Showing posts with label Records. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Records. Show all posts

How To Shatter Your Business and Self Growth Records Using Mach 3 Fighter Pilot Precision

The world of a military fighter pilot is fast-paced, thrilling, and absolutely unforgiving.
There’s little margin for error, as a single mistake could be disastrous.
The world of a business owner is also fast-paced and thrilling. And while you can probably get away with making a single mistake, make a series of poor judgement calls and your business can take a dive quickly…especially if it’s still young and finding its footing.
There are specific success strategies a fighter pilot practices that any person can use to make their business and personal life both thrive.
In fact, today I’m going to share with you one of the most powerful weapons in business that can make your head spin like an F-15 nosedive; and if you use it, you’ll have a good shot at shattering both your own business and self-growth records.
Interested?  Then let’s keep moving.
Ok, first, you craft an incredibly SPECIFIC picture of what you want to accomplish.
Now, I don’t mean something like, “I want to have my own business and sell widgets…or, “I want to be self-realized and spiritual.”
No, I’m talking HIGHLY specific with tons of details. More like, “I’m sitting in a black, high backed leather chair in front of my executive oak wood desk that’s 6 feet wide and faces the south wall. On the wall are pictures of Warren Buffett, Oprah Winfrey, and Ray Kroc. I work from 8:15 am until 5 pm and...or, I’m attending a Tony Robbins seminar and I’m walking on coals with such single-pointedness that I’m not even phased by the redhot coals burning under my 10 inch feet; I move toward the other side, one step at a time”…well you get the picture.
The purpose of this exercise is, to instill the SAME future picture into the minds of your mastermind team too…right down to the minute details.
Then you create plans for numerous possible scenarios: the idea is that, no matter what turn life takes on you and your team, you will already have a contingency plan developed to address it.
Once your strategy is in place, then you can hash out the tactics your team will employ in order to actually implement the strategy. This is a very important key to success.
I’m a firm believer of ‘getting things started,’ doing something to get the ball rolling - even if what you do seems silly, awkward or even laughable.
Because if you don’t do something, then you’re probably left sitting there reading emails about great people of achievement and stuck exactly in the same spot you were in the day before, and the day before that…
Once you get the ball rolling, then you have to take a step back and start plotting out a strategy for achieving what you want. Strategies infer the use of systems and systems have a kind of synergy to them where the whole becomes greater than the sum of its parts.
When you work on strategy, you’re identifying your system’s ‘centers of gravity,’ which are key to building out your strategy.
Ok, so work on strategy.
Once strategy is worked out, you need to share it with your team. Get everyone on the same page. This happens right before it’s time to take ACTION.
Then it’s SHOW TIME. It’s GAME TIME. Throw away all your notes because it’s time to get moving and DOING.
Once you’ve executed your strategy, everyone meets back up to discuss how everything went.
This is crucial to the success process.
In fact, it’s one of the most powerful weapons in business and self growth.
In the military, this is often referred to as “Debriefing”. In psychology it’s called ‘Feedback’ and sports teams do this every time they sit down after a game and go over the video tapes.
Regardless of the field, the process is still the same. You absolutely have to take the time to review what just happened in your business and/or in your life!
Were you able to stick to the plan? If not, what happened that was unexpected? How did you handle it?
If you stuck to the plan and you still didn’t hit your target (ie, manifest your future vision), what was it that fell short? Your attitude? Your expectations? Or was the strategy flawed in some way?
You have to, HAVE TO, go through this part of the success process. Because if you don’t, you’re not going to know what you need to do differently next time. And you won’t know which parts of your strategy were powerful, effective, and need to be used again and again.
As soon as you’re done, guess what? It’s time to begin the process again.
Use this same success method fighter pilots are trusting their lives with and in no time you’ll be shattering both your business and and your self growth records.
To Your Success,
Keith Matthew
Pathways To Power, LLC

3 Tips For Keeping Proper Tax Records For Your Home Business – And Keeping The IRS Happy!

The last thing most people think about when starting a business is doing taxes. But proper planning will make doing your taxes much easier - and keep the IRS happy!

Here are 3 simple tips for keeping proper records:

1. Whenever you buy anything for your business, keep the receipt!

Not only will this make record keeping a lot simpler, but if you are ever audited (having your tax return reviewed in detail by the IRS), you can prove your expenses, and save yourself money.

2. Write down all your expenses and income as they happen.

As your business grows, you'll have more and more activities to keep you busy. The last thing you'll want to do each April 15 is to organize your records for the year. So, it's a good idea to write down all your financial activities as they happen. You'll find preparing your taxes will take much less time if you are organized.

3. Learn how to save money on your taxes.

As you learn about taxes, you'll find that there are many deductions (expenses that reduce your income, and therefore your taxes) you can take that are not obvious. When using your home office, you may be able to deduct (at least partially) repairs you make around the house, utilities, your home's value at the time you start your business, and more.

The more you know about taxes, and the more organized you are in keeping records, the more time and money you'll save at the end of every year!

What happens if you don't keep proper records?

Individuals with small businesses are the most likely to have their tax returns audited by the IRS. If you don't have a receipt, you will likely lose the deduction and owe the IRS money.

And while an audit does not have to be feared, you should be prepared - the more organized your records, the easier it will be to prove your case.

If you don't have one, get a file box and some folders at your local office supply store (these supplies are deductible, so keep your receipts!) and create a filing system for your business. Put all your receipts in the proper folders, and put them in a safe place.

Another way to save yourself time is to record all of your business transactions - expenses and income - on a spreadsheet on your computer. Keep a column for income, advertising, supplies, etc. You don't need to be a computer expert. But keeping accurate, organized records will help you save time when you fill out your taxes at the end of the year.

And it can help you plan, by giving you a snapshot or your financial progress whenever you need it.

Which may come in handy when you need to place ads, borrow money - or take a much needed and well-deserved vacation!