Showing posts with label Perfect. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Perfect. Show all posts

The Perfect Business

Copyright 2006 Linden Huckle

Everybody wants the perfect business, most Internet Marketers will tell you that they have the perfect business.

My father in-law could sell ice to the Eskimos! But I couldn’t.

It’s not the business opportunity but the person or people involved that makes the perfect business.

You must have a business that you’re passionate and knowledgeable about, it doesn’t matter if you’re selling trips to the moon or pieces of rock from the moon, you MUST be passionate about it. You can gain Knowledge about your company, product or services by watching, listening and reading as much as you can.

We live in a ‘I want it now’ society, all the way from food to success.

Unlike food, you cannot have success NOW, you must have a plan, a dream, you must set goals and then, work, work, work and work, until your dream is a reality.

It’s there. You have just got to go out and get it!

It takes time, but it’s worth it in the end.

Are you prepared to take action, or are you one of those people who talk about it, simply giving yourself reasons why you can’t do it.

There is so much information online, a whole new world of information. Information that changes peoples lives every minute of every day.

Here’s an example of the power that is, the Internet.

Lets say someone has been interested in Fly Fishing all their life, they Google a few searches on Fly Fishing, the next thing they know they’re on a Shark Fishing site which they know absolutely nothing about, hmmm….. Seems interesting, within a few hours they have a new interest and have booked a Shark Fishing holiday, within a month they are buying their very own Shark Fishing boat, within a year they’re buying a property on the coast so they can go Shark Fishing more often.

Now that’s the power of the Internet, it can change lives in minutes.

You’re all saying, ‘What has this got to do with the perfect business’ Everything!

You could be the one who is passionate about Shark Fishing and you could be the owner of the Shark Fishing web site, you also sell them the Shark Fishing holiday and their very first Shark Fishing boat. If you’re really clever you could be on a commission for the house purchase!

Now that’s what I call a perfect business.

Keep dreaming And Never Quit

5 Questions to Discover The Perfect Home Based Business for YOU

Are you interested in starting your own home based business, but not sure where to begin? Why not start with yourself?

Here are a few steps you can take to determine what you really want to do. But first, have a pen and paper ready in front of you...

Done? Ok, here we go...

1) What Are Your Hobbies?

Write down all the things you love doing in your own free time. Don't hold anything back, because I'm not here to examine your answer. There is no right or wrong here, only the truth, only what you feel straight from your heart.

Why do this? The answer is because hobbies are a great source of motivation and energy for anyone. If you're willing to do something without being paid, you'd definately do it for money. The only difference is, money will only come second, as compared to the immediate satisfaction you get from doing what you love. Write everything on that pice of paper.

2) What Specialized Knowledge Do You Have?

In your current or past jobs, you would have accumulated a great deal of knowledge on a certain subject. Thanks to your boss, you may have become an expert at something. And this expertise, believe it or not, can help others around the world. Don't let this go to waste.

So write down any specialized knowledge you have. Write down any specialized skills you may have developed too, and it could be in sales, event organization, public relations, accounting, counselling, etc.

3) What Corner of The Book Store Do You Go to First?

When I heard someone ask me that, I was like "What? What has that got to do with anything?".

It has got to do with everything. Which corner of the bookstore you visit FIRST usually indicates which topics you love reading about. In a conversation with one of my team members a week ago, I asked him the same question, and his reply was "Well, Gobala, I never thought about it, but I actually go to the self-help section first, because I like reading about how I can improve myself to be a better human being."

Ditto. Your sub-concious actions may hold the answer to your problem. Now we're getting somewhere, so write YOUR favourite section down on that piece of paper.

4) What Did You Love Doing 5 Years Ago?

My life now is VERY different from what it was 5 years ago. How about yours? What did you love doing 5 years ago, but simply cannot find the time for it right now? Did you plan to start something new 5 years ago, but for some reason it never happened?

Our lives change all the time, but if there was something in your past that you're still passionate about, write it down now.

5) What Are You Naturally Good At?

