Showing posts with label Should. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Should. Show all posts

Why You Should Outsource Your Business Writing Projects

Just because you are not a writer, it doesn’t mean that your business has to suffer. Instead of pulling out hairs over that business manual or press release you could outsource your project to a writing professional.

What is outsourcing?

Outsourcing or contracting is when you obtain a company or individual (outside of your organization) to complete a task or series of tasks.

Why should you outsource your writing projects?

1. You want great results – Writing great copy is a skill that everyone does not possess. Why give your business a mediocre image when you can have a high quality one? When you outsource your writing projects, you are handing your project to someone who is skilled.

2. You don’t have time to learn how to write great copy- You have to check your email, go to meetings, plan the budget, meet with clients, shop for supplies; do you really have time to write content? When you outsource your writing project, you simply make a phone call (or send an email) and you no longer have to worry about completing the task.

3. You don’t have the resources to hire an employee- Hiring employees can get expensive. Not only do you have to have office space, a computer, and other supplies; but you also have to pay for taxes, medical expenses, vacation time, workers comp and other operating costs. When you outsource you save money by eliminating the expenses that come with employees.

4. You don’t like to write- If you wanted to be a writer, you’d be in a different profession. Why suffer through writing documents when your time could be used tending to an aspect of business you enjoy. When you outsource you are enabling someone who loves writing to complete the task. And who would you rather trust? An employee who would rather be doing something else or a professional who loves what they are doing?

What kind of writing projects can be outsourced?

Just about any writing that you need done can be outsourced. This includes press releases, web copy, web content, brochures, manuals, presentations, handbooks, flyers, sales letters, ezines and more.

Suggestions for outsourcing:

A true professional will invest in their own website and domain name as opposed to using free hosting. This shows that they are dedicated to their craft and it’s not just a hobby.

A true professional has a portfolio (either online or off) and they will be more than willing to show you examples of their previous work.

A true professional will ask you questions. Frequently companies who are new to outsourcing don’t quite understand that they have to be somewhat involved in the process. Someone who delivers high quality work understands that they cannot guess what you want.

A true professional values their worth and can prove why they are worth the price. It will be quite easy for you to find a contractor who charges less than minimum wage. However, you must keep in mind that you get what you pay for. If you are expecting high quality work, you are going to have to pay for it.

Why You Should Never Operate Any Business as a Sole Proprietor

One of the primary attractions of being an entrepreneur is being that feeling of being "independent". Defining yourself as an independent entrepreneur does not settle the question, though, of how you should organize and operate your business.

All too often new freelancers assume that being independent means being a "sole proprietor." In the United States, that means that you simply operate your business as your alter ego--you might set up a separate bank account, but you basically operate your business as an extension of yourself. You declare your business earnings on Schedule C of your 1040 and file your business taxes as part of your personal tax return. Other countries have similar systems--in France, for example, translators will more often that not operate as independent members of the "professions liberales".

There is no question that operating a sole proprietorship is the easiest, simplest way to start a business. But, no matter what the jurisdiction in which you operate, this is not the way you should operate your business--even just to "get started".

Taking any other option, which would involve establishing a legal entity separate from yourself--such as a corporation or limited liability company--is infinitely preferable to operating your business as a sole proprietor.

You see, if we were to list the advantages of being a sole proprietor, we would come to the end of the list very quickly. It's simple, yes. It's less expensive, right? Well, no. In fact, the ease of being a sole proprietor gives us our first clue as to why we should should not be interested in it. Something that is so easy to do is not likely to bear generous rewards. In business, as in life in general, what is worth having generally takes some effort.

In the case of the sole proprietorship, what is apparently cost-free is actually potentially extremely costly. Indeed, some experts have argued that the sole proprietorship is so dangerous that it ought to be outlawed!

I don't belive that this is an exaggeration. If you're starting your own business, you've probably saved up some money to get started. It takes a while to build a client base, and in the early years, the risks of failure are great. If you have not taken the trouble to structure your business properly by setting up a separate legal entity, you risk losing not only the capital you have invested into the business but everything you own personally as well.

I recall that when I was first getting started as a freelance translator, I received a job offer from a translation agency in Paris. When I looked up this agency on the payment practice lists to which I had subscribed, I was shocked to learned that the agency was suing a freelancer, claiming that through his alleged "negligence", the translator had caused the agency to lose a large account. The sum involved was over 20,000 euros.

Now, if this agency were awarded a judgment and the translator were operating his business as a sole proprietor, if he did not have the 20,000 euros in his business bank account, the judgment creditor (the agency) could attach the translator's personal assets, such as his personal savings, his automobile, and even his family's residence to satisfy the judgment!

If the translator had set up his business as a corporation or LLC, his liability would be limited to whatever resources he had in his corporation's or LLC's bank account and the company's other assets. If these corporate assets failed to satisfy the judgment, the agency would be simply out of luck--it could not touch any of the translator's personal assets.

Now, lest you think that this sort of thing will not happen to you, consider the statistics. One of out every four people in the United States is sued, and one out of every five of those lawsuits causes devastating loss. About 2/3 of those in attendance at a seminar I attended recently raised their hands when asked if they'd been sued. And remember, the incident I mentioned above involved a French agency. This *can* happen to you, and you must have structured your business properly *before* any lawsuit or threat of a lawsuit arises to be protected.

Besides this key feature of asset protection, you will gain many other excellent advantages by setting up your business as a separate legal entity:

1. You will have considerably more tax advantages. For example, as a sole proprietor you can deduct only 25% of the premiums you pay for health insurance; but your corporation can deduct 100% of such costs.

