Showing posts with label Satisfaction. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Satisfaction. Show all posts

Customer Satisfaction is the Business Mantra at Silicon BizTech

Silicon BizTech, a global software development and information technology outsourcing company, is dedicated to cater topclass services and is commited towards meeting the objective of its clients. Hard work is the way of life at Silicon and satisfaction of customers the business mantra which inspires us to go to any length for the satisfaction of our clients.

Time undoubtedly is money in today's world. The saying "time is money " is most applicable in today's times. No where is this trend more reflected than in business circles. Every penny saved is a penny earned. And if this is what is the trend then obviously every penny must be saved. The out sourcing companies does that in the true sense by providing quality services at most competitive prices. However, they also bring with themselves lot of concerns for most of them are capable of doing only one job and the clients requirements might be many.

For example if you develop a site it is obvious that you would need to design it as well as prepare content for it. Just imagine the hassles you would be going through if you give the job to three vendors who would be doing three different jobs. Not a very pleasent scenario, for the cofusion would be immense. On the other hand if you get a company which can do all the three jobs then imagine how much pressure would be relieved and how smoothly the work would be done. This is where Silicon BizTech scores over others, for we do not provide any service but a package which takes care of everything.
For example merely preparing a site is not the end of the job. The challenge is also to update it. There would always be times when new services would be added or the existing services be expanded. All the changes need to be incorporated in the site. Same is the case with the design, which also gets old and outdated.

Such things have to be taken care of and when we say that we provide a complete package what we mean is that all such big, small issues would be taken care off. In addition to website design, content management, web promotion, and web development we also offer such services like e-commerce, software development, search engine optimization, web hosting and many more. So whether you are looking to take your business to web or striving to improve your existing business Silicon BizTech provides the services to make it successful.

Needless to say that once you become part of the BizTech family all your concerns would be ours and you can take a sigh of relief. When we say that we do not provide a service but a complete package we mean every letter of the word. It can thus be understood that a job done by us would not be one job but a collection of many jobs and not to mention the quality which is the hall mark of any project done by us.

Business Owners: Customer Satisfaction Is Key

As a consultant for people who are considering starting their own small business, I naturally have many things to share with people. Clients come to me with a host of questions about the process of starting a business and about the details of what to focus on above everything else. Once we have talked through the logistics and the finances that are necessary in starting a business, I quickly move into talking about the keys to running a successful business. The first key that I always talk about is customer satisfaction.

Before I share with clients that customer satisfaction is my number one key to success, I make them list in order of priority what they feel are the top ten keys to success in their future business. This is important because it gets them thinking about their goals and about actually having to perform for their business to be a success. Most of the time my clients rank customer satisfaction somewhere in their list, but it is very rare that it makes the number one spot. They are shocked when I reveal my list and they see customer satisfaction all the way on the top.

I feel strongly about customer satisfaction for many reasons. I guess the biggest reason is that the whole purpose of a business is to invite customers and to meet a need that they have. If business owners and potential business owners lose sight of the fact that they are in business for the customer and not for the money, then they will never have a successful business. I find that businesses are prosperous and long-lasting to the degree that they truly do make customer satisfaction the center of all they do.

Customer satisfaction means a variety of things for the business owner, but the main thing it means is that the needs of the customer are the bottom line and the driving force behind all decisions that are made for the business. It means that gaining and keeping customers is important enough to a business that they are willing to make changes if necessary based on what customers want.

Customer satisfaction is the missing key in many struggling businesses. Give customers what they want in a way they want and in a friendly matter and many more of our companies would be doing better. Customer satisfaction is hard to achieve, yet with intention and care it can be rewarding for everyone involved.