To answer this question, you MUST ask your friends, not yourself. Whatever you already know about yourself is not going to help. Only things you never knew you were good at are going to open doors to your own home based business. So go ahead, call 10 of your best friends, and ask them "What do think I'm good at?"

Make a mental note, or write all their opinions down on your piece of paper. The key to getting this right is to NEVER question or argue about their opinion of you. Take the good with the bad, take it all. By the time you're done with number 10, I guarantee you'll start discovering things about you that you never knew you were good at.

I found out that I'm good at teaching. I also found out that I can explain things in a simple way, and that I have patience when dealing with others. Trust me, I never knew that before I asked. It's amazing what others know about you that you don't know yourself.

The Road Becomes Clearer

When you're done with your list of all the things you love, all the things you've become an expert at, and all the things you found out you're naturally good at, have a good look at it. Does your dream home business seem a little more clear now? Do you see the begiining of an exciting journey, instead of an intimidating one?

You now have many ideas on what type of home based business you can do, and all you have to do is choose. Choose the one that you're most excited about RIGHT NOW and are eager to start RIGHT NOW.

If you rushed through this article without the pen and paper, without taking notes and asking yourself these questions, then let me tell you the truth:

It takes YEARS to build a steady five or six figure income from your own home based business. You can't do it in months, no matter what anyone else out there may say. The only way you're going to get through the initial "make-or-break" years is if you're doing something close to your heart. Something that will seem like fun, not hard work.

Seek the truth, for the truth shall set you free, and show you where you want to go. If you don't know where you want to go, it's no secret that you'll never get there.


Picking The Perfect Franchise Business Opportunity

For many people across the country who wish to be their own bosses on a daily basis, the idea of the franchise business opportunity has proven to be very beneficial. A franchise business opportunity gives an entrepreneur a chance to try starting up his or her own business while still remaining in the safety net of an established business model. Benefits of a franchise business opportunity can include a more flexible work schedule, the opportunity to work for one’s self, and a proven framework with which to run a successful business.

As with any business venture, however, the franchise business opportunity also poses a few risks. This is why it is important to research and become familiar with the franchise company of interest before making any final decisions. Anyone interested in starting up some type of franchise business opportunity should first fully understand what is involved in making the business work. Being armed with a good amount of practical knowledge at the beginning of such a venture largely increases the odds of success with any franchise business opportunity.

When choosing which type of franchise business opportunity to pursue, it is always important to begin with the question of what one enjoys. Any self-run business, including a franchise business opportunity, will take a significant amount of time and effort. It is important to choose something that will be enjoyable and interesting.

Another important thing to keep in mind is the timing of a business startup. When one is first attempting to secure a franchise business opportunity, there will most likely be a lot of extra time devoted to this pursuit. It is important for the potential owner of a franchise business opportunity to begin at a time that works well in his or her personal and family schedule. Another good idea is to check with other franchisees and see what kind of business hours they put into work with their franchise business opportunity. This would probably be a very good indicator of which franchise business opportunity is right for a specific individual.

If possible, another good idea is to talk to the franchisers themselves, so that one can get an accurate idea of what is involved in the startup process as well as the actual day to day responsibilities of the franchise business opportunity. It is important to get a feel for the franchise company to see if it would be a good fit for the individual who is planning to become involved. A franchise business opportunity will be much more successful if the franchisee feels familiar and comfortable with the franchisers and has a good handle on what kind of commitment it will require.

It is also important to determine which type of franchise business opportunity would work best with one’s schedule and personal preferences for work environment. One type of franchise business opportunity that works well for many people is something that can easily be run from the comfort of one’s home. Others may prefer a franchise business opportunity that is operated from outside the home so they can interact with more people on a regular basis. These are all things to keep in mind when considering which type of franchise business opportunity would work best for the individual.

Overall, there are many options when pursuing a franchise business opportunity. If effort is taken to make choices that fit well with the personal goals of the franchisee, many people will find that a franchise business opportunity opens up a world of exciting possibilities.

The Perfect Business And Social Networking Community.

Capitalizing on the fastest growing global Internet trend.