2. You will be able to split income. If you have a C corporation, you could arrange to receive income through several different entities and reduce your tax liability to the lowest tax bracket.

3. You will be able to use your entity to establish a retirement plan for yourself and your employees.

4. You may be able to reduce social security tax
(FICA)liability significantly.

5. If you do business exclusively with clients outside your home state, you could benefit additionally by setting up a Nevada corporation. Nevada not only has no state income tax on corporate profits, it also offers added asset protection through enhanced privacy to both U.S. citizens and non-U.S. residents.

"But isn't it complicated and expensive to set up a corporation?" I am often asked. The short answer to this question is "No." You can set up a corporation with you yourself as the directors and officers. And with all the resources we have available through the web, it has never been easier and more economical to get your corporation or LLC set up correctly.

So don't double and triple your risk and long term costs needlessly. Just don't do it! Get the information you need to get your business set up correctly today.

Copyright 2006 Azur Pacific Associates

Why You Should Start A Coastal Vacations Business This Year

Earning money while working at home is a reality for many, a dream for many more. In fact, home-based businesses have become widely throughout the world for many reasons.

People can stop rushing around to an office environment, spending more and more on gas and travel-related costs (parking, car upkeep, business, clothing, dry cleaning, mending, etc.) Plus the earth’s environment gets less polluted with less automotive waste going into the air.

And there are perks like no boss ordering you around, no daily grind of deadlines, no water cooler gossip. Extra income is a perk that’s most desired, of course. And spending quality time with your family and at home on your own.

But this extra income and these others perks do not come for free. Truth is, a home based business does indeed take some hard work, but the kind of work you want to do. At least many people say it’s not hard work when you are doing what you’ve always wanted.

So it’s time to start thinking about a Coastal Vacations home-based business. The top reasons why you should start a Coastal Vacations business this year are:

1. You get to be your own boss. No one looks over your shoulder.

2. You get freedom to set your own hours, goals, business plans.

3. You can spend more quality time with your family and by yourself yet still be a professional.

4. You can work part time, full time, split shifts or any time: with helpers or not.

5. There is job security working for your self. Say “Goodbye” to unemployment and downsizing.

6. You will gain a sense of pride in a ‘job well done’ with your own business. You will join the ranks of other successful entrepreneurs who have achieved success at something.

7. You can forget about limitations on your earning. With your own business, they do not exist. Earn as much as you want by adjusting your goals and business plans.

8. Improve your self confidence as your business increases and grows.

9. You get a chance to give back by helping others start their own businesses, too.

10. Set goals for retirement and plan for it when you want, not when your age or company policies tell you so.

There’s not a better time to start a Coastal Vacations business. Start counting down to your own home-based business today and put your plans into motion!

Why you should write articles to promote your business

Writing articles can do all of these and more. You can vital get exposure for your web site, or the product / service you are promoting by writing articles.

This will not happen over night, but if you write one article a week the number of links you can build up for your site will grow steadily, and each one of those links helps you

become more visible on the internet, helping your potential customer base find you rather than your competitors.

Why go the all the trouble of writing and submitting an article, well these are some of the benefits of submitting articles

Increased number of back-links to your website

You can targeting different keywords and key phrases

Ge links back to your site from your article content

Authoritative back-links - establish yourself as an authority on your product or service

Increase traffic to your website

Increase your search engine position

Why we need to Write and Submit Articles?

1. Free advertising

Promoting your web site by writing and submitting articles is the best way of creating more visibility for your website, product or service. It is free to do and all it takes is your time to write the article. How often do you get the chance to advertise your business free of charge and at such length?

2. It isn't hard to write an article about something you know as well as your own business

Writing an article about your business is not that hard, after all you talk to your customers about every time you have a conversation with them, so why not make a few notes about the these conversations and then turn it into an article.

3. Increase the links to your website

Once you have published your article you will immediately gain incoming links to your site making it more visible on the web and in search engines, an article about painting equipment from an artist would be considered to be highly relevant by the search engines.

4. Establish yourself as an expert

Giving your opinion and views, especially when backed up by facts and figures set you up as an expert in your field.

5. Articles last longer than adverts

Article you have published in directories will be around for a long time, so an article you wrote two years ago comparing the qualities of different oil paints will still be driving traffic to your website today.

6. Multiple links from one article

Articles also encourage others to promote you and your website by using your article, including the link to your site, on their web site, or blog, another way to increase traffic to your site

And did I mention that it's free!

Why Should We Take Secured Business Loans

Secured business loans are loans which are offered to people who are a little short on money to either start their business or to increase the size or the capacity in which the business is operating in.

A secured business loan is a good option for people who have decided to go ahead with meeting their business needs. The first thing that a borrower must consider before going in for a secured business loan is that he should have a security ready with him. It is a prime clause for taking a secured business loan. A security can be any worthwhile asset that a borrower may possess it can be his home, his car or the business premises in which the main business operations of the business take place.

It is easy to understand why the experts always seem to advice going in for secured business loans as suppose to the other forms of business loans, with the range of benefits it is not difficult to fathom. A businessman can avail the following benefits by going in for secured business loans.

• Secured business loans come at an interest rate which is lower than what may be offered when an unsecured business loan is taken.

• With the secured business loans the borrower can choose his terms i.e. the monthly installments and the period of repayment which help in the long term use of the loan.

• With secured business loans we can choose between the whole range of amount available for the loan which can help in using of the loan better.

The only disappointing thing about the secured loans is that not everyone can afford them and can avail these loans as not everyone is capable of providing a security. However, those who can take full benefits of the loan if they utilize their loans properly.

A borrower can make the following uses of secured business loans.

• To start a new business
• For buying new assets, machines or premises for a business
• Short term business loans for people running business on credit transactions.
• To increase the current business capacity or to launch a new business area.

