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Web analytics provide tools on understanding your market; from their behavioral patterns and purchasing capacity to the probabilities: what your niche market wants, how to make your site visitors keep coming back and ultimately how to convert them into devoted customers.

Today’s booming internet marketing has become more challenging and competitive not only with the mushrooming of online businesses, but also because more and more online businesses fold-up just as soon as they have started. This is primarily due to the poor analysis of market trending, demographics; and several qualitative and quantitative factors.

--- Three Factors to Consider in Online Marketing:

There are several factors online businesses take into consideration to determine their success or failure. Hits, or the number of times the site was viewed, used to be one such factor. These primarily say a lot about how web surfers see your site. But then, online marketers wanted to find out more than how many times they were viewed. Web analytics devised a formula that would profile each unique visitor and store their information for future reference so it can likewise be determined when repeat visits occur. From these profiles, the marketer gets an idea of three important W’s: Who, What and When.

Who – visits you. Who was interested at first sight, but never looked at any other pages on your site? Whom did you keep engrossed so much so he/she acquired your products/services? Who took the time to fill-out your survey forms or who dropped-out of purchasing something in midstream? When answering these questions, you can now see who are those who can become potential buyers and those who just dropped in your site.

What – were they looking for that led them to you? Did the search engine they used correctly brought them to you? What kind of products/services do they need that you can perhaps provide in the future? This way, you’ll know which products or services you can improve to better suit your visitors. What pages did they spend most of their time on? What generated more income? Maybe the search wrongly led them to you but through the web analytic information, you may have found out their specifics and strategize a game plan that would enable you to provide them with what it is they’re looking for, in the near future.

When – they viewed your site. This information is a vital part of your formula for success. Determining the peak and off-peak hours you were viewed, you may formulate marketing schemes that could increase site visits, decrease bounce rates and drop-outs.

--- How These Factors Help To Zero in On your Market:

These three W’s will help in determining what parts of your website need improving. You can also know how to alter your web design in a way that will cater more to your niche market and influence their purchasing powers or do a general make-over by using the demographics of your audience. You have surely gathered these from the intricate and detailed report of web analytics. These can likewise tell if you’re attracting the right traffic. If you have numbers of visits but bounce and drop-out rates are almost in parallel to them, chances are you are very likely attracting the wrong crowd. Since the onset of internet marketing and online businesses, this industry has never had more help than when web analytics came into the picture.

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