Showing posts with label Looking. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Looking. Show all posts

Computer Consulting Businesses: What Your "Sweet Spot" Clients Are Looking For, Part One

When providing B2B service, computer consulting businesses' ideal clients, or “sweet spot,” are companies with 10-50 PCs and 1-10 million in revenue. These “sweet spot” small businesses typically look for four things in their computer consulting businesses.
1. Response Time
2. Knowledge (Business and Technical)
3. Customer Service
4. Price/Value
In this article we will focus on the top two items, response time and business and technical knowledge.

Speed is Paramount in Computer Consulting Businesses
The more that a small business needs IT, the more likely that response time will be the leading factor. Why? Downtime is money lost. How quickly computer consulting businesses can address their clients' urgent or emergency IT needs becomes very important.

Computer Consulting Businesses are more Than Just a Bunch of Technicians
Your technicians' quick response to IT needs is of prime importance to most sweet spot small businesses. Second in importance would generally be your business or industry knowledge. For example, how well do your employees understand the client's particular industry and niche? Sweet spot clients definitely want technology providers that can really solve business problems, as opposed to just running around doing “screwdriver” kind of work, such as upgrading RAM or loading software.

Computer consulting businesses basically becomes the outsourced IT department for your sweet spot clients. Your company will end up working on hardware support, software support, LAN and WAN support… so you deliver soup-to-nuts, end-to-end solutions.

The Bottom Line on Computer Consulting Businesses
In this article you've been introduced to your sweet spot clients' first two requirements in computer consulting businesses.

Avoiding Mlm Scams While Looking For A Home Based Business

Choosing a Home Based Business can mean wading through pools of scam artists and get rich quick schemes. Many people try to make their living by deceiving others. They present an attractive package, a catchy headline and details that seem too good to be true.

Proverbs tells us that wealth gotten quickly will be squandered quickly. Old fashioned hard work and ingenuity is still your best bet to obtain financial security. If it seems too good to be true, it is. Be wary of any company that asks for money up front without personal contact, clear details or a money back guarantee.

Many business classified as multilevel marketing business can be found. They find their way into your spam email folder, your mailbox and your telephone during dinner. They base their system on being able to convince others to pay a membership fee to sign up and then go out and recruit other poor suckers to do the same. The only people who make any substantial money are those skilled enough to lie their way to the top of sucker tree. Once at the top, they collect a large portion of the membership fees from new recruits. They claim that once you climb the ladder of lies to a higher level, you can choose to sit back and reap the benefits of the labor of others. While it may be legal in most states, it definitely is not morally correct to benefit from the naivete and hard work of others.

While these businesses in essence are deceitful, they are clever in their dishonest tactics. They operate under the guise of a legitimate sales business. Sometimes the products being sold are of good quality and are worth the asking price. It is the multilevel structure of the business that is dishonest. Many recruiters will use the legitimate business of sales to justify the deceptive multilevel marketing details of their contract.

The sad truth is that most new recruits pay the membership fee, purchase a starter kit of products for sale, buy books written by other business owners in the MLM and fork out large amounts of money for supplies, training materials, seminars and travel expenses before discovering the truth about their position on the MLM food chain. By the time those duped come to their senses, the money is long gone and the “business partners” have made themselves scarce. The bottom line of the checkbook doesn’t lie.

Multilevel marketing scams are often sought after by trusting individuals with a desire to earn extra income and better themselves personally. The tragic experience of the MLM scam can turn hardworking individuals against the ides of starting a legitimate home based business.

3 Secrets For Anyone Looking To Start A Home Based Business

If you’re looking for information on how to start a home based business, there are several things that are vital to your success. As someone who has earned 6 figures for the last five years with a home based business, I’ve learned through trial and error what it takes to successfully earn a very comfortable living from home.

In this brief article, I’m going to give you an overview of 3 very important things that you absolutely must do in order to start and success with a home based business idea or opportunity. Hopefully by the time you’ve finished reading this, you’ll have an idea of what it takes to make it in this industry and be better prepared to get the ball rolling.

1. Have a dedicated work space or office at your home. - Having an area that is classified as your “home business office” will allow you to stay organized and focused on your daily tasks. There is nothing that is more frustrating than trying to get work done in a common area, where you have to compete with conversations, the television, and more.

2. Turn off the TV. - When I first started working from home, I would get easily distracted by the television. I would turn it on while having lunch, and before I knew it half my day was gone. I made what at that time was a very difficult decision to discontinue my cable TV subscription, and my income dramatically increased as a result. While this may seem extreme to some, eliminating unproductive distractions has proven to be one of the most valuable decisions I have made in regards to my home based business.

3. Set daily work hours. - When working from home, it’s very easy to turn into a workaholic. Due to the fact that you’re always home, it can actually be tempting to work too much. While it’s important to become successful, it’s also vital that you live a balanced and healthy life. Set “work hours” and stick to them, you’ll be better off for it and will avoid the dreaded “burn out” that many work at home entrepreneurs encounter.

Hopefully this article has given you some good ideas on what it takes to become successful if you’re looking to start a home based business. Working from home isn’t always easy, but it will be the best decision you’ll ever make.

Are You Looking For New Home Business Opportunities

With the internet growing on a daily basis, people of all ages are now joining. In fact, many of them are making more money off of it than they did at most of their previous jobs. The difficult part of making money on the internet or with any home based business is finding the right job for you. Taking your time and not jumping into one too quickly can help to alleviate any wasted time and effort on your part and keep you from having to job hop when you realize that that is not the job that you are comfortable with. Take your time; do the research and find a job that you are interested in and can be excited about.

When you accept a new job, it is important to find someone that can train you. The new business may have instructors that can help to teach you what you need to do to be successful in the business, or they may have online tutorials to assist you. If you choose to work in a multi-level marketing business, you may be able to find someone in the chain above you that will help to teach you and work with you on your first couple of customer interactions. In most cases this individual may be referred to as a sponsor. The sponsor almost always,will help you get started, because often, your success helps add to their success as well. These types of people will be able to answer your questions and warn you of any possible dangers that you may encounter while working in this line of business.

Consider your personal schedule when looking into joining a new company. Will they expect you to be able to donate more of your time than you are capable of? It is important to think about a job that fits well into your schedule. Having a job that requires you to give more of your time than you can, can make you feel rushed and strained to get everything done on time. Find one that has a flexible enough schedule that it doesn’t interfere with your already busy schedule.

When looking for a job, do not join one that says you will make a lot of money with minimal effort or the classic "get rich" fast. These types of jobs are often scams and you will be taken advantage of and have little or no support at all. With any type of job that you work, you will find that the more work that you do and the more effort that you put forth, the more of a return you will have. You will find more clients and more clients usually lead to more income.

Find a job that suits your personality too. Do not attempt to sell a product that you personally do not find appealing or useful. Give your new job as much attention as you can and enjoy your new work. Having fun with a job can make a difference when you are looking for that perfect job to sustain your lifestyle and to branch out on your own.

Copyright © Jim Sperlich