Showing posts with label Invoice. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Invoice. Show all posts

Why Is Invoice Factoring Financing Better Than A Business Loan

Are you looking for a business loan? Many business owners who need financing start their financing search by looking for a business loan or a business line of credit. Although business loans and lines of credit are well known products, they are very hard to get. And in reality, few business owners actually manage to get them.

In certain instances, invoice factoring may be a better and easier to obtain alternative. There are three conditions that can determine whether factoring is a better alternative than a business loan:

1. Are your clients’ slow payments hurting you? Do they take up to 60 days to pay?
2. Are you turning away bigger sales because you lack working capital?
3. With the right financing, does your business have significant growth potential?

If you answered yes to these questions, then chances are that factoring your invoices will be better for you than more traditional business financing products. Invoice factoring provides you with financing based on your invoices, eliminating slow payment cycles and providing you with money to pay rent, meet payroll and expand your business.

Since factoring is tied to your sales potential, it does not have the arbitrary use limits that business loans have. The more your business grows, the more financing you qualify for. Period. This makes it an ideal product for businesses that have significant growth potential.

Factoring (or receivable factoring as it is also known) is easy to use. Once you have invoiced your customers you send a copy of the invoice to the factoring company. The factoring company, in turn, advances you up to 90% of your invoice and waits to be paid by your client. Once your client pays the invoice, the transaction is settled.

In effect, by financing your invoices you eliminate the slow payment problem. You accelerate your cash flow, enabling you to pay your obligations, take new opportunities and grow your company.

In terms of cost, factoring is a very competitive product. Factoring fees range from 1.5% to 3% per month, making it an affordable product. If you own a business that is growing and you need financing, be sure to consider invoice factoring.

Growing your Business with Invoice Factoring Financing

Is cash a little bit tight? Have you ever risked missing payroll? Have you ever had to pass up an opportunity because you did not have enough money? If so, you are not alone. Every business owner goes through those same challenges every day. Some come out on top. Others perish.

What is the biggest difference between those that succeed and those that perish? Cash flow. And plenty of it.

If you work with commercial or government clients, then you are already used to waiting up to 60 days to get paid by your clients. That is ok if your business has lots of resources and a stash of cash in the bank. But what if you don’t?

One of the most frustrating things that can happen to a business owner is realizing that his company is invoice rich and cash poor. Meaning, you have tons of money owed to you by clients (and payable in 60 days) but little cash to show for it. This does nothing for you, if you need to meet payroll in 3 days or need money to buy supplies for a new project. Fortunately, there is an easy way to turn those invoices into cash, without using any collections or heavy-handed tactics.

The solution involves factoring your invoices. Never heard of invoice factoring? You are not alone. Factoring is one of the most used and least talked about business financing tools. It allows you to convert your invoices into immediate cash. It helps you turn your invoice rich business into a cash rich business.

Qualifying for factoring is simple and only takes a few days. As opposed to business loans, you don’t need a long business history or reams of financial statements to qualify. All you need are invoices for credit worthy commercial clients or government clients.

And how does factoring work? Well, it simpler than you think. As soon as you have completed a job, you submit an invoice to your client and send a copy to the factoring company. The factoring company will advance you a substantial portion of your invoice, usually within a day. Once your client pays the invoice, the transaction is settled.

As you can see, factoring provides you with immediate cash as soon as you invoice. This helps you meet payroll, pay suppliers and take on new jobs. With factoring, you can streamline your billing cycle and grow your company, without ever needing a business loan.