Showing posts with label Etiquette. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Etiquette. Show all posts

Changing Business Etiquette Affects Secretary's Day Gifts

Once upon a time a boss could take his secretary to lunch, or give flowers and candy for what began in 1952 as "National Secretaries Week". Today, the etiquette for what is now known as "Administrative Professionals Week" has changed, according to human resources experts. It's leaving bosses wondering what kind of gifts are appropriate to give their office staff in today's workplace.

"There's increasing concern over what's proper for a boss to give an employee in the workplace," said Daniel Karpelman, who edits gifting advice for "Are flowers too personal? Is taking your admin for lunch and cocktails inappropriate? Bosses are worried about crossing the line in the current atmosphere of workplace etiquette and potential liability."

Karpelman notes that giving the right corporate gifts can not only motivate and reward, but helps build employee commitment and strengthens your organization from within. Taking time to choose the right gift can enhance the employee's appreciation of the gesture.

"Gifts that demonstrate some thought and effort are always better than something that feels hastily purchased, said Karpelman. "Many people enjoy a gift certificate to their favorite store - they are thrilled that you've recognized their diverse interests and given them a choice! When accompanied by a handwritten note, your gesture is sure to be appreciated; everyone likes to be recognized for hard work."

If you're puzzled on what interests your staff members might have, has an innovative solution - a SuperCertificate® which gives your employee the gift of choice. Imagine sending your secretary on a virtual shopping spree with a certificate redeemable at over 200 top stores and restaurants including gifts like clothing, jewelry, electronics, movie tickets and much more. SuperCertificates® are easy to give, never expire and can even be sent by email.

Karpelman adds that although it's only natural for co-workers to compare their gifts, the monetary value of your gift certificate need not be the same for everyone on your staff. "If there are wide discrepancies in the gifts that you give, be aware that hurt feelings could arise. However if the same individual has worked for you steadily for 20 years, it would be perfectly appropriate for that person's gift to be substantially more significant than for someone who has only been with the company for six months."

Whether you call them secretaries or administrative professionals, a stellar one is the heart of a well-run organization. This year, National Administrative Professionals Week is April 23-29. Make sure you don't miss this opportunity to let your staff know how much they are appreciated with a gift that is appropriate and welcomed.

14 Rules Of Business Referral Etiquette

One of the key roles of management is to build business through relationships. A common way to build relationships is through referrals: with, for and through banks, attorneys, employees, peers, and anyone else who has something that someone else wants or needs. The better you are at managing the referral, the better off you and those in your organization will be. Unfortunately, even though most referrals start with good intentions, they’re conducted haphazardly and don’t yield the results people expect. It’s often the reason that referrals are not offered. Who wants to be burned? The tips in this article should help you control the outcomes and get what you want.

Everyone has been embarrassed by their association with another person at one time or another. How about that cousin you wouldn’t want anyone to know about? But what happens when the embarrassment happens in a business situation: more specifically, when you refer one person to another and one of those parties is unprofessional or just plain screws up? Making a bad connection could cost you money or something more valuable and much harder to recoup—your reputation.

We once stepped into an awkward situation when we referred a business peer, seeking a specific product, to one of our clients, who just so happened to offer that very product. We thought we were doing a good thing, a win-win-win thing…until we received a phone call from our client explaining that the referred person made a vulgar offer to a woman on the client’s staff when she said she couldn’t go any lower on her price. We were shocked. Our client ended the conversation with, "I'm not sure what to do, but what he [the business peer] did was disrespectful to my staff and to you. I'm going to let you handle this." The outcome was hardly the one we were shooting for. All we could do was apologize and hope our reputation didn’t take too big a hit.

The referral is part of Business 101, and it’s a valuable way to extend your business connections. Typical referrals involve three parties: the person who wants something, the person who has something to give, and the person who connects the two. Sounds simple and clean…but as our bad experience shows, sometimes things get messy. So what can you do to facilitate successful referrals? That depends on which of the three roles you’re playing. Here they are.

The person who wants something. If someone connects you to another party, remember to:

1.…respect relationships that others have developed. Consider it your way of saying “thanks” to the person who made the connection.

