Dreaming Of A Web Business? Do You Have What It Takes?

After many months of worrying, searching, and procrastinating you finally decide to take the plunge. Are you ready for this?

Here’s what I found you absolutely need to start and run a successful small business on the Web.

Deceptively Simple

If you are reading this, you can obviously navigate on the Web. You also have a more than passing interest for the subject clearly stated in the title of this article.

Furthermore, I would be willing to bet that you can already use your personal computer to create written documents, such as emails, or a more elaborate document, such as your personal resume (curriculum vitae).

You may even be using your computer to do your budget, for all I know.

Intuitively, you know you will need a Web site to market your Web business. You believe that you should know something about how to build a Web site that will serve the purposes of the small business you are planning to start.

This is where most people hesitate, or even drop the idea of a business on the Web. They think they need to hire expensive web site creators, and Web designers, to do what they think they cannot achieve.

Some forge on blindly and fall for the many “easy solutions” that are constantly being offered on the Web. “Try our easy to use – free – templates, and just fill in the blanks. Presto! You have a Web site! Need content? No problem! Just subscribe to our free articles … blah…blah…blah”.

Yeah! Sure! But, will your Web site be a suitable marketing instrument for your business? Will it be an extension of yourself? Will it represent you, or someone else’s efforts?

How are you going to be able to tell? You know (deep down) that you ignore practically everything about how to use the Web technologies to

·Validate your business idea,

·Research the best way to exploit it to it’s maximum potential,

·And ensure the success of your small business.

The “get rich quick, it’s easy” (GRQ) crowd remain conspicuously silent on these vital issues!

Keep your eyes and critical mind open!

Be on the constant lookout for openly revealed answers that ring true and logical to you. Stay away from “secret” recipes. Use your own judgment to determine where the true solution lies. You have more common sense than you think. Don’t be afraid to use it! It’s in you best interest to exercise due diligence.


You need to know the basic marketing techniques and strategies for the Web. They are very different from the ones you would successfully use on “land”! Seek competent advice on this.

Remember! The most reliable advice need not be the most expensive!

Look for reputable, knowledgeable people who have a vested interest in your success. They will want you to succeed because your success will be contributing to their success. These experts work for themselves as well as for you. Therefore, they do not charge extra for the privilege of contributing to your endeavor, and making your efforts worthwhile. It will be worth their while too, in the long run. They know it. So should you.


Look for the guarantee behind the “GRQ” schemes. You will find none, of course.

If you don’t believe you need a guarantee, think again! You are new to this business of … starting a Web business. You a running the risk of failing, without appropriate and reliable help and support. You stand to lose your desire, perhaps forever! That would be a sorry mistake to make.

Keep searching until you find a solution provider that will openly “guarantee results, if you follow their plan … or your money back!”. You will know, then, that you will have found a solution worth looking into seriously.

You just have to use your brain, common sense, and your motivation to keep looking further, below the surface (apparently easy solutions).


You will have to work at it. That should not come as a surprise. You did not really believe that it’s possible to build a successful business without you contributing some level of effort, did you?

Just make sure your efforts are well supported by reliable expert guidance, and everything will turn out just fine … given time, and your active participation, of course! You don’t have to become one the many misguided start-ups that fail miserably, because they failed to do their homework!

You will have to be strong to resist the many temptations of promised “easy way outs”! Because, that’s all they are. An easy way out of business!

Before you know it, time will have flashed by, and you will end up with a truly viable business. Your determined efforts will be rewarded, in more ways than one.


If you read somewhere that it takes passion to build a business, be it on the Web or elsewhere, believe it!

When you go to bed at night, and can’t wait to get up in the morning to run your business, that’s when you are well on your way toward a rewarding outcome.


You are considering a business on the Web. It does not require much money to start one. You will not be buying an existing one, nor will you be buying into one.

You will be building your Web business from scratch. It can even be done “on a shoestring”, if all your will be offering your clientele is your knowledge, your know-how, or your services. You are already warehousing that in your brain, for free!

You already have a computer, and an internet connection. No extra expenses there.

Most people will think, at this stage, that “all they need next” is a Web host for their business Web site. Don’t make the same mistake!

You will need more than a Web hosting company. As I explained above, you will need the company of Web marketing experts to guide you through the first critical steps toward building a successful Web business, not just a Web site!

A few (rare) Web hosting firms will provide all the “hand holding help” you will need … as part of the basic (not extra) services you will be paying for. They do it because they want to keep your business.