The global Internet community continues to grow at an amazing rate. From 70 million people in December of 1997, as reported by International Data Group, to 1,245 million in September of 2007 as forecast by Internet World Stats. Representing a growth from 1.7% of the worlds population to 18.9% in a short span of just 10 years and that's only the beginning.

In those very few years, the Internet has morphed into a very powerful platform that has changed the way we communicate with each other and the way we do our everyday business. The Internet, as with no other medium, has expanded the International or Global dimension of the world. It has become a universal source of information and business opportunities. For a very low investment, anyone can create a web page for social or business networking. Almost any individual or business, no matter the size or the location, can reach a very large market, socially or for e-commerce, fast and economically.

With that said, it brings us to one of the fastest, if not the fastest, growing segments of the world wide web, business and social networking communities. We've all heard of them and many have participated in some, such as MySpace, YouTube, MSN Groups, Blogger and the list goes on and on. If we had all been very smart, had a crystal ball and a few extra shekels laying around, we would have all invested in these companies and retired somewhat the better.

The latest rapidly growing segment of the networking community is online business networking sites.

With a global outreach this type of site can reach the ever expanding global populace using the internet, allowing them to connect with virtually any individual or business. Anyone can use networking sites to expand their business while making invaluable contacts world wide and to do some of the easiest, cheapest and smartest form of advertising available.

The latest and maybe the most interesting of the next generation of networking sites is called the gibLink Community, standing for Global Internet Business Community. This new business and social Internet community has incorporated global revenue sharing into the mix so that all of its advertisers/subscribers can have a share of the revenues generated. Now let's imagine a global Internet community with millions of business people from around the globe, networking and sharing ideas, and now benefiting from a revenue sharing plan. Ponder this: How much is Google worth? You get the picture.

Just launched two weeks ago on October 15th Forbes business magazine had this to say about gibLink:

"On Monday, September 24th the giblink conference call was swamped with over 20,000 people who wanted information.

What if you had had the chance to revenue share with the owners of MySpace, YouTube, GoDaddy or Google? That would be the opportunity of the century!!!!

Now imagine for a moment, a company that could bring all the best elements of these companies under one roof with a primary focus on a business social networking community, designed for small, medium and even home business entrepreneurs around the world to promote, advertise and expand their core business to compete in the global marketplace."

All in all gibLink has set itself up to be a Global Internet Business community designed to make connections that count and:

• Promote yourself and your business

• Create a network of business connections

• Promote to new potential customers and like minded people around the globe

• Create a network of business connections to refer business to each other

• Expose your business to a Global Audience

• Publicize and find forthcoming Business and Social Events

• Create and announce Blogs, Clubs and Classified Ads

• Expand your business to capitalize on the hottest in-demand web services globally

• Expose your business to a Global Audience

gibLink is set to change the way people do business and it is the first worldwide collaboration of entrepreneurs from across a very wide business spectrum. We can view gibLink as the next evolution in online business networking or social networking sites designed to aid everyone doing business in a new global business environment.

One of my very favorite sayings applies oh so well to a new global venture such as the gibLink Community: If you do today what you did yesterday, will you be where you want to be tomorrow?

God Bless and Always Remember To Make It A Great Day!!

Michael J Kohn

New Image Marketing Group, Inc.

Please Visit Us At:

The perfect Home Business- Is it right for you?

Does this sound familiar? You know that your job will never provide you with the lifestyle (lots of money, and lots of free time to enjoy it!) you desire. You know that starting your own business is the answer. You are constantly trying to think of a business you could do. What products could I sell? What could I invent? What do people need that I could provide? Where am I going to get the time to do this? How in the world am I ever going to find the best home-business for me?

You may have heard that if you can just find something you love, the money will come. Well, that's kind of true. You definitely want to pick something that has a market of paying customers but you also have to find something you enjoy.

The happiest people are the ones that are doing what they enjoy! What about you? Do you have a hobby that could be expanded into a small home business? Almost any type of hobby can be turned into a business with low start up costs. First, define your hobby. Is it something you are very knowledgeable about? Are you current and up to date? Would you be more successful on a local level? Is there anyone in your area with a similar business?

