Showing posts with label Shopping. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Shopping. Show all posts

How To Set Up A Business Selling Your Own Shopping Cart Solutions

As we speak, an endless number of small, medium & large companies in all types of niches are planning to build their web presence. It doesn't matter what they sell - some may be import/export companies, others might sell DVDs and others still may deal solely in digital products. Some will have turnovers that barely touch $100,000, while some will be yielding millions per year.

What do all these companies want and need that you can give them - right now?

The majority of them will seek out some type of shopping cart software or service. You can bet, the first sub-point in the MD's notepad for web development would be something along the lines of "Find best way of accepting web orders". And that's where you come in.

You see, the potential reward of offering a cart solution to these new web businesses are very good indeed - in the U.S. alone, there are almost 230,000 monthly searches for the term "Shopping Cart" (top 3 engines only) which should provide you with some indication of the market size. While there are a few services and software that already exist for this, they tend to be pricey - the business either has to fork out monthly fees (for example Volusion that charges upto $197 for their monthly cart service), or SumEffects which at $349 is a one time fee, but still pretty steep.

But, the fact is, businesses will pay these fees with their eyes shut and today you can own the rights to a powerful shopping cart solution that you can offer them.

Here are the features you will need to ensure that your software offers your clients:

- Ease of use & set-up.

- Search engine friendly design.

- Unlimited number of potential products. With many carts, higher prices are charged the more products you offer. The majority of the "free" ones only let you offer five or ten items which is insufficient for the majority of businesses.

- In built newsletter management.

- Product database that can be searched.

- Compatible with various payment gateways (including Paypal).

- Powerful sales analysis & tracking.

Ordinarily, this type of software can cost upwards of ten thousand dollars to develop yourself. But if you don't have this much then don't worry, you can actually pick up the resell rights to powerful shopping cart software for a fraction of that cost (as little as fifty dollars if you know where to look). Resell rights allow you to repackage the software and offer it to your own clients and keep 100% of the sale proceeds.

We're just seeing the tip of the boom for these types of software. Ultimately, every business will have to come online and accept credit card payments - what an opportunity for those that offer a powerful shopping cart solution service!