Showing posts with label Successfully. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Successfully. Show all posts

Successfully Advertising Your International Business Opportunity

Do you have an international business opportunity venture that you want to introduce to other entrepreneurs? Then you’ll need to follow some specific steps in order to successfully advertise your organization. Here, we’ll look at the most popular ways that owners of companies have used to advertise their international business opportunities to investors around the planet.

Online Advertisements

Although pop up and banner ads get a lot of negative press, the truth is that they work. Let’s face it, too; they can end up being seen by millions of people if you advertise your international business opportunity in the right places.

Though “pay per click” (PPC) options are a better deal for you as an advertiser, don’t rule out other online advertisement options. Just make sure, though, that your pop up or banner ad has a professional tone; it’s tough to sell others on your international business opportunity if it seems amateurish.

Print Media

Print media (such as that which is found in magazines and newspapers) may seem old-fashioned or even “quaint”, but it absolutely can help you find investors and/or franchisees for your international business opportunity! And you don’t have to take out a 4-color, full-page spread to profit, either.

Many international business opportunity sellers advertise their organizations in the classified section of large papers (or papers with diverse global audiences) or magazines. Though these ads might be small in format, they can bring in decent amounts of income if placed in the right print product.

Email Messages

Everyone dreads spam, but LEGITIMATE email advertising can be incredibly profitable, especially when you want to spread the word about an international business opportunity!

The key is to make sure that you use email lists of prospective customers that are actually going to work for you. Many vendors now sell such lists for a fee (the exact amount will vary depending on usage limitations). Typically, if you buy them elsewhere, you’ll want to receive verification that the emails have been scrubbed and that you won’t spend eternity cleaning returned messages from your in-box.

Press Releases

There are actually some online sites that accept press releases from companies such as yours. So if you have an international business opportunity, you may want to formulate a press release to send to national sites. You can even go so far as to send it to business magazines and newspapers, though they are rather “hit or miss,” especially if your international business opportunity is just getting off the ground.

Remember – if you have an international business opportunity to trumpet to people around the earth, there are plenty of ways to get noticed. Just make sure that all the ones you use are targeted, creative, and on the up-and-up, and you’ll start to see results in no time.

You Can Successfully Reach Financial Freedom With A Home Based Business

The power of entrepreneurship and the rapid growth of the direct selling industry have business-savvy investors and large, respected companies sitting up and taking notice. It’s no surprise to the 13.6 million Americans and 55 million people worldwide already part of the direct selling industry that business is booming. Whether you know it as network marketing, multi-level marketing or referral marketing, the industry is making a powerful impact on the way people do business and how they live their lives.

How is it possible that this industry is thriving when so many are feeling an economic pinch? Well, that is simply a matter of perspective. The glass –is-half-full camp believes this is a time of massive economic change. And discerning entrepreneurs who recognize these shifting trends and stake their claim in these new and emerging industries will be the ones to gain enormously. As Fortune magazine recently stated.” Forget the paycheck; your W-2 days are over. It’s a 1099 world now”.

Today’s direct selling distributors also called representatives, associates, or independent business owners tell customers, typically people they know, about products and services that can improve the quality of their lives during the course of everyday, normal conversations. These person-to-person conversations might take place at home, at work, or at a coffee shop. And you don’t have to be an experienced salesperson to make money if what you’re selling is a product you use and believe in.

The ease of entry makes direct selling a practical, accessible method for millions to earn additional part-time income without having to quit their job. The typical direct selling company provides all the tools systems and training needed to be up and profitable immediately for a nominal entry fee.

The beauty of direct selling is that it’s all done for you. You don’t have to create a business plan. You don’t have to create a product. The only thing you need to do is find a reputable company, one that you trust, that offers a product or service you believe in and can get passionate about. Anyone can do this!

As the ultimate equal opportunity solution, direct selling represents the purest form of equality through free enterprise. In fact, that’s one of the most striking features of the industry: It involves men and women from all walks of life: all ages: all racial, ethnic and socioeconomic groups.

In fact, the top earners in direct selling also represent a diverse group of successful case histories. According to the direct selling association, the industry’s trade group, 24 percent of direct sellers have high school diploma or less education; 35 percent are college graduates; and one in 12 has a postgraduate degree.

In my opinion the best way we can secure our own future is to take charge of it early on. We can do this by creating multiple streams of income. There is one thing that can provide you financial freedom and that is residual income.

Residual income is money that keeps coming in long after you complete the work that created it. This can include the monthly income from a rental house, dividends from stock investments and even oil, gas, book or song royalties. Regardless of the source, residual income is the name of the game, and the genius of the direct selling model is that it makes residual income a very real possibility for absolutely anyone, regardless of age, background, education or skills. Not everyone is going to own a valuable piece of real estate or write a best-selling book. But anyone can run their own direct selling business.

Best selling author Stephen Covey says” Direct selling helps affirm people’s worth and potential, and can open up a whole new alternative income stream that can make a huge difference in their life. It is entrepreneurial opportunity where people can use their talent and their passion towards a greater good.

Direct selling’s status as the business world’s best-kept secret may soon be in jeopardy. But that’s what happens when business is booming.