Finding the right business is crucial! You could work day and night, put in your 200% effort, and end up even more broke, if you choose the wrong business. The right home business, with the same effort could make you a fortune! Anyone can get into a business, there are literally thousands of them out there. Your goal is to find the business that you will enjoy doing the most.

When you start looking for a business, every business is a possibility. You will need to filter through all these possibilities until you have it narrowed down to your perfect home-business. This "filtering" is done through a Criteria List. This is a list of standards that each business must measure up to, or it gets tossed out!

Some people spend years dreaming about starting their own business. Many are simply unsure of the direction that they'd like to pursue if they took the chance and ventured out on their own.

Just how do you go about making such an important decision? Give yourself sufficient time to be able to formulate honest answers to the following questions.

· What's my "heart's desire" when it comes to work? Think big! Or at least wide. If you're contemplating turning your interest in gardening into a career, expand your horizons to include as many forms of possible work in such a field as you can imagine; from as general as owning a retail garden center to as specialized as inventing and marketing a gardening tool to serve a unique niche such as elderly gardeners. Hand-in-hand with this question is one that often gets overlooked in the excitement associated with being an entrepreneur. Can you imagine doing such work for extended hours and to meet the approval of your customers/clients or would this potentially take away from the enjoyment you now have for such a passion/hobby?
· Do I have the job skills necessary to be successful at such a business? While desire can be a strong driving force, one still needs to know how to drive to reach their goal. While it's not necessary to possess every skill needed for the business you're contemplating on opening, you at least have to identify such skills and determine if you have the time, energy, and/or resources to learn them and/or to ask for outside help in performing various tasks such as bookkeeping or marketing. Answering this question thoroughly also involves analyzing whether you have the right personality to get the job done. If you're not a "people person" and you're considering opening a beauty parlor in your home, you might want to re-evaluate if such a career is the best use of your capabilities.

Most successful entrepreneurs have a strong passion for their ideas or concepts. They know what they want and they know what they enjoy doing. Their work becomes their play. The secret to success in business is to find your passion. Know specifically what it is you want in life. You need to be certain that what you are doing is something that you really and truly want. This is not something that you should want, or that someone else wants. It is something that YOU personally really want.

Imagine you've found your business passion. Picture yourself running your very own dream business. You love every minute of it and your work becomes your play. Consider what effect this will have on your life - now and in the future.

There's no doubt that making the ultimate decision to be self-employed can be both liberating and frightening at the same time. When you go the extra mile and take the time to identify the line of work that will best suit you, you'll be able to appreciate the fact that, for every day you invest in making such an important decision, you'll potentially be adding quality years to the life expectancy of the business you've given birth to.

Research your hobby well and assume you will work very hard to get your first account or sale. Start small and set obtainable goals. Stay focused on your dreams until they are your reality!

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Reseller Web Hosting: The Perfect Way To Start A Web Hosting Business

Hosting web sites on the internet can be a lucrative business venture. However trying to setup a web hosting company from scratch can be quite a bit of work and also quite a bit of money.

One of the biggest problems of trying to start a web hosting company right now is that much of the address space on the internet has already been taken. If you own a company and you need to buy an IP address block, then you might have a chance of getting a few IP addresses, but getting enough space to create a web hosting company on your own is very hard to do.

One alternative to trying to start a web hosting company from scratch is to become a reseller web hosting company. Many companies on the internet offer to resell address space to companies so they can become a reseller web hosting company. Becoming a reseller web hosting company has many advantages including the availability of address space, specialized tools, and built-in control panel support.

Many reseller web hosting companies offer quite a bit of space so that you can host many different web sites on your own. Most of the time this space is very hard to come by if you are not buying the space from a reseller web hosting company. Also these companies usually offer many tools to help your clients build their web sites. Some of these companies offer Front Page extensions so that your clients can use Front Page to build their web sites. Other companies offer different pre-made PHP scripts to help your clients build their web sites as well.