They want to be able to show you off as yet another success story … to which they dutifully, and respectfully contributed.

My Recommendation

Keep looking. Keep your eyes open for sharks. Keep a critical mind on full alert to distinguish between “fools gold” and the real stuff. Keep believing in your idea. Keep working at it. Above all, keep it real.

Keep your efforts honest. Do not try to fool yourself. You will be rewarded … in spades!

Eventually, you will realize that you had what it takes, after all.

Your Auction Business & Taxes

Taxes is an issue when running an Auction Business. But is there a grey line when it comes to declaring it?

It's really within reason if you're going to do a huge amount of it, a small amount is negligible.

Some people want to have a small business for write-offs, you might want to consider taking it to the next level and be able to write off some of your expenses like your computer, office space, supplies, etc.

Each state and each province has their own amount of sales you can do without declaring, & charging taxes. Check with your state to see what amount you have to do before you start taking taxes.

The BC goverment (where I live) gives you an allowance of $30,000 before you have to charge for sales tax, that's for someone who legally has a business.

There's definate advantages of having a business license, declaring your income and being able to have write-offs. That being said, legally you have to declare taxes if you're profiting from it.

Are You Holding Onto Too Much Product?

We all love to make money but after a while when you get too much product built up, you can start losing money. Why would we do that?

What happens is we get in a mindset on the value we feel our items are worth verses, what we can get for them. That's why when purchasing items it's important to keep in mind that you make money when you buy, Not - When you Sell.

But we also get into the territory where you feel you should get a certain price for something. And that's what we need to shake.... immediately.

You need to be watching your products and if something isn't pulling in the money anymore, you need to blow it out. Product on the shelves is not money in your pocket.... it's out of your pocket.

When we relate this to your eBay business, the same goes for what you have in your eBay store. Keep it fresh and alive. Have special offers, only for those who are buying an auction AND a store item.

Make it something that they want and give them a deal. Blowout product that you've had for too long. This will give you money up right away and gets you product you can actually do well with.

So, get out of the mind frame that to you need to make "X" amount from certain products, if they're not pulling it in, then "X" them out and move onto newer hotter products!

Learning To Read The Magazine Network Business

The independent sales of magazine has been around as long as magazines have been published. Subscription sales have the lifeblood of many marketing networks and earning a few dollars by selling subscriptions for dozens of magazines has made it possible for many people to earn a good living providing a worthwhile product to the public.

The magazine marketing network got its start many years ago with grade school kids selling magazines to their parents and neighbors to raise money for school functions. From there it progressed to high schools raising money for school supplies and improvements and then on to the college age students trying to raise money to pay their tuition costs. There are a few magazine marketing networks that been accused of abusing the college students by taking them to strange towns, having them canvass neighborhoods for says at a time and not paying them enough to live on while they are on the road.

The road trips for magazine sales could last from two to 12 weeks, during which all expenses are paid by the distribution company and at the end of the travel period, the expenses are deducted from the commissions earned on the magazine sales, with many students ending up owing money to the company. Many magazine publishers and distributors sis not like the negative publicity and changed their distributor network online, creating a magazine marketing network that provides sales without accusations of abusing the kids.

There are many opportunities for individuals to join a magazine marketing network and receive usually small commissions for selling magazine subscriptions through their web site. However, these networks do not sell only one magazine. There may be thousands of publications on their list and even if they receive mere pennies, or in come cases dimes for each subscription sold, the numbers can quickly add up to a decent paycheck.

There are magazines for virtually every interest under the sun and some that appeal to only a select few. With the internet age still growing and many people getting their information online, magazines have begun to offer online subscriptions as well as the home delivery contracts. A magazine marketing network that can cater to the at home reader as well as to the online reader can enjoy continued success in the publishing industry.

The marketer that can successfully reach the readers of magazines online, offering a choice of delivery methods, will be able to survive in this market. One of the best parts of a magazine marketing network is that the site owner has little to do once the potential subscriber finds their site. Once they choose a magazine or two, or three they simply fill out the online form, which is sent to the publisher of the magazines and pay the bill when it comes due. The marketer gets paid just for directing the customer to the magazine subscription form.

The primary distributor typically works with numerous publishers and once the subscription forms are sent to them, they can submit the subscription to the right publisher for appropriate distribution.

