Showing posts with label Resource. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Resource. Show all posts

Business resource: Business related podcasts

Among the many genres or types of podcasts there are some that are have moved beyond the entertainment or plain informational aspect of podcasting (which was very prevalent during its very early years). These new genres have a far more loftier aim – to inform AND help people. There is a whole new wave of podcasts that have adopted this goal and they run the gamut of topics from technology, science, economics, even home improvement. But by far, the podcast type that is seems to be experiencing a massive push in popularity among podcast fans are business podcasts.

Business podcasts are still in its infancy but when it comes to popularity it is considered as one of the most popular on the internet. There may be many reasons why business podcasts have achieved such a high level of popularity in such a short time. One very important reason is that most people (be it “casual” podcast listeners or more experienced businessmen) have a fascination on how to handle a business correctly. Most people have a belief that operating a business is a very hard task and they need all the help they can get in order to make their business run smoothly and successfully. And if they can get that information from business experts then all the better.

Another reason why business podcasts are quite popular is because of the need for self-improvement. There are people who think that since they will be investing some time listening to podcasts then it may as well be about something that will improve themselves personally or professionally.

Business podcasts are also entering the marketing mix of most companies and online businesses. Business owners and marketing professionals have realized that business podcasts are a great way to drum up attention for a business. A podcast about a business’ core market gives the impression that the business is a prime mover in the industry and a source of credible information. This will definitely increase the corporate equity of the business.

Some of the most popular business related podcasts on the internet right now include:

B-EYE-Network - Solution Spotlights – This podcast are all about one on one interviews conducted with some of the top software company executives in different sectors of the industry. The interviews usually revolve around the insights these executives give with regards to products, business and industry trends. The interviewees are considered as some of the most recognized experts and leaders in the industry.

Knowledge@Wharton – this podcast is actually the online research and business analysis journal of the Wharton School of the University of Pennsylvania. This program was launched in order to help bring out the knowledge and information that the school possesses to a wider audience.

Manager Tool – this is a very helpful weekly podcast that aims to give listeners the information, tips and advice in order for them to become more effective leaders and managers. Every week, a new tool or technique is discussed in depth so that listeners can be aided in achieving their management objectives.

Home Business Resource – What You Will Need To Start A Successful Business

Starting a home business is a very important decision, and there are some typical home business resources you will need to have in order for you to succeed. Home business resources are assets, services and systems you will need to make your home business run smoothly; and also other steps you will need to take to make sure that you will succeed with your business.

So, to start a successful home business, what resources and steps do you need to take?

• A clearly laid out business plan. Without a business plan and goals to achieve, then you can not get anywhere. A business plan will map out what you need to succeed and how you will achieve your goals.

• Good research. Whatever your business will need, you will need to be well informed about it. So you will need to do me research so that you become an expert on the niche, product or service. Knowledge about the business is an important home business resource, so you must do the necessary research to be well-informed about the industry or product/service.

• A well set-up office. Your office is another important home business resource. You will need to be productive while working from home. You will therefore need an office that has all you will need to run a smooth business; a computer, printer, internet access, fax, telephone, business cards and a conducive work environment. A suitable desk and appropriate lighting in your office is also an important resource that is often underestimated in its importance. You will sometimes work for many hours in a day, and your work space needs to be comfortable. Allocate some money towards setting up a working environment you will enjoy working from everyday!

• Some money to cover capital outlay and running costs is an important home business resource which you will need. Any business requires some form of investment, and you will need to know how much you have, and how much investments and ongoing marketing your business will need for it to succeed. It is therefore recommended that you start your business while you are still employed, so that you have some income to live on while you are still building your business.

• Support system. This can be a mentor; someone who has succeeded with a similar business, or simply your family and friends. You need to have people close to you who will encourage you and give you any support you need. You can also join a forum of people with the same business like yours. A good support network is a very important home business resource.

• Business leads and clients are a crucial home business resource. Making and creating contacts and networking is very important – you need to start building your potential clients base before you launch your business. Start marketing your business by giving away some products and services. By creating a relationship with your potential customers, you build trust with them, and when you launch your business, it will be easy for them to buy from you.

• Be professional! The way you run your business and relate to your customers is very important. Be prepared to ‘go the extra mile’ with your customers. Care about your customers, and provide all the information they may need.

• Hire any professional help you may need. Treat your business professionally, and if you need the services of a lawyer or accountant, hire/outsource it. It is more productive and effective to get experts to do what you can not do, leaving you time to focus on your business. You will want to do the best for your business; so if there are any home business resources you do not have, outsource them.

If you have the home business resources outlined above, then your business will succeed. Although your home business may only be a small venture, treat it like a real business, and get all the home business resources any business will need in order to be successful.

Big Money Forum - All In One Multi-business Resource

The average person may now learn how to build and market a real estate business, trade stocks, find jobs and create their own home business. At the same time, they can now receive advice for legal issues, credit and insurance issues. announces the launch of it’s hundreds of business related online community forums developed for newly starting businesses as well as the established in the richest industries.

According to the creators, this service was developed to provide the average person with advice on making money in the biggest industries in the world. “Many people already know that these are the industries to make the quickest money but they just don’t know how and the resources are slim, which is why this forum was created”.

The heart of this service is it’s highly in-depth community boards that connect experts in the stock market, real estate, online businesses and marketing with people who are inexperienced and would like advise in making money and starting a business. A career forum also connects job vacancies and people who are looking for jobs in each state and at the international level.

Big money provides valuable tools for businesses and consumers such as legal advice, credit issues and insurance information. “These tools are not necessarily limited to business use; they can be used by the average citizens who need help in protecting themselves and their property”.

What is remarkable about this forum is it’s vast size and numerous opportunities for an average person to get rich. “This forum is like an online business school and could provide great learning materials for not just one business practice, but for many other businesses on the side. I can also ask a lawyer in any practice a question specifically for my business in my state. I can ask an insurance agency how I can protect my business and I can even get credit advice to fund my business whether it's building a home, getting a credit card or even starting a business. It’s just wonderful.” says one visitor. “This forum is different than others because it goes deep into many industry discussions rather than just a single industry and these are some of the biggest industries on Earth yet I’m able to get local information in the forums for each state.”

Reportedly, anyone can register for free and businesses can promote their own advice and services and build a reputation on the forum. Stock brokers and traders can promote their own stocks and watch lists to help others and build up a higher experience level. The number of opportunities for any business to promote their experience in their field and build a reputation is nearly unlimited.

That's not all, homeowners may also post their house up for sale online and job seekers can post their resumes online. Freelance workers can actually get an instant job on the freelance forum for business marketing and development. This has helped out one small business owner’s budget, “Now I don’t have to pay a salary for writers and webmasters, I can find one at the freelance forum who can fit into a shoestring budget and I can pay as little as five dollars for a small writing job I need done. If I ever wanted a full time worker, I can find someone looking for a job in my state as well. It’s just a one stop big business resource”.

Big money forum was designed for anyone wanting to make money in the industries that produce the most millionaires and also help people stuck in business roadblocks. The creators had one last tip for visitors, “Because of the shear amount of topics, folks would be encouraged to explore all the forums to really witness the scope of this project.”