2.…stay professional and avoid being too casual or friendly. A referral ONLY opens a door of opportunity. You’re still responsible for building your own relationship.

3.…conduct yourself in a way that honors the “referrer.” Your actions represent yourself AND the person who gave you the referral.

4.…leave foul language at the door. Everyone has a different tolerance point.

5.…keep ethics above board. To do so will net you a double win. To fail will curse you with a double loss at the very least. Good news travels; bad news travels faster.

6.…check the ego. Don't believe that your credentials, awards, accomplishments and the referral impress everyone so much that you can leave your manners at the door.

The person who has something to give. If someone sends business your way, make sure you:

1.…deliver what you promise, and promise only what you KNOW you can deliver. If you find that you can’t help out, be honest about it and say thank you.

2.…make good on any mistakes that occur. People understand that errors happen. Keep both of the other two parties’ interests in mind when taking responsibility for those errors.

3.…if you want to keep the referral business pouring in, make sure you meet or exceed the expectations of the person doing the referring. Hint: they’re expecting you to make them look good.

4.…never “bad mouth” the person who referred the business or the one providing the service. What you say will almost surely get back to them.

The person who connects the two. Before you connect one person to another, make sure you:

1.…know whom you’re dealing with. Only connect people who will show you in a good light…that goes for the person who wants something as well as the one who has something to give.

2.…aren’t connecting people for the soul purpose of getting reciprocal referrals. A client in Boston complained about giving out referrals but rarely getting them in return. Instead of expecting referrals, he learned that the real value came back to him in the form of strengthened business relationships with others.

3.…kick off the transaction in a professional fashion. Whether by telephone, email, or in person, set a tone of respect by introducing each person as a respected professional.

4.…butt out when you see the relationship blossom. Chalk up the connection as another success and move on.

Referral etiquette is basically pretty simple. Behave yourself, respect others, and do the right thing. Then make sure you deal only with those who do the same. The combination is a winning formula for building new business relationships and strengthening old ones.

© David and Lorrie Goldsmith

Business Etiquette

Consolidation loans merge all your debts and bills into a single payment. This means, that if you have several monthly payments or a number of different loans, you can make things easier by consolidating them and taking one single loan to pay off the total debt.

If you know what your goals are then there is no way that secured personal loans will not provide with the financial assistance you need. Secured personal loans have forsaken the varied objections against loan borrowers to make that perfect loan actually possible.

A payday loan is lent out till the borrower receives his next paycheque.

A business loan can be secured by all types of UK business property, commercial and residential properties. Business Loans can offer up to 79% LTV (Loan to Valuation) with variable rates, depending on status and length of term.

Consolidation loans allow you to consolidate your monthly payments to several creditors into one, larger monthly payment.

Business Etiquette

Business etiquette is in essence about building relationships with people. In the business world, it is people that influence your success or failure. Etiquette, and in particular business etiquette, is simply a means of maximising your business potential.

If you feel comfortable around someone and vice versa, better communication and mutual trust will develop. This comfort zone is realised through presenting yourself effectively. Business etiquette helps you achieve this.

Business etiquette revolves around two things. Firstly, thoughtful consideration of the interests and feelings of others and secondly, minimising misunderstandings. Both are dependent upon self conduct. Business etiquette polishes this conduct.

Business etiquette varies from region to region and country to country. For the international business person, focusing too deeply on international business etiquette would leave no time for business. However, there are some key pillars upon which good business etiquette is built.


Your manners and attitude will speak volumes about you. They will point to your inner character. If you come across selfish, undisciplined or uncouth your relationship is unlikely to prosper. Appropriate business etiquette promotes positive traits.


A reputation for delivering what you say will deliver goes a long way in the business world. Remember, a reputation for integrity is slowly gained but quickly lost. Understanding a particular country’s business etiquette provides a framework in which you can work without fear of crossing boundaries in terms of agreements, promises and contracts.

Secured loans are those loans that use some object of value, which is referred to as collateral, as a guarantee of repayment and a method of offering lower interest rates.

Personal loans are loans taken by people for personal reasons. This might sound as a vague definition of personal loans.