Reason may be any one thing is for sure that business loans will always be there to help you.

Applying for secured business loans is easy all you need to do is estimate your requirement and then find a lender who will provide you with these loans. Secured business loan usually gets approved in a week or two. So people who want to apply for the loan need to do it with due care and all the details at their disposal.

5 Top Reasons Impatient Business Owners Should Say "control Myself"

This article is from your MYB Consultancy for small business owners, in fact any business owner

Online Business Education – Operational Risk Management Training

Impatience drives me crazy when I see small business owners being impatient. Working as a business consultant as I do, I see this all the time. If my business owner client is to get the best value from our work they will need to get some balance into their ways, otherwise impatience will hold them back from being the successful business owner they want to be. Who wants to be held back? NOT you.

Patience is a virtue – isn’t that what we’ve always heard. Don’t be too patient though, don’t use it as an excuse to be lazy.

The right balance of patience will help you move forward to improved results. Take a look at these 5 Top Reasons why:

1.You need to complete what you start. Impatient people often don’t complete what they start and therefore don’t make too much progress. In business you need to finish each of your goals. Completed goals bring you a great sense of success and achievement. Successful people complete tasks.

2.You need to stop and listen. Impatient people don’t often take enough notice of what their people are saying around them. In business you need to hear what these people are saying. Rather than just an OK result, pool ideas to achieve a more powerful outcome. Successful people listen.

3.You need to plan. Impatient people often just jump in and get started right away. Part way through the job they find too many problems they hadn’t anticipated. It’s easier to complete a task when you plan what to do. You can enjoy yourself more when you make plans and achieve them. Successful people plan.

4.You need to consult. Impatient people don’t stop to ask others what they have found out about similar tasks. They often make decisions without learning some facts. Facts are very helpful when you are taking actions to develop your business. Don’t just go along with your limited ideas; be like successful people who consult. Successful people consult.

5.You need to share. Sharing ideas with the people around you helps you more than you think. It motivates people to make suggestions and provide you with support. No business owner can achieve success on their own. Sharing with a team of people helps you and it helps them. Successful people share.

When you have a new idea or task to do, remind yourself to “control yourself”. You need to become more patient to be more successful. Use these 5 Top Reasons as your guide. Business and personal growth is the linchpin for great business owners. Take advantage of FREE online business coaching and maximise your Operational Risk Management Training opportunity. Success is what you and I both want for everyone.

Impatient business owners should say this over and over “control myself”

More tips for becoming a successful small business owner can be found at my website:

Why You Should Consider Pay-Per-Click Advertising for Your Business

Forest and

Would you like to bring targeted traffic to your website in as little as 15 minutes? Then you should learn about pay-per-click (PPC) advertising, especially if you are starting to optimize your website for the search engines.

There are four advantages to pay-per-click advertising.

1. You only pay for the advertising that works because you only pay for your ad when someone actually clicks on it to visit your website.

2. You can get your website in the search results within just a few minutes. With search engine optimization, it can take several weeks to get listed in the seach engines, but with PPC, you can literally jump to the front of the line.

3. You can be listed in prime advertising space by simply outbidding the other advertisers. There's a bit of science + art to this, but it's still a much more simple process than trying to figure out the secret formula to the organic (free) search engine rankings.

4. You can have a very small budget and still make pay-per-click advertising work for your business. In fact, my own ads are in the best positions on the first pages for several of my targeted keywords, and I've only spent about $50 to get there over the past 6 months.

And it's not hard to do what I've done!

Just open a free account with Google Adwords, follow the easy steps to setting up your own advertising campaign, decide on a handful of keywords you want to bid on (the words that people in your market are searching for online), put in a few dollars as a daily budget, choose the amount you're willing to pay-per-click, and then watch what happens.

Some people are skittish to do a PPC campaign because they are afraid that it will run away with their money. But you can eliminate that fear because you have total control over how much you spend. Once you reach whatever limit you've decided upon for the day, your ads are no longer shown until the next day, so you'll never spend any more money on your PPC than you decide. You can also pause or delete your campaign if you need to at anytime as well.

If you choose good keywords, write an effective ad, and track your results, PPC advertising can be an excellent way to drive targeted traffic to your website, which ultimately will lead to more sales for you, in the form of new clients and customers.

Just remember that PPCs should be just one part of your overall marketing strategy. In fact, a balance of search engine optimization as well as running a PPC campaign is usually the most effective strategy for bringing your website the most targeted traffic overall.

Why You Should Start A Home Business

Do you ever spend any time, considering your own personal security? You should you know! After all it is YOUR security we are talking about. Let's take a quick look. You spend a lot of money making sure that you have adequate insurance cover for your house, all of your house contents, your other items of value, and a lot of other things too, but did you insure your job? You can't do that, you think? Well, in a sense, yes you can. You should too, because what will happen if you suddenly, for any reason, happen to lose your job? How are you going to live and pay all the bills, and how long will it take you to find another job? Serious stuff. Spend a bit of time and think about it.

You know, you already have the answer. Isn't it true that you do hoard at home, heaps of spare stuff, so that if something breaks down or needs replacement, you just get the spare out, and away you go again? Fine, you don't even think twice about it! OK, so why can't you have a spare job, so that if one goes bung, all you do is just plug in your spare, and away you go?