Working With A Business MLM Money Work At Home Opportunity For Your Needs

There are many ways that you can make money while you are working at home. First of all, when you are looking for a business MLM money work at home opportunity com, you know that your options can be few and far between, and can sometimes be very limited. This is because there is simply not enough information on the various types of business MLM money work at home opportunity com that you might be a part of, and when there is a lack of information, there is going to be a lack of people who are able to make money off of them. So, when you are looking to make money with your business MLM money work at home opportunity com you want to be sure that you are doing it right.

What is going to be the first step for you when you want to be sure that you are getting your business MLM money work at home opportunity com and that you are doing all you can do to make it work? Well, the first thing that you want to do is make sure that the business opportunity is legit. No matter how good it looks or sounds, you should know that there are going to be several things that you want to remember before you sign off on it. First of al, you want to be sure that you are doing all of the research that you need to do to make sure that the business MLM money work at home opportunity com is exactly what you are looking for. There are many ways to do research on the various types of business MLM money work at home opportunity com that you are thinking about doing. The first step in finding a successful opportunity that you can really take advantage of is going to be making sure that the business has nothing shady in its past.

Once you are sure that the business MLM money work at home opportunity com itself isn't a bad thing, you are going to have to be sure that you read the fine print to be sure that it is going to work for you. If you want to, you can even get a lawyer to help you make sure you are making the most out of your investments.

Once you have done these things, be sure to talk it over with your family to make sure that the business MLM money work at home opportunity com that you have chosen is going to be the best for you. If they agree that it is, you should go for it. Just remember to be careful and to spend your own money wisely. If you do all of the right things, you will be able to find that the business MLM money work at home opportunity com is actually a ticket to the best kind of life that you could have dreamt of. With the right business MLM money work at home opportunity com you can make enough money to love what you do and to live comfortably for the rest of your life.

Top Home Based Business Secrets Revealed

Have you been scouring through all those home-based business opportunities on the Internet looking for the perfect niche? Have you invested in a couple of them and realized that the home-based business you picked was not what it seemed at first? Have you watched dozens or even hundreds of multimedia presentations while visions of dollar signs danced in your head?

If you’ve answered “yes” to any of the questions above, you may be facing some difficult decisions regarding starting a home-based business. Do not part with another cent of your hard-earned money until you thoroughly read this article about what some home-based business sellers do not want you to know.

Every day millions of people dream about owning their own home-based business. What’s not to dream about? The opportunity to work the hours you desire and make an extraordinary sum of money is an intoxicating idea. In fact, it can be downright addictive. In response, thousands of new home-based business opportunities spring up every day that promise investors easy riches and the lifestyle that comes with ultimate success.

Most new business opportunities are quick to tell you about all the great things about their particular business model. Flashy websites, well-crafted audio presentations, and difficult to ignore graphs and charts are all part of the equation. Lost in the throes of all the excitement is that many people that buy into these programs do not consider the downside. Let’s take a look at some of the downsides that many of these businesses conveniently forget to mention.

Most home-based business opportunities leave out the fact that you will have to SELL…SELL…SELL! You should ask yourself if you like selling? Most business opportunities require you to be an expert salesperson. That’s what business is all about. Contrary to what you may believe, selling is an art. The person who may have gotten you to join in the first place might actually be making a lot of money, but again they may be a great salesperson blessed with a golden tongue (they sold you didn’t they?). So unless you really like to sell, you should be careful about the business you invest in. The art of selling is not something that everyone can do. It takes a type of dedication that has to be immune to rejection and the ability to persevere through difficult times. The fact is that most people hate selling so much that they never really succeed in their home-based business.

Did you really think the product your home based business offers will just “sell itself”? Many of the home-based business opportunities bandied across the World Wide Web indicate that their products do in fact, sell themselves. This is a definite warning sign. Very few ideas sell themselves, and in the rare occasion that an idea is so extraordinary that it would sell itself, it usually takes an inordinate effort to get the word out. A huge mistake that most first time home-based business owners face is not having enough cash to invest in advertising.

Advertising, of course, is the medium through which a product or service gathers name recognition. A basic rule in advertising 101 is that in order to be effective advertising must be consistent. It must also target a specific group of people that are likely to buy. You wouldn’t target a sports product to those who detest sports, would you? Contrary to what many home-based business sellers might tell you, very few buying decisions are impulsive. This means that a potential customer might have to see an advertisement for your product or service dozens of times before they decide to make a purchase. So if you business plans is to just invest a few hundred dollars on advertising with the hopes of gaining thousands of dollars to reinvest—think again! In order to get sales rolling you need to make a bigger commitment than that. Think about the vast amounts of money that change hands for a thirty second Super Bowl commercial. If you don’t think advertising works, then it’s already too hot in the kitchen!