This justifies the higher interest rate charged on them. The loan amount is usually restricted to £25,000 because of the absence of any security for the lender.

Your car, home or even a saving bank account can work as collateral.

For the purpose of ease in recognition, we will refer to the first case of instant loans as fast loans and the second class of instant loans as instant loans itself.


Your character refers to what you as an individual bring to the business table. Proper business etiquette allows you to exhibit your positive qualities. For example, knowing when to be passionate and not emotional or self-confident without being arrogant. Just through learning another’s business etiquette you demonstrate an open-mindedness which will earn respect.


Sensitivity and consideration underlie all good business etiquette. Being prepared for foreign ways and methods and responding thoughtfully is achieved through experience and business etiquette know-how. By avoiding misunderstandings and misinterpretations through business etiquette you lay foundations for a strong business relationship.


Avoiding thoughtless words and actions protects you from negative consequences. Impulse often leads a business person astray. Business etiquette encourages the careful thought of the interests of others and choosing acceptable forms of expression. Appearance

Dressing appropriately, standing and sitting in the right place at the right time, good posture and looking physically presentable are all elements in making a good impression. Business etiquette teaches you how to suitably present yourself and what to avoid.

Analysing, understanding and implementing the above will help you recognise what business etiquette is and how it should be employed within the business world.

For the international business person business, etiquette acts as a key. It locks the doors of poor communication and misunderstandings and opens doors to successful business relationships.

About The Author

Another of the more common types of loans is auto financing, which is a secured loan that is used to purchase a car, truck, or other vehicle.

Cash advance loan and no fax payday loans are some of the classes of instant loans that are prevalent nowadays. A payday loan is lent out till the borrower receives his next paycheque.

And with secured personal loan browsing can land you with the perfect deal that synchronizes with your financial conditions.

Debt is a hard thing to live with, reduce debts tips Only a few years’ back traditional lenders ruled the UK loan market. The loan process was lengthy and full of hassles. Borrowers had to wait for months to find whether they will be getting the loan or not.

The Federal Direct Unsubsidized Stafford/Ford Loan is a direct loan the government charges you interest while you are in school.

Business Letter & Email Etiquette

In Business Letters and Email, what are the basic rules one should follow when writing? Your letter might be the first point of contact with another business, and how it's written, will demonstrate your communication skills to the other party.

Always date your letters, and make sure that you spell the persons name correctly. If you are unsure, call reception and ask for the correct spelling. I am amazed at how many people send me letters with my name spelt incorrectly.

Use clear headings and subheadings. A well constructed letter is much easier to understand.

Use proper spelling, grammar and punctuation - A well written document says a lot about you. Most software has a "check spelling and grammar" function. Make sure that you always use it.

Plan your letter and decide what you are trying to convey before you start writing. It's a good idea to make some notes, before you start writing the letter.

Be concise and to the point. Use the minimum number of words to convey your message. Try and use simple words that everybody can understand. Try to keep the recipient in mind when writing, especially when writing to someone overseas.

Do not use technical terms or jargon, unless absolutely necessary. Your reader might not be familiar with them.

Space out your letter. This makes the message easier to understand. Start a new paragraph whenever you can as a well spaced out letter is easier to read and understand. It is a lot easier on the eye!

Keep templates, for standard letters. I find that over time my templates improve as I make minor, but significant changes, to the wording and style.

Keep your humour for your telephone conversations. Jokes can easily be misinterpreted in written communication.

If your message is very detailed, it might be simpler to break it down into two letters. Send the first letter and follow it with a phone call to make sure that the message is understood before sending the second part.

Always be polite. Make sure that you ask or request, rather then demand. Don’t use informal terms in the beginning of your relationship. You can start being less formal once a relationship has been established.

Answer all correspondence quickly and clearly. Often, in business, the other party could lose interest if they do not believe that they are important to you, or if another business responds first.

Never use shortcuts! You are not sending a text message.

Make a copy of any written correspondence and file it away for future reference.

Once you have written the letter, read it carefully and think about the message you are trying to convey, before posting or hitting the send button.