Showing posts with label Dream. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Dream. Show all posts

Don't Let Self Doubt Stop Your Dream Of A Home Based Business

Everyone doubts their abilities from time to time. It is important however, not to let self doubt hold you back. You dream of having a home based business, but haven't done anything about it yet because you don't have enough confidence in your capabilities. This article looks at the most common worries facing the budding entrepreneur and how to overcome them.

1. Intelligence; you are worried that you are not bright enough to succeed in your home based business, however nothing says you have to have lots of qualifications to be successful. Some of the biggest entrepreneurs have no formal qualifications at all. Stop and think of all the good qualities you have that would stand you in good stead in starting your business.

2. Assertiveness; you are worried that you are not assertive enough to push your business forward, however there can be a fine line between being assertive and being too pushy. Who would you prefer to do business with; a nice reasonable person or a forceful one who makes you feel guilty if you don't deal with them?

3. Capital; you don't have enough cash behind you. This is not always as big an obstacle as it may initially seem to be. Many people who have large amounts of capital invest it unwisely and without sufficient thought and end up losing money. Not having vast amounts of cash means you are more likely to carefully consider how best to use it.

4. Accounting; you have never kept accounts before, but don't worry. There are now plenty of simple to use programs for your computer that will take you through account keeping. Or if you can afford it you can use an accountant.

5. Literacy; you are worried about the accuracy of your spelling. Unless your new home based business is producing novels, this will not pose a big problem. Most computer programs have spell checks and often a major part of your business communication can be done orally.

6. Fear of Failure; probably one of the most common reasons people don't follow their dreams is that they are scared to fail. Unfortunately there are no guarantees, but always remember if you don't try, you'll never get anywhere!

7. Business Rivalry; you may be concerned that you can't compete with other bigger businesses. The beauty of running a small home based business, is that you often go unnoticed by bigger business rivals thus allowing you to get on with building yours.

8. Pessimism; this is not as big a hurdle as you may think. In fact you can easily turn it into an asset. Looking for potential problems before you commit to something, means you are aware of them from the outset and can work out how best to deal with them.

9. Fear of the Unknown; you like the idea of a home based business, but you've never done anything like this before and you just don't know where to start. That shouldn't stop you. Talk to as many people as you can who have their own businesses. Go to local trade fairs and ask questions. Gather as many details as you can. That way you have as much information as possible and can make an informed decision about whether the 'unknown' is for you or not.

10. Too many Failings; everyone finds it easier to list what we're bad at. Make sure you're not underestimating the many strengths you have. Make a list of them. Talk to your friends and family and get them to add to your list. It will help boost your self esteem.

Nobody expects you to be right all of the time. Don't go into business thinking that you can't make mistakes – its part of life and it's how we learn. Use your mistakes as a learning curve, don't let them stop you trying again and watch your self confidence grow as you do it better next time!

Create A Photography Business Checklist To Help Start Your Dream Business

Vision Business Concepts Inc

If you’ve been thinking of starting your own business for some time now, the easiest way to get started is to begin with a photography business checklist. This list will provide you with the details of what it takes to get started, and give you a something that makes the tasks seem more doable.

So, if you’re ready to move forward in photography, where do you start? What are the most important steps to consider when starting a photography business?

1. Start by defining the type of photography you choose to offer your clients. Everyone has a different reason for becoming involved in photography. Some love working with babies and children. Some prefer working on location with families and pets. Some love commercial work, and making products come alive. Some find passion in creating wedding photography.

While many photographers choose multiple specialties, keep in mind that any one of these can make a lucrative career. The more passion you have in your chosen line of photography, the easier it is to promote your work, and get known within your specialty.

2. Establish your business identity. Once you decide on your specialty, use that specialty to identify your name and your brand. While some photography studios are named after the business owner, others use a more generic name.

A name is a personal choice. But above all, make sure your name speaks to your desired clientele.

3. Decide what resources you need for your business. Do you need a commercial location for a studio? Will you work out of your home? What type of camera equipment will you need? While a start-up business shouldn’t invest in extravagant equipment, you should purchase enough equipment to sufficiently do your job, and to have backup equipment available at all sessions.

4. Decide what vendors you will be using for your business. A photography studio needs a variety of services, including a professional photography lab, album companies, framing companies, office supplies, and production supplies.

An easy way to find many of these vendors is to attend a photography expo. There are many local, regional, national and international expos available to the professional photographer, including Professional Photographers of America, and Wedding & Portrait Photographers International. And sign up for newsletters at places like to stay on top of some of the newest and most exciting trends.

5. Join professional organizations to network with like-minded individuals. There are a variety of professional photographer organizations. It’s also important to join organizations in your community, such as entrepreneur groups, networking groups, and chamber of commerce’s. All can provide you with invaluable resources.

