Showing posts with label Worth. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Worth. Show all posts

The worth of a business credit card

Among the so many varieties of credit cards, one of the most underestimated is the value of a business credit card. Many people do not choose to apply for a business credit card because aside from having a definite target market— the business owners or business executives—it seems to be complicated to use. Although a business credit card has more requirements and has higher interests compared to other types of credit cards there is, contrary to the common conception, t can be very helpful if used properly.

What is a business credit card?

Basically, business credit card is for the business people’s consumption. Compared to the regular credit card, a business credit card has a high limit plus low interest rates. Depending on the manner of choosing, a business credit card may also bring a lot of automatic benefits.

Since it is targeted towards businessmen or those people who are heading towards building a business, a business credit card can definitely benefit these small businesses. A business credit card helps the budding business by extending payments while improving the cash flow. Aside from bearing the image of a dependable credit card, business credit card boasts of having detailed reports and giving quality customer service as its major trademarks.

Aside from having limits and low interest rates, a business credit card provides many alternatives and numerous credit options for small businesses. A business credit card also caters to large corporations that are crafted to aid those people who are starting with their own business to grow while closely monitoring the baseline of credit.

Simplifying business credit cards

It really pays to go to the bank when one applies for a credit card to get the chance to answer all immediate inquiries. But since business credit card is for business people who are always on the go, many business credit card issuers offers online applications for business credit cards. When one applies for a business credit card, there is no need to visit the bank. There is also no need to wait in the queue just to talk to a bank representative. When you apply business credit card online, all you have to do is to select the business credit card option that would perfectly suit your small business or corporate credit requirements right from the comforts of your home or office. Aside from offering safe, secured, and simple processes that are designed help you take care of your starting business, most business credit cards online offer accessible features for the convenience of the business credit card holder like the online payment and reporting. Customized company logos and access to instant cash are also available on line. Other business credit card online offers detailed reporting features for easy monitoring and access.

Most business credit card applications offer free fee for the first year and no pre-set spending limit or finance charges. Other business credit card offers viable membership rewards program that enables the member to earn points towards travel, merchandise and other rewards for his or her business. Some of these business credit cards offer small businesses a line of credit up to $100,000 at a competitive APR as low as prime + 1.99% for both cash and check purchases; 100% of the line is available as cash and no collateral is required. The business credit card holder or customer might receive fee-free checks as well as a card to access the account. Everyday savings or exclusive savings, express approvals, no annual fee, up to 5 percent rebates on all qualified purchases, and 0% introductory annual percentage rate (APR) on purchases during first half of the year of card membership are some of the great offers of most business credit cards.

Although majority of the business credit card issuers offer great value deals, it is very important to research first what does your business needs. Whether your business credit card is meant for investing in inventory or just for payroll, it is significant to look for a flexible business credit card that can handle almost anything. Whether you opt to go directly to the bank or apply for a business credit card online, a number of premier business credit card suppliers are there to help you find the right credit card product as easy and convenient as possible.

Business Opportunities – Why Pre-Packaged BizOpps Are Not Worth The Money

Pick up any "business opportunity" magazine at your local newsstand and you'll see a glossy attractive publication designed to attract people who are actively seeking ways to earn extra money, buy a franchise, or open a business of their own. After all, it's the American Dream to own your own business and get rich, right?

You've probably heard the old saying, "Most people are too busy earning a living to make any money." Common sense tells us that we're not going to get rich working for someone else, with the exception of lucky folks like those who started with Microsoft or Google in their early days and got rich through stock options. The average American employee lives from paycheck to paycheck with barely enough income to cover their living expenses, leaving nothing for investment toward building wealth for a comfortable retirement. Hence the allure of the "Business Opportunity."

As you flip through one of these "BizOpp" magazines, you'll see a wide variety of advertisements for different types of businesses, ranging from simple "starter kits" for around $29 all the way to sophisticated franchises costing $100,000 or more. For most people, it's impossible to raise enough capital to consider opening a true franchise. The franchise fees alone are often prohibitive, running into tens of thousands of dollars even for the lesser known businesses, or several hundred thousand dollars for better known companies. And that's not even including the outlay required to actually open the doors for business.

At the other end of the scale, most people are aware that the cheap starter kits and "business in a box" packages are basically junk. But that leaves a whole host of medium-priced business startup concepts, ranging in price from around $500 on the low end to $10,000 on the upper end. I refer to these as "pre-packaged business opportunities."