Sound a bit like I'm talking about a second job? Wrong, I'm not! Second jobs are generally a waste of time. You're working for a boss, spending 10 hrs. a week or so, doing something you're not the least bit interested in, for which you're getting paid a pittance, and to add insult to injury, you will be required to pay tax at your top going rate! "No sir!" What I am talking about, is the idea of setting up your own automated home business, on the internet. Once you have such a business set up, being fully automated, it will virtually run itself, with little or no help from you. True! After all, what help do you give, when you're fast asleep at night? Yet, you could wake up in the morning, go to your computer, and find out how much money you made during the night. Yes, your new business works 24/7/365. Bet you don't - it never gets tired.

I'm not talking here about giving up your job, any time soon, but rather starting an automated home business, in addition to you're main job. You would be able to set it up, and easily run it side by side with your full time job, in your time, at your convenience. Once you get it established, and earning money, it would be an asset to your personal finances. Of course, to start with, it would not be able to replace your job, but it would form a base upon which you can build, with no risks. Upon this base, you could easily expand and develop multiple income streams.

What's that? You wouldn't be able to do that because you don't know how? Tell you what - how about you could get almost all of the setting up done for you, for nothing? And how about 30 days of additional tuition, to tell you EXACTLY how to do the rest - also for nothing? Do you think 47 videos on a variety of subjects might help a bit - also for nothing? Every scrap of information you could possibly need would be available to you. There is exactly such an offer available right now!

Got to be some catch, you say? Not really, because the person involved, who set the whole deal up, Stone Evans, will tell you that he's more than happy to do that, because, that is his business. If he can make you successful, then so too will he be. Find out for yourself now - nobody can tell when the next opportunity like this is going to present itself. It's your future at stake here!

Why you should choose a at home business using Private Label Rights Products?

Private Label Rights are a powerful business concept for many reasons but the most obvious is for the type of income it can provide webmasters. It is so powerful that many fortune 500 companies have used them, some are still using this business model to build their multi-million dollar empire.

So why cannot the average person do the same?

The answer is average people are already running some great home-based businesses using private label rights products. Are you one of them? If not, now is an excellent time to get started.

Millionaires have taken notice of PLR as a home-based business opportunity that average people can work into and build wealth.

PLR is a huge, thriving industry in spite of all the negative publicity it receives in the media from PLR enthusiasts. Many millionaires express how PLR is a wonderful opportunity for anyone interested in building a home-based business without having to work from scratch.

Can you use some extra income?

Most consumers would probably answer yes to this question. Everybody can use extra income every month. But where is this extra income going to come from?

One obvious solution would be is to get a second job. This option may seem to be the best solution but is really not. This is because the time you spend on your second job and the money you receive after taxes is not enough.

Of course you will have to consider your reasons for getting a second job and why you need the extra income to determine if getting a second job is really the right solution for you.

However, on the other hand, you can start working on your own part-time home-based business using PLR as your business opportunity. You can get started in the industry for nearly nothing. This is a big plus.

How can you start working in an private label rights products home business opportunity you have heard so much about?

Getting started has become so easy that anyone can get started even if you do not have a dime to invest in your start up. The key here is to simply get started then never quit.

Many legitimate PLR home business opportunities will allow you to get started for under $10. for web hosting to sell your products.You can even find free opportunities with little or no overhead expenses and with great support from other members in forums as well as the parent companys.

There are many companies will provide all the tools and system for you. You simply add your sweat PLR products, your working commitment, and persistence to the PLR home business opportunity.

Remember to choose a well-established company that offers quality products or services with an excellent management team and support to their distributors.

One of the best recources I have found for private label rights products is

Another important key factor is your commitment to the company and its products and services. Working for a home business opportunity means that you should be a bona-fide user and marketer of the products and services you want to earn extra income from.

In conclusion, PLR is a smart business opportunity sense for anyone wishing to start working at home. It cost next to nothing to get started, you get a proven system like you would if you bought a franchise opportunity, and you can be in profit in months rather than in years.

Therefore, if you desire more income while still working a 9 to 5 job, or to build your retirement income, then you should seriously consider working for a home business PLR opportunity.

Open you online store and start selling private label rights products as you own.

Which UK Business Opportunity Should I Sign Up To?

UK Business Opportunities

Business opportunities have always existed even in tough times like wars and draught. UK business opportunities have only grown newer and larger with changing times, so looking for business opportunities of the bygone times may be worthless barring the few of essential types. This drives home the point that one needs to look around with open eyes to identify a business opportunity of his or her choice. An opportunity need not be the one requiring huge investments and long gestation periods as also the one which comes with high risks despite promises of high returns. Let's try to explore a few 'low investment low risk' but having decent returns potential here.

Low Investment UK Business Opportunities

Low investment UK business opportunities may be broadly classified into two categories, one that requires no office setup and the other that requires it. However, how big the office should be is dependant on aspects like how much you can afford to invest and whether you need a full fledged office at all.

The first thing that comes to mind, as far as low investment and low risk businesses are concerned, is franchise business. While many of these types require some investment, there are still quite a few of them that don't require it at all. However, since you are riding on the success and brand value of your franchise, so much so you can rest assured that your business is insulated from violent fluctuations of business fortunes.

Some of the franchise businesses require franchisees to have previous business experiences where they have skillfully tided over difficult situations; you can expect such franchises also to look for certain degree of financial stability in you. On your part, base your selection of a franchise on your skills and expertise; for example, if you are comfortable with services it would not be justifiable on your part to select a product based business opportunity, no matter how strong the brand equity of the product or company may be. Think about it, this principle applies even more stringently to financial services franchise.

The success or failure of a business opportunity rests equally upon how far the business owner is capable of steering his business, drawing from his experience and dedication. No matter what, without total dedication a franchise business will almost always drift towards failure.