Another important tool is the ability for your clients to use a MySQL database to store information and authenticate against on their web site. The best advantage of using a reseller web hosting company is the built-in control panel support that is supplied by many of these companies. You usually have a management control panel to help create different web sites for your clients, and then your clients also have a control panel to help administer their web sites. This makes it much easier for anyone, even someone with limited technical knowledge, to create a web site.

The perfect business trilogy!

The concept of trilogy is similar to trinity, but trinity refers to divinity and it is a religious concept while trilogy refers to things and often to artistic works. Trilogy is a whole that is expressed in three parts and each part is a unit of its own and in itself. For example, it could be a movie or a novel that is produced/written in three separate parts but which plot is interconnected among those parts.

This article is titled the perfect business trilogy because it refers to the three businesses which I believe are the most effective and profitable in the world today. Furthermore, it shows how to combine these businesses in a perfect system to boost the profits and reduce the inherent risks found in any business or enterprise.

These three businesses are Internet Marketing, Real Estate and Trading. I will describe these businesses now and then I will show you the system. Let’s start with Internet Marketing.

Why I say that Internet Marketing is one of the most profitable businesses in the entire world. Simple. Just analyze the benefits . . .

1. You can start an online business virtually with no cash on hand.

2. You don’t need to purchase any equipment nor machines, except a computer with Internet connection.

3. You don’t need specialized knowledge nor previous experience.

4. You can do it from home.

5. You can be your own boss, choose your own schedule and working environment.

6. The profit potential is very high.

7. You can set these businesses on autopilot and receive passive income.

8. You can get multiple streams of residual income.

9. You can start within minutes.
10. You can reach a vast audience without ever having to deal with anybody personally.

If I would make a complete list of benefits I would need several sheets of paper. Most people have a logical reason to want to make money on the Internet. That reason is that these businesses offer big returns on time and money invested.

Think about how many hassles you would have to go through if you would want to start an offline business. In my opinion, the Internet beats 99% of other opportunities out there. The good thing about it is that anyone can do it. Anyone with enough passion and determination can turn their hobby into a profitable venture online.

Remember that there is not only one or two methods to make money on the Internet, but many. Bellow are just a few examples . . .

1. You can sell e-books and software.

2. You can be an affiliate.

3. You can sell advertising space from your websites.

4. You can sell items on online auctions.

5. You can sell web hosting and memberships.

These are just a few examples. There are many other businesses. I have just mentioned a few common and profitable Internet businesses here, but as you can see you have different options to choose from.

Now, the second business that I mention above is real estate. There are some simple and basic reasons why real estate is a very profitable business. One of the reasons is that we humans are reproducing too fast. Our specie is growing on the planet at an exaggerate rate.

Land can not be manufactured. We are running out of space which makes the price of land increase in value really fast. Also, few things can offer so much value to somebody as a house or an apartment unit. Shelter is one of the three basic needs. Everybody needs a place where they can live.

Usefulness plus scarcity equals high prices. Also supply and demand play an important role on that equation. The reason supply is scarce is exactly what I mentioned above: too many people on Earth.

Throughout history investing in real estate has being profitable because it is a useful tangible thing. Today we have the problem of over population which makes it even prettier. Investing is not the only way to make money on this business though. There are traders too.

A trader on this field basically flips properties. For example he may purchase a house with the intention of selling it back as soon as possible and realize the big profits quickly. Another thing they do is to buy in preconstruction.

With the price of houses increasing so fast, a trader/investor sometimes purchase properties with the intention of selling them quickly. Many investors sell the properties even before construction ends. They simply assign the contracts to other willing investors. Then the first investors make substantial profits without having to close on the deals themselves.

There are many different ways to make money on real estate. Here are just a few examples.

1. Buy rental properties and be a landlord.

2. Buy land that it is expected to appreciate in value. Wait a few years. Sell the land and buy more.

3. Flip properties. Buy in preconstruction and similar deals. Once the properties appreciate in value, sell them and buy more.

4. Buy discounted mortgage notes. This is part of the cash flow business. Purchase discounted mortgage notes cash. This way the investor controls the property without owning it.