Most home-based business sellers promise you that once you sign up there is very little work involved. It’s amazing that after all these years people still believe that you can get something for nothing. Can you imagine going into a job interview and expecting not to do any work? Do you think that you will be paid to just sit back on a white sand beach in some tropical paradise and drink margaritas all day while your bank account continues to grow and the good times continue to roll? If you’ve got that mindset, it would be wise to shed it in favor of a more logical approach. Of course, without proper advertising, you are not going to get very far. If you are spending your time trying to close unqualified leads then you are not going to have much time to lie on the beach and soak up the rays.

One of the ways you can get around some of these important considerations is to look for a home-based business that automates the sales process. Without automation tire-kickers and time-wasters will rob you of your valuable time. If the sales process is automated, you may be onto something. Think about the time you will save if you don’t have to track down each client and negotiate a deal. If you are on the edge of investing in a home-based business, be sure to ask if the business opportunity you are about to invest in has trained closers that work with you to close the coveted sale.

Passive income is the golden word in which most home-based businesses sell the dream of ultimate prosperity. In our society people continuously dream about having the freedom to do whatever they want, whenever they want. Passive income is income that you basically do not have to do very much for in the present. That is, it has been established already. While passive income is generated in the present, it is a result of PAST efforts. The foundation was previously constructed by people who had to work diligently and productively in order to reach their goals. Think about someone who owns a rental property and makes a nice income every month from rent. That property did not simply materialize out of thin air. The owner did not rub a magic lamp three times and receive three wishes for his efforts. It looks like the property owner has done nothing for that income but the truth is that they had to do a lot of work and build their savings in the PAST in order to be able to have enough money to buy that rental property.

Do not get sold on the idea that purchasing a home-based business will give you immediate passive income. This is a pipe dream that can cost you both time and money. Whatever endeavor you wish to pursue takes dogged determination, resiliency, and getting your hands dirty in order to succeed. You have to work and pay your dues before you can generate positive cash flow. This article is not trying to dissuade you from pursuing the dream of a home-based business – not at all! In fact, there are hundreds of thousands of people who have succeeded in starting their home-based business. What is being suggested is the fact that wealth and prosperity do not come easy. If they did, then wouldn’t everyone be working from home by now?

Starting a home-based business is a plausible investment. However, it takes hard work at first, but if you stick with it and demonstrate the ability to work through difficult times, you will be rewarded in the end. This brings up the last success factor that most home-based businesses neglect to tell you. Their advertisements show you flashy cars, luxurious homes, pearly white beaches, and vast landscapes that are usually the playgrounds for millionaires. The truth is that pursuing a home-based business takes a serious commitment of time and effort. Very simply put, you get out what you put in. A business opportunity is just like a car. If you continue to pump fuel into it, make sure it is properly maintained, and get the oil changed every couple of months, it will perform at its peak for a long period of time. On the other hand, if you let it run dry you’ll be waiting for a tow truck on the highway to oblivion!

The goal of attaining passive income is very possible if you pay your dues and do a little bit of hard work. Never forget that the time you put into your home based business is an investment. It is more than likely that your business will not take off the first day, week, or month after you start it. However, with persistence and a never-say-die attitude, you will probably experience success faster than others.

If you have the drive to make your home-based business a successful and thriving reality, visit our website for a free 6 Minute Movie. If you are interested in a home-based business that has an automated sales process and helps you close the sale then visit our website for a free no hassle presentation without pushy sales staff that pressure you into action.

This could be a watershed moment in your life. It could be a time where your fortunes do indeed change for the better, so it makes sense to carefully consider your options. After you view the free 6 Minute Movie on our website, you will have a better idea of what is entailed in the automated sales process, and how you wish to proceed with your dream of a realistic, successful, and quality home-based business.