Top Rated UK Business Opportunity

The top rated present day UK business opportunity has to go to companies that offer generous payment schemes and incentives, and offer services that are essential to our day to day living, and one that sticks out from the crowd is the business opportunity of Telecom Plus The Utility Warehouse. This home based business opportunity offers everyone the chance to either make money or save money, and the most of the UK would like to do one of the two. It is a very low cost UK business opportunity besides being the one carrying the lowest risk factor in its respective areas.

Choosing a Business Opportunity

This question is irrelevant for those who have a background in business or a certain degree of exposure to business. However, those getting into business for the first time ever in their lives need to exercise a great deal of caution even if the investment requirement were to be low or almost nil. I can easily cite two critical points to justify this:

1. Your lack of experience may lure you to choose an inappropriate or a disastrous business opportunity.

2. Evitable long gestation periods can frustrate you endlessly before finally forcing you to shut shop.

Surely, business opportunities help you realize your dreams when utilized in most appropriate ways. UK being a vibrant economy with low inflation rates, it is rather easier leading businesses to success. Choose the one in which you are confident of plugging the gaps easily and can sustain for long times to come.

Why you should choose working at home business opportunities offered by MLM?

Why you should choose working at home business opportunities offered by MLM?

MLM is a powerful business concept for many reasons but the most obvious is for the type of income it can provide the network marketer. It is so powerful that many fortune 500 companies have used, some are still using, this business model to build their multi-million dollar empire.

So why cannot the average person do the same?

The answer is average people are already working some great MLM home-based businesses opportunities. Are you one of them? If not, now is an excellent time to get started.

Millionaires have taken notice of MLM as a home-based business opportunity that average people can work into and build wealth.

MLM is a huge, thriving industry in spite of all the negative publicity it receives in the media from anti-MLM enthusiasts. Many millionaires express how MLM is a wonderful opportunity for anyone interested in building a home-based business without having to work from scratch.

Can you use some extra income?

Most consumers would probably answer yes to this question. Everybody can use extra income every month. But where is this extra income going to come from?

One obvious solution would be is to get a second job. This option may seem to be the best solution but is really not. This is because the time you spend on your second job and the money you receive after taxes is not enough.

Of course you will have to consider your reasons for getting a second job and why you need the extra income to determine if getting a second job is really the right solution for you.

However, on the other hand, you can start working on your own part-time home-based business using MLM as your business opportunity. You can get started in the industry for nearly nothing. This is a big plus.

How can you start working in an MLM home business opportunity you have heard so much about?

Getting started in network marketing has become so easy that anyone can get started even if you do not have a dime to invest in your start up. The key here is to simply get started then never quit.

Many legitimate MLM home business opportunities will allow you to get started for under $100. You can even find free opportunities with little or no overhead expenses and with great support from other members as well as the parent company.

These companies will provide all the tools and system for you. You simply add your sweat equity, your working commitment, and persistence to the MLM home business opportunity.

Remember to choose a well-established company that offers quality consumable products or services with an excellent management team and support to their distributors.

Another important key factor is your commitment to the company and its products and services. Working for a home business MLM opportunity means that you should be a bona-fide user and marketer of the products and services you want to earn extra income from.

In conclusion, MLM is a smart business opportunity sense for anyone wishing to start working at home. It cost next to nothing to get started, you get a proven system like you would if you bought a franchise opportunity, and you can be in profit in months rather than in years.

Therefore, if you desire more income while still working a 9 to 5 job, or to build your retirement income, then you should seriously consider working for a home business MLM opportunity.

Computer Consulting: Should You Work With Micro Businesses?

When it comes to computer consulting with micro businesses, look at the margins issue. You will always have a certain amount of hours that you’re forced to eat because you can’t bill for it. When you have a larger base of computer consulting clients to spread it over, a loss is a lot easier to swallow.

"Eating" a Loss is Easier with Big Clients Than Small Ones

For example, if you have a customer that’s billing $2,000 a year with you and you’re forced to eat a $500 job, you’ve sacrificed 25 percent of your billing for that customer. If you have someone that’s billing $10,000 a year with you and you’re forced to sacrifice a $500 job once a year, that’s no big deal.

That’s a very small percentage. The bigger the client, the more you can afford to do things like that.

Are Micro Business Distracting You From Finding "Sweet Spot" Clients?

Is computer consulting for micro businesses taking away valuable time from cultivating more lucrative business? Only you can answer that question.

You have to make sure that you have enough time to go after the solid B2B small businesses where there’s at least 10 systems, a real server and they can afford at least $5,000 to $10,000 in IT services a year on an ongoing basis.

Focus On The Larger Computer Consulting Clients

Phase out your dependence on micro small businesses. As you start taking on additional larger clients, you’re going to find you have to make tough decisions anyway.

Copyright MMI-MMVI, Computer Consultants Secrets. All Worldwide Rights Reserved. {Attention Publishers: Live hyperlink in author resource box required for copyright compliance}

Business Tips Should Throw You On Course

It is good to get good business tips and strategies from peers but it is also better to formulate them yourself. This is not to discredit tested business mentors of what they can do. But the thing today is the fact that people are doing practically the same thing. What is really needed is for people to make a difference and this stems from unique concepts and strategies which the world is severely lacking today.

In the world of routines, when the police officer spots a lone driver weaving in and out of traffic, his mind is conditioned to anticipate a troubled driver, perhaps a criminal. Not that it is necessarily a bad thing. Routines are important, for they help us deal with the stress of daily life. Parents and teachers for example, appreciate routines for they help structure a child’s life and provide certainty necessary for growing up. Look at it another way, if you have to relearn a routine everyday, like driving a car, it would be very stressful. When you are driving, chances are you are not conscious of how you change gears, change lanes or stop the car at a red light or accelerate. All these actions are routines and done at a subconscious level while you hold a conversation or tune to a radio station.