5. Purchase tax certificates. Attend government auctions and buy land for pennies on the dollar.

6. Get a real estate license, become an agent and sell mansions. With prices so high today you don’t need to sell many properties to make good money this way. The draw back is that this is too competitive, but there is competition everywhere anyway.

7. Buy distressed properties, fix them and resell them.

Etc, etc, etc; you get the point. There are many things you can do. These are just ideas and comments. These are examples of what some business people do to make money in real estate. There are other possibilities, but I think these are the most common and profitable ones.

The third business is trading online. I am referring here to trading Forex (The Forex Exchange Market). Forex is very risky, hence the high claims of how profitable it can be. Maybe you have heard a lot of hype about Forex lately. This is basically the market where you can trade one currency for another. It is the world’s biggest and most liquid market today.

You can trade Forex from the comfort of your own home. In fact most online brokers allow you to open demo accounts today and try your strategies with play money before you compromise real capital. Trading is the third business that I mention on this trilogy. Bellow you can find more ideas about this concept.

It may take some time for you to learn how to be successful on these businesses, but the basic idea is to participate on all three of them. The main purpose of this article is to show you how these business can be profitable and relatively easy to implement.

If you could combine the profits from each you could further boost your income. For example, in my opinion, the safest of the businesses above is Internet Marketing. It requires relatively low investment or no investment at all. So, the idea is to start an online business that produces good profits for you. Once you are getting substantial income from your Internet Business you can proceed to learn how to trade successfully.

You can use part of the profits you get from your online business to trade online. Then part of the profits you get from trading and Internet Marketing can be used to purchase real estate.

This is a simple concept, but it can be very effective. Can you see why I think these are the most profitable businesses in the world? I give you generalized information here, but you can find more details in my other articles. I really think this is a perfect business trilogy. It is a method to combine three highly profitable businesses and increase your overall gains.

EasyWebRiches © 2006

How To Select The Perfect Home Based Business

Today, many people are taking advantage of the flexible work and turning to home based businesses which means there are plenty of opportunities and options for those who want to start a home based business. One of the first steps towards having success with a home based business is making sure you have a good home computer with internet access. However, after this it can be difficult to decide between the abundant opportunities available for those starting a home based business. It is often more a matter of finding a business that works for you since all of the home based businesses can bring you profits as long as you work at it. So how can you determine which home based business is best for you?

The first step you should take is identify what you are specifically interested in doing. While a home based business can be fun, it can also be boring if you find yourself doing something you don’t like to do. You should then look at your interests and find which ones will match with the schedule you and your family has. If you have a family or young kids then you may not want a business that requires meeting with clients or one that requires you to work during the day time. Make sure your management and time plan for a specific home based business will be able to work with your family schedule.

Consider whether or not you are willing to learn. There are many opportunities on the computer that you may be interested in doing, but without additional learning you may not be suited to the job. However, with today’s online learning it can be easy to take seminars online without having a conflict with your work schedule and family schedule. It may also be a good idea to follow this trend of online learning and start selling educational products since you will have a large market to work with and growth potential for your home based business.

You should also consider the company you are going to work for. Most of the companies that have home based jobs will want a payment of some kind. These payments can have a variety of variations and it is important to make sure the company is known for their honesty and integrity before going with them. Make sure you look into the companies history and profile to make sure they are a good company to go with before starting your home based business. Consider looking for success stories and if possible talking with others who have already worked with the company in order to get adequate information about the company you are looking to work for.

Find Your Perfect Business Niche

In business how do you find the perfect business opportunity? It might seem complicated when you are starting out but there are some basic rules you can follow to find the right business niche for you. This is a beginner’s course for any young person who is starting out in business or even an older person who is starting out in business for the first time.

Let us start with the golden rule. What are you interested in? There is no point in spending the next 5 or 10 years managing a business that you do not enjoy. Are you interested in sports? No? Well what about reading? List half a dozen things that you are interested in. Surely you can find 6 hobbies or interests that interest or stimulate you?