The Main Problem Facing Home Business Owners Today

What is the main problem facing home business owners today? No one has any clue how to market or sell their product. See the one great advantage of starting a home business, is also the one disadvantage. The one great advantage of starting a home business is you do not need much capital or experience to start. Now with those facts in mind, home businesses let everyday people start and run a business, which is great. But it also has it's drawbacks with some companies over promising and under delivering, what's more these companies offer no solutions for the average person to market their product. If you have a business background then you will understand the ups and downs of starting a home business. Some people are starting a business for the first time and this is where the problem lies. People starting a home business for the first time may have been promised the world just to join the company and then once they start their business they have no training to help them out. Or maybe they expect to strike it rich in one month and when they don't, they quit and leave with a bad taste in their mouth.

Now it is not entirely the companies fault. Some people just have a get rich quick mentality and are just lazy plain and simple. I think people have not come to fully recognize what a home business is. It is your business you are responsible for running it not the main company. Many companies expect you to already know how to fully market and run a business. All the companies are giving you is an opportunity to sell their products and they handle all of the major parts of running a business for you. Now the companies are not entirely off the hook. Why? Many companies are claiming things they should not be claiming, like we will build your down line for you. Work only 10 minutes a day, which is the dumbest thing I have ever heard. If you owned a casino in Vegas would you only keep it open for 10 minutes and then shut down for the day? I highly doubt it. You must use common sense when looking at different home businesses to start.

Now most people starting a home business have no experience running a business ever. So there are many factors they will have to face. For example not wanting to make sales calls over the phone, not knowing how to generate leads, overcoming the fear of rejection, not knowing how to market online, not knowing how to market period and the list goes on.Now you may or you may not have a big bank account to advertise with, either way it really doesn't matter. Why? What good is having the money to advertise with if you have no clue on how to properly spend it. See in the business realm there are more crooks and scam artists cleverly disguised as legit businessmen. If you have no experience in business you will not be able to tell who is who, and I've seen people taken to the cleaners by paying these crooks and scam artists. And if you think Pay Per Click gets any better you are horribly mistaken. If you do not know what you are doing with Pay Per Click you will first be ineffective in your efforts and then you can lose a lot of money learning the hard way.

So what is the solution to all of this? First you must humble yourself and be willing to learn. Next you must look for a company or mentor to help teach you the in's and out's of properly running a home business. You want a company or person who is going to give you straight out answers, no hype or gimmicks. Once you have that you are ready to start your home business.

The New Frontier: Digital Home Business

As you probably know, home businesses are on the rise in the United States. Not only do people want the convenience from working at home, but they also want to be in charge of what they are doing as well. In today’s day and age, starting a home business is a process that has never been easier. What is the reason for this? Simply put, the digital world has made every industry more accessible.

When it comes to a digital home business there is a lot that you need to know. For instance, just because we are in the middle of the digital age does not mean that you will be able to simply earn thousands of dollars a day. But with that being said, a digital home business gives you the ability to get started with the technology that you need to excel.

So what types of digital home businesses are available? First off, you need to decide what industry you want to get involved with. For instance, a digital home business can be based around anything from content to software to technical aspects of video blogging or video email. As you can see, a digital home business can be based around any industry imaginable. You need to narrow down your options so that you can have the proper focus as you move forward.

Before you start your digital home business you need to realize that this is a relatively new way of doing things. Remember, the digital age is not something that has been around for years on end. In fact, these types of home businesses have just started to come into fruition over the past decade. The good thing about this is that you have plenty of opportunities available to you because the industries have not been saturated. And of course, if you can come up with a new idea or a new take on an old idea, you will have a great chance of success.

If you want to start a digital home business you need a certain set of skills. Luckily, they are all ones that you can learn over time. Many people never look into these home business ideas because they do not think that their technical skills will allow them to do so. But guess what? You can learn everything that you need to know if you are willing to put in the time. Just remember, the more that you know when you are starting the better off you will be.

All in all, the new frontier in home business is definitely going to be dictated by the digital age. If you are looking to start a home business, consider letting the digital aspects of industry determine your direction.

Copyright Paul Majestyck

Your New Year's Resolution:Start A Home Based Business

Start your New Year off with a Home based business. Unless you are in free enterprise, you're simply fullfilling someone else's dream. And you know it. I have learned many exciting techniques in running a successful home based business and I would like to share them with you.

Now Consider this:
Because I achieved total personal and financial freedom inside of 6 months...and because I've already helped numerous others duplicate my success.. Are you starting to see how realistically I can help you achieve a staggering monthly income and life style to match.

I am extending you an open invitation to duplicate my success with my already proven blueprints and personal guidance... Something many people ony wish for.
I know I did.