Yet with certain problems, routines lead us to a dead end and to false assumption as the story above shows. While routines help us a lot of times in our every day lives, it is an enemy of innovation, inventiveness and genius.

Stress is sited as the cause of a wide range of health problems, costing businesses billions each year in lost work days and in compensation and pensions. This does not capture the huge personal cost in anxiety, poor health and premature death.

In order to deal with stress effectively, either as an individual or as a manager, ensuring the well being of your employees it is important to understand what stress is and the potential impact it can have.

The first thing to understand is that stress in itself is not a bad thing. It is how we react to stressful situations which, makes the difference. One persons thrill and sense of excitement is another person’s anxiety and agony.

There is no doubt that people generally respond well to a challenge particularly if they are involved in creating or something they find exciting. Where those involved believe what they do matters and they feel they have some ownership and control over their situation there is a positive payback even when working extremely hard over long hours. We could debate whether the pressure involved in such situations constitutes stress.

Where stress is detrimental people are often in situations where they feel they have little control, feedback is non existent or overly negative, failure, humiliation, lack of support results in the person feeling that what they do has little value or they themselves are not valued. Sustained exposure to such negative situations can have serious implications for the health and well being of the individual and ultimately for the organization as a whole.

Business Structure - What Should I Be?

Business structure planning entails analyzing the different business entity options and choosing the one that is right for you. There is no magic formula for business structures. Your set of reasons for choosing one business structure over another is as unique as your company.

There is, however, one universal rule for deciding on a business structure: Consult a Professional. You certainly need to familiarize yourself with the basic types of business structures available but don't think you can make the final decision. If your clients read up on Microsoft Small Business would they be able to install their small business server? No. The same goes for you and your limited knowledge of business structures.

Business Structure Options:

Sole Proprietorship - one owner with no segregation between business and personal liability
Partnership - two or more people with ownership in the company
Corporation - business is a separate legal entity from the owner, 3 types: S Corp, C Corp, or LLC

The most popular business structure is the corporation. There can be liability advantages but the main appeal is the prestige and credibility it seems to bring in the market place. Regardless, the business structure you choose has to make sense for your situation. Your accountant will be able to go through this with you.

Your accountant will analyze the business structures from both an operational and tax perspective. The tax laws are so complex and confusing that you really need to have an expert in that area provide you with guidance and direction. Do not cut corners here. Hire the best accountant or attorney you can.

The Bottom Line on Business Structure

The business structure you choose is a huge decision that affects both your personal finances and your business operations for years to come. Don't mess around and don't be cheap. When it comes to deciding which business structure you should use, you need to get professional advice. Consult an accountant or attorney who specializes in small business finance and tax laws. The money invested now will save a lot of frustration later.

Copyright MMI-MMVI, Computer Consulting 101. All Worldwide Rights Reserved. {Attention Publishers: Live hyperlink in author resource box required for copyright compliance}

Business websites should be steeped in professionalism

It has really become obligatory to have some space of your own in the world of internet. No business can grow in isolation, which means that the need of partnership in business can not be neglected. Every business requires some customers who may help them to grow and expand. That is one of the reasons that websites are becoming more and more essential with every passing day.

Although, all sorts of websites are important, but when it comes to business sites, things get even more complicated. There are a lot of things which are to be considered in order to develop and design the best website that may successfully portray all of the business aspects of a company.

It is the time when all sorts of businesses can really expand as the opportunities are equal for all sorts of people. However, there are some specific points that can be used in designing website and to get more viewers. Take the example of a site that is to display the electronic items. Electronic items are diverse in nature and it is so easy to find customers for this business as there are a lot of people who always find it irresistible to buy new gadgets.

However, it takes a lot of time and energy to build a site that may incorporate all the electronic items in a systematic way and that is the point that has to be understood. So, you should not take any chances in this regard as a novice can really spoil your website and he may not be able to bring out the right feel that is required to get more customers.

For electronic items like mobiles, iPods and other such things, pictures are really essential. So, first thing is to take pictures in a way that it may become easy for the customers to explore the product in the best possible way. You can use the help of a professional here as if you will not be able to present pictures in the best possible way, you may end up losing a lot of prospective customers.

After completing this, you can then move on to other features which are essential. For instance, security features are really important as people will never buy from a site which is not secure. So, find a nice hosting partner who may help you in this regard. Another thing that you can do is to use the options of comparing different electronic items.

It is obvious that there are so many people with different electronic items with different price tags, so, it is imperative to provide facility that may enable people to compare the prices of different electronic items. Always remember that more convenient it is, better will be the chances of expanding business and sales. Some nice offers and discounts that may flash on your website for every visitor will be a nice thing to acquire more customers. So, it is compulsory to consult with a professional instead of losing customers.

3 Effective Tactics Every Business Should Implement

Do you remember your first day as a business owner? You were probably just like the rest of us... pretty darned happy and bit on the proud side. Yeah, back then we thought we could conquer the world. Now we're too busy conquering our own little corner of the world to pay a lot of attention to the rest of the world... unless it's to learn a few tips from successful marketers just like us who have made it big. Tips just like these... that will apply to every market - regardless of the product or service - are a great motivators to try something new. Yeah, you never know when the next idea will be worth a million dollars!

1. Create a Special Offer
A special offer is exactly that... an offer that is special. Normally, customers would not be able to purchase this product or combination of products, and once the products are gone... sorry!

You don't have to go out and order a bunch of new products to put together a special offer. It don't take a whole lot... just use what you've got. Grab a few items that are related, group them together, discount the price, and your customers will be excited to be getting a good deal. Think about it from your standpoint... you've sold three or four items rather than one. Yeah, combination offers are winning deals for everyone!