Okay, now we have narrowed it down to 6 possible business avenues. Now go on the search engines and see what the competition is like for each of your niches. This is especially important if you are thinking about creating a web business. See those little adverts on the right? They are called sponsored links. You have to pay to be there. How many pages of adverts are there? Scroll down and go the next page of sponsored links. Count the number of sponsored links per page and roughly work how many there are altogether.

If there are more than 2 pages go to your next niche topic. Why? The numbers of sponsored links tell you the level of competition there is in your chosen niche / opportunity. If you are starting out in business you do not want too much competition. Sometimes you might be luck and find that in your chosen niche there are only 1 or 2 people paying. This is much better.

Okay, hopefully you will have found something that both appeals to you and there isn’t too much competition. Now the real fun begins. What do you really seriously know about this niche? If you are not an expert then matey it is now time to become one. Read all you can via internet searches, libraries and talking and meeting people who are also interested. Find out what is missing. Speak to the manufacturers and retailers. What the heck, you can even start attending the exhibitions!

If all else fails why not look at buying a franchise. My advice to you is not to go for the run of the mill franchise opportunity. Choose a business that has only been out for a couple of years. Check the company behind the franchise. How long have they been going? What is their financial situation? Ask your accountants advice. He will be able to bring up the companies accounts in a matter of minutes. If he cannot, then change your accountant.

Speak to the existing franchisees. Do not enter into a new business where all the existing franchisees are struggling or only a small percentage is making money. Once you have done your market research never look back. This is the only business niche that you are going to follow for the next five years. You got it? People always over estimate what they can do in one year and underestimate what they can do in five!

Business Process Outsourcing: The Perfect Solution for Your Business

The business process involves a lot of things. It will involve every aspect of your company in order to let your company operate smoothly and efficiently. It will involve business tasks, such as marketing, payrolls, help desks, management, human resources and more.

In the past, handling all these can be easy. But because of the growing demands in businesses today, you have to consider that it will be difficult for your company to cope up with today’s competitiveness in the business world. Your company should maximize its resources in order to remain competitive with other companies.

This would be impossible or very expensive if you handle every business process involved. This is why many companies are now considering outsourcing their business process.

Business process outsourcing is one of the most popular and the most cost-efficient business solution that you can ever make. By contracting other companies to do a specific business task, you will be taking off extra work involved in your company and focus more on important aspects in running your business.

For example, making payrolls can be time consuming. It will involve computation of salaries of every employees and it will also involve taxes. You can hire your own employees to do the payroll for you. But, this will only add to the expenses that your company is making. Your target would be to decrease overall expense in your company. So, in order to save money, you have to outsource this particular business process to companies that accepts outsourcing.

Another example would be the help desk. Every company that manufactures products needs one. This particular business process is a way to communicate with your clients and know about their feedback in your products and it is also a way to assist your clients in case they encounter difficulty with your product. Creating a help desk department may prove to be too costly. It will involve everything from hiring additional employees and purchasing all the necessary tools you need to create an efficient and working help desk.

Today, there are available call center companies that will be able to provide a help desk for you. They will be the one who will answer your calls and generate reports regarding each caller and providing the reports for your company.

Companies regularly outsource their business process offshore, particularly to developing countries filled with qualified and talented individuals, such as China, Philippines, Mexico and India. These countries offer good quality services for your business process and they charge a very cheap rate for these services.

By outsourcing your company’s business process or some of your company’s business process, your company will be able to utilize its facilities to its maximum potential.

Through business process outsourcing you will be able to cut some operational costs and at the same time, let your company focus more on important factors in running your own business.

These are the reasons why you should consider outsourcing your business process to offshore companies.

Always keep in mind that you should first check the quality of an offshore outsourcing company first before you sign the contract in order to be sure that you will be getting your money’s worth. Remember this and it will pave the way to make your company the best in the industry.

A Coffe Shop-The Perfect Business Part 2

So you have worked at a couple of neighborhood coffee stores, and worked for at least one of the "chains". You have put a business plan together, and you have even attended some SCAA (Specialty Coffee Association of America) meetings and/or seminars, and now you have found the perfect location.

