? How successful a business plan

Write a business plan is a strategic step of creation - and management - business. It allows us to assert that the proposed deal with every chance to succeed. So you can convince partners and bankers themselves the merits of his idea.
Most businesses fail within the first year of their business. Several reasons for failure: inappropriate product, no customers, incompetent staff, no working capital. However, the most common reason is the error in the definition of the objective and the measures to achieve it. Clearly define the objective, plan the steps to achieve it are essential for success. This is the purpose of the business plan ().
Here is a series of elements to consider in a business plan:
1: Why do you create a business?You're the only one to know why you embark on this adventure. And just you're the only one who knows what is your project. Write it can refine, correct, adapt, and to know employees and partners. It especially allows to have always in mind, to think and act according to your mission that you set, and so to reach it.
2: Set goalsWhat are the short-(less than a year), medium (1-3) years and long term (over 3 years)?How much revenue the business will generate? What are the costs? How many employees are needed? How many clients do you need? On what areas they are the products produced and sold? The answers to these questions are the objectives for the project succeed.
3: Study the marketDoes anyone already offering the same product or service? The business plan provides an overview of the competition, offers, prices, current trends and future market. The market will grow or weaken it, in what proportion? Market research is also used to determine the revenue and margin competitors. Thus the knowledge of others can get to know and to set limits objectively.
4: Know the customerUnderstand why the customer buys is the key to success. There are many factors behind the decision to purchase and much more on why the customer does not buy. The identification can meet his expectations and to satisfy it. It also helps to identify strengths and weaknesses.

5: What is the unique selling proposition?What product or service different from other market? What is the reason why the customer will buy it? This may be because it is cheaper, more comprehensive, easier to use, more robust, etc.. The answer to both questions is the unique selling proposition. This is the message that it will take to get to the bankers, partners and customers.
6: Define the marketing planThe marketing plan defined the shape of the product, price, where it is sold, the terms of delivery, how it is sold. In the marketing plan is also found the number of products sold, the margin generated. Finally, we present the development strategy of the product or service to achieve the objectives.
7: Define the communication planThese detail how you will publicize the product or service to the target audience. You will use television, Internet, print media, direct marketing ... or a combination thereof.
8: Take ActionThis is obviously the decisive step. The best preparations does not pay a penny if the actions do not materialize ideas. The goal will not be achieved overnight. Action after action, work after work, sale after sale, the target gets closer. Maybe, after a better knowledge of the market, product or yourself, the business plan should be updated. It is always evolving as your business.

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