2. Address the Small Customer Groups
Niche markets are everywhere, right under your nose! Within the customer audience that you serve right now are groups of people who share common traits. Think about it... maybe you have a group who speaks Spanish, a group of teens, and a group of middle class family men and women.

Evaluate these classes of people, and discover the unique needs and desires they share. That will set you up to customize your advertising campaign directly to them. It's not hard to take your current ads, and make a few changes to adjust to the niches. They'll be impressed that you understand THEM, and the increase in your profits will be the best thanks you can get.

3. Set Up a Winning Referral Program
Successful marketers develop the ability to turn their customers into advocates. Often, they don't even have to directly ask customers to refer them to others. Their willingness to go the extra wins customer loyalty and support. Naturally, satisfied customers refer their friends and family to the place that will take good care of them.
Quality service and is the first step toward referrals, but you can easily take it one step further. Studies show that every satisfied customer tells three people about you. What would happen with a little incentive added to the picture? Yeah, a lot more. Give customers who refer friends a thank you - whether it's a discount, special gift item, or a simple thank you card - and watch the referrals spiral!
You can get two birds with one stone by implimenting customer surveys. A few quick questions about what the customer does and doesn't like about your product, followed by a request for the names and addresses of friends and family who would benefit from the product, and you're all set to go with the contact information of a prospective customer!

At What Point In Your Business Should You Incorporate?

If you have been doing business, and are wondering about when you should become incorporated, you should know that at any time, you can make your business official. Perhaps you are a representative for a company, and have been selling their products? Maybe you have a lawn mowing service and are worried about doing business and being incorporated? There is no special time in the business world that you should become a legal business. However, if you see that your business is taking off, and you are wanting to become a LLC or incorporated, there is no reason to put it off.

Becoming a legal business, and having a license to do business in the state you are operating in makes total sense. Especially if your business has really taken off. Being incorporated can protect you and your personal assets. If your business were to be sued, or go into debt, having that LLC at the end of your name would definitely pay off.

With the many different entities to choose from when you become incorporated, you will have some decisions to make. All of the entities offer personal protection to the owners except for one, and that is DBA, also known as Doing Business As. This entity requires that the owners are personally held responsible for all legal matters, as well as debt. However, the other entities all off coverage for the owners, or members of the business.

Whether you are just starting out in business, or have been operating under your personal name for a while, it is never too late to become incorporated. Just be sure that you understand the entities and choose the one that is best for you and your business. If you need some help choosing and understanding the entities, a business attorney will be able to help you with those.

Are You Questioning Your Decision To Start A Home Based Business? You Should

Your ability to start a home based business or to work from home for someone else is increasing daily as new opportunities come available every day. Entrepreneurs, sales representatives, customers service reps and many others are now more than ever working at home or from their homes. Finding the opportunity that fits you can be as easy as asking yourself a few questions. They are... What do I truly enjoy doing? What can I readily afford to allocate toward this opportunity if necessary? What resources and tools can I bring to the table that will help me build my business or do my job productively? Am I coachable, teachable, and willing to acquire new knowledge that can help me succeed? Asking yourself these questions can help you to narrow down which industry or areas of home business would best match your needs and what interests you.

Enjoying What You Do

If you hate your job or have no passion for your chosen home business field, in a short time period you will find it difficult to do the things necessary to succeed. Even if you are working from home, you will find it difficult to "drag yourself to work". Motivating yourself to do those things you know you need to do will become harder and harder. And if you are working from home, distractions that are inherent to being at home will easily detract your attention from the job at hand. Being honest with yourself about what you truly enjoy doing will allow you to enter a home business or home job with the confidence that you can perform every day. Sure there will be days when you don't feel like working even if you are doing what you love, but enjoying what you do will help ensure your perserverence and longevity.

Financial Concerns

When starting a home based business or when considering accepting a home job position, you should take the necessary time to understand your budget and income requirements. Having ample savings is certainly prudent. This is true no matter what you are doing, but especially in this case if you are building a new home based business from the ground up as your income source or if you have accepted a commission based position that takes time to get momentum. You need to know that you can meet your family's budget needs comfortably in order to eliminate any possible money stress that can hurt your productivity. Being able to survive comfortably for a 3 month period is a good rule of thumb. This allows time to establish yourself and produce a flow of income. You should also have a firm grasp on the money needed to fund your business. What are the cost of materials, necessary advertising, web hosting and so on? Most home based businesses fail within the first year from the lack of a realistic budget or the failure to budget at all.

Resources and Tools

An important consideration is to take inventory of the tools and resources that you may need for your business/job. You may have some things already on hand. Like your computer, internet access, and home phone line. A fax machine that doubles as copier can be a valuable tool. A hands free headset for your phone isn't a must, but if you'll invest in one you will be glad you did. Especially if you will be spending any amount of time on the phone in your home business or job. Having a dedicated phone line for your business and fax are nice, but not necessarily required. I have used very successfully a service called "distinctive ring" through my phone company. My phone has a different ring for business calls so I know when a business call is coming in. Also, my fax machine recognizes a different ring and answers those calls. Distinctive ring is great if you have access to it AND it's cheaper than having dedicated lines added to your home.

Being Coachable And Teachable

I once read where the word "teachable" is the Biblical word for "coachable". I don't know if this is theologically accurate, but I like it. In many ways, as this would indicate, the words are interchangeable. Both are key factors in evolving and succeeding. Those who shun these principles usually plateau while those who continue to be coachable and teachable continue to grow and reach higher levels of success. Successful home business people, home workers, and all other successful people from all walks of life not only learn but they apply what they learn. To simplify all of this... be willing to learn, be open to the idea that there is always knowledge out there you can add to your base of knowledge, be willing to take direction from those who have been or are where you want to go. That says it all. You don't have to be the best from the start, just be good at being coachable and teachable and the rest will come with time.