Before signing your life away, make sure that this location really is good, and that there are no hidden restrictions on advertising or signage. I had one client who opened up a great looking coffee shop opposite a brand new supermarket. However, the township made him take down his sign because it violated some insignificant by-law. His business completely dried-up and he had to close.

Another small, but incredibly important factor, is trash. Who is responsible for its removal, and is the dumpster easily accessible? Find out now, otherwise you may regret it later.

Also find out if you have a monopoly in your shopping area/mall/strip mall/etc. Once again I have a horror story of a small operator who built up a nice trade around an espresso cart situated in a mall. When the mall saw how prosperous the cart was, they leased out a large space to a "chain", and did not renew the cart operator's lease.

I'm being negative with all these stories because I want you to succeed, and if you try to foresee (and solve) problems in advance, your energies can be directed towards producing the finest cappuccino in the hood. And please remember that the great American public does NOT drink espresso, they drink multi-hued and flavoured cappuccinos/lattes.

Quick test - how many "c"s are there in cappuccino?

So now you are the proud lessee of an empty building. But is it really empty? Go find a bug and rodent exterminator before doing anything else! AND NOW, before going out and buying equipment you do not need (but it looks so "neat" and "cool", and the salesman said I would "grow" into it!), decide on your menu. Do not be overly ambitious, and remember that the health and fire inspectors will be watching over your shoulder.

Having decided on your menu, you can now lay-out your store, and start ordering equipment. DO NOT HAVE EQUIPMENT DELIVERED UNTIL YOU ARE READY - it will just get dirty, and may even become damaged. Make sure that you insure the place from the day you sign the lease. And, if you are fitting out in winter, make sure you have heat so that the pipes don't freeze and burst. And of course make sure that your place is accessible to the handicapped. Not only is it socially unconscionable not to make it accessible, it is also against the law.

Well now for the big moment… let's go shopping for an espresso machine. And by the way, I have had clients who have firmly told me that they will need both an espresso machine and a cappuccino machine! Unfortunately my patience usually breaks down at this point.

Do not buy on price alone. Remember the golden points to consider when buying equipment and product:




Choose two of the above, and price had better not be one of them. Remember the difference in price between equally featured machines will be less than the cost of a cappuccino per day (when you amortize it over a couple of years).

The first question your friendly neighborhood espresso salesperson should ask is "What size beverages are you going to produce and sell?" The second question is "How many do think you will sell per hour, both in peak times and non-peaktimes?" Those two questions will then determine how big an espresso machine you will require. If anybody tries to sell you anything larger than a two-group machine, move on to the next dealer. Unless you have the espresso concession at Rome's (as in Rome, Italy's main railway station), you won't need anything bigger than a two-group machine.

Try the equipment; check references; and ensure that the equipment seller can properly back up the warranty and has trained service personnel and spare parts. Also, can they lend you a loaner if your equipment needs to be serviced in their shop?

Now what about the coffee? Once again check the references, and taste the coffee (not on your home machine, but from a proper commercial brewer). Nearly all reputable coffee roasters will lend you regular commercial brewing equipment at no cost for as long as you purchase their coffee - but check whether they will give you service for that equipment, and make certain their equipment is reliable. And can your roaster supply all your coffee needs, or must you buy different coffees from different sources? Once again check carefully, and taste, taste, taste.

DON'T FORGET TEA. Remember that 1 in 2 adult red-blooded Americans do NOT drink coffee. Mathematically that approximates to 50%, so do not forget tea (and iced tea for that matter). And of course your flavouring (yes, there is a "U" in flavouring) syrups. Food such as biscotti and muffins are not in my realm of expertise - I only eat them. But use the same criteria for searching out your supplier(s).

Make sure that you have plenty of help and support from loyal and very hardworking spouse(s), relatives and friends, because you will be working 24 hours a day, 7 days a week to make the place look good, and to keep it running after it's open.

And most important, find a buyer after 12 months, because you will need the rest!