Showing posts with label Search. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Search. Show all posts

Why Hoping In Search Traffic Can Doom Your Business

Most reports peg search traffic at about 10% of total internet traffic. However, most businesses spend 90% of their website efforts on search engine optimization and marketing. Below I outline why this disproportionate emphasis on search traffic can be spell disaster for an online business.

If only 10% of people are searching, what are the other 90% doing? The majority are returning visitors. They may have found a site initially by search but now they return. If someone is comparison shopping, they'll usually bookmark five or six sites, comparing each one with the others. There's another small percentage that are simply typing in domains. Looking for lawn furniture? I'll just type in lawnfurniture dot com. Another even smaller proportion actually type the domain name into a search box, then click on the domain in the search results.

I think as webmasters we get search engine tunnel vision when we're marketing our businesses. When someone tells me they're having trouble getting top 10 search positions, I usually ask about the other types of online marketing strategies they're engaged with. The common response is, what else can I do?

There's a lot you can do! The great thing about online marketing is that we're only limited by our creativity. Social marketing is wide open for the creative and savvy marketer. What better way to get traffic than to create word of mouth referrals. How do most offline businesses get clients? Through word of mouth. It's no different online.

How people get to your site is important. But, what you do with a visitor after they come to your site is even more important.

I would argue that our existing clients are our top marketing vehicles. Do you offer great service and support? You'll get referrals. Are you hard to work with, arrogant, or stingy? You won't get referrals. A happy client will tell one other person. An unhappy client will tell at least four other people.

One of the few points I think professional internet marketers get right is traffic diversification. Yes, they focus on getting free, organic search traffic but they also spend a great deal of time on list building, customer service, and word of mouth.

If your only focus is search traffic, sooner or later you'll be disappointed. My business goal is to have as many traffic streams as I can develop. I'm slowly getting to a point where even if my search traffic went to zero, I'd still keep plugging along.

Search engine algorithms change all the time. Time spent surfing forums to find the best ways to beat search engines is time better spent on other marketing methods. Time spent tweaking a page for keyword density is time better spent handing out business cards with your website address.

For those of you stuck in a search engine rut, step back and look at your options. What else are you doing to drive traffic to your site? There are so many more options than we think if we would just look around.

Why Search Engine Optimization Is Important To Your Business

I want to ask you a very simple question: "Why do you have a website?"

While you're thinking about a possible answer, consider these questions as well:

Why do you have a telephone number?

Why do you have a mailing address?

Why do you create brochures, flyers and newsletters?

See the trend?

The answer is simple: I have a website so people can learn more about my services and my company.

If no one could find your place of business, or even your telephone number, you will probably not be in business long.

The same is true with your website. It's just sitting there. No one is finding it. No one is sending you inquiries, or sales requests, or signing up for your monthly newsletter.

Now, you may be getting some traffic from those who "know" your web address or have your business card handy, but since you can't hand out your business cards to everyone, how are other customers going to find you?


They are going to use a search engine, type in a word or two, click a button and find your website.

This is where search engine optimization (also referred to as SEO) comes in.

Search Engine Optimization is the process of combining many ingredients in order to get your site ranked higher in search engines, mainly in Google, MSN and Yahoo.

A few of these ingredients include:

Using quality keywords. You want to find and utilize keywords in your website that best describe your company's business, service and products. You will want to also use those keywords in your page titles, page descriptions, meta tag keywords, alt tags, etc.

Write fresh content. Search engine spiders love words. Keep your site's content up-to-date and fresh. Visitors to your website will appreciate it and they will come back more often.

Develop a link building program. Find other websites willing to place a link on their site pointing to your site. Not only will this build some new traffic, but it will help improve your site popularity.

Also test and tweak your website as "true" search engine optimization is a never-ending process.

Once your site reaches a Top 10 ranking, you must work as equally hard to maintain high positions in search engines.

Find Lucrative Home Business Opportunities Using a Narrowed Search

Sifting through all the millions of home business opportunities available online can be difficult. You must determine which work at home jobs are really what they claim and which are scams. That's why it's important to take your time and investigate each business opportunity before spending your money.

You can use the search engines and narrow your searches to improve your chances. Here are some tips to help you find the home business ventures that best fit your needs.

Search for Home Business Types

Before you narrow your searches, you should know generally what type of business opportunity you are seeking. There are many out there in the world of cyberspace, and it's your duty to find the ones that will match your skills and lifestyle. Among some of the most popular ways to make money on the Internet are paid surveys, MLM systems, turnkey website solutions, affiliate opportunities, and more.

Use the search engines to narrow this search even more by typing in one certain business opportunity by name such as "paid surveys." This will bring up a list of companies offering paid survey tips, paid survey business opportunities, and so forth. You can also use the keyword "paid surveys from home" or similar words to narrow the search again.

Narrow Searches to Match Your Personal Interests

Once you find several types of home business opportunities you feel will work for you, it's time to search using your personal interests. What this means is to find work at home jobs that are of interest to you; don't settle for jobs you won't enjoy doing. For instance, if you're going to start a turnkey website of your own, find a turnkey website opportunity that sells products or services that are of interest to you.