So I ask you...
Will you be the next Success story in a home based business in 2006?

Sadly, most people have flat-out given up on the life of their dreams... and they've resigned themselves to a life of struggle, lack, and limitation. They suffer in the Land of Opportunity. And they are fooled into believing the lie that it has to be this way. Most people don't realize that with proper leadership and the right opportunity, virtually anyone with desire can acheive the lifestyle and level of income the want with ease!

I'm living proof: Ever since I've started my home based business I feel a rush of iinternal excitement. I am literally helping people just like you exit the rat-race and achieve the same level of success I enjoy.

One of the reasons I enjoyed a speedy rise to the top of this home based business is that I'm very selective about the people I work with. You need to possess a willingness to be successful. The individuals you associate with will help you be that person. Successful people tend to affliate with others who posses the same attributes.

Wishful Hoping & No Action is Not Going to Cut It.
Here a three reasons why:

1. There is nothing Casual About Worthwhile Achievement. You must Earn your way to success in life-no matter what you do. Only then will you achieve a casual life style with enough money for you and your family to enjoy it in style. My personal achievement channel was my home based business.

2. Trying is Not Doing. People with a " see what happens" attitude get to see what happens,alright...they sit their lazy butts down as they "see" others rapidly making wheelbarrels of success-but they never do it themselves. The success of entrepreneurship depends soley on YOUR drive and desire.

3. You need to be honest with yourself to avoid wasting your time in a home based business. If you only kid yourself, you won't experience a positive change in your life until you First make a postive change. Through personal growth techniques I realized that focusing on positive energy will replace the negativity that is keeping you from achieving the success in your home based business that is vital for your financial freedom.

I deserve my success because I took charge of my life. If your wondering what I do with the rest of my time, I ENJOY LIFE. I CHOOSE MY ACTIVITIES.

Top 10 Tips For Getting Started In The Wholesale Business

Whether you are just thinking about, or you have decided that you would like to start running a wholesale business, there are a number of items that you should spend considerable time planning and researching before going full steam ahead. Proper planning and fact-finding up-front can not only save you from a lot of headaches in the beginning, but can also mean the difference between a successful wholesale business versus a monetary disaster waiting to happen.

In this article we will provide you with ten tips to help guide you along the way as you begin planning for your business. They are presented in chronological order so that you can use them as a way to plan out the proper steps along the way. Remember, success depends on many factors – and the most important factor is your determination and energy you put into making your business a success!

Step 1: Ask Yourself Why?

Why do you want to get into the wholesaling business? It is because you would enjoy working with other businesses and manufacturers being the main point of contact between the two? Or is it because you think it is an easy way to make money quick?

Wholesaling is a demanding business, and can require lots of up-front capital, warehousing, logistics planning and customer service skills. As the main channel between the manufacturer and retailers you may find yourself dealing with hundreds of thousands of units of merchandise needing to be shipped across the country on a moments notice. Large retailers often pay on a Net-10 or Net-30 schedule, meaning payment is made after the goods are delivered. What would you do if a retailer did not pay or went bankrupt before you received payment?

Step 2: Study Your Competition

It does no good to enter a market where there already exist established, credible wholesalers for a given product. Retailers want to know they have a dependable supply source that meets their terms and often will not change wholesalers for an established product. Just because you build the warehouse does not mean they will come.

Use your local Chamber of Commerce, the Internet and even visit with retailers to find out what wholesalers exist in your area. If you want to specialize in a specific product, contact the manufacturer directly to find out who handles wholesaling for them already in your region. There may be none in your state, or there could be three down the street.

Step 3: Assess your Financial Situation

Wholesaling can require a lot of up-front capital and expenditures before you even see one cent of income. Do you have the resources to spend on setting up a relationship with a manufacturer who will most likely require you to buy in huge quantities from them? Can you afford to wait up to 30 days for payment? Do you have the money to invest in shipping freight or setting up your own delivery service?

Be sure to look past the startup costs as well. Employees, taxes, property rental and insurance are just a few of the things you will need to factor in as ongoing costs.

Step 4: The Business Plan

A solid business plan is the foundation of any business. You need to make sure that you have spelled out what you intend to do and how you intend to get it done. Not only will banks require this for financing, but often other businesses you deal with will want to see it as well. It should be the guidelines that you follow every day in your business to achieve the goals you have set forth.