6. Market your business to prospective clients. Every business needs customers to survive. Top priority for any new business is to bring in new clients not only to establish yourself as a business, but also to begin making a profit for your business.

7. Add your own goals to your photography business checklist. Provide specific goals that will help you realize your dream. Add things like ‘quit full time job in October’ to help motivate you to take action on your ideas.

Home Business Career – A Writers Dream

Have you ever wondered if a home business career is for you? Do you hate your nine to five job? Do you dread waking up in the morning? Very few people are lucky enough to work at a job they enjoy, but I’m happy to say that I’m one of them.

Using Your Talents For Your Stay At Home Business

I’ve worked at lots of dead end, gruelling and mind numbing jobs. Now I pull up a comfortable computer chair to my desk, sip on a hot cup of coffee and work from home writing articles like these ones. For me, it’s the best work from home job I could possibly have. Finding a home business career that suits you all depends on what it is you would like to do. For many people writing is something that comes naturally and with this gift you really can work from home.

Everyone can write, but few have the time or the inclination to do so. There are millions of web sites that need content, magazines that need articles, newspapers that want insightful news articles and that’s where I come in. For me this is an easy home business opportunity and probably the best work from home job I could have.

I even write fictional short stories and sell them to online and print magazines. It’s an easy home business opportunity that many people don’t even consider. All you need to do is be able to write, and finding joy doing so is a big plus too. There are hundreds of work from home writing opportunities on the internet and all you will need to do is register with a few freelancing websites and you are ready to start your home business career.

The great thing about my stay at home business is that I can choose to write to supplement my income, or you can go it alone and do it full time. All you have to do is find the work, target an area or become an “expert” in a certain subject...and write! This is probably one of the safest work from home jobs, you write and you get paid. Of course with this home business career it’s not the easy money that most people look for when they look for a work from home job, but if done correctly you really can make the money and create a successful home business career that will last a lifetime.

Home Based Business And The Attainable Dream

In traditional sales you may have heard the old adage, “It’s not what you know it’s who you know.” I’m here to debunk that myth – at least in online business.

There was a notion that provided the ability to think that even if a parent had messed up at least their children could do better, perhaps becoming a senator or President. The world of online business takes it one step further. No matter what success or lack thereof you may have experienced you can still find potential in developing an online business.

You don’t have to know the son of a large firm to get a job. You don’t have to be the daughter of a wealthy merchant to find success. You don’t even have to have a college degree in order to access the potential in online business.

The rules for online business have effectively altered the perception of business.

Suddenly the ‘haves and the have nots’ stand shoulder to shoulder. The dreamers stand with those who have dreamed and the buying public is less concerned because the world is your market.

The connections are devoid of the pettiness that may be present in a local business where a last name is more important than the product being sold.

We’ve all seen or read stories where an individual cannot get ahead simply because they did not come from the right side of the tracks – businesses that were boycotted because the skin tone of the owner was the wrong color. Yet we all cheer when we see a rags to riches story that demonstrates that the little guy can overcome the odds and do something great.

The idea of an underdog makes for great movies and football, but it no longer needs to be applied to online business.

The fear that so many feel when it comes to developing a home-based business is often the result of feeling they cannot rise above the expectations of those who may have been native in their past. If Aunt Sarah never felt you had what it took to be a business owner (or even successful for that matter) then this lie often makes it virtually impossible for some to consider giving business ownership a shot.

Home-based business allows you to prove something to yourself – not so much to prove others wrong as it is about demonstrating that you can do something for yourself and your family that may be unexpected and yet intensely satisfying on a personal level.

The growth in home based businesses along with the success stories have encouraged many to unwrapped a carefully hidden dream and hold it up to the light for inspection.

It can be a scary step to acknowledge a dream, but it can also be a crucial step in liberating yourself from a lot of negative baggage from the past.

An “I told you so” probably won’t make you feel nearly as good as if you can honestly say, “I did it. I have worked hard and I did it.”

Pursue your dreams because they are your dreams. Home-based business is not an easy step, but an online environment has made the process much more attainable.

Home Business Dream Can Turn Into Nightmare

Many people refer to operating a home business as having a dream job, but unless you are prepared for some of the common pitfalls it can quickly become a nightmare. It makes no difference the type of business you are operating there are some issues that are common to all of them, mostly regarding your self-discipline and the understanding of others that can ruin a perfectly good opportunity.

First, you will need to realize that although you are at home you are still at work. Every time you get the urge to take care of some household chore you need to think of yourself as not really being at home and whatever that shore is will have to wait until the end of your workday. The same is true for family and friends who believe that since you are at home, you have the time to do whatever they feel is important.

It will not take long for you to lose focus quickly on your home business job, which usually leads to failure, if you allow outside influences to adjust your work attitude. Being able to conduct your business with the understanding that location is irrelevant, and the job must be completed. It may help to retain any routine you had prior to starting your home business and had to leave the house every day.