If you like crafts, you might be able to find a turnkey website opportunity related to crafts. The same goes for finance, herbs, health and beauty products, electronics, children's clothing, jewelry, home decor, and fashion.

A turnkey website is a website that you purchase or receive upon joining a home business opportunity. The website is pre-designed to sell certain types of items or services so all you have to do is promote the website.

To narrow your searches, add a keyword to the business opportunity name while searching. The keyword should be what interests you. An example would be "crafts turnkey website" or "photography turnkey website." Or, if seeking an MLM opportunity, you could type in "crafts MLM" or "herbs MLM."

Time to Make Money on the Internet

Once you find work at home opportunities of interest, you're ready to make money on the Internet. Don't put all your eggs into one basket as the saying goes, but try out several of the opportunities you find that appear to be the most lucrative.

Be sure the home business opportunities are not scams by checking them out through search engines and the Better Business Bureau. Then, give them a try!

“Adentify” is the new find from ABCSearch and it is here to pay! ABCSearch fosters cost-effective search business for advertisers and publishers!

“Adentify” is the new find from ABCSearch and it is here to pay! ABCSearch fosters cost-effective search business for advertisers and publishers!

ABCSearch, the world's largest privately held meta-search engine handles over 85 million searches a day across its distribution channels and network of Meta Crawlers.

Currently, ABCSearch connects thousands of advertisers with millions of consumers. By displaying ABCSearch's sponsored listings they pay their partners a portion of the generated revenue. ABCSearch is expanding their network of quality distribution channels, building out a steady advertiser base and also rolling out their new software termed 'Adentify'.

Adentify: The catalyst to targeted advertising

'Adentify' is a new software that relevantly connects advertisers with ABCSearch's network of content publishers. Advertisers can target consumers by displaying their ads across ABCSearch’s network of content publishers. Content publishers earn revenue by displaying ABCSearch's text-ads on their websites. Every time ABCSearch's text ads are displayed their system automatically generates ads that are relevant to the site's content. Adentify software has been developed using Artificial Intelligence (AI) technology to automatically recognize the content of a web page accurately and in real-time without the need of human interaction.

Adentify benefits both advertisers and publishers. Results in -

• Reduced Cost and Increased Revenue
• Targeted ads
• Flexible Bidding
• Efficient Results
• Comprehensive Reporting
• Smart and Quick Money

ABCSearch’s is an ideal partner program which fosters a steady income stream and maximizes revenue potential by displaying its sponsored listings on your website. Benefits of the program can be enjoyed while maintaining your website’s branded look and feel. Its online account interface provides accurate and detailed statistics that are updated on a daily basis. Timely payments are made via check, pay pal or wire transfer on a net 45 basis.

Partners benefit from:

• Extra income from the existing website
• Custom ad display feature for partners in different sizes and colors
• Provides simple and easy-to-understand traffic stats
• Partners can display multiple ad un,its in a single page
• Partner support via phone or email,

Want to learn more? Partner or advertise with and enjoy the benefits today!

Affordable Search Engine Optimization for Unprecedented Business Leads

Affordable search engine uses different methods which are undertaken to optimize a website in search engines. For doing online business it is imperative to adopt search engine optimization methods to bring visitors to the website. Search engine optimization has evolved very much over the last few years and new methods are constantly being used for this. Search engine optimization is the means through which you can kick start the process of doing business on the World Wide Web.

To find affordable search engine optimization is not a difficult task at all. However the process requires proper research. There are many firms which provide affordable search engine optimization and all you will have to do is find a firm which will do the work as per your business needs. All businesses run on a budget and affordable search engine optimization is one of the means through which you can successfully work within the budget and earn revenue from your business.

There are different methods which you can undertake for affordable search engine optimization for your online business site. Search engine optimization is not a process which can deliver results overnight. It is the result of immense and constant handwork undertaken over a considerable length of time. Before you undertake any methods for optimizing your web site it is essential for you to have thorough information about all the aspects of the methods.

Keyword research is one of the first things which you can do to optimize your businesses website. Online users while searching for information on the World Wide Web, make use of certain words for searching information regarding any product and service offered online. Keyword research helps you in finding out these words, and you can use these words in your site for bringing visitors to the site who will do business with you.

Search engines periodically make use of spiders to crawl a particular site and see if it has the elements which are required for giving it high rankings in search engine listings. There are some simple methods which when implanted enable spiders to properly crawl a site. You must make sure that all pages in your website must link to a minimum of one page if not more. The URLs which are present in your website must never contain long strands of numbers. Also you must make sure to see that the links in your site are not written in JavaScript, as they are not crawled by search engine spiders.

Affordable search engine optimization means to promote a site in the World Wide Web. It is very important to have proper and updated content in your website. Content is one of the factors which helps search engines in determining the importance of a website. Besides content there are many other factors which must be looked into for optimizing an online shopping website.

It is advisable to get professional help for affordable search engine optimization for your business site. The professionals who work for your site have the expertise, experience and the knowledge to do whatever is required for optimizing your online shopping site.