To explain why pre-packaged businesses are usually a waste of time and money, I'll use windshield repair as an example. As I write this, I'm looking at an ad for a training program that costs $3,000, including starter materials. In case you don't know what I'm referring to here, the basic idea is that small chips, cracks, or holes in automobile windshields can be repaired using a special liquid material that seals and repairs defects. This is obviously much cheaper than replacing an entire windshield. Hence the "opportunity" to start a business that helps people save money on their windshield repairs.

Now, in case you're thinking, "There's no way I would want to be in that business," please bear in mind I'm just using this as an example out of hundreds of possible different business concepts advertised in the same fashion. And of course there are many people who would be attracted to such a "business opportunity" -- people who really like cars, people who already know quite a bit about auto repair, and so on. Plenty of individuals are attracted to a business idea like this, which is why this particular "opportunity" has been around for decades.

Now, here's the real question. Can you seriously expect to shell out $3,000 for some starter materials and training in the windshield repair business, then put a sign out, and expect to start earning money right away? Of course not! This is the #1 flaw with pre-packaged business opportunities: you still have to figure out how to market the product or service on your own.

Let's take a closer look at the windshield repair business. Let's say your goal is to make $50,000 per year in net income. If we assume that you can charge around $50 per windshield repair, at a material cost of around $10, then you have a gross profit (not counting your labor) of $40 per repair. To make $50,000 net, you'd need to find 1,250 windshields per year that required fixing. That translates to more than 100 repairs per month, and you'd need to keep this up month in and month out to meet your income goal. That works out to 3-5 repairs per day, depending on how many days per month you work.

Now, if you had 1,250 cars lined up down the road, all ready for the repair work, it would be nice easy money, right? But FINDING those 1,250 cars and then SELLING those 1,250 car owners on your service will be the real problem. In other words, you don't really have a windshield repair job here. You have a SALES job, pure and simple. Most of your time will be spent finding business. Obviously, finding one car at a time will be totally impractical. Instead, you'll need fleet accounts with major car dealerships, auto repair shops, car rental agencies, and so on. And you can bet that a number of other people (some of whom bought the same pre-packaged business that you did) have also solicited the same companies for their windshield repair business.

So again, what you really have here is a sales job. If this were a truly profitable business, then the company selling you the "opportunity" would not be making all their money selling pre-packaged businesses to people like yourself. Instead, they would be making their money by rolling out the service across the country and selling windshield repair directly to fleet accounts on a nationwide basis. But they know that there is actually more money to be made in the BizOpp world, preying on people who have the dream of starting their own business.

The message here is that any pre-packaged business opportunity that sells in the $500 to $10,000 range is typically worthless and a complete waste of your time and money. Please bear in mind that these numbers are just a guideline, and you must always exercise good judgment when evaluating any business opportunity. Just because a "hot" pre-packaged opportunity is selling for more than $10,000 does not mean that it is necessarily legitimate. Many rip-offs cost a lot more than that. But generally speaking, the promoters of these schemes realize they are aiming at people who can't pay a lot of money to get started in business. So the packages are marketed in a way that will maximize the number of people that can afford to buy in.

If you are serious about starting your own business, then a pre-packaged opportunity is not the way to go. It might seem like an easy answer to your problem, but the very fact that it's being sold as a packaged business probably means that there's no real money to be made without a long hard sales grind. You're much better off doing your own research, coming up with your own business ideas, and then testing your ideas with small advertisements to see if your concepts have any real potential. That's how many businesses get their start. You'll have a much better chance of making it in the world of business or self-employment if you ignore those BizOpp magazines entirely!

Business books have come a long way - but are they worth the read?

Business books are today’s fastest-growing categories in the professional/trade publishing industry. Business books are a great asset to a person interested in starting his or her first small business and in recent years they have fast turned from heavy theoretical textbooks to a far more readable story format. In a recent interview with renowned business columnist Dave Borgner, Jack Yale asked him why it had taken so long for business books to catch on with most people. He answered in part by saying that in the past, between 45 percent and 62 percent of all business books were harder to read than other kinds of books because 68 percent of them used more complex words than we did. David Williamson, CEO of Mark Hallet Financial Services Inc. and the author of the top selling news letter "Brands That Sell", thinks most business books are too theoretical. The interesting business books are the ones that not only get the facts right but also tell a story in an interesting and appealing manner.

