Showing posts with label Squidoo. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Squidoo. Show all posts

Using Squidoo To Skyrocket Your Direct Sales Business

New and seasoned direct sellers need to stand apart from their competition particularly if you're with a direct sales company that offers cookie cutter websites. If you're looking to build online business specifically, you need to find a way to show your potential customers and recruits that YOU are the expert in your field.

You could spend hundreds or thousands of dollars on a marketing plan specifically designed for you and your company. You could spend another large amount on advertising and PR. But what I if I told you there was a way to set yourself apart on the internet - and also told you that it's free? Would you stop and take notice?

I hope so because there's a wonderful tool on the Internet that's just perfect for direct sellers to strut their stuff and establish themselves as the expert in their field and it doesn't cost a penny - and even the time element is minimal. You set this up in about 5 minutes and it's easy. It's called Squidoo!

Squid-what? Squidoo - I like to call it a blog on steroids. Squidoo doesn't call them blogs though; they're called "lenses" because each lens helps you to focus in on specific information on one area.

What can you do on a squidoo site that will help you maximize your position as the direct sales expert for your company?

1. Have a web identity separate from your company sponsored replicated website. It's great to have a company site, but having a squidoo lens will help people find YOU and not just your company.

2. Confirm your expert status. You can give details about your products and how customers can use them in real life. You can go beyond the product descriptions and really help your customers see the benefits of the lifestyle that your company's products promotes.

3. Links to your company site. Within the squidoo lens you can link to your company website too. It's a great lead generator for you.

4. Video and tutorials - show your customers how to sign up by displaying an online video of the process right on your lens (some special software may be required for this part). Even if you don't do video you can type out a step by step tutorial on your sign up process so the shy ones feel better about jumping in.

5. Book and resource recommendations - recommend books and other resources so your customers can become educated. Just another service to help set you apart from the crowd. This option allows you to also earn a little side income for yourself. Not bad!