Once you've honestly answered of these questions, you will be able to make the most informed choice for your home business. This will allow you to begin your business by putting your best foot forward. Take the necessary time to prepare for your work at home job or home based business, and you will ensure that you thrive and succeed.

Business Franchising – Just What Should You Look For In A Franchise?

What is a Franchise?

· An authorization to sell a company's goods or services in a particular place
· A business established or operated under an authorization to sell or distribute a company's goods or services in a particular area.

How did franchising start?

One of the earliest franchisors was the Singer Sewing Machine® Company, which set up dealers shortly after the Civil War to sell and repair its revolutionary machines throughout the country. Shortly after the turn of the century, Coca-Cola® licensed others to manufacture and distribute its wonderful elixir. Ford Motor Company® later set up dealers to sell and service its products. Of course, McDonald's® is an example of how an entrepreneur (Ray Kroc) could take an idea and quickly spread it coast to coast (and eventually around the world) without starting out with millions of dollars in capital. Many companies turn to franchising as a system for expansion because they recognize that they can grow rapidly with a minimum amount of capital and enlist top-notch partners if the company is willing to share the profits. The company that sells licenses to its system is called the franchisor, while those who open their own units are called franchisees.

Why franchise?

There are many reasons why franchising is the best type of operation for the majority of first-time business owners. Most revolve around the increased probability that the business will succeed and provide profits to the owner in a shorter time frame than an independent business. This allows the owner to address her or his personal goals both financially and personally. Here are a few, more detailed, answers to that question.

Earn what you’re worth

Thousands of franchise owners report they were handicapped in their corporate careers by company policies and supervisors that put a cap on their earnings. When you own your own company, your efforts are rewarded and your personal income shows it!

Satisfaction of Achievement

Many business owners report that seeing their actions turned into reality without stagnating for months in committee meetings (as often happens in big companies) is a major reward of owning their business.

Quicker Start-Up than Independents

A proven plan out-paces an independent’s hit & misses operation almost every time. Looking at just independents that succeed--you'll find that franchises grow quicker, reach break-even sooner and succeed more regularly than others in the same industry as depicted in the accompanying chart

What do I need to know?

Another question that arises is “What do I need to know in building my own franchise?” There are four main ingredients found in each business...

· The product or service that is delivered to its customers.
· The location that the business occupies.
· The amount of capital that was invested or borrowed by the venture.
· The management team that runs the company -You!

Making a choice

Choosing the right franchise can be a confusing process.

First, you must believe in the product or service that the franchise network delivers. Is the niche stable, expanding, long-term, saturated?

Next, you must verify the industry's future. What do the trade papers predict?

Check your aptitude for the job. If you don't enjoy math, an accounting franchise isn't for you, etc. Often outside sources can help here. A personality and aptitude test (similar to those used by major corporations) will help you discover your hidden talents.

Determine the earnings capability. Most franchisors can't provide earnings projections, but you must make an effort to determine your future return.

Confirm the potential earnings and the franchisor's integrity with existing franchisees. Each franchisor will give you a list of its network members.

You should call them to get their confirmation of your projections. If a franchisor (or business opportunity seller) will not give you a list of its franchisees, you should heed the red flashing lights and end discussions.

While this article is just the tip of the iceberg, you can get a good idea why you should start your own franchise, today.

Attention Entrepreneurs: Your Hobby Should Not Be Your Business

America was built on the premise of following your dreams. Today, that maxim is applied to everyday life, especially careers. You’ve probably seen plenty of advice about turning your hobby into your job and making money doing what you love. Unfortunately, it usually doesn’t translate well into business reality.

Look at it this way: the reason you picked up your hobby in the first place was probably because you enjoyed it. Hobbies are supposed to be fun. If your hobby becomes your business, you’ll have to work at it! Hard work is rewarding, but it can quickly douse the spark of fun you previously derived from your hobby.

Still not convinced? Here’s something else to consider – everyone I’ve met who own a golf, fishing, or scuba-diving business tells me they play, dive or get on the water less than before. Owning a business that is related to your hobby will not get you more involved in the enjoyable part. Instead, it will take you away from the fun of the hobby.

Objectivity is another major concern when it comes to translating a hobby to a business. For example, let’s say you enjoy fishing, so you decide to open a fishing supply store. You will typically stock your store with products you like – which won’t necessarily be what your customers want. Also, you may enjoy fishing, but sitting in a boat with a pole is not the same as running a store, and you may not have the skills necessary for retail management. See the problems?

Of course, your dreams and desires are important, and you need to be passionate about your company to be successful, but it is a mistake to let your interests and not your skills dictate the type of business you should own if you decide to become an entrepreneur. Now that you know what you should not do, it’s time to look at what you should do when getting into your own business:

* Consider looking to your current career instead of your hobby. What aspects of your job do you enjoy the most, and what kind of business would allow you to concentrate on those enjoyable aspects?

* Focus on your strengths, and be honest with yourself. Are you a strong manager? Good with people? Talented at a craft? Try to find a business that will let you capitalize on your strengths, while incorporating what you love to do.

* Do your research! Starting or buying a business is a huge investment, and if you buy the wrong business for your skills and fail, you probably won’t want to try again. Know what you’re getting into before you begin to give yourself the best chance of success.

You can run a business that you enjoy, as long as you are realistic in your decision-making process. You don’t have to give up on your dreams – simply refocus your intentions, and go for it!