But today, business books are far more approachable than in years past – they tend to be more readable, more useful and may actually help to encourage more people to read this genre. As the business book category has matured, Barnes and Noble insiders report that business books are among the company’s top five categories. Over 5000 new business books are published each year in the United States alone, and we are beginning to see some titles encroaching onto the New York Times Bestseller list. But beyond those red-hot numbers is what some publishing executives call a vast ''gray area'' in the way business books are sold, tracked and ranked. Something like 93% of all business books are never read (most readers get thru one chapter and then give up). I think that one of the problems is that a lot of business books are just too general and don't explain to a reader how to actually implement their ideas, or sometimes even the authors don't know how to implement their ideas. On the one hand, business books are necessarily about generalizations – on the other hand your company is necessarily all about specifics – so herein lies a dilemma.

The business books are valuable sources of information as well as information on the strategies taken up by a particular company or updated information on the present funding trend, interviews with leading business personalities and suggestions on the ways of capitalization in a business. It can be hard to know which new business books are the most beneficial, and impossible to find the time to read all of them.

Are Business Consulting Companies Worth Your Time And Money?

If your business is in trouble and your loosing money, then hiring any one of the qualified business consulting companies out there may be one of the best choices you can make for your company. Business consulting companies can give you the solutions you need to make your business a success that is their job. They will look and all side of your business and find its strength and its weaknesses and then draw up a plan that is right for your business. Business consulting companies will give you the answers you need for long term revenue and profit and will consistently work with you and your employees on how to use the tools they provide for you, so you and your employees will have a profitable business for years to come. Just because you open a business does not mean you know how to run it, at least to the point of being open long enough for you to see a profit from your investment. There may be a simple plan that doesn't cost too much out of pocket expense, but may bring more customers into your business, business consultants can give you marketing tips such as web site ads and promotions, direct mail, or a half page ad in the yellow pages. You too may have come up with this idea all on your own however, unlike business consulting companies, you have no idea which one of these idea's would be the better people getter, or how to strategically place your ad were it will get the best results.

Once you decide to hire a business consulting company, which one are you going to choose? Searching on the internet will get you thousands of hits, but then what? Of course all business consulting companies will claim they will do a good job for you and your business. Many will claim to provide their advanced expertise in all categories of business and marketing techniques. While working for you will be their main focus. While it's a good idea to hire a business consulting company, but your not sure how to go about finding a good consultant that will work to make your business profitable and not take all your money and vanish. The best thing to do is go online and search for the right website that will give you information about business consulting companies and how you can get in touch with them. You will have to register to a specific site and give them the information about your business so they can match you with the best consulting companies suited to your needs. Most of these sites are low cost and using someone to help you find good business consulting companies is worth it. They do all the hunting for you and look for all the qualities you're looking for in a business consultant. The business consultant company you hire can take a big burden off your shoulders. They will take the worry out of what to do next to improve your business.

Blogging – Is It Worth The Effort For The Home Business Entrepreneur?

A few years ago all the gurus were screaming “You’ve got to have a web site” and they were right. Now we are being told “you have got to have a blog”. But is this true and are they really worth the effort?

At least blogs are easier and cheaper to set up than web sites thanks to the likes of and Wordpress. But is it worth the time and effort writing the posts and keeping them updated ? My answer to this question produces a typical fence sitters reply. They can be.

Sure if you just want to let the world know what an exciting life you lead or let the world know your views on the burning issues that is fine. You should not really expect to make much profit from your blog. It is a hobby, something you are just doing for fun but if you want to make it a marketing tool of your business then you must adopt a professional attitude regarding your blogs.

Before you post anything you must decide exactly what you hope to achieve with each blog you post. So what are the options?

You might want to sell something either your own or an affiliate product.

In which case you might consider a review or an explanation of how to use the product and or the benefits a buyer would receive. Your one purpose with this type of blog is to pre sell the product and get the prospect to click the link to the full sales page and hopefully make a purchase.

A blog can also be a great way to establish you within your specialised niche.

It can help you get your name known and increase your credibility. But this will only work if you write fresh thought provoking copy. A rehash of others work or hackneyed ideas will do little for your standing especially if your niche is small and close knit.

Another option is to write a series of “how to” blogs giving your readers information on specific aspects of your niche. This can often be a good introduction to offering them a complete “How to” e-book or program. I look on these as very similar to the e-courses that many Internet marketers offer.

Instead of setting them up on your auto responder you post them to your blog at regular intervals.

The bottom line is that if you are to make posting blogs a worthwhile option then you need to have clear in your mind exactly what you want to achieve with your blog before you even write one word.