For this part, it is often wise to work with a business lawyer or seek professional advice from business consulting services. A good resource to help you find people in your area with the necessary skills and background is the Small Business Administration government site.

Step 5: Apply for Licenses, Taxing Certificates and Other Necessary Paperwork

Nothing is as certain as death and taxes. It is no different in business, with one exception. As a wholesaler you will be required to pay taxes and other fees to your state and to the federal government.

The one exception is that you will be granted tax-exempt status for the actual goods you are moving between the manufacturer and other retailers. This can be a tricky process and is handled at the state level.

Again, for this part you will want to make extensive use of your state taxing authority as well as local Chambers of Commerce. One wrong mistake here can end up costing you not only money, but possible your entire business.

Step 6: Establish Your Facilities

Location, location, location. Businesses must exist somewhere and like most things in life there are rules and regulations on where they can be. Will you be having semi-trailers coming to your location at all hours of the day and night? Will you have a storefront for vendors and clients to come calling at? What about electrical, water and sewage needs?

Zoning laws exist to make sure that the right structures end up in the right places. Nobody wants a warehouse next door to them in a residential neighborhood. Work with commercial real-estate agencies to find a suitable place for your business.

Step 7: Establish Your Relationships
You have the facilities, you have the finance – now do you have anyone supplying you product or customers for that product? Work with manufacturers and retailers to build a relationship. This can be one of the most difficult parts of the experience, and is where the rubber hits the road.

In addition, relationships extend beyond your customers and suppliers. It is good practice to establish relations with your local Chamber of Commerce, retail associations and labor organizations in your area.

Step 8: Marketing

Wholesalers traditionally do not advertise. That does not mean you should not market your business to others, after all how can you build relationships or expand on existing ones? Wholesaling guides are published and distributed to many retailers and this is where the bulk of your marketing efforts will be directed. The other half should be in going to retailers directly, meeting with buyers and outlining your services. Just because you have a customer today does not mean you can rest on your laurels.

Marketing works hand in hand with building a relationship and maintaining it.

Step 9: The Machine in Motion: Servicing Your Customers

Product is coming in, retailers are placing orders – we are all done right? Not exactly. Getting the product to your customers, answering questions about delivery timeline, working with vendors to obtain new product lines, it is a complex and demanding part of the business.

In today’s “just in time” marketing model a delay in shipment could mean the end to a business relationship. You must keep your customers informed of any status changes, pricing concerns and product movements from your facility to their loading dock. This is where back end systems come into play by maintaining records and logs of all activity with that customer. Do not underestimate the value of a good Customer Relationship Management system.

Step 10: Employees, Accounts Receivable and Other Financial Matters

Once everything is up and running your next focus is your business financial present. Employees need to be hired and fired. Payroll needs to be met. Money must come in, and money must go out. Here you should invest in financial talent and services if you do not possess them already.

One oversight can mean the loss of hundreds of thousands of dollars; a missed payroll deadline could mean your entire business comes to a halt. It is critical that you constantly keep an eye on the books and on your expenditures. Know when to tighten the belt, and know when to expand.

You’ve started a home business, now what?

You’ve started a home business, now what?

You have a wonderful home business and you want to tell everyone. You have people that are interested. You want to call them. You don’t want to sound like a salesperson. You want to give them all the information.

1. Ask “How are you?

This way you start small talk and try to make them feel as ease. Ask about the weather? Just to make you sound like a person not a salesperson.

2. Ask “Are you still interested in _____?

Make sure they are still interested in listening to what you have. You don’t want to start out giving information if they are not interested. If they do say they are not interested ask Why? Sometimes it just not a good time to chat and find out when would be a good time. Or they have found something else so ask what is it?

3. Can I ask you a few questions?

You want to ask their permission to move on. You want to let them know you have questions pertaining to what you have.

4. WHY do you want to work from home?

You want to know what is the reason they want to work at home. Money, family, time. These are the reasons they want to work at home.

5. How much do you want to earn? Part-time or full-time, replacement income?

This will give you a gauge on how important it is for them to earn extra money. It will also help you when you they start the business on what they would need to do to make that extra money.

These questions are simple and easy to answer. They help both the business person and the prospect. After you get the answers to those 5 questions then go into your business and what you do. If you have business overview calls, ask permission to take them to one of those calls. Give them an approximate time on how long it would take including questions.

Now that you know what to say you can get your business moving forward and starting helping others. Make it fun and if you make a mistake, don’t worry about it. We are only human.