You will need to establish a work schedule, allowing time for breaks and lunch, and then go to your office and get your work done. At first the tendency may be to enjoy some of that freedom to set your own hours, but when the rest of the family is counting on you to be home from work and you are still sitting in the office, the luster of having a home business may start to fade.

Business – A Dream Come True

Dreams do come true! What you put your attention on does become a reality – the dream of a business created by you is no exception. The dream of owning one’s own business subtly grows within until a person finds a way to let it sprout into fruition. As you look up and down any business street, or on the internet, you can see the truth of this. Few, if any, of these businesses were there forty years ago. Someone’s dreams came true.

Unfortunately, not all of these businesses are as fulfilling as the original dream. While working long hours for someone else as a technician, for an hourly wage, and possibly few benefits or holidays, people often think, “Boy, someday I’ll have a business of my own, and I won’t have to do this.” Then by some means they do acquire their own business and, without some careful guidance, they find they are now working even longer hours and making less money and have less vacations. They have developed into being their own technician.

There is no one to relieve them of the consequences of their decisions and obligations now that they are the boss.

How can one avoid this dilemma? By building a business that functions as efficiently as a franchise. By creating a model business that someone else could duplicate, which means putting each step of each process in writing. By building a prototype. The product itself takes second place to the process of how the business itself functions. The process rules the business, not the product.

Key elements of creating this type of business are: (1) quantifying everything! How many of this, how many of that, tracking in writing exactly what is going on (examples are how many customers call or come in during each hour of the day, which are the peak hours, how many customers turn right after walking in the door and how many turn left), (2) creating an organizational chart based on what needs to be done, not on who does it (building a company around personalities severely limits progress, even if it is ‘your’ personality), (3) be consistent (the same color scheme on everything – the web page, the letterhead – the vehicles – the uniforms – the paint on the walls – the chairs).

Build an image that stays in the customer’s mind. McDonald’s stands out as the prime example of the above. The image is consistent: they know exactly how many ounces of each item can be sold in one day, and which hours are the most productive. The turnover of employees boggles the mind yet the service is identical. And, from a McDonald’s in London, to one in China to one in Brazil, the customer expects exactly the same product.

The new entrepreneurial business with only one or two employees can be developed with the same precision. If it isn’t, the person playing the combined role of owner/boss/janitor will probably remain a technician with a shattered dream.

By working ON one’s business, rather than IN it, the new owner/boss can radiate success, have joyous time with his/her family daily, and even enjoy several vacations every year.

Building Your Dream Franchise Business

Everybody dreams of becoming his or her own boss, but is it so easy to kiss your job goodbye? Yes, it is possible if you open a franchise business. Owning a franchise business opens limitless opportunities; you can become your own boss and lead a great lifestyle.

With all the resources available on franchise opportunities nowadays, locating your ideal franchise business has become much easier. There are plenty of websites that provide detailed information on owning a franchise business. These websites help potential franchise owners find the best possible franchise information on business opportunities and franchises for sale. These franchise directories are essential tools to help entrepreneurs find new business ideas for any new enterprises. Most of the more established franchise directories extensively cover the franchise industry sectors such as retail, business services, home improvement, food services, and senior care etc.

As there are a huge number of franchise opportunities available, how do you pick the right franchise opportunity for you? It is important that your interests match your choice of franchise business. To start with, carefully take stock of what you really enjoy doing, what you want out of your business and what you want to achieve out of life. Write down a list of your interests, desires and passions. What kind of jobs have you held before or what past opportunities have you explored? After you have reflected on these questions, give some thought on the type of franchise business opportunities that appeal to you and that can help you realize your ambitions and goals.

Once you are committed to buying a franchise business, your next step will be to decide which service or product you want to invest in specifically. You should also investigate the scope and the details of the franchise business you want to get into in terms of profitability, investment opportunity, market viability etc.

Before starting a franchise business it is a good idea to consult with experienced entrepreneurs in the same field of business. Owning and operating a business is a large commitment as it involves a lot of money, time and energy, so you do not want to be stuck running a business that you do not enjoy nor is the right fit for you.

Many franchise businesses opportunities in the United States are a perfect fit for small business owners starting down the road to entrepreneurship. Starting with a small business franchise makes sense if you are looking for an opportunity that is a safer investment than traditional business.

Explore the possibility of franchise business ownership if you want to lower the risk of owning a traditional business. Before investing in any franchise business, be sure to get a copy of the franchiser’s disclosure document. Established enterprises such as coffee franchises or restaurant franchises depend on their franchises to penetrate untapped market segments at a lower risk of failure. For any franchise business, the brand recognition and the high quality standard already established by previous chains provide a huge advantage to new franchisees.