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Showing posts with label Series. Show all posts

How To Creating a Web Based Business, Advanced Series III

You are most likely coming here as a follow up to my advanced series articles on creating an online business. Today we are going to cover some additional advanced tips to enhance your web site.

Now that you have your ads running nicely, you will need to monitor traffic that visits your site. A few important factors to keep in mind are as follows:

* How long does a visitor stay on your site?

* What percentages of your visitors browse your site?

* What conversions are you getting from each landing page?

* Unique visitors versus repeat visitors

I want to repeat the cycle that is very important to understand. You want your keywords to bring visitors to the specific landing page that highlights what they are looking for. Put your self in their shoes. Imagine what you would be looking for if you typed a particular keyword in a search engine such as Google and give it to them. If they want to look around after that wonderful, but our goal is to get them to what they want quickly. No one wants to have to look around to find what they want. If we see and ad, we want to get information pertaining to what was in the ad when we click on it.

I would suggest monitoring your keywords on a regular basis ensuring that the traffic being brought to your site is relevant. You may need to use some negative keywords to minimize (PPC) Paid Per Click advertising cost. For example if you have a keyword called work at home, you could get traffic from someone typing in assembly work at home. You can simply put assembly in as a negative keyword and that would prevent them from being directed to your site and you being charged for the click. You can easily see the fine-tuning process that needs to continue on a regular basis.

On a regular basis you will need to fine-tune the following areas:

* Keywords, adding, removing and using negative keywords

* (PPC) Paid Per Click, monitor and keep bids to a minimum

* Conversion rate on campaign ads

* Move best converting programs to hot spots

* Ensure you have a newsletter so you can keep track of your visitors

Over the years I have found many online tools that make this process easier. In the beginning I spent a lot of time doing this on a regular basis, but either way it was time well spent.

I hope you have enjoyed my article series on this topic. There is so much valuable information that is to be learned. I learn daily when working with my site, however having owned business before I can tell you it's worth it. My time spent working has decreased, money increased and I enjoy life much more. I wish you the best. Just remember it will take time and effort to build a successful online business.

Please feel free to read both this article or one of my many others by visiting my link in the resource box below. I always enjoy getting emails pertaining to my articles or my site. Your feedback is important to me.

How To Creating a Web Based Business, Advanced Series I

You are most likely coming here as a follow up to my Part 5 of 5 articles on creating an online business. I hope you found part (1) one through part (5) informative and helpful. Today we are going to cover some advanced tips that can help you build a more efficient and profitable web site.

I have gone step-by-step through the process that I used to build my online business. Obviously, I cannot cover every small detail, but you can email me at any time should you have any questions. I will be happy to help you if I can. Especially if you follow the same steps as I have taken. I am very familiar with this particular process.

Now that your site is published and up and running, what do you do next?

This is very important! You must monitor it real time to ensure your site is converting as high as possible. You will have some products and services that will convert better than others. After a decent sampling time, perhaps a couple of hundred click throughs, I would consider putting the highest converters in the hot spots on your site. You may not understand what a click through is. Lets back up a bit. To understand your site, you will need to know when someone comes to your site, how long they stay, what pages they visit and where they exit. You can find many free counters that will give you that type of data. In addition each program normally offers some tracking information as to how many clicks and sales you have gotten. You are going to need a couple hundred clicks on each link to get a fair comparison. Many people are getting about a (1) one percent conversions rate on most programs. I have some that have converted as high as (25) twenty five percent. I'll bet you can pick which ones are in my hot spots.

After receiving a couple hundred clicks on your links, you can then adjust your site as required. Here are a couple of questions to ask yourself on a regular basis and helpful hints on how to correct:

* How many clicks are you getting from your advertising? If people are clicking on your ads in droves, but are not staying long, not visiting your other pages nor clicking on any affiliate links then you probably do not have a good match up between your keywords and landing pages.

* How many people are staying around longer then 5 seconds on after coming to your site? If less then 2% are staying less then 5 seconds your either have poor traffic, probably free ads, or a poor keyword to landing page match up. I would suggest only using (PPC) Paid Per Click advertising until you get your website fine tuned a bit. Free ads often bring people clicking just because they are curious and not because they are looking for anything.

* How many of your keywords are bring you good traffic. Many times what you are looking for are long tail phrases, which are more often two to three word phrases not just one. Typically the one-word keywords get a lot of clicks, but no results. Your goal is to be as specific as possible i.e., getting yourself the best possible customers as possible.

Okay, enough for today, I can see that we are going to have to break this up into (3) three parts to get it all covered.

See you in Advanced part two.

Please feel free to read both this article or one of my many others by visiting my link in the resource box below. I always enjoy getting emails pertaining to my articles or my site. Your feedback is important to me.

How To Creating a Web Based Business, Advanced Series II

You are most likely coming here as a follow up to my articles on creating an online business. Today we are going to cover some advanced tips on comparing ads so that can help you get a better conversion rate.

Lets assume for sake of argument that your site is created, published and you are running (PPC) ads. I recommend running these all the time, but especially in the beginning to get your site converting well. In fact when I signed up with my host they gave me advertising credits, which really helped out.

This is very important! If you are running ads and you are not getting clicks then it means your ads are not standing out in the crowd. Believe me there are plenty of people on the Internet and you should be getting clicks. You want think about the products and services you are offering on your site when writing your ads. What type of ads would interest you if you were looking for these items.?

As I mentioned before specific keywords bring up both your ads and others. You want your ads to spike their interest enough they will want to take a look.

Okay, when writing your ads I want you to write two ads for each campaign. What does this mean? It means for each ad type you are going to be running two similar ads with the same keywords. On most search engines like Yahoo you can create an ad campaign, which then has your ads in it. You simply create your first ad inside the campaign, add your keywords and your finished with ad number 1. Now, I want you to go back into the ad campaign and create another a slightly different ad. It will automatically use the same keywords. In Yahoo, you will need to then go back to the campaign level, click on the ads and then click on optimize ads button. Please select no and submit. What will happen then is each of your two ads will run, each showing (50) fifty percent of the time. After some time has passed you will be able to tell by the conversion rate, which one is performing best. Simply modify the worst one with some new text and check it again after receiving more hits. You are always improving on your ads therefore your conversion rates only get better. You will need to let them run so that you get at least 50 - 100 clicks before changing.

After getting someone to click on your ad, you want to take him or her to the specific landing page that offers exactly what he or she are looking for. Always remember the steps we talked about from beginning to end. It's very important to tie them all together nicely. A potential customer wants to click on an ad they think will take care of their needs and go to exactly the product or service they the ad referred to.

Please feel free to read both this article or one of my many other articles this topic by visiting my link in the resource box below. I always enjoy getting emails pertaining to my articles or my site. Your feedback is important to me.

Okay, enough for today. See